С какой сборки начинать учиться?

  • Автор темы Автор темы baramba
  • Дата начала Дата начала


  1. Interlude
  2. Chaotic Throne: High Five
Как и многие на этом форуме когда начинали, я захотел окунуться в мир разработки серверов ЛА2, просто как хобби.

Не подскажете ли, люди добрые, какую сборку с шара лучше взять (желательно HF) с которой начать? Та что более стабильная и более доступна для добавки своих модов / с исходниками? Интерлюд впринципе тоже сойдёт.

Я понимаю что с шары мало чего ловить, по этому прошу воздержаться от лишних тролл комментов которые не добавляют ничего стоющего к теме т.к вопрос у меня простой - ищу рекоммендации по сборкам с шары которые наиболее стабильные (в пределах возможностей шар сборок конечно) либо которые вы бы выбрали для себя если начинали с разработкой ла2 серверов.

Присутствуют знания явы, тс, хс, нод и .нет на мид-сеньор уровне, вот и подумал создать пет проект для фана :)
Полно разработчиков)А вот денег на всех не хватит)))
Это ж где их полно? Вон там Дракон в другой теме искал, 0 откликов, мы пока по нетворку ищем - 0 откликов, а в целом готовы к общению

К сожалению, структурно и технически все существующие шарные проекты в ужасном состоянии. ИМХО, брать слитый сервер с pdb и делать с нуля с оглядкой на тот же Brawery чтобы вообще понимать в общем плане как и что работает.
А в Акисе что плохо и надо переделывать?

Это ж где их полно? Вон там Дракон в другой теме искал, 0 откликов, мы пока по нетворку ищем - 0 откликов, а в целом готовы к общению

тут та же проблема, что в любой нишевой сфере. хорошие мастера и профессионалы уходят в более дорогие и современные, серьезные проекты. Возиться со старым барахлом или специфическим эксклюзивом готовы или студенты, или редкие идейные фанаты со своими заскоками, или бракоделы, которые просто выше прыгнуть не могут
Как и многие на этом форуме когда начинали, я захотел окунуться в мир разработки серверов ЛА2, просто как хобби.

Не подскажете ли, люди добрые, какую сборку с шара лучше взять (желательно HF) с которой начать? Та что более стабильная и более доступна для добавки своих модов / с исходниками? Интерлюд впринципе тоже сойдёт.

Я понимаю что с шары мало чего ловить, по этому прошу воздержаться от лишних тролл комментов которые не добавляют ничего стоющего к теме т.к вопрос у меня простой - ищу рекоммендации по сборкам с шары которые наиболее стабильные (в пределах возможностей шар сборок конечно) либо которые вы бы выбрали для себя если начинали с разработкой ла2 серверов.

Присутствуют знания явы, тс, хс, нод и .нет на мид-сеньор уровне, вот и подумал создать пет проект для фана :)
Все существующие в шаре сборки произошли от L2jServer. Если есть просто академический интерес, то начинать стоит определенно с него. Современная L2j может рассматриваться как фреймворк, изучив который, можно будет приступать к работе над любой из сборок, как шарных, так и опенсорсных, т.к структурно различия между тем же овером или jts/Brawery, и L2j - минимальны.
Вот что, а l2j я бы новичку не советовал, многое даже банального не работает, по три проверки на одно и тоже в разных классах, архитектура монолит, гениальные паттерны из гарвардского курса там, где можно было обойтись двумя-тремя выражениями, фишки новой спецификации джавы, которые разрабы вставили, чтобы посмотреть что там и как, исправления вида пиши новый код, не проверяй как он работал раньше. Советовать лыжу можно тем, кого ты хочешь выгнать из разработки эмулей
Вот что, а l2j я бы новичку не советовал, многое даже банального не работает, по три проверки на одно и тоже в разных классах, архитектура монолит, гениальные паттерны из гарвардского курса там, где можно было обойтись двумя-тремя выражениями, фишки новой спецификации джавы, которые разрабы вставили, чтобы посмотреть что там и как, исправления вида пиши новый код, не проверяй как он работал раньше. Советовать лыжу можно тем, кого ты хочешь выгнать из разработки эмулей
Ну все что ты написал, это по силам исправить ТСу, при заявленных мид-сеньор скиллах явы, за пару месяцев вдумчивой работы. Зато, лыжа относительно свежая, стабильно обновляющаяся, и при этом неплохо документированная. ТСу не просил очередную «хорошую сборку», а просил сборку для обучения. Я думаю, что после вдумчивого месячного изучения чистого движка L2j, не должно возникнуть проблем ни с какой другой сборкой на ее основе. Лыжа - это фундамент и в целом, имеет структуру подходящую для изучения.

