• Новые темы в этом разделе публикуются автоматически при добавлении файла в менеджер ресурсов.
    Ручное создание новых тем невозможно.
Иконка ресурса

Мануал Библиотеки кешед пакетов

  • Автор темы Автор темы Xeonc
  • Дата начала Дата начала


Победитель в номинации 2022
1 423
Библиотека пакетов для С4/GF ядра(небольшая часть работает только со сборкой AdvExt, большая часть - со всеми сборками)
class CacheD {
   var $cachedport;
   var $cachedip;
   var $webadmin = 'Admin';
   var $connected;

   //To have explicit output, use CacheD_chatterbox, better than editing this array   
   var $fsockerror = false;
   var $socketerrors = array(
       "1" => True, "01" => False, "02" => False, "03" => False, "04" => False,
       "05" => False, "06" => False, "07" => False, "08" => False, "09" => False,
       "010" => False, "011" => False,   "012" => False,   "013" => False,   "014" => False,
       "015" => False,   "016" => False,   "017" => False,   "018" => False,   "019" => False,
       "020" => False,   "021" => False,   "022" => False,   "023" => False,   "024" => False,
       "025" => False,   "026" => False);

   function tounicode ($string){
       for($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i++)   { $rs .= $string[$i].chr(0); }
       $rs .= chr(0).chr(0);

   function CacheDInteractive($buf) {
       $fp = fsockopen($this->cachedip, $this->cachedport , $errno, $errstr, 5);
       $rs = '';
       if (!$fp){ $this->connected=false; return $this -> fsockerror;}
       else $this->connected=true;

       $packet = pack("s", (strlen($buf)+2)).$buf;
       fwrite($fp, $packet);
       $len = unpack("v", fread($fp, 2));
       $rid = unpack("c", fread($fp, 1));
       for ($i = 0;$i < (($len[1]-4) / 4);$i++) {
           $read = unpack("i", fread($fp, 4));
           $rs .= $read[1];
       $result = $this -> socketerrors[$rs];

   function CheckCharacterPacket($char_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 1);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SetCharacterLocationPacket($char_id,$xloc,$yloc,$zloc) {
       $buf = pack("c", 2);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", 1);
       $buf .= pack("V", $xloc);
       $buf .= pack("V", $yloc);
       $buf .= pack("V", $zloc);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SetBuilderCharacterPacket($char_id, $builder_level) {
       $buf = pack("c", 3);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $builder_level);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function ChangeCharacterNamePacket($char_id,$new_char_name){
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($new_char_name);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function KickCharacterPacket($char_id){
       $buf = pack("cV",5,$char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function AddSkillPacket($char_id, $skill_id, $skill_level) {
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function DelSkillPacket($char_id, $skill_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 7);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $skill_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function ModSkillPacket($char_id, $skill_id, $new_skill_level) {
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function DelItemPacket($char_id, $item_warehouse, $item_uid, $amount) {
       $buf = pack("cVVVV",13,$char_id,$item_warehouse,$item_uid,$amount);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function ModCharPacket($char_id, $new_SP, $new_EXP, $new_Karma, $new_PK, $new_PKP, $new_PVP) {
       $buf = pack("c", 15);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $new_SP);
       $buf .= pack("V", $new_EXP);
       $buf .= pack("V", $new_Karma);
       $buf .= pack("V", $new_PK);
       $buf .= pack("V", $new_PKP);
       $buf .= pack("V", $new_PVP);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function ModChar2Packet($char_id, $gender, $race, $class, $face, $hair_shape, $hair_color) {
       $buf = pack("c", 16);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $gender);
       $buf .= pack("V", $race);
       $buf .= pack("V", $class);
       $buf .= pack("V", $face);
       $buf .= pack("V", $hair_shape);
       $buf .= pack("V", $hair_color);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function PunishCharPacket($char_id,$punish_id,$punish_time) {
       $buf = pack("cVVV",18,$char_id,$punish_id,$punish_time);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SetBuilderAccountPacket($account_name, $builder_level) {
       $buf = pack("c", 19);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($account_name);
       $buf .= pack("V", $builder_level);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function DisableCharacterPacket($char_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 20);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", 1);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function EnableCharacterPacket($char_id, $account_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 21);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $account_id);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function ModChar3Packet($char_id, $add_SP, $add_EXP, $add_Karma, $add_PK, $add_PKP, $add_PVP) {
       $buf = pack("c", 29);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $add_SP);
       $buf .= pack("V", $add_EXP);
       $buf .= pack("V", $add_Karma);
       $buf .= pack("V", $add_PK);
       $buf .= pack("V", $add_PKP);
       $buf .= pack("V", $add_PVP);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function MoveCharacterPacket($char_id,$new_account_id,$new_account_name){
       $buf=pack("cVVS",31,$char_id,$new_account_id,$this -> tounicode($new_account_name));
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function DeleteCharPacket($char_id) {
       $buf = pack("cV",34,$char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function PledgeChangeOwnerPacket($pledge_id, $new_leader_id) {
       $buf = pack("cVV",37,$pledge_id,$new_leader_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function PledgeDeletePacket($pledge_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 38);
       $buf .= pack("V", $pledge_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function BanCharPacket($char_id, $hours ) {
       $buf = pack("c", 39);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $hours);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function SendHomePacket($char_id) {
       $buf = pack("cV",45,$char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function ChangePledgeLevelPacket($pledge_id, $new_level) {
       $buf = pack("cVV",46,$pledge_id, $new_level);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function CreatePledgePacket($pledge_name, $leader_id) {
       $buf = pack("c",47);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($pledge_name);
       $buf .= pack("V",$leader_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function SetSkillAllPacket($char_id) {
       $buf = pack("cV",48,$char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function RestoreCharToAccount($char_id,$new_char_name,$account_id,$account_name) {
       $buf = pack("c", 49);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($new_char_name);
       $buf .= pack("V", $account_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($account_name);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function ManIntAnnouncePacket($text,$id,$interval) {
       $buf = pack("c", 51);
       $buf .= pack("V", 1);
       $buf .= pack("V", $interval);
       $buf .= pack("V", $id);
       $buf .= tounicode($text);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function DelItem2Packet($item_uid, $amount) {
       $buf = pack("cVV", 54, $item_uid, $amount);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

