Interlude Vangnath Sources Interlude with these Addons:
- All Vanganth Crashes Issues
- Cached Extended to 8192kb IOBuffer
- Cached Crash Issues
- RaidBoss Status Page Crash Fix
- ALT+B Auction House (Like Java - Written into C++ - around 4k lines of code
- Shift+Click Droplist/Spoil List (Java Like - Written into C++)
- Offline Buffers (Java Like - Written into C++)
- Korean Style / Capture The Flag Automatic Events
- Dynamic Rates based on Player's Level
- Donation System (Custom Txt Which players can buy Augmented & Enchanted Items for Coins)
- Individual Vote Reward System (Automatic Item Delivery to players based on players IP via API)
- Jail System
- Offline Shop & Buffers Restore After Restart
- Offline Buffer System (Java Like written into C++)
- PvP Auto Announce System Rebuilt with Extra Addons (Fully Configurable)
- Automatic Announce System Rebuilt with Extra Addons (Fully Configurable)
- Current Olympiad Season Rank pages System (Shows Points/Games - Fully Configurable)
- Clan Reputation Rank Event with Prizes based on how much rbs every clan has kill
- Active Anticheat Support (Embed HWID Functions and etc..)
- Alt+Click Buff Removal Function
- Spirithost/Soulshot Lag Fixed
- ItemDelivery System Fully Upgraded (Augmentation And other functions added)
- Automatic Flag Around Raidboss System
- Captcha System fully configurable
- 2 Olympiad Fight Times per day fully configurable
- Inventory Slots Configurable (Up to 200)
- Around 15 new GM Commands. (Needed by our GM's these years and will be useful for someone who wants to moderate the server)
- Cliext Engine is Updated (But still need someone to keep update it cause bots get updated too), client mods inside cliext dll. (AV - Protected)
- Item Delivery System fully Configurable - Augmentations/Enchants and stuff like that which missed from vang extender.
- Custom Area Mods (TerritorySystem).
- And i think there are at least 70-100 more small mods into extender as skill effects/skill options/item options and etc which i made all these years for the servers which i worked and i cannot remember them ?
Here are some images from the interlude Extender:
Price: 500EUR
Interlude Classic Vanganth Sources
The Interlude Extender has been modified to work with Classic Client (Salvation).
This mean that:
- All Opcode System has been Fixed.
- All Packets which need to be fixed done.
- Some Classic Built In Client Interface Features has been done.
- Someone who knows what he doing can easily update this project to work with any newer client cause everything are almost ready for the newer clients - no time to finish that).
- Classic Client side Interface has been modified for the need of an Clean Interlude Server.
- Classic Client Side dat files completely remade to fit into Interlude Gameplay Style.
* All the above Customs from Interlude Repo are working too in this reposity too.
There are no Classic Features Added (Such as NPCs/Items/Skills) because that wasn't the purpose of the project.
The goal was to have an Interlude Gameplay into a Classic Client.
Here are some images from Packet Changes & some functions:
Price:1500EUR 750EUR
I want to mention something, these sources is an extreme powerful repo for someone who know what he is doing, it has been around 5-7 years of developing/researching and testing to bring this repo on this point. I wrote some of the servers which i work with on these past years and i forget for sure 5-10 big projects at least. I can provide fully information/support about servers and how the things can be done in order to work out for your favor.
Complete Server Pack Files:
Interlude Mid Rate Server:
L2Frozen/L2Centos/L2Elmore/L2Centos/L2Noobwars Interlude Mid Rate Server Files - Price 400EUR
Gold Style Server Pack:
- L2Avellan/L2Gold.CC Servers Files - Price 500EUR
- Custom Account Panel with Automatic Donation System fully stable (Extra Tips can be provided here).
Notes: All Above servers run at least 3-4 times all these years with these extender/files.
Everything is tested with over 1k People Online. It is the most stable Extender L2OFF PTS which you can find out there.
The basic Framework of the extender has been reworked tons of times which mean that if someone knows he doing, basically he can import every custom from java shit to PTS easily
Contact me here via PM (only serious buyers). If you want test server, i can provide.