Брать лыжу в разработку даже опытному кодеру л2 сейчас тоже не зазорно, т.к опять же ее привести в порядок значительно проще и быстрее, чем условного овера, опенов или жтс.
Опять же, сейчас лыжа наиболее близка по структуре к ПТС серверу(начиная от формул, кончая наследованием).

Ну и конечно, это все касается именно изучения. Идея взять ванильную лыжу и открыться на ней как есть - скорее всего не прокатит.
Ну все что ты написал, это по силам исправить ТСу, при заявленных мид-сеньор скиллах явы, за пару месяцев вдумчивой работы. Зато, лыжа относительно свежая, стабильно обновляющаяся, и при этом неплохо документированная. ТСу не просил очередную «хорошую сборку», а просил сборку для обучения. Я думаю, что после вдумчивого месячного изучения чистого движка L2j, не должно возникнуть проблем ни с какой другой сборкой на ее основе. Лыжа - это фундамент и в целом, имеет структуру подходящую для изучения.

Брать лыжу в разработку даже опытному кодеру л2 сейчас тоже не зазорно, т.к опять же ее привести в порядок значительно проще и быстрее, чем условного овера, опенов или жтс.
Опять же, сейчас лыжа наиболее близка по структуре к ПТС серверу(начиная от формул, кончая наследованием).

Ну и конечно, это все касается именно изучения. Идея взять ванильную лыжу и открыться на ней как есть - скорее всего не прокатит.
а Акис чем плох относительно Лыжи?
Какая сборка с исходами хорошая, если такую попросит ТС?)
и разве лыжа обновляется? как и как? я прост не в курсе ее истории и реалий на сегоднышний день. я думал это совсем давно заброшенный проект
и разве лыжа обновляется? как и как? я прост не в курсе ее истории и реалий на сегоднышний день. я думал это совсем давно заброшенный проект
Это самая первая команда, которая начала разрабатывать опенсорсный эмуль л2. Сейчас они остановились на HF хрониках и пилят только их. Последний апдейт был 6 дней назад.
Лыжа не является эталоном, но на ее базе построена абсолютна любая L2 сборка на яве, доступная среднестатистическому участнику этого форума. Поэтому, я и назвал ее фреймворком. По сути, работая с l2j сборками, ты все равно будешь работать со скелетом L2jServer в том или ином виде. И учиться лучше на первоисточнике, чтобы лучше понимать взаимосвязь компонентов, модулей и в целом работы движка.

а Акис чем плох относительно Лыжи?
Тем что он ИЛ.
а если в плане кода?
Я хз. Я в глаза его не видел. У меня нет привычки качать все подряд. + ИЛ мне в принципе не интересен. За последние пару лет, кроме мобиуса для изучения пакетки новых хроник, я качал разве что бравери, посмотреть, как были решены некоторые проблемы, с которыми я столкнулся в свое время в своей работе.
Лучше брать сборки, где меньше всего всяких кастомов и наворотов. Норм вариант в таком случае - начать с Мобиуса. Меньше проблем.
Последнее редактирование:
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: kick
Берите Brawery Source для hf, как jts только с доработками в ядре и по датапаку.
Если для it, можете взять с гитхаба люцеру 2015, и допиливать под себя.
Как и многие на этом форуме когда начинали, я захотел окунуться в мир разработки серверов ЛА2, просто как хобби.

Не подскажете ли, люди добрые, какую сборку с шара лучше взять (желательно HF) с которой начать? Та что более стабильная и более доступна для добавки своих модов / с исходниками? Интерлюд впринципе тоже сойдёт.

Я понимаю что с шары мало чего ловить, по этому прошу воздержаться от лишних тролл комментов которые не добавляют ничего стоющего к теме т.к вопрос у меня простой - ищу рекоммендации по сборкам с шары которые наиболее стабильные (в пределах возможностей шар сборок конечно) либо которые вы бы выбрали для себя если начинали с разработкой ла2 серверов.

Присутствуют знания явы, тс, хс, нод и .нет на мид-сеньор уровне, вот и подумал создать пет проект для фана :)
Слушай, я тоже хочу пет-проект себе. Я, правда, скорее джун-миддл и на питоне, а не на яве)) Но у меня есть пара интересных, на мой взгляд, мыслей. Если тебе всё равно куда двигаться, то можем обсудить и скооперироваться.
Выбирайте Brawery Source из свежего, для теста есть сервер в один клик без какой либо настройки и исходники.


Готовый сервер в один клик:

Как основу можно взять, лучше из бесплатного не найдете.
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: raz
Берешь мобиуса ессенс , и сидишь себе фанишься до усрачки
Выбирайте Brawery Source из свежего, для теста есть сервер в один клик без какой либо настройки и исходники.


