• Новые темы в этом разделе публикуются автоматически при добавлении файла в менеджер ресурсов.
    Ручное создание новых тем невозможно.
Иконка ресурса

Мануал Buyselllist


За веру и верность форуму
6 970
6 046
6 829
2 688
buyselllist_begin SellList0
{5900; 10; 0.210000; 1 }
  • 1 - id предмета
  • 2 - умножение цены Х
  • 3 - налог с замка
  • 4 - количество вещей (есть не ясная связь с 3 пунктом)

Имел дело с репарсом данной штуки с птски.
1 2 значение правильное.
3 значение это время реапа количества вещей т.е. 4 пункта.

Получилось что то в стиле.

Чтобы первести 3 значение нужно сделать финт ушами.
1440 * 3(значение) = время в минутах.

    <npc id="35407" name="Seth" title="Clan Hall Manager">
        <set name="aggroRange" value="0" />
        <set name="ai_type" value="CharacterAI" />
        <set name="baseAtkRange" value="40" />
        <set name="baseAtkType" value="SWORD" />
        <set name="baseCON" value="43" />
        <set name="baseCritRate" value="40" />
        <set name="baseDEX" value="30" />
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        <set name="baseMAtk" value="470" />
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        <set name="baseMDef" value="216" />
        <set name="baseMEN" value="20" />
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        <set name="basePAtk" value="688" />
        <set name="basePAtkSpd" value="253" />
        <set name="basePDef" value="295" />
        <set name="baseRunSpd" value="1" />
        <set name="baseSTR" value="40" />
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        <set name="baseShldRate" value="0" />
        <set name="baseWIT" value="20" />
        <set name="baseWalkSpd" value="50" />
        <set name="baseHitModify" value="5" />
        <set name="baseAvoidModify " value="0" />
        <set name="collision_height" value="23" />
        <set name="collision_radius" value="8" />
        <set name="corpse_time" value="7" />
        <set name="level" value="70" />
        <set name="rewardExp" value="0" />
        <set name="rewardRp" value="0" />
        <set name="rewardSp" value="0" />
        <set name="soulshot_count" value="0" />
        <set name="spiritshot_count" value="0" />
        <set name="texture" value="" />
        <set name="type" value="residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager" />
            <set name="doors" value="20220015;20220016" />
            <skill id="4416" level="14" />
            <defence attribute="fire" value="20" />
            <defence attribute="water" value="20" />
            <defence attribute="wind" value="20" />
            <defence attribute="earth" value="20" />
            <defence attribute="holy" value="20" />
            <defence attribute="unholy" value="20" />
            <trade id="1">
                <item item_id="6902" name="Pledge Shield" markup="10" />
                <item item_id="1829" name="Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall" markup="10" count="5" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="5169" name="Deluxe Food for Strider" markup="10" count="5" time="1440" />
            <trade id="2">
                <item item_id="6902" name="Pledge Shield" markup="10" />
                <item item_id="1829" name="Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall" markup="10" count="5" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="5858" name="Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall" markup="10" count="1" time="720" />
                <item item_id="5169" name="Deluxe Food for Strider" markup="10" count="10" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="7128" name="Scroll of Escape: Heine" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="7131" name="Scroll of Escape: Hunters Village" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="8643" name="Recipe: Elixir of Life (B-Grade) (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="720" />
                <item item_id="8648" name="Recipe: Elixir of Mental Strength (C-Grade) (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="720" />
            <trade id="3">
                <item item_id="6902" name="Pledge Shield" markup="10" />
                <item item_id="1829" name="Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall" markup="10" count="5" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="5858" name="Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="5169" name="Deluxe Food for Strider" markup="10" count="10" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="7128" name="Scroll of Escape: Heine" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="7131" name="Scroll of Escape: Hunters Village" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="7585" name="Pet Exchange Ticket: Kookaburra" markup="10" count="1" time="720" />
                <item item_id="6926" name="Recipe: Lesser Healing Potion (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6929" name="Recipe: Antidote (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6931" name="Recipe: Bandage (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6920" name="Recipe: Greater Fish Oil (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="7691" name="Recipe - Maiden's Hairpin (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6925" name="Recipe: Monocle (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6940" name="Recipe: Facelifting Potion - A (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6941" name="Recipe: Facelifting Potion - B (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6942" name="Recipe: Facelifting Potion - C (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6954" name="Recipe: Dye of STR Str+1 Con-1 (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6955" name="Recipe: Dye of STR Str+1 Dex-1 (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6956" name="Recipe: Dye of CON Con+1 Str-1 (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6957" name="Recipe: Dye of CON Con+1 Dex-1 (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6958" name="Recipe: Dye of DEX Dex+1 Str-1 (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6959" name="Recipe: Dye of DEX Dex+1 Con-1 (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6960" name="Recipe: Dye of INT Int+1 Men-1 (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6961" name="Recipe: Dye of INT Int+1 Wit-1 (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6962" name="Recipe: Dye of MEN Men+1 Int-1 (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6963" name="Recipe: Dye of MEN Men+1 Wit-1 (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6964" name="Recipe: Dye of WITWit+1 Int-1 (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="6965" name="Recipe: Dye of WITWit+1 Men-1 (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="1440" />
                <item item_id="8643" name="Recipe: Elixir of Life (B-Grade) (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="720" />
                <item item_id="8648" name="Recipe: Elixir of Mental Strength (C-Grade) (100%)" markup="10" count="1" time="720" />
                <item item_id="9898" name="SP Scroll: Highest Grade" markup="10" count="1" time="180" />
                <item item_id="952" name="Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade)" markup="10" count="1" time="720" />
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P.S. Адекватным разработчикам подарю дамп данных байлистов с freya (ai.obj).
В Стиле.
