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Мануал Multisell.txt - формат и описание параметров


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Multisell.txt - скрипт описывающий список вещей, которые возможно обменивать в специальном магазине (merchant npc).

//무기 특수 능력 부여 (세율적용)
MultiSell_begin [weapon_variation] 4
is_show_all = 0
keep_enchanted = 1
is_dutyfree = 0
selllist = {
{{{[stormbringer_crt.anger]; 1}}; {{[stormbringer]; 1}; {[red_soul_crystal_5]; 1}; {[gemstone_c]; 97}}; {291000}};
{{{[stormbringer_focus]; 1}}; {{[stormbringer]; 1}; {[green_soul_crystal_5]; 1}; {[gemstone_c]; 97}}; {291000}};
{{{[berserker_blade_haste]; 1}}; {{[berserker_blade]; 1}; {[blue_soul_crystal_8]; 1}; {[gemstone_c]; 555}}; {1665000}}

Описание параметров:
  • //무기 특수 능력 부여 (세율적용) - the section description is simple
  • multisell_begin - the beginning of section of shop
  • [weapon_variation] - the name of section of shop * SHOULD be UNIQUE *
  • 4 - number of section of shop * SHOULD be UNIQUE *
  • is_show_all = 0 - to show all shop, or only that the given person can get/exchange (on what enough necessary things)
  • keep_enchanted = 1 - to leave sharpenings at an exchange
  • is_dutyfree = 0 - the shop is assessed or not taxed the lock
  • is_dutyfree = 1 This is REALY FREE trading. 1by1. No % from castle taxes.
  • is_dutyfree = 0 This NOT Free trading operations. AND!! Main! NOT Free only for items what CAN be increased. Sure, this is a Adena.
  • For this option you can use special tag for adena {{{[saber*saber];1}};{{[saber];1};{[saber];1};{[crystal_d];145}};{94250}}; where {94250} - 94250 adena price without castle/city tax.
  • selllist = { - the beginning of section of the description of sold things. All shop undertakes in {braces}
  • {{{[stormbringer_crt.anger]; 1}}; - that we get. Will pay attention that stands two braces from each side. The offered thing and taken away things are divided;
  • {{[stormbringer]; 1}; {[red_soul_crystal_5]; 1}; {[gemstone_c]; 97}}; {291000}}; <-that we will give in replacements. Each thing is taken in {a brace}, all given things entirely too are concluded in {braces}. Through; it is specified kol-in given things, and things are divided. The name of things should be concluded in [square brackets]. An example: {{[вещь_1]; quantity}; {[вещь_2]; quantity}; {[вещь_3]; quantity}}. If it is specified only kol-in in braces the standard monetary unit is meant, i.e. adena. {{{[stormbringer_focus]; 1}}; {{[stormbringer]; 1}; {[green_soul_crystal_5]; 1}; {[gemstone_c]; 97}}; {291000}}; <-each field of offered things is divided; {{{[berserker_blade_haste]; 1}}; {{[berserker_blade]; 1}; {[blue_soul_crystal_8]; 1}; {[gemstone_c]; 555}}; {1665000}} <-last field of sale/exchange is not closed; }] <-it is not forgotten to close all shop {a brace}
  • multisell_end - the end of section of shop
  • "//무기 특수 능력 부여 (세율적용) - the section description is simple" - описание раздела магазина
  • "multisell_begin - the beginning of section of shop" - начало раздела магазина
  • "[weapon_variation] - the name of section of shop * SHOULD be UNIQUE *" - Название раздела *Должно быть уникальным*
  • "4 - number of section of shop * SHOULD be UNIQUE *" - номер раздела магазина *Должен быть уникальным*
  • "to show all shop, or only that the given person can get/exchange (on what enough necessary things" - покаывать весь магазин или только то, что персонаж может позволить себе купить (0 - только то, что купить, 1 - все)
  • "keep_enchanted = 1 - to leave sharpenings at an exchange" - при обмене сохранять заточку (меняешь Shining Bow + 25, получишь Draconic Bow + 25, к примеру)
  • "is_dutyfree = 0 - the shop is assessed or not taxed the lock" - будет ли облагатся магазин налогом или нет, 1 - не поддается, 0 - не поддается (вродь как)
  • "selllist = { - the beginning of section of the description of sold things. All shop undertakes in {braces}" - начало раздела описания товаров, весь раздел берется в скобки {}
  • "multisell_end - the end of section of shop." - конец раздела магазина
