PTS Vanganth - Classic Interlude P110

  • Автор темы Автор темы zoumhs
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For thoses wants to test latest build 3.57++ before buy subscription here you are!

CLExt Test Server is online.

Download Patch :

Accounts are all builders so you can just do whatever you wish and test everything:

username: test | test1 | test2 until test25

pass : test

If you find any bug report at discord.

Have a nice exploration.

For thoses wants to test latest build 3.57++ before buy subscription here you are!

CLExt Test Server is online.

Download Patch :

Accounts are all builders so you can just do whatever you wish and test everything:

username: test | test1 | test2 until test25

pass : test

If you find any bug report at discord.

Have a nice exploration.
updated the link of the patch.
hi zoumhs, its possible you can give me a help with fix one bug i have in SVN-Vanganth_IT_last? the files are same like this witout new client packets..
When player logout, character still stand in game.. if relogin say player already in game, when reloged finally can enter game normally... thanks in advance
hi zoumhs, its possible you can give me a help with fix one bug i have in SVN-Vanganth_IT_last? the files are same like this witout new client packets..
When player logout, character still stand in game.. if relogin say player already in game, when reloged finally can enter game normally... thanks in advance
Hi, I've already encountered this somewhere, check the offline_shop functions, if there is PermitirAFK=0 (0 disabled), then the player will not remain in the game after exiting it, also try experimenting with autoActivate=1 (atomic activation) disable it, set 0. But when I tested, if not I'm mistaken, the ArgentinaExt build, this problem was precisely in PermitirAFK=0. So it's worth looking in offlineshop or privatestore, maybe one of these options will help you
Hi, I've already encountered this somewhere, check the offline_shop functions, if there is PermitirAFK=0 (0 disabled), then the player will not remain in the game after exiting it, also try experimenting with autoActivate=1 (atomic activation) disable it, set 0. But when I tested, if not I'm mistaken, the ArgentinaExt build, this problem was precisely in PermitirAFK=0. So it's worth looking in offlineshop or privatestore, maybe one of these options will help you

thank you bro, i think in this line its the problem.. i try to rework this.

CLExt PTS Classic Interlude - Extender

If you like to run a PTS Classic Interlude stable live server without any issues with all known bug issues already fixed, your choice is here!

Sometimes ppl question is why i dont choose any leak classic 3.0 example and i loose my time on this shit, its because i dont like any other chronicle of the game and im a lover of c3-c4, and the classic gameplay on Vanganth C4 Mother core as L2Server.exe is the best Rare base on PTS platform to play the classic client.

You will never see this gameplay at any java emulator.

Free ver, is 2.61 for thoses like to test datapack and if you like you can be subscriber.

Latest premium version is: 4.50.

Client link:

Free 2.61 Server files:


Enjoy! Have a good exploration!
Castle info when a clan takes a castle to show the crest on npc names in town/castle.

CLExt Custom Pet System Transformation
Video Preview:
If you like to test our CLExt fully server with latest updates before buy a subscription, you have the option to have,

7 Days Trial.

if you want send me a dm.
CLExt Re-Captcha Anti-Bot System
Значит дело было так:
Захожу я к ним в Discord, попросил триал версию CLExt Classic-Live Premium Ver. 5.02 протестировать. Мне её благополучно предоставили на семидневный срок.
Установил я данную сборку, тестирую, решил а не поспойлить ли мне мобов. На этом всё тестирования и закончились.
Так как когда на NPC прокидываешь скилл спойла и он проходит, на сервере происходит критическая ошибка, после чего он умирает.
Сообщил я значит об этом баге, меня обвинили что якобы я что-то делаю не так.
А после благополучно накинули мне молчанку в своём Discord сервере на семь дней.
missing exe L2Clancomm for community board.
Share please ?
Значит дело было так:
Захожу я к ним в Discord, попросил триал версию CLExt Classic-Live Premium Ver. 5.02 протестировать. Мне её благополучно предоставили на семидневный срок.
Установил я данную сборку, тестирую, решил а не поспойлить ли мне мобов. На этом всё тестирования и закончились.
Так как когда на NPC прокидываешь скилл спойла и он проходит, на сервере происходит критическая ошибка, после чего он умирает.
Сообщил я значит об этом баге, меня обвинили что якобы я что-то делаю не так.
А после благополучно накинули мне молчанку в своём Discord сервере на семь дней.
Пробный период это конечно здорово. Но догадайтесь почему на товар нет гарантии хотя бы 1 год, на исправление багов:Golddigging:
Мне это больше напоминает рекламный слив с встроенными бэкдорами.
WTS Vanganth Protocol 110 Source -> Special offer only 600 euros until 31 october.
miss l2comm.exe please share ? for communityboard
Olá a todos, como recebo muitos pedidos para isso, hoje gostaria de compartilhar com vocês meu progresso do Vanganth no cliente da Grande Cruzada na época do meu hobby.

Isto é para pessoas que amam o estilo de jogo C4 ou C6 no cliente Classic com melhores gráficos e jogabilidade.

Agora você vai me dizer por que eu não escolho nenhum exemplo do leak classic 3.0 e perco meu tempo com essa merda, é porque não gosto de nenhuma outra crônica do jogo e sou um amante do c3-c4 e da jogabilidade clássica do Vanganth C4 Mother core como L2Server.exe é a melhor base rara na plataforma PTS para jogar o jogo clássico do cliente ou C4 Scions of Destiny. Mas por enquanto, como meu C4 está totalmente pronto para o varejo, agora no meu tempo livre estou brincando para consertar o vanganth clássico. É claro que precisa de muitos testes e encontrará mais e mais bugs, mas por enquanto parece bom explorar, já os bugs conhecidos encontrados foram corrigidos.

estou usando um html clássico porque gosto dos botões clássicos, fiz algumas alterações no html para funcionar, vanganth bypass etc, mas se você quiser usar o html de varejo, pode usar sem problemas os htmls do vanganth c6 etc.

Além disso, a pasta Script é vanganth c6 regular com complemento de capas.

se você encontrou algum bug, pode reportá-lo, é claro, e tentarei descobrir como corrigi-lo.

aqui está a lista fixa, pelo que me lembro:

Aqui estarão as atualizações:

O servidor está pronto para funcionar, o que significa que você configura muito fácil porque você tem tudo dentro do rar.

Sobre a fonte, estou vendendo, mas apenas para pessoas que sabem o que está fazendo ou têm algum bom desenvolvedor por trás.

Link do cliente:

Arquivos do Servidor/Patch/SQL 2005 Link:

Edição de arquivo clássica:

se você tiver algum problema ou encontrar algum bug, pode me enviar um e-mail: [email protected] ou skype: zoumhs999 ou Discord: EternalSin L2#1990

Desejo que você tenha um bom jogo e uma boa exploração!
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