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Vanguard L2JMOBIUS + System eu + system ru + Geodata Vanguard 362


    Баллов: -3
на мобиусе знаю имбадоны вроде крутятся, но там из оригинала мобиуса только название папочки скорее всего
essence-waytrel.com - вот эти еще пытались запуститься, но сейчас под ДДоСом жестоким лежат.
В симбиозе между jorg и мобиусом какой-то сервер был, где вроде и мейн, а вроде и ессенс...
Many user share mobius sources .. ever ..
This is simple, if you like you do..

I have this and in same time i post here, but
Why ?

All mobius user live scared by kicked.. mobius is a bully and all user allow this..
it's just a matter of seeing the mobius forum, or the discord. You will see how he treats users badly, how he insults or threatens them, the terrible character and treatment of his community leaves much to be desired. Why say how badly it treats free users, or even worse, users who have little knowledge.

for that reason, I am in favor of sharing your premium sources..
because he has been earning money for years for a couple of placebos a month, he earns thousands of euros for treating his users badly.
and sell an overvalued sources..
Many user share mobius sources .. ever ..
This is simple, if you like you do..

I have this and in same time i post here, but
Why ?

All mobius user live scared by kicked.. mobius is a bully and all user allow this..
Just imagine - Mobius its country and if you will share SECRET documents - you will be punishment and government of this country can take back you passport and resident card.
Just simple example. All like in real life or with jorgs.
If you break the rules - you will be punishment.
If you want to "FREE L2J" - just take it it totaly FREE
if you want to take FREE L2JMobius - take it
If you want to take free L2j Org - take it -
If you want to take updates and support (like bug fixes or talk with codders) - buy access and make a programmers happy.
I never been l2j org sub and I dont know what rule going there. But they community, like Nevax, You and Bru7aL Mike cant shut up and make work, what he can made. You need to be toxic and insult ordinary people.
If someone ask help - I will help. If someone insults me - my attitude towards him and the project he represents will go down to the very bottom of hell.
why you dont wanna to share L2J Script Sources ?
All latest sources what they gives need to purchase.
for example the Mobius rules are, buy without right to share, edit, use hopefully just buy and mo do anything with it.
and their sources are not stable, neither free nor premium..

the extremist rules of that madman, fall into the ridiculous.
опять срач у вас)
for example the Mobius rules are, buy without right to share, edit, use hopefully just buy and mo do anything with it.
and their sources are not stable, neither free nor premium..

the extremist rules of that madman, fall into the ridiculous.
I dont see any words about "no rights on edit". I see only words "co rules on share", but it looks like "You can share sources with other guys, only if this guys is subscribers";

But what about L2j Scripts?
They gives you a compiled versions without rights on edit, share and play on another PC. All products been pined to your machine and they dont have a good support, which can help to fix bugs.

and their sources are not stable, neither free nor premium..
I just run server and all fine. If you want to play with friends - its the best option. All servers what now in share - need to configure and take a lot of time for start it like "LEGENDARY x10000000 PVP ONE WEEK TOP SERVER".
Mobius has a lot of problem, but why need to say of it. All says "THIS SERVER HAS PROBLEMS" and after this - ?? nothing. Any reports, just fact.
If you found bug - report it, like this -
If you work in support call center people call for many stupid questions.
If you are doctor, people make many stupid questions.
If you work in parking system, people make many stupid questions.

If you take a work and request so mush money a month to do.. well is your work ..

But no need to make fell like garbage all your client

I planed buy sources some time ago.. but before a buy say no this and do not do this and this, or this, and not, not, not ..

And i say .. na.. this guy is mad ..

Meaby just need to say me, buy but no use, no compile, no share, no edit, no put online, no make request, no talk to support.. best just pay me.. and go to hell...


а в чем разница между другими сливами ?
цэ любоф,ты не шаришь прост..

Они правда не понимают, что жорг, мобиус, скрипты - это ебаный мусор?)
а что НЕ мусор? ну так чтобы,дешего и сердито...
а что НЕ мусор? ну так чтобы,дешего и сердито...
Без обид, но толку что-то советовать тебе?)
В шаре ничего готового кроме вышеупомянутого говна нет)
Хотя не, там вроде ессенс птску шарили.
Ппц ты агресивный... Ты сказал,что все мусор,стало интересно исходя из твоего опыта и знаний ,что не мусор какие тимы и т.д...
Ну если чисто брать во внимание мое мнение, то лосты.

з.ы. ты не так понял, я не агрился, а имел введу, что с твоими знаниями, вариант что я посоветую, тебе не подойдет.
Последнее редактирование:
если есть знание в программирование ,то лучшее самому делать ,а если нету то кушаем все гомно что есть в шаре,или покупать клиентку у толковых команды,или ищем кодера ну хз