[WTS] PTS Vanganth C4 - Classic Interlude

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1 345
Hello guys, im selling vanganth c4 connect on protocol 110 classic interlude gameplay.

I dont have anything to do with any TravorJ or Fotis in this, this mean for any scam or bullshits, ofcourse the starter on this they was TravorJ but i have nothing to do with him, the files is mine now and adapted everything from a fresh vanganth C4 til classic client on interlude gameplay.

Im working alone and its just a hobby time on this, i will sell it only to a developers how know what to do with this files and ofcourse i will support him til the skills i have.

Fixed: Enchant scroll items.
Fixed: Skill enchant crash.
Fixed: Double items quest.
Fixed: Fixed Inventory slots.
Fixed: macro bug.
Fixed: mini shortcut bug.
Fixed: Vip system and L2Store.
Fixed: Refund system.
Fixed: MemoryObject Fix Critical Bug (Crash).
Fixed: Spoil Fix when mobs die.
Fixed: Relation Fix.
Fixed: Shift+Click drop or spoil chance bug example 0.98ea455%. Thanks for share fix, Amenadiel.
Fixed: Npc Server Fix to vftable error.
Fixed: Stability Fix at load the FastWorld Enter NPC (Crash it sometimes the npc).
Fixed: Fix auto restart the NPC.
Fixed: Fix cached for logd srv (crash when open the logd).
Fixed: Fix packet abnromal type on skills .
Fixed: Fix IODeadlockChecker some times dont move to the correct thread.
Fixed-Beta: Mail System -> is beta. Needs for tests. [Need rework Cached].
Fixed: songs and dances a bug time.
Fixed: debuff issue when die.
Fixed: Herb System for herbs time on the ground.
Fixed: Agathions system.
Fixed: HairSlot2 -> Harideco texture when equip.
Fixed: Friend system 100% working.
Fixed: siege icons Attack or Defend.
Fixed: Mail system fully working.
Fixed: shortcut skill in the bar.
Fixed Swimming on water.
Fixed: Classic html missing in giran grocery and weapon masters also gludin and gludio at exchange until level 25.
*Inprogress* Last Fixes on geodata bug founds: Abondoned Coal mines and Abondoned Camp.

From the list UP everything is not fixed here from this shit shared from MetaMan:

Here i have some screens ingame: Also had a server to test by yourself here,

skype: zoumhs999
Discord: EternalSin L2 #1990
Only Serious pms, im selling Source datapack everything. if you interested send me a message.

PS: is selling their fixes but its only a compile without sources so if you had any mod and you want to added you cant, you need to ask them etc.​

Ты уже продал один)
Price 250 euros.
Im not reseller, its mine you sell it to me and i can do whatever i want lol. Im trying to update it and sell it to ppl because @Fotislol he sell a compile with backdoor inside or source with // and exploits so never guys buy something again from @Fotislol because they do the same with interlude share.

Explain me how the backdoor works when you have the source >.<. You should be real idiot! lol
I forget to write some updates i do before a days from reports.

Fixed: Fishing system.
Fixed: swimming in the water a bug.
Fixed: drain skills like vampiric touch, dont take back HP only hit dmg.
Fixed: Action House system.
Fixed: refund system a bug found.
Fixed: level up system.
Fixed: castle siege system.
Fixed: olympiad system.
Fixed: agathions system.
Fixed: guards crash.
Fixes: L2Server delay lag.
Fixed: Vampiric Claw or Vampiric Touch skill etc drain HP they was a bug on source and dont drain HP from mobs.

Thanks for our trust. More updates will be added.
Оффтоп: интересно понаблюдать срачь иностранцев пытающих доказать что его какашки вкуснее))
Today/Updated/Fixed VIP System v2.23

Every mob you killing you take 1 Point or more of your choice in config.

When you reach the points you get automatically level up your vip example from lvl 1 to lvl 2.
If you die from a mob or pvp you loose points. I have put 100 for example.

Fixed the problem with Exp/SP/etc when you level up your vip levels.

Fixed L2Store problem with table names bug.

Fixed L2Store you can choose with our config with what VIP level you want to sell with Donation Coins and ofcourse example if you want to see any list of items at level 5 etc if you want something like this anyway.
Когда там цена до 5$ упадёт?
да оно и за бесплатно уже ненужно :) есть нормальный классик, над которым работали до 2018 года, а не эта гойда за 2004 год:) без автобоя
Yes, it’s already unnecessary for free :) ; there’s a normal classic, which they worked on until 2018, and not this shit from 2004 :) without auto combat
I make it with auto combat with config for thoses want it etc. server is C4 this i love, i don't care about this shit cores L2Server.exe GF ++ etc. so this shit from 2004 is the gold, this is the original lineage2.