    function AddItem2Packet($char_id,$warehouse,$item_type,$item_amount,$enchant, $eroded, $bless, $wished) {
        $buf = pack("c", 55);
        $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
        $buf .= pack("V", $warehouse);
        $buf .= pack("V", $item_type);
        $buf .= pack("V", $item_amount);
        $buf .= pack("V", $enchant);
        $buf .= pack("V", $eroded);
        $buf .= pack("V", $bless);
        $buf .= pack("V", $wished);
        $buf .= pack("V", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
        return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

    function AddItem($char_id,$warehouse,$item_type,$item_amount) {
        $buf = pack("c", 55);
        $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
        $buf .= pack("V", $warehouse);
        $buf .= pack("V", $item_type);
        $buf .= pack("V", $item_amount);
        $buf .= pack("V", 0);
        $buf .= pack("V", 0);
        $buf .= pack("V", 0);
        $buf .= pack("V", 0);
        $buf .= pack("V", 0);
        $buf .= pack("V", 254);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= pack("i", 0);
        $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
        return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

    function AddItem3Packet($char_id,$warehouse,$item_type,$item_amount,$enchant, $eroded, $bless,$ident , $wished, $attack_attr_type, $attack_attr_value, $fire,$water,$wind,$earth,$holy,$unholy) {
        $buf = pack("c", 55);
        $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
        $buf .= pack("V", $warehouse);
        $buf .= pack("V", $item_type);
        $buf .= pack("V", $item_amount);
        $buf .= pack("V", $enchant);
        $buf .= pack("V", $eroded);
        $buf .= pack("V", $bless);
        $buf .= pack("V", $ident);
        $buf .= pack("V", $wished);
        $buf .= pack("V", $attack_attr_type);
        $buf .= pack("i", $attack_attr_value);
        $buf .= pack("i", $fire);
        $buf .= pack("i", $water);
        $buf .= pack("i", $wind);
        $buf .= pack("i", $earth);
        $buf .= pack("i", $holy);
        $buf .= pack("i", $unholy);
        $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
        return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function SetSociality($char_id,$social) {
       $buf = pack("c", 69);
       $buf .= pack("i", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("i", $social);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function SetHero($char_id) {
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SetInstantAnnouncePacket($text) {
       $buf = pack("c", 70);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($text);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function ChangeSubJobPacket($char_id, $subjob_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 89);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $subjob_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function StopCharPacket($char_id, $minutes) {
       $buf = pack("c", 90);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $minutes);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function DelPledgeEmblemPacket($pledge_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 98);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $pledge_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SendPrivateAnnouncePacket($char_id, $text) {
       $buf = pack("c", 101);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($text);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function EternalBanPacket($char_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 104);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SetNameColor($search_type,$char,$cl_change_type,$color) {
                $buf = pack("c", 111);
                $buf .= pack("c",$search_type);
                $buf .= pack("c", $cl_change_type);
                if($search_type == 1) {
                   $buf .= $this -> tounicode($char);
                else {
                   $buf .= pack("V", $char);
                $buf .= pack("V", $color);
               $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
                return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SetNobless($char_id) {
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);


class CacheD_chatterbox extends CacheD {
   var $fsockerror = 'Unable to connect with CacheD';
   var $socketerrors=array(
       "1" => "OK.",
       "01" => "Error.",
       "02" => "Arguments need.",
       "03" => "Arguments invalid.",
       "04" => "Char not found.",
       "05" => "Warehouse not found.",
       "06" => "Account not found.",
       "07" => "Char in game.",
       "08" => "Too many chars.",
       "09" => "Char in pledge.",
       "010" => "Char pledge owner.",
       "011" => "Cannot ban.",
       "012" => "Name exist.",
       "013" => "Obsolete.",
       "014" => "Invalid char name.",
       "015" => "Char not in game.",
       "016" => "Same char",
       "017" => "Char not in pledge.",
       "018" => "Char pledge master.",
       "019" => "Server not connected.",
       "020" => "Create pet failed.",
       "021" => "Pledge exist.",
       "022" => "No chars.",
       "023" => "Invalid announce id.",
       "024" => "Pledge not found.",
       "025" => "Castle not found.",
       "026" => "Pet not found.");

class CacheD_color_chatterbox extends CacheD {
   var $fsockerror = '<b><font color=red>Unable to connect with CacheD</font></b>';
   var $socketerrors=array(
       "1" => "<b><font color=green> Done.</font></b>",
       "01" => "<b><font color=red> Error.</font></b>",
       "02" => "<b><font color=red> Arguments need.</font></b>",
       "03" => "<b><font color=red> Arguments invalid.</font></b>",
       "04" => "<b><font color=red> Char not found.</font></b>",
       "05" => "<b><font color=red> Warehouse not found.</font></b>",
       "06" => "<b><font color=red> Account not found.</font></b>",
       "07" => "<b><font color=red> Char in game.</font></b>",
       "08" => "<b><font color=red> Too many chars.</font></b>",
       "09" => "<b><font color=red> Char in pledge.</font></b>",
       "010" => "<b><font color=red> Char pledge owner.</font></b>",
       "011" => "<b><font color=red> Cannot ban.</font></b>",
       "012" => "<b><font color=red> Name exist.</font></b>",
       "013" => "<b><font color=red> Obsolete.</font></b>",
       "014" => "<b><font color=red> Invalid char name.</font></b>",
       "015" => "<b><font color=red> Char not in game.</font></b>",
       "016" => "<b><font color=red> Same char</font></b>",
       "017" => "<b><font color=red> Char not in pledge.</font></b>",
       "018" => "<b><font color=red> Char pledge master.</font></b>",
       "019" => "<b><font color=red> Server not connected.</font></b>",
       "020" => "<b><font color=red> Create pet failed.</font></b>",
       "021" => "<b><font color=red> Pledge exist.</font></b>",
       "022" => "<b><font color=red> No chars.</font></b>",
       "023" => "<b><font color=red> Invalid announce id.</font></b>",
       "024" => "<b><font color=red> Pledge not found.</font></b>",
       "025" => "<b><font color=red> Castle not found.</font></b>",
       "026" => "<b><font color=red> Pet not found.</font></b>");


class CacheD {
   var $cachedport;
   var $cachedip;
   var $webadmin = 'Admin';
   var $connected;