Готовый сервер в один клик:

Как основу можно взять, лучше из бесплатного не найдете.
Удалось запустить только логин сервер, гейм сервер при запуске сыпет ошибками.
20:44:24 [main] ERROR DocumentSkill - Error loading skill 2240java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowYeti. at org.mmocore.gameserver.stats.conditions.ConditionTargetNpcClass.(ConditionTargetNpcClass.java:29) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseTargetCondition(DocumentBase.java:478) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseCondition(DocumentBase.java:245) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseSkill(DocumentSkill.java:230) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseDocument(DocumentSkill.java:90) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadSkills(SkillsEngine.java:36) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadAllSkills(SkillsEngine.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.tables.SkillTable.load(SkillTable.java:31) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:40) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.(GameServer.java:160) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:338) ~[gameserver.jar:?]20:44:24 [main] ERROR DocumentSkill - Error loading skill 2241java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowYeti. at org.mmocore.gameserver.stats.conditions.ConditionTargetNpcClass.(ConditionTargetNpcClass.java:29) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseTargetCondition(DocumentBase.java:478) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseCondition(DocumentBase.java:245) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseSkill(DocumentSkill.java:230) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseDocument(DocumentSkill.java:90) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadSkills(SkillsEngine.java:36) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadAllSkills(SkillsEngine.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.tables.SkillTable.load(SkillTable.java:31) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:40) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.(GameServer.java:160) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:338) ~[gameserver.jar:?]20:44:24 [main] ERROR DocumentSkill - Error loading skill 2242java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowYeti. at org.mmocore.gameserver.stats.conditions.ConditionTargetNpcClass.(ConditionTargetNpcClass.java:29) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseTargetCondition(DocumentBase.java:478) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseCondition(DocumentBase.java:245) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseSkill(DocumentSkill.java:230) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseDocument(DocumentSkill.java:90) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadSkills(SkillsEngine.java:36) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadAllSkills(SkillsEngine.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.tables.SkillTable.load(SkillTable.java:31) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:40) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.(GameServer.java:160) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:338) ~[gameserver.jar:?]20:44:24 [main] ERROR DocumentSkill - Error loading skill 2243java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowYeti. at org.mmocore.gameserver.stats.conditions.ConditionTargetNpcClass.(ConditionTargetNpcClass.java:29) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseTargetCondition(DocumentBase.java:478) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseCondition(DocumentBase.java:245) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseSkill(DocumentSkill.java:230) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseDocument(DocumentSkill.java:90) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadSkills(SkillsEngine.java:36) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadAllSkills(SkillsEngine.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.tables.SkillTable.load(SkillTable.java:31) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:40) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.(GameServer.java:160) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:338) ~[gameserver.jar:?]20:44:24 [main] ERROR DocumentSkill - Error loading skill 9049java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. at org.mmocore.gameserver.stats.conditions.ConditionTargetNpcClass.(ConditionTargetNpcClass.java:29) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseTargetCondition(DocumentBase.java:478) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseCondition(DocumentBase.java:245) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseSkill(DocumentSkill.java:230) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseDocument(DocumentSkill.java:90) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadSkills(SkillsEngine.java:36) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadAllSkills(SkillsEngine.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.tables.SkillTable.load(SkillTable.java:31) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:40) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.(GameServer.java:160) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:338) ~[gameserver.jar:?]20:44:24 [main] ERROR DocumentSkill - Error loading skill 9050java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. at org.mmocore.gameserver.stats.conditions.ConditionTargetNpcClass.(ConditionTargetNpcClass.java:29) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseTargetCondition(DocumentBase.java:478) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseCondition(DocumentBase.java:245) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseSkill(DocumentSkill.java:230) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseDocument(DocumentSkill.java:90) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadSkills(SkillsEngine.java:36) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadAllSkills(SkillsEngine.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.tables.SkillTable.load(SkillTable.java:31) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:40) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.(GameServer.java:160) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:338) ~[gameserver.jar:?]20:44:24 [main] ERROR DocumentSkill - Error loading skill 9051java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. at org.mmocore.gameserver.stats.conditions.ConditionTargetNpcClass.(ConditionTargetNpcClass.java:29) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseTargetCondition(DocumentBase.java:478) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseCondition(DocumentBase.java:245) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseSkill(DocumentSkill.java:230) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseDocument(DocumentSkill.java:90) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadSkills(SkillsEngine.java:36) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadAllSkills(SkillsEngine.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.tables.SkillTable.load(SkillTable.java:31) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:40) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.(GameServer.java:160) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:338) ~[gameserver.jar:?]20:44:24 [main] ERROR DocumentSkill - Error loading skill 9052java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. at org.mmocore.gameserver.stats.conditions.ConditionTargetNpcClass.(ConditionTargetNpcClass.java:29) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseTargetCondition(DocumentBase.java:478) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseCondition(DocumentBase.java:245) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseSkill(DocumentSkill.java:230) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseDocument(DocumentSkill.java:90) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadSkills(SkillsEngine.java:36) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadAllSkills(SkillsEngine.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.tables.SkillTable.load(SkillTable.java:31) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:40) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.(GameServer.java:160) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:338) ~[gameserver.jar:?]20:44:24 [main] ERROR DocumentSkill - Error loading skill 9053java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. at org.mmocore.gameserver.stats.conditions.ConditionTargetNpcClass.(ConditionTargetNpcClass.java:29) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseTargetCondition(DocumentBase.java:478) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseCondition(DocumentBase.java:245) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseSkill(DocumentSkill.java:230) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseDocument(DocumentSkill.java:90) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadSkills(SkillsEngine.java:36) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadAllSkills(SkillsEngine.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.tables.SkillTable.load(SkillTable.java:31) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:40) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.(GameServer.java:160) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:338) ~[gameserver.jar:?]20:44:24 [main] ERROR DocumentSkill - Error loading skill 9054java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. at org.mmocore.gameserver.stats.conditions.ConditionTargetNpcClass.(ConditionTargetNpcClass.java:29) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseTargetCondition(DocumentBase.java:478) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parseCondition(DocumentBase.java:245) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseSkill(DocumentSkill.java:230) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentSkill.parseDocument(DocumentSkill.java:90) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadSkills(SkillsEngine.java:36) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadAllSkills(SkillsEngine.java:52) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.tables.SkillTable.load(SkillTable.java:31) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:40) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.