PTS L2OFF Vanganth - Classic interlude protocol 110

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interesting, download and try
Muy bien

lets try
i will look at these too thanks
CLExt PTS Classic Interlude - Extender

If you like to run a PTS Classic Interlude stable live server without any issues with all known bug issues already fixed, your choice is here!

Sometimes ppl question is why i dont choose any leak classic 3.0 example and i loose my time on this shit, its because i dont like any other chronicle of the game and im a lover of c3-c4, and the classic gameplay on Vanganth C4 Mother core as L2Server.exe is the best Rare base on PTS platform to play the classic client.

You will never see this gameplay at any java emulator.

Free ver, is 2.61 for thoses like to test datapack and if you like you can be subscriber.

Latest premium version is: 4.50.

Client link:

Free 2.61 Server files:


Enjoy! Have a good exploration!
Мое чутье подсказывает что там зашито нечто нехорошее

В последнее время разочарован вообще индустрией наших ежемесячных(сезонных) доилок. Складывается впечатление что я полез в поле бизнесменов, а не фанов игры. Все очень сложно.
Реакции: raz
thk guy