   //To have explicit output, use CacheD_chatterbox, better than editing this array   
   var $fsockerror = false;
   var $socketerrors = array(
       "1" => True, "01" => False, "02" => False, "03" => False, "04" => False,
       "05" => False, "06" => False, "07" => False, "08" => False, "09" => False,
       "010" => False, "011" => False,   "012" => False,   "013" => False,   "014" => False,
       "015" => False,   "016" => False,   "017" => False,   "018" => False,   "019" => False,
       "020" => False,   "021" => False,   "022" => False,   "023" => False,   "024" => False,
       "025" => False,   "026" => False);

   function tounicode ($string){
       for($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i++)   { $rs .= $string[$i].chr(0); }
       $rs .= chr(0).chr(0);

   function CacheDInteractive($buf) {
       $fp = fsockopen($this->cachedip, $this->cachedport , $errno, $errstr, 5);
       $rs = '';
       if (!$fp){ $this->connected=false; return $this -> fsockerror;}
       else $this->connected=true;

       $packet = pack("s", (strlen($buf)+2)).$buf;
       fwrite($fp, $packet);
       $len = unpack("v", fread($fp, 2));
       $rid = unpack("c", fread($fp, 1));
       for ($i = 0;$i < (($len[1]-4) / 4);$i++) {
           $read = unpack("i", fread($fp, 4));
           $rs .= $read[1];
       $result = $this -> socketerrors[$rs];