(GameServer.java:160) ~[gameserver.jar:?] at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:338) ~[gameserver.jar:?]20:44:24 [main] INFO SkillsEngine - SkillsEngine: Loaded 65966 skill templates from XML files. Max id: 50001, max level: 25920:44:25 [main] INFO OptionDataHolder - OptionDataHolder: loaded 24985 option data(s) count.20:44:25 [main] INFO ItemParser - ItemParser: Skill not found(2240,1) for item:8030; file:8000-8099.xml20:44:25 [main] INFO ItemParser - ItemParser: Skill not found(2241,1) for item:8031; file:8000-8099.xml20:44:25 [main] INFO ItemParser - ItemParser: Skill not found(2242,1) for item:8032; file:8000-8099.xml20:44:25 [main] INFO ItemParser - ItemParser: Skill not found(2243,1) for item:8033; file:8000-8099.xml20:44:25 [main] INFO ItemParser - ItemParser: Skill not found(9049,1) for item:15474; file:15400-15499.xml20:44:25 [main] INFO ItemParser - ItemParser: Skill not found(9050,1) for item:15475; file:15400-15499.xml20:44:25 [main] INFO ItemParser - ItemParser: Skill not found(9051,1) for item:15476; file:15400-15499.xml20:44:25 [main] INFO ItemParser - ItemParser: Skill not found(9052,1) for item:15477; file:15400-15499.xml20:44:25 [main] INFO ItemParser - ItemParser: Skill not found(9053,1) for item:15478; file:15400-15499.xml20:44:25 [main] INFO ItemParser - ItemParser: Skill not found(9054,1) for item:15479; file:15400-15499.xml20:44:25 [main] INFO ItemTemplateHolder - ItemTemplateHolder: loaded 19275 item template(s) count.20:44:25 [main] INFO SuperPointHolder - SuperPointHolder: loaded 393 super point(s) count.20:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_fire_elemental. NpcId: 10720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_fire_elemental_s. NpcId: 10820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.events.BrArchbishopOfEva. NpcId: 10920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_fire_manager. NpcId: 11120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_friendly_sno_h. NpcId: 11220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_friendly_sno_o. NpcId: 11320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_friendly_sno_d. NpcId: 11420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_friendly_sno_k. NpcId: 11520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_friendly_sno_e. NpcId: 11620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_friendly_sno_dw. NpcId: 11720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_wooldie. NpcId: 11820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_berdandi. NpcId: 11920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_scooldie. NpcId: 12020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: birthday.BirthDayCake. NpcId: 13920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: TotemSummon. NpcId: 14320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: TotemSummon. NpcId: 14420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: TotemSummon. NpcId: 14520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: TotemSummon. NpcId: 14620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.EventJackpotBag. NpcId: 250120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.event_jackpot_bug. NpcId: 250120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.ai_g_jackpot_prize. NpcId: 250220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.ai_g_jackpot_prize. NpcId: 250320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_scooldie_event. NpcId: 430320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_br_vital_manager. NpcId: 430620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaGuard. NpcId: 431420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.FantasyIslandTeleport. NpcId: 431520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.FantasyIslandNpc. NpcId: 431620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.FantasyIslandNpc. NpcId: 431720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.FantasyIslandNpc. NpcId: 431820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.FantasyIslandNpc. NpcId: 431920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.FantasyIslandNpc. NpcId: 432020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.FantasyIslandNpc. NpcId: 432120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.FantasyIslandNpc. NpcId: 432220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.FantasyIslandNpc. NpcId: 432320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.AltarPlayer. NpcId: 432420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.ai_g_altar_prayer. NpcId: 432420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.ai_g_herald_of_navit. NpcId: 432620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.AltarGuardDead. NpcId: 432820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Squash. NpcId: 1277420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Squash. NpcId: 1277520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Squash. NpcId: 1277620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Squash. NpcId: 1277720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Squash. NpcId: 1277820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Squash. NpcId: 1277920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: HeartOfWarding. NpcId: 1300120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleControlTower. NpcId: 1300220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleFlameTower. NpcId: 1300420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: events.SpecialTree. NpcId: 1300720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Squash. NpcId: 1301620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Squash. NpcId: 1301720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.e_treasure_box. NpcId: 1303620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Snowman. NpcId: 1316020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Thomas. NpcId: 1318320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Thomas. NpcId: 1318320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.br_xmas_santa. NpcId: 1318420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.br_xmas_santa. NpcId: 1318520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Meleon. NpcId: 1327120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Meleon. NpcId: 1327220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Meleon. NpcId: 1327320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Meleon. NpcId: 1327420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Meleon. NpcId: 1327520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Meleon. NpcId: 1327620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Meleon. NpcId: 1327720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Meleon. NpcId: 1327820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.ai_white_freya_event. NpcId: 1329620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.CustomObservationManager. NpcId: 1329820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.TamedBeast. NpcId: 1601320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.TamedBeast. NpcId: 1601420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.TamedBeast. NpcId: 1601520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.TamedBeast. NpcId: 1601620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.TamedBeast. NpcId: 1601720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.TamedBeast. NpcId: 1601820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1812020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1812120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1812220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: RndTeleportFighter. NpcId: 1812220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1812320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1812420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1812520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: RndTeleportFighter. NpcId: 1812520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1812620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1812720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1812820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: RndTeleportFighter. NpcId: 1812820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1812920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1813020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1813120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: RndTeleportFighter. NpcId: 1813120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1813220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1813320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1813420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1813520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1813620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1813720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1813820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1813920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1814020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1814120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1814220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1814320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1814420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1814520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1814620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1814720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1814820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1814920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1815020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1815120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1815220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1815320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1815420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1815520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1815620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1815720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1815820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1815920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1816020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1816120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1816220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1816320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1816420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1816520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1816620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1816720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1816820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1816920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1817020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1817120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