You have managed to commit several logical fallacies while arguing, and now finally you shift the argument as if this was all about why l2j was taken down.
l2jfree's main backup repo was among the listed ones, so I can tell you exactly what happened. Some "cool guy" decided to have some fun and filed a fake DMCA takedown notice, knowing about GitHub's DMCA notice processing and anti-retaliation procedures. GitHub immediately disabled all the listed repositories. All you have to do is to file a counter-notice, because neither the "cool guy" nor GitHub actually did a "reality check" on the takedown notice; plus this "cool guy" cannot take any legal action, so public access will be reinstated 10-14 days after you send the counter-notice.
As I understand, someone from l2j already filed one. No we simply wait up to two weeks and the repositories will be available again. There's really nothing else to see here, we can lock this topic.