   function CheckCharacterPacket($char_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 1);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SetCharacterLocationPacket($char_id,$xloc,$yloc,$zloc) {
       $buf = pack("c", 2);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", 1);
       $buf .= pack("V", $xloc);
       $buf .= pack("V", $yloc);
       $buf .= pack("V", $zloc);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SetBuilderCharacterPacket($char_id, $builder_level) {
       $buf = pack("c", 3);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $builder_level);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function ChangeCharacterNamePacket($char_id,$new_char_name){
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($new_char_name);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function KickCharacterPacket($char_id){
       $buf = pack("cV",5,$char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function SetHero($char_id) {
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SetNobless($char_id) {
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function AddSkillPacket($char_id, $skill_id, $skill_level) {
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function DelSkillPacket($char_id, $skill_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 7);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $skill_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function ModSkillPacket($char_id, $skill_id, $new_skill_level) {
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function DelItemPacket($char_id, $item_warehouse, $item_uid, $amount) {
       $buf = pack("cVVVVV",13,$char_id,$item_warehouse,$item_uid,$amount,0);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function ModCharPacket($char_id, $new_SP, $new_EXP, $new_Karma, $new_PK, $new_PKP, $new_PVP) {
       $new_EXP2 = intval($new_EXP / 0x100000000);
       if ($new_EXP2 < 0) {
           $new_EXP2 = 0;
       } else {
           $new_EXP = $new_EXP - ($new_EXP2 * 0x100000000);
       $buf = pack("c", 15);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $new_SP);
       $buf .= pack("V", $new_EXP);
       $buf .= pack("V", $new_EXP2);
       $buf .= pack("V", $new_Karma);
       $buf .= pack("V", $new_PK);
       $buf .= pack("V", $new_PKP);
       $buf .= pack("V", $new_PVP);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function ModChar2Packet($char_id, $gender, $race, $class, $face, $hair_shape, $hair_color) {
       $buf = pack("c", 16);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $gender);
       $buf .= pack("V", $race);
       $buf .= pack("V", $class);
       $buf .= pack("V", $face);
       $buf .= pack("V", $hair_shape);
       $buf .= pack("V", $hair_color);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function PunishCharPacket($char_id,$punish_id,$punish_time) {
       $buf = pack("cVVV",18,$char_id,$punish_id,$punish_time);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SetBuilderAccountPacket($account_name, $builder_level) {
       $buf = pack("c", 19);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($account_name);
       $buf .= pack("V", $builder_level);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function DisableCharacterPacket($char_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 20);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", 1);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function EnableCharacterPacket($char_id, $account_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 21);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $account_id);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function ModChar3Packet($char_id, $add_SP, $add_EXP, $add_Karma, $add_PK, $add_PKP, $add_PVP) {
       $buf = pack("c", 29);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $add_SP);
       $buf .= pack("V", $add_EXP);
       $buf .= pack("V", $add_Karma);
       $buf .= pack("V", $add_PK);
       $buf .= pack("V", $add_PKP);
       $buf .= pack("V", $add_PVP);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function MoveCharacterPacket($char_id,$new_account_id,$new_account_name){
       $buf=pack("cVVS",31,$char_id,$new_account_id,$this -> tounicode($new_account_name));
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function DeleteCharPacket($char_id) {
       $buf = pack("cV",34,$char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function PledgeChangeOwnerPacket($pledge_id, $new_leader_id) {
       //$buf = pack("cVV",37,$pledge_id,$new_leader_id);
       $buf = pack("cVV",37,$pledge_id,$new_leader_id);
       //$buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function PledgeDeletePacket($pledge_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 38);
