This point
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RaidData_ClassicAden-eu.dat, classic for classic, classic aden for essence, and clean for live.
raid_begin id=49 raid_id=25158 raid_lvl=75 search_zoneid=97 Loc={127344.0;-5197.0;-3208.0} desc=[] raid_ppl=2 respawn_type=after_death view_item={93010;93007;95772} respawn_time={2200} rc_level={1;99} teleport_loc={128048.0;-5376.0;-3280.0} use_teleport_loc=1 raid_end
ID is the order i think in the file
RAID_ID is the raid to check
RAID_LVL is for u put manually the rb lvl to display
SEARCH ZONE gludio region or dion region
LOC is the place where the point will appear in map, if u put /loc in toi, the icon will appear in toi etc
DESC is a description about boss show below raidname
RAID PPL need test what each number is but is for show, SOLO, GROUP or COMMAND CHANNEL
VIEW ITEM to show drop list
RESPAWN TYPE to choose if will appear time remaing etc, specific time to each day at XX:XX hour etc, have some options like unknown to show "unknown"
RC LEVEL dont remember
TELEPORT LOC if u put a valid position will have the option to teleport to boss
USE TELEPORT LOC dont remember
Sorry for dont make it complete, i study that months ago. But hope it help!