tweety      BuySellList SellList0 = {{"soulshot_none"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"spiritshot_none"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"blessed_spiritshot_none"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"soulshot_d"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"soulshot_c"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"blessed_spiritshot_d"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"blessed_spiritshot_c"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"comp_bspiritshot_none"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"comp_spiritshot_none"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"comp_soulshot_none"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"adv_comp_bspiritshot_none"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"adv_comp_spiritshot_none"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"adv_comp_soulshot_none"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"wooden_arrow"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"bone_arrow"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"fine_steel_arrow"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"lesser_healing_potion"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"healing_potion"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"antidote"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"advanced_antidote"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"bandage"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"emergency_dressing"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"quick_step_potion"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"swift_attack_potion"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"potion_of_acumen2"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"scroll_of_awake"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"scroll_of_escape"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"scroll_of_resurrection"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"scroll_of_escape_to_agit"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"spirit_ore"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"soul_ore"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"energy_stone"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"key_of_thief"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"rope_of_magic_d"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"rope_of_magic_c"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"rope_of_magic_b"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"gemstone_d"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"bone_bolt"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"fine_steel_bolt"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"recovery_scroll_none"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"recovery_scroll_d"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"recovery_scroll_c"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"recovery_scroll_b"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_life_none"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_life_d"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_life_c"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_mental_d"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_combative_none"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_combative_d"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_combative_c"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_combative_b"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"crystal_of_summon"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"blank_soul_bottle_5"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"dice_heart"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"dice_spade"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"dice_clover"; 50; 0.000000; 0}; {"dice_diamond"; 50; 0.000000; 0}};
uno      BuySellList SellList0 = {{1; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"club"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"bone_dagger"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"short_bow"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"broad_sword"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"heavy_chisel"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"knife"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"doomed_dagger"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"bow"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"mace"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"sickle"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"brandish"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"gladius"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"orcish_sword"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"handmade_sword"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"dwarven_mace"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"dirk"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"hunting_bow"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"long_sword"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"throw_knife"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"bow_of_forest"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"short_spear"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"zweihander"; 15; 0.000000; 0}};
uno      BuySellList SellList1 = {{"apprentice's_rod"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"buffalo_horn"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"willow_staff"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"apprentice's_spellbook"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"cedar_staff"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"apprentice's_staff"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"relic_of_saints"; 15; 0.000000; 0}};
vollodos      BuySellList SellList0 = {{"soulshot_none"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"spiritshot_none"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"blessed_spiritshot_none"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"comp_bspiritshot_none"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"comp_spiritshot_none"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"comp_soulshot_none"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"adv_comp_bspiritshot_none"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"adv_comp_spiritshot_none"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"adv_comp_soulshot_none"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"wooden_arrow"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"bone_arrow"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"lesser_healing_potion"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"antidote"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"bandage"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"quick_step_potion"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"swift_attack_potion"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"potion_of_acumen2"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"scroll_of_escape"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"scroll_of_resurrection"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"spirit_ore"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"soul_ore"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"energy_stone"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"key_of_thief"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"rope_of_magic_d"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"bone_bolt"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"recovery_scroll_none"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"recovery_scroll_d"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_life_none"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_life_d"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_mental_none"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_mental_d"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_combative_none"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"elixir_of_combative_d"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"crystal_of_summon"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"dice_heart"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"dice_spade"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"dice_clover"; 15; 0.000000; 0}; {"dice_diamond"; 15; 0.000000; 0}};
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