[WTS] Cheap Lineage 2 Website Design - by protoftw

Stop hate the guy and make better website templates and sell them if all are so damn good at designs! Every person have his own vision for website, every guy have a taste so stfu and don't hate more.

your design vs euro-pvp.com or ketrawars.net my opinion is if your website worth about 25$ USD 30USD then u sell it on wrong price nobody judge you but you should understand when someone selling quality web templates and when someone selling cheap web templates. hope this comment helped you
Hi mate , as you can see my prefix title is this: "CHEAP Lineage 2 website design".
I'm not gonna sell those website for 100 dollars, of course i'm not. They are cheap and ready to run.. I totally respect your opinion and I wanna thank you for taking the time to reply here..Everyone got confused and misunderstood everything. I never claimed I'm selling the highest quality websites EUNE. I want them to understand that I just posted a topic with the right TITLE for this and everyone just hated for no reason. Thanks again for your time mate. Have a great day!
First of all ENMITYmoula, you need to understand 1 thing. This is a public forum and accessible for everyone to register and post.
If I want to promote my work in a russian forum , who are you to tell me that I can't?
European and Russian designs in your opinion differ. Well , it might be true but how can you call me a retard and also how can you offend other online forums?
I think you need to back up a little and let me be the judge of my personality and my knowledge..2k18 kids cursing and pretending to be illuminati boss behind a screen.
I didn't come here with a negative attitude , you didn't have to post something that has a lot of curses , your people didn't have to be mean.
If you do not like it , just move on..Do not comment and keep on scrolling on next unread topic.
Have a great day! But most importantly , do not offend people's dignity.

i know that this is a public forum.

you can promote your work everywhere and noone will say you anything (except if you're scammed someone), but i just corrected you to know what youll see from anyone on RU.

noone will buy this in RU, because we doesnt use that type of designs. maybe, 10 years ago, but not sure.

there is no negative, no curses, nothing. just some information for you, that there is a epic low (0.00000000001%) that youll sell that type of designs there. just for you knowledge.
i know that this is a public forum.

you can promote your work everywhere and noone will say you anything (except if you're scammed someone), but i just corrected you to know what youll see from anyone on RU.

noone will buy this in RU, because we doesnt use that type of designs. maybe, 10 years ago, but not sure.

there is no negative, no curses, nothing. just some information for you, that there is a epic low (0.00000000001%) that youll sell that type of designs there. just for you knowledge.
You could just say that mate instead of being negative, hating & offending..Thanks for your honest reply!
Будет трафик и время. Пробну такое же запилить и вылить в шарку. Почему то европейские дизайны,мне очень нравятся простатой.
Будет трафик и время. Пробну такое же запилить и вылить в шарку. Почему то европейские дизайны,мне очень нравятся простатой.
я не очень сильно разбираюсь в анатомии европейских дизайнов, но мне стало настолько интересно, что я не могу удержаться - а где у них простата?
я не очень сильно разбираюсь в анатомии европейских дизайнов, но мне стало настолько интересно, что я не могу удержаться - а где у них простата?
И в правду, одни эльфийки
я не очень сильно разбираюсь в анатомии европейских дизайнов, но мне стало настолько интересно, что я не могу удержаться - а где у них простата?
Ну стоит лишь приглянуться,там всё очевидно.
Наши любят всякие приколы,фэнтази дизайн или еще что чтобы смотрелось не обычно (закарючки,светильники,радуги ну и прочее).
А на евро ставят практически одно и тоже.

Как кто то выразился,дизайн с 07,и они в принципе ничего не меняют.
This is not a topic to have a conversation about your thoughts, delete spam comments and create a new topic on spam section if you want to talk.
This is not a topic to have a conversation about your thoughts, delete spam comments and create a new topic on spam section if you want to talk.
Excuse me, but you want to sell your website layouts here, right? Peoples ITT are discussing about your layouts.

As for layouts themselves. In contrast to US and West in common, here requirements for website style are much stricter. Site with a such graphics and UI will not be able todo main thing - to sell service for end customer. Therefore, nobody will buy your layouts here. SBT.
Excuse me, but you want to sell your website layouts here, right? Peoples ITT are discussing about your layouts.

As for layouts themselves. In contrast to US and West in common, here requirements for website style are much stricter. Site with a such graphics and UI will not be able todo main thing - to sell service for end customer. Therefore, nobody will buy your layouts here. SBT.
I dont mind the comments about my work , but as you can clearly see they are having a conversation about their general opinions , this is not a general discussion topic. End of story , I don't have to explain everything , it's really easy to understand what I meant..Read the whole topic before posting.
I dont mind the comments about my work , but as you can clearly see they are having a conversation about their general opinions , this is not a general discussion topic. End of story , I don't have to explain everything , it's really easy to understand what I meant..Read the whole topic before posting.
As you wish.
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