       $buf .= pack("V", $pledge_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function BanCharPacket($char_id, $hours ) {
       $buf = pack("c", 39);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $hours);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function SendHomePacket($char_id) {
       $buf = pack("cV",45,$char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function ChangePledgeLevelPacket($pledge_id, $new_level) {
       $buf = pack("cVV",46,$pledge_id, $new_level);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function CreatePledgePacket($pledge_name, $leader_id) {
       $buf = pack("c",47);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($pledge_name);
       $buf .= pack("V",$leader_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function SetSkillAllPacket($char_id) {
       $buf = pack("cV",48,$char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function RestoreCharToAccount($char_id,$new_char_name,$account_id,$account_name) {
       $buf = pack("c", 49);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($new_char_name);
       $buf .= pack("V", $account_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($account_name);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function ManIntAnnouncePacket($text,$id,$interval) {
       $buf = pack("c", 51);
       $buf .= pack("V", 1);
       $buf .= pack("V", $interval);
       $buf .= pack("V", $id);
       $buf .= $this->tounicode($text);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function DelItem2Packet($item_uid, $amount) {
       $buf = pack("cVV", 54, $item_uid, $amount);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function AddItem2Packet($char_id,$warehouse,$item_type,$q,$enchant, $eroded, $bless, $wished) { $bless = 0;
       $q_h = intval($q / 0x100000000);
       if ($q_h < 0) {
           $q_h = 0;
       } else {
           $q = $q - ($q_h * 0x100000000);
       $buf = pack("c", 55);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $warehouse);
       $buf .= pack("V", $item_type);
       $buf .= pack("V", $q);
       $buf .= pack("V", $q_h);
       $buf .= pack("V", $enchant);
       $buf .= pack("V", $eroded);
       $buf .= pack("V", $bless);
       $buf .= pack("V", $wished);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function AddItem3Packet($char_id,$warehouse,$item_type,$q,$enchant,$attack_type,$attack_value,$fire,$water,$wind,$earth,$holy,$unholy) {        $bless = 0;
       $q_h = intval($q / 0x100000000);
       if ($q_h < 0) {
           $q_h = 0;
       } else {
           $q = $q - ($q_h * 0x100000000);
       $buf = pack("c", 55);
       $buf .= pack("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("V", $warehouse);
       $buf .= pack("V", $item_type);
       $buf .= pack("V", $q);
       $buf .= pack("V", $q_h);
       $buf .= pack("V", $enchant);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("V", 0);
       $buf .= pack("v", $attack_type);
       $buf .= pack("v", $attack_value);
       $buf .= pack("v", $fire);
       $buf .= pack("v", $water);
       $buf .= pack("v", $wind);
       $buf .= pack("v", $earth);
       $buf .= pack("v", $holy);
       $buf .= pack("v", $unholy);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);
   function SetSociality($char_id,$social) {
       $buf = pack("c", 69);
       $buf .= pack("i", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack("i", $social);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SetInstantAnnouncePacket($text) {
       $buf = pack("c", 70);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($text);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function ChangeSubJobPacket($char_id, $subjob_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 89);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $subjob_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function StopCharPacket($char_id, $minutes) {
       $buf = pack("c", 90);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $minutes);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function DelPledgeEmblemPacket($pledge_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 98);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $pledge_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SendPrivateAnnouncePacket($char_id, $text) {
       $buf = pack("c", 101);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($text);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function EternalBanPacket($char_id) {
       $buf = pack("c", 104);
       $buf .= pack ("V", $char_id);
       $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
       return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);