Payments via:
- Cryptos
- All Vanganth Crashes Issues
- Cached Extended to 8192kb IOBuffer
- Cached Crash Issues
- RaidBoss Status Page Crash Fix
- ALT+B Auction House (Like Java - Written into C++ - around 4k lines of code

- Shift+Click Droplist/Spoil List (Java Like - Written into C++)
- Offline Buffers (Java Like - Written into C++)
- Korean Style / Capture The Flag Automatic Events
- Dynamic Rates based on Player's Level
- Donation System (Custom Txt Which players can buy Augmented & Enchanted Items for Coins)
- Individual Vote Reward System (Automatic Item Delivery to players based on players IP via API)
- Jail System
- Offline Shop & Buffers Restore After Restart
- Offline Buffer System (Java Like written into C++)
- PvP Auto Announce System Rebuilt with Extra Addons (Fully Configurable)
- Automatic Announce System Rebuilt with Extra Addons (Fully Configurable)
- Current Olympiad Season Rank pages System (Shows Points/Games - Fully Configurable)
- Clan Reputation Rank Event with Prizes based on how much rbs every clan has kill
- Active Anticheat Support (Embed HWID Functions and etc..)
- Alt+Click Buff Removal Function
- Spirithost/Soulshot Lag Fixed
- ItemDelivery System Fully Upgraded (Augmentation And other functions added)
- Automatic Flag Around Raidboss System
- Captcha System fully configurable
- 2 Olympiad Fight Times per day fully configurable
- Inventory Slots Configurable (Up to 200)
- Around 15 new GM Commands. (Needed by our GM's these years and will be useful for someone who wants to moderate the server)
- Cliext Engine is Updated (But still need someone to keep update it cause bots get updated too), client mods inside cliext dll. (AV - Protected)
- Item Delivery System fully Configurable - Augmentations/Enchants and stuff like that which missed from vang extender.
- Custom Area Mods (TerritorySystem).
- And i think there are at least 70-100 more small mods into extender as skill effects/skill options/item options and etc which i made all these years for the servers which i worked and i cannot remember them ?
Here are some images from the interlude Extender:
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Вы не можете просматривать ссылку пожалуйста воспользуйтесь следующими ссылками Вход или Регистрация
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Price: 500EUR
Interlude Classic Vanganth Sources
The Interlude Extender has been modified to work with Classic Client (Salvation).
This mean that:
- All Opcode System has been Fixed.
- All Packets which need to be fixed done.
- Some Classic Built In Client Interface Features has been done.
- Someone who knows what he doing can easily update this project to work with any newer client cause everything are almost ready for the newer clients - no time to finish that).
- Classic Client side Interface has been modified for the need of an Clean Interlude Server.
- Classic Client Side dat files completely remade to fit into Interlude Gameplay Style.
* All the above Customs from Interlude Repo are working too in this reposity too.
There are no Classic Features Added (Such as NPCs/Items/Skills) because that wasn't the purpose of the project.
The goal was to have an Interlude Gameplay into a Classic Client.
Here are some images from Packet Changes & some functions:
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Вы не можете просматривать ссылку пожалуйста воспользуйтесь следующими ссылками Вход или Регистрация
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Вы не можете просматривать ссылку пожалуйста воспользуйтесь следующими ссылками Вход или Регистрация
I want to mention something, these sources is an extreme powerful repo for someone who know what he is doing, it has been around 5-7 years of developing/researching and testing to bring this repo on this point. I wrote some of the servers which i work with on these past years and i forget for sure 5-10 big projects at least. I can provide fully information/support about servers and how the things can be done in order to work out for your favor.
Complete Server Pack Files:
Interlude Mid Rate Server:
L2Frozen/L2Centos/L2Elmore/L2Centos/L2Noobwars Interlude Mid Rate Server Files - Price 400EUR
Gold Style Server Pack:
- L2Avellan/L2Gold.CC Servers Files - Price 500EUR
- Custom Account Panel with Automatic Donation System fully stable (Extra Tips can be provided here).
Notes: All Above servers run at least 3-4 times all these years with these extender/files.
Everything is tested with over 1k People Online. It is the most stable Extender L2OFF PTS which you can find out there.
The basic Framework of the extender has been reworked tons of times which mean that if someone knows he doing, basically he can import every custom from java shit to PTS easily
Contact me here via PM (only serious buyers). If you want test server, i can provide.
Payments via:
- Cryptos