1817220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1817320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1817420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1817520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1817620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1817720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1817820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1817920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1818020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1818120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1818220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1818320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1818420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1818520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1818620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1818720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1818820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1818920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1819020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1819120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1819220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1819320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1819420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1819520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1819620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1819620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1819720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1819720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1819820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1819820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1819920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1819920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1820020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1820020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1820120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1820120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1820220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1820220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1820320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1820320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1820420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1820420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1820520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1820520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1820620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1820620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1820720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1820720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1820820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1820820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1820920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1820920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1821020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1821020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1821120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 1821120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1821220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1821320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1821420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1821520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1821620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1821720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1821820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1821920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1822020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1822120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1822220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1822320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1822420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1822520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1822620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1822720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1822820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1822920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1823020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1823120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1823220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1823320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1823420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1823520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1823620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1823720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1823820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1823920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1824020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1824120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1824220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1824320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1824420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1824520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1824620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1824720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1824820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1824920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1825020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1825120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1825220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1825320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1825420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1825520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherMonster. NpcId: 1825620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1825720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1825820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1825920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1826020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1826120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1826220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1826320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1826420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1826520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1826620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1826720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1826820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1826920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1827020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1827120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1827220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1827320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1827420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1827520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1827620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1827720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1827820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1827920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1828020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1828120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1828220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1828320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1828420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1828520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1828620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1828720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1828820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1828920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1829020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1829120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1829220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1829320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1829420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1829520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1829620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1829720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TreasureChest. NpcId: 1829820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: PrisonGuard. NpcId: 1836820:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.darkcloudmansion.ai_fighter_default. NpcId: 1836920:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.darkcloudmansion.ai_fighter_default. NpcId: 1837020:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.darkcloudmansion.belet_sample_monster. NpcId: 1837120:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.darkcloudmansion.belet_sample_monster. NpcId: 1837220:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.darkcloudmansion.belet_sample_monster. NpcId: 1837320:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.darkcloudmansion.belet_sample_monster. NpcId: 1837420:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.darkcloudmansion.belet_sample_monster. NpcId: 1837520:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.darkcloudmansion.belet_sample_monster. NpcId: 1837620:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.darkcloudmansion.belet_sample_monster. NpcId: 1837720:44:25 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: EmeraldSquareTrap. NpcId: 1837820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: NornilsTrapBuff. NpcId: 1843720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1844520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1844620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1844720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1844820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1844920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1845020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1845120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1845220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1845320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1845420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1845520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1845620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1845720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1845820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1845920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1846020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopGatekeeper. NpcId: 