   function SetNameColor($search_type,$char,$cl_change_type,$color) {
                $buf = pack("c", 122);
               $buf .= pack("V", $char);
                $buf .= pack("V", $color);
                $buf .= pack("V", $cl_change_type);
                $buf .= pack("V", 0);
               $buf .= $this -> tounicode($this -> webadmin);
                return $this -> CacheDInteractive($buf);


class CacheD_chatterbox extends CacheD {
   var $fsockerror = 'Unable to connect with CacheD';
   var $socketerrors=array(
       "1" => "OK.",
       "01" => "Error.",
       "02" => "Arguments need.",
       "03" => "Arguments invalid.",
       "04" => "Char not found.",
       "05" => "Warehouse not found.",
       "06" => "Account not found.",
       "07" => "Char in game.",
       "08" => "Too many chars.",
       "09" => "Char in pledge.",
       "010" => "Char pledge owner.",
       "011" => "Cannot ban.",
       "012" => "Name exist.",
       "013" => "Obsolete.",
       "014" => "Invalid char name.",
       "015" => "Char not in game.",
       "016" => "Same char",
       "017" => "Char not in pledge.",
       "018" => "Char pledge master.",
       "019" => "Server not connected.",
       "020" => "Create pet failed.",
       "021" => "Pledge exist.",
       "022" => "No chars.",
       "023" => "Invalid announce id.",
       "024" => "Pledge not found.",
       "025" => "Castle not found.",
       "026" => "Pet not found.");

class CacheD_color_chatterbox extends CacheD {
   var $fsockerror = '<b><font color=red>Unable to connect with CacheD</font></b>';
   var $socketerrors=array(
       "1" => "<b><font color=green> Done.</font></b>",
       "01" => "<b><font color=red> Error.</font></b>",
       "02" => "<b><font color=red> Arguments need.</font></b>",
       "03" => "<b><font color=red> Arguments invalid.</font></b>",
       "04" => "<b><font color=red> Char not found.</font></b>",
       "05" => "<b><font color=red> Warehouse not found.</font></b>",
       "06" => "<b><font color=red> Account not found.</font></b>",
       "07" => "<b><font color=red> Char in game.</font></b>",
       "08" => "<b><font color=red> Too many chars.</font></b>",
       "09" => "<b><font color=red> Char in pledge.</font></b>",
       "010" => "<b><font color=red> Char pledge owner.</font></b>",
       "011" => "<b><font color=red> Cannot ban.</font></b>",
       "012" => "<b><font color=red> Name exist.</font></b>",
       "013" => "<b><font color=red> Obsolete.</font></b>",
       "014" => "<b><font color=red> Invalid char name.</font></b>",
       "015" => "<b><font color=red> Char not in game.</font></b>",
       "016" => "<b><font color=red> Same char</font></b>",
       "017" => "<b><font color=red> Char not in pledge.</font></b>",
       "018" => "<b><font color=red> Char pledge master.</font></b>",
       "019" => "<b><font color=red> Server not connected.</font></b>",
       "020" => "<b><font color=red> Create pet failed.</font></b>",
       "021" => "<b><font color=red> Pledge exist.</font></b>",
       "022" => "<b><font color=red> No chars.</font></b>",
       "023" => "<b><font color=red> Invalid announce id.</font></b>",
       "024" => "<b><font color=red> Pledge not found.</font></b>",
       "025" => "<b><font color=red> Castle not found.</font></b>",
       "026" => "<b><font color=red> Pet not found.</font></b>");


Если у кого-то есть валидные библиотеки для чистых сборок - поделитесь, чтобы были в одном месте

А по Epilogue не найдется?
Благодарю, я затупил что есть исходники где можно посмотреть. Уже разобрался.
А что делать если кешед ругатся NO Admin Id
Сверху Снизу