Is it possible to get monsters from older chronicles to newer chronicles?

Salty Mike

hella salty
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How plausible is the upscaling of monsters (animations, textures, skeletons etc.) from let's say High Five to Classic/Essence protocol v282+?
What differences are there? What issues I might face?
ооо там много работы будет для вас ,что на серверным части что и на клиент части ,если вы хотите оставит High Five как есть но с заходам на клиент Classic/Essence protocol v282+ ,оно вам надо:Golddigging:
The server side is not an issue. I have the back-end set up in a way that allows me to expand the server-client packets by simply copy-pasting the packets from new versions. At worst, I would have to edit out a single variable in the packets from a Mobius source, to make them work with mine. So, the question is predominantly about the client part.
Серверная часть не проблема. У меня сервер настроен таким образом, что позволяет мне расширять пакеты сервер-клиент, просто копируя пакеты из новых версий. В худшем случае мне пришлось бы отредактировать одну переменную в пакетах из источника Mobius, чтобы они работали с моими. Итак, вопрос преимущественно о клиентской части.
in general, there is nothing complicated in the client except for territorial wars and fishing, they need to be restored
in general, there is nothing complicated in the client except for territorial wars and fishing, they need to be restored
What about the NPCs with their sounds and animations? They can be copy-pasted? That's what I'm basically asking. What should be done to the NPCs from H5 to work with newer chronicles (Classic/Essence 282+)?
When I first tested L2-Scripts H5 on GOD client, some NPCs were missing. Like, they were hitting me, but I couldn't see them in the GOD client. So if I was to take the NPCs from my H5 client and add them to my GOD client, manually, would that work? Would I be able to see them, or do I have to open the files and edit something to make them work?
What about the NPCs with their sounds and animations? They can be copy-pasted? That's what I'm basically asking. What should be done to the NPCs from H5 to work with newer chronicles (Classic/Essence 282+)?
When I first tested L2-Scripts H5 on GOD client, some NPCs were missing. Like, they were hitting me, but I couldn't see them in the GOD client. So if I was to take the NPCs from my H5 client and add them to my GOD client, manually, would that work? Would I be able to see them, or do I have to open the files and edit something to make them work?
you need to use the original NPCs, you need a parser for this business to do it well, there is nothing in the ball, you need to do everything yourself or buy from those who do it.