PTS L2OFF Vanganth - Classic interlude protocol 110

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Обратите внимание, что данный пользователь заблокирован! Не совершайте с ним никаких сделок! Перейдите в его профиль, чтобы узнать причину блокировки.
Hello, it's time for these files :

Source Code:


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Client Classic 110 with Patch:


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Большое спасибо
Обратите внимание, что данный пользователь заблокирован! Не совершайте с ним никаких сделок! Перейдите в его профиль, чтобы узнать причину блокировки.


Занимается еще разработкой и поддержкой серверов?
I am the creator of this pack, zoumhs is just a random guy who resells my source. If anyone interesting pm me :)
поглядим что там
I am the creator of this pack, zoumhs is just a random guy who resells my source. If anyone interesting pm me :)
If you are really a developer, i think you can create a topic in "market" section and offer your services there. You can also add some info about this guy if it is a scamer or something like that.

IMHO: You are not first who calls this guy a thief/scamer/reseller, so it seems to me that he deserves removal from this forum.
If you are really a developer, i think you can create a topic in the "market" section and offer your services there. You can also add some info about this guy if it is a scammer or something like that.

IMHO: You are not the first who calls this guy a thief/scamer/reseller, so it seems to me that he deserves removal from this forum.
Im not anything you saying, fotis is a scammer he selling c6 or classic bugged with backdoor inside and he selling a compile and not the source. Im selling the source and server pack and i have server live to test and he call me a scammer for what? Im telling in my topic already what fix i have done and you need to have or be a developer to fix any other problems you found. But ppl wants always anything fix free etc and than call you reseller for what? Is mine im continue to rework it like C4 or Classic interlude
Im not anything you saying, fotis is a scammer he selling c6 or classic bugged with backdoor inside and he selling a compile and not the source. Im selling the source and server pack and i have server live to test and he call me a scammer for what? Im telling in my topic already what fix i have done and you need to have or be a developer to fix any other problems you found. But ppl wants always anything fix free etc and than call you reseller for what? Is mine im continue to rework it like C4 or Classic interlude

i'm a scammer when i am the original creator of this pack ? wtf are you talking about you have any kind of brain damage? And who told you that i am not selling the source >.< LOL!

Also, you have clearly not a single clue about how this pack is work you are a random guy who bought my source pack from a guy which i sold him and you continue my project and you say that i am scammer?

People who will test his test server ask him for proper vip system/fishing system/ proper lottery system. I can name other 20 things which this clown has literaly no clue about! If you want something stable pm me. If you want to open a circus talk with zoumhs.

hahaha what a clown!
Наконец-то появилась пакетка под современный клиент. Чел за 1200$ продавал эти исходники. я уже подумывал прикупить) колоссальная работа конечно.
Наконец-то появилась пакетка под современный клиент. Чел за 1200$ продавал эти исходники. я уже подумывал прикупить) колоссальная работа конечно.
i'm keep updating thought...
i'm keep updating thought...
If I'm going to deal with the server in the near future, I'll contact you. Work must be paid

Это извращенцы на ц4 насадили новый клиент?)
именно. но если быть точней. Cначала на с4 Vanganth насадили CT0. после этого TravorJ на слитые исходники натянул Classic клиент +
- Mail System
- BuySell Refund System
- Damages on Screen
- VIP System
- Premium Shop
- Geodata Upgrade
- Dynamic Rates
- Varius Bug Fixes (Like Macro/Skill Packets)

но не уверен что в этой версии реализован данный функционал.
If I'm going to deal with the server in the near future, I'll contact you. Work must be paid

именно. но если быть точней. Cначала на с4 Vanganth насадили CT0. после этого TravorJ на слитые исходники натянул Classic клиент +
- Mail System
- BuySell Refund System
- Damages on Screen
- VIP System
- Premium Shop
- Geodata Upgrade
- Dynamic Rates
- Varius Bug Fixes (Like Macro/Skill Packets)

но не уверен что в этой версии реализован данный функционал.

there are more updates in my current version
Hello, it's time for these files :

Source Code:


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Client Classic 110 with Patch:


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