1846120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: HellboundRemnant. NpcId: 1846320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: HellboundRemnant. NpcId: 1846420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.OutpostCaptain. NpcId: 1846620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.FafurionKindred. NpcId: 1848220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ImmuneMonster. NpcId: 1848420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Pylon. NpcId: 1848420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaLock. NpcId: 1849120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaController. NpcId: 1849220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1849420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1849420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1849520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1849520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1849620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1849620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1849720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1849720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1849820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1849820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1849920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1849920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1850020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1850020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1850120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1850120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1850220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1850220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1850320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1850320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1850420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1850420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1850520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaRoomController. NpcId: 1850520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: events.UndergroundColiseumBox. NpcId: 1853420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: events.UndergroundColiseumBox. NpcId: 1853520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: events.UndergroundColiseumBox. NpcId: 1853620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: events.UndergroundColiseumBox. NpcId: 1853720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: events.UndergroundColiseumBox. NpcId: 1853820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.UndergroundColiseumTower. NpcId: 1853920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.UndergroundColiseumTower. NpcId: 1854020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.UndergroundColiseumTower. NpcId: 1854120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.UndergroundColiseumTower. NpcId: 1854220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.UndergroundColiseumTower. NpcId: 1854320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaBoss. NpcId: 1855420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaBoss. NpcId: 1855520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.OlAriosh. NpcId: 1855520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaBoss. NpcId: 1855820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaBoss. NpcId: 1855920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.SeerFlouros. NpcId: 1855920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaBoss. NpcId: 1856220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.BladeOtis. NpcId: 1856220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.BladeOtisFollower. NpcId: 1856320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaBoss. NpcId: 1856420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaBoss. NpcId: 1856620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.KaimAbigore. NpcId: 1856620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.KaimAbigoreFollower. NpcId: 1856720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaBoss. NpcId: 1856820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.KnightMontagnar. NpcId: 1856820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.KnightMontagnarFollower. NpcId: 1856920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaBoss. NpcId: 1857120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.VenomousStorace. NpcId: 1857120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.VenomousStoraceFollower. NpcId: 1857220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaBoss. NpcId: 1857320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.Bilette. NpcId: 1857320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.BiletteFollower. NpcId: 1857420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaBoss. NpcId: 1857720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.WhiteAllosce. NpcId: 1857720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.WhiteAllosceFollower. NpcId: 1857820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1857920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1858020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1858120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1858220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1858320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1858420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1858520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1858620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1858720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1858820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1858920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1859020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1859120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1859220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1859320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1859420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1859520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1859620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1859720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1859820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1859920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisFighter. NpcId: 1860020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisCubeWatcherRed. NpcId: 1860120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KrateisCubeWatcherBlue. NpcId: 1860220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.ai_keym_trapopen. NpcId: 1860720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.adiantum_trap. NpcId: 1861720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.ai_adiantum_boss. NpcId: 1862020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GunPowder. NpcId: 1862220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Lematan. NpcId: 1863320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: LematanPrivate. NpcId: 1863420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Latana. NpcId: 1866020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.event_jackpot_bug. NpcId: 1866420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.event_jackpot_bug. NpcId: 1866520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.event_jackpot_bug. NpcId: 1866620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.WardofDeath. NpcId: 1866720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.WardofDeath. NpcId: 1866820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.gracia.alliance_base_ketserusa.ai_lindvior_camera_01. NpcId: 1866920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: HandysBlock. NpcId: 1867120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: HandysBlock. NpcId: 1867220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: HandysBlock. NpcId: 1867320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: HandysBlock. NpcId: 1867420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: HandysBlock. NpcId: 1867520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: MobInvul. NpcId: 1867620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: EnergySeed. NpcId: 1867820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: EnergySeed. NpcId: 1867920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: EnergySeed. NpcId: 1868020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: EnergySeed. NpcId: 1868120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: EnergySeed. NpcId: 1868220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: EnergySeed. NpcId: 1868320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: StarStone. NpcId: 1868420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: StarStone. NpcId: 1868520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: StarStone. NpcId: 1868620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: StarStone. NpcId: 1868720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: StarStone. NpcId: 1868820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: StarStone. NpcId: 1868920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: StarStone. NpcId: 1869020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: StarStone. NpcId: 1869120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: StarStone. NpcId: 1869220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ImmuneMonster. NpcId: 1869620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.DimensionMovingDevice. NpcId: 1869620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.AliveTumor. NpcId: 1870420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.SoulCoffin. NpcId: 1870620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.AliveTumor. NpcId: 1870820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.SoulCoffin. NpcId: 1871020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.SoulCoffin. NpcId: 1871120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1872020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1872120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1872220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1872320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1872420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1872520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1872620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1872720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1872820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1872920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1873020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1873120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1873220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1873320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1873420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1873520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1873620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1873720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1873820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1873920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1874020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1874120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1874220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1874320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1874420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1874520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1874620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1874720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1874820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1874920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1875020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1875120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1875220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1875320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1875420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1875520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1875620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1875720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1875820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1875920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1876020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1876120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1876220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1876320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1876420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1876520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1876620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1876720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1876820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1876920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1877020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1877120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1877220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1877320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatsTrap. NpcId: 1877420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ImmuneMonster. NpcId: 1877620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.Obelisk. NpcId: 1877620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ImmuneMonster. NpcId: 1877720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.GreatPowerfulDevice. NpcId: 1877720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ImmuneMonster. NpcId: 1877820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.ThroneofDestruction. NpcId: 1877820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.SymbolofCohemenes. NpcId: 1878020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.StakatoNest. NpcId: 1879320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.StakatoNest. NpcId: 1879420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.StakatoNest. NpcId: 1879520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.StakatoNest. NpcId: 1879620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.StakatoNest. NpcId: 1879720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.StakatoNest. NpcId: 1879820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 1879920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 1880020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 1880120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 1880220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 1880320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 1880420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: FieldMachine. NpcId: 1880520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: FieldMachine. NpcId: 1880620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: FrightenedOrc. NpcId: 1880720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardianAltar. NpcId: 1881120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KashasEye. NpcId: 1881220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KashasEye. NpcId: 1881320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KashasEye. NpcId: 1881420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.legend_orc_ev_leader. NpcId: 1881520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NihilInvaderChest. NpcId: 1882020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: NihilInvaderChest. NpcId: 1882020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.MutantChest. NpcId: 1882220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NihilInvaderChest. NpcId: 1882320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: NihilInvaderChest. NpcId: 1882320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: GuradsOfDawn. NpcId: 1883420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: GuradsOfDawn. NpcId: 1883520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.legend_orc_buff. NpcId: 1883720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Maguen. NpcId: 1883920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.Maguen. NpcId: 1883920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.FreyaQuest. NpcId: 1884720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.JiniaKnight. NpcId: 1884820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.JiniaKnight. NpcId: 1884920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.JiniaGuild. NpcId: 1885020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.JiniaGuild. NpcId: 1885120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.Glacier. NpcId: 1885320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.IceCastleBreath. NpcId: 1885420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.IceKnightNormal. NpcId: 1885520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.IceKnightNormal. NpcId: 1885620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: plains_of_the_lizardmen.SeerUgoros. NpcId: 1886320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Mushroom. NpcId: 1886420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Mushroom. NpcId: 1886520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Mushroom. NpcId: 1886620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Mushroom. NpcId: 1886720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Mushroom. NpcId: 1886820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.TamedBeast. NpcId: 1886920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: FollowNpc. NpcId: 1886920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.TamedBeast. NpcId: 1887020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: FollowNpc. NpcId: 1887020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.TamedBeast. NpcId: 1887120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: FollowNpc. NpcId: 1887120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.TamedBeast. NpcId: 1887220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: FollowNpc. NpcId: 1887220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1887320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1887420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1887520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1887620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1887720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1887820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1887920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1888020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1888120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1888220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1888320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1888420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1888520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1888620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1888720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1888820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1888920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1889020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1889120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1889220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1889320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1889420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1889520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1889620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1889720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1889820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1889920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 1890020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.SelChef. NpcId: 1890820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: monas.SolinaKnights. NpcId: 1890920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.Furnface. NpcId: 1891320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: monas.MinigameFurnace. NpcId: 1891320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: monas.FurnaceSpawnRoom.FurnaceDefault. NpcId: 1891420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: monas.DivineFurnace. NpcId: 1891520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.PavelRuins. NpcId: 1891720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_party_vitality_herb. NpcId: 1891920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.JiniaKnight. NpcId: 1892620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.Fireplace. NpcId: 1892720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: monas.WardGrail. NpcId: 1892920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.EmeraldDoorController. NpcId: 1893220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: EtisEtina. NpcId: 1894920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SolinaGuardian. NpcId: 1895220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SolinaGuardian. NpcId: 1895320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SolinaGuardian. NpcId: 1895420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SolinaGuardian. NpcId: 1895520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_guardian_helper. NpcId: 1896720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_guardian_manager. NpcId: 1896820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_event_dc_monster. NpcId: 1896920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_event_dc_monster. NpcId: 1897020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_event_dc_monster. NpcId: 1897120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 2139420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.PaganGuard. NpcId: 2139520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 2150020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 2150120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 2150220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 2150320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 2150420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 2150520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 2150620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: beastfarm.FeedableBeast. NpcId: 2150720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: RndTeleportFighter. NpcId: 2212820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: RndTeleportFighter. NpcId: 2213320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.TriolsLayperson. NpcId: 2214220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.TriolsBeliever. NpcId: 2214320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.AndreasCaptainRoyalGuard. NpcId: 2217520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.darkcloudmansion.ai_fighter_default. NpcId: 2227220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.darkcloudmansion.ai_fighter_default. NpcId: 2227320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.darkcloudmansion.ai_fighter_default. NpcId: 2227420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.hellbound.warrior_quarry_seeker. NpcId: 2234420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.hellbound.wizard_quarry_seeker. NpcId: 2234520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.hellbound.warrior_quarry_guard. NpcId: 2234620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.hellbound.warrior_quarry_guard. NpcId: 2234720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Chimera. NpcId: 2234920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Chimera. NpcId: 2235020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Chimera. NpcId: 2235120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Chimera. NpcId: 2235220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Chimera. NpcId: 2235320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.TownGuard. NpcId: 2235920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.SteelCitadelKeymaster. NpcId: 2236120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Guzen. NpcId: 2236220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: PassagewayMobWithHerb. NpcId: 2237020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: PassagewayMobWithHerb. NpcId: 2237220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.MasterZelos. NpcId: 2237720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.MasterFestina. NpcId: 2238020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.FoundryWorker. NpcId: 2239620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.GreaterEvil. NpcId: 2239920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.DarionFaithfulServant6Floor. NpcId: 2240520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.DarionFaithfulServant6Floor. NpcId: 2240620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.DarionFaithfulServant6Floor. NpcId: 2240720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.DarionFaithfulServant8Floor. NpcId: 2240820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.DarionFaithfulServant8Floor. NpcId: 2240920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.DarionFaithfulServant8Floor. NpcId: 2241020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.OriginalSinWarden6Floor. NpcId: 2242320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.OriginalSinWarden8Floor. NpcId: 2243120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ImmuneMonster. NpcId: 2244820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Leodas. NpcId: 2244820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.TorturedNative. NpcId: 2245020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2245220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2245320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2245420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2245520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2245620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2245720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2245820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2245920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2246020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2246120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2246220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2246320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2246420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2246520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2246620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2246720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2246820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2246920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2247020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2247120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2247220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2247320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2247420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2247520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2247620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2247720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2247820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2247920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2248020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2248120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2248220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2248320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Kanabion. NpcId: 2248420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWatcher. NpcId: 2248520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthFakeWatcher. NpcId: 2248620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostBeholder. NpcId: 2248720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWatcher. NpcId: 2248820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthFakeWatcher. NpcId: 2248920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostBeholder. NpcId: 2249020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWatcher. NpcId: 2249120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthFakeWatcher. NpcId: 2249220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostBeholder. NpcId: 2249320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWatcher. NpcId: 2249420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthFakeWatcher. NpcId: 2249520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostBeholder. NpcId: 2249620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWatcher. NpcId: 2249720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthFakeWatcher. NpcId: 2249820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostBeholder. NpcId: 2249920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWatcher. NpcId: 2250020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthFakeWatcher. NpcId: 2250120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostBeholder. NpcId: 2250220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWatcher. NpcId: 2250320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthFakeWatcher. NpcId: 2250420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostBeholder. NpcId: 2250520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.EkimusFood. NpcId: 2252320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.gracia.aerial_cleft.ai_emery_facility. NpcId: 2255320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.gracia.aerial_cleft.ai_emery_facility. NpcId: 2255420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.gracia.aerial_cleft.ai_emery_facility. NpcId: 2255520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.gracia.aerial_cleft.ai_emery_facility. NpcId: 2255620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2263420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2263520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2263620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2263720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2263820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2263920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2264020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2264120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2264220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2264320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2264420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2264520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2264620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2264720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2264820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.ForgeoftheGods. NpcId: 2264920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GraveRobberSummoner. NpcId: 2267820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GraveRobberSummoner. NpcId: 2267920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: RagnaHealer. NpcId: 2269520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.legend_orc_warrior. NpcId: 2270320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.legend_orc_warrior. NpcId: 2270420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.legend_orc_warrior. NpcId: 2270520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.legend_orc_ev_vice. NpcId: 2270720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SeedOfAnnihilation. NpcId: 2275020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.AnnihilationFighter. NpcId: 2275020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SeedOfAnnihilation. NpcId: 2275120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.AnnihilationFighter. NpcId: 2275120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SeedOfAnnihilation. NpcId: 2275220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.AnnihilationFighter. NpcId: 2275220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SeedOfAