PTS Vanganth - Classic Interlude P110

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Added new Updates/Fixes: 31-05-2023.

Updated: Subclass system classic.
Fixed: Issue on subclass on load.

You download the update from here :

if you find any problems report -> bugs here:


Added new Updates/Fixes: 03-06-2023.

Fixed: chance of the droplist at shift+click on mobs/raids they was wrong.
Fixed: Grandmasters Clans.
Fixed/Added: Sub-class bypass they was missed.
Fixed: issue with pet when using skills with soulshots.
Fixed: a small issue when pet get buffs from NPC Buffer.
Updated: Subclass System 1.6.
Updated: Clan Hall System 2.25.
Updated: Castle sieges system a small issue.
Updated: VIP System 3.1.

You download the update from here :

if you find any problems report -> bugs here:

Added new Updates/Fixes: 05-06-2023.

Added: Achivement System BETA v1.1 [Needs tests if you find bugs report!]
Added command: .achiv

You download the update from here :

if you find any problems report -> bugs here:

Самое главное с экстендера бекдор убран? не охота сейчас проверять. Но в этом екстендере был бекдор по умолчанию.

Эх еще бы русскую папку систем
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Эх еще бы русскую папку систем
В наше время есть достаточно сервисов и программ, для перевода большого количества файлов. Конечно не все красиво получается, но основное руками подправляется.
Самое главное с экстендера бекдор убран? не охота сейчас проверять. Но в этом екстендере был бекдор по умолчанию.

Эх еще бы русскую папку систем
все было удалено, как и любой бэкдор и т. Д., На 100% безопасно и чисто.
Added new Updates/Fixes: 05-06-2023.

Added: Achivement System BETA v1.1 [Needs tests if you find bugs report!]
Added command: .achiv

You download the update from here :

if you find any problems report -> bugs here:

а есть Ачивки с классик Клиента?
Added new Updates/Fixes: 08-06-2023.

Fixed: Subclass bug exploit on stuck skills, thanks for report, L2Alpha.
Fixed: shift+click dropinfo thanks for report, Andreaus.

You download the update from here :


if you find any problems report -> bugs here:

Added new Updates/Fixes: 17-06-2023.

Fixed: Reputation Points on kill rbs.
Fixed: Pet items when use teleport.
Fixed: Friend list detail info.
Fixed: issue on augmentation skill system.
Fixed: Small issue on skill bar slots.
Fixed: Small issue on Clan Academy.
Updated: Olympiad System v2.9.
Updated: Castle System v3.1
Updated: Clan Hall System v2.6
Added: Clan Academy.
Added: New Feature -> Classic System, Attendance Check, Daily Monthly Reward.

You download the update from here :

if you find any problems report -> bugs here:

Added new Updates/Fixes: 19-06-2023.

Fixed: Issue with skin visual armors when you remove the skin, log out and log in again, the skin returns. thanks for report, Joao Frango.
Updated: Attendance System, Added also IP check for account to claim reward.
Added: Attendance System when your Reward is ready, open the window.

You download the update from here :

if you find any problems report -> bugs here:

Added new Updates/Fixes: 13-07-2023.

Fixed: HTML missing on Giran Town Armor Shop NPC Peta.
Fixed: Small issue when enchant a skill to update the shortcuts on skill bar.
Fixed: Enchant Skills from Interface, Thanks for help. @SkyLord.
Fixed: TradeSystem on trade items bug visual, thanks for report, TheBorracha.
Fixed: Some Opcodes missing.
Fixed: Olympiad bug issue packet missing.
Fixed: Attack Packet on polearm using.
Fixed: Important Crash from L2Server. Thanks for report LeiJen.
Fixed: Bug onchange bow on hit.
Fixed: Spoiler issue on skill use sweep, missing packet, fixed.
Added: Ability System, Points etc, but is not working until some client dev activate the ability skill list on classic mode, is working from retail only for live,free etc modes.
Updated: L2Server stability, fixed a small issue they make to crash the server.
Updated: VIP attendance check has been added for premium accounts, featuring new items from the script folder.
Updated: Implemented functionality for reward notification, triggering the attendance check window when your reward is ready.
Updated: Introduced the option to perform attendance check either by character or account, configurable through settings.

You download the update from here :

if you find any problems report -> bugs here:
Added new Updates/Fixes: 23-07-2023.

Fixed: Dwarf Workshop recipe, thanks for report, Skylord.
Fixed: Attack bug when mob or plater dies.
Fixed: Disable/Enable Exp with command .exp on/off.
Fixed: bug issue found.
Fixed: issue with duel on party. Thanks for report Nero Velto.
Fixed: Critical dmg issue double.
Fixed: Clan issue on war when attacking.
Fixed: issue on Attack with auto flag and karma.
Fixed: issue on out of target error.
Fixed: Issue on the party sometimes they was delay on movement. with players.
Fixed: Crash issue on L2Server onselect core.
Added: Enchant Armor effect for future use.
Updated: TradeSystem V2 on trade items fixed issue on count number.

You download the update from here :

if you find any problems report -> bugs here:

Added new Updates/Fixes: 23-07-2023.

Fixed: Dwarf Workshop recipe, thanks for report, Skylord.
Fixed: Attack bug when mob or plater dies.
Fixed: Disable/Enable Exp with command .exp on/off.
Fixed: bug issue found.
Fixed: issue with duel on party. Thanks for report Nero Velto.
Fixed: Critical dmg issue double.
Fixed: Clan issue on war when attacking.
Fixed: issue on Attack with auto flag and karma.
Fixed: issue on out of target error.
Fixed: Issue on the party sometimes they was delay on movement. with players.
Fixed: Crash issue on L2Server onselect core.
Added: Enchant Armor effect for future use.
Updated: TradeSystem V2 on trade items fixed issue on count number.

You download the update from here :

if you find any problems report -> bugs here:

This Interlude or Classic ?
Added new Updates/Fixes: 29-07-2023.

Fixed: MemoryObject Fix Critical Bug (Crash).
Fixed: Fix cached for logd srv (crash when open the logd).
Fixed: Friend system 100% working.
Fixed: issue on pvp mages curses on target player not showing properly.
Fixed: Party status when a players is leaving the area and come backs with delay bug on movement.
Fixed: Small issue when summon seraph.
Updated: Dwarven Workshop Recipe V2, thanks for update, Skylord.

You download the update from here :

if you find any problems report -> bugs here:

Added new Updates/Fixes: 31-07-2023.

Fixed: Small issue on bar skills when use a skill they use other skills cooldown. Thanks for report, TheBorracha.
Fixed: Abnormal type on skills.
Fixed: Pet small issue onattack when had full set buffs.
Fixed: Duel system a small issue on the packet on character name.
Fixed: HairSlot2 -> Hairdeco texture when equip accesory.
Updated: VIP System for VIP Chat feature.

You download the update from here :

if you find any problems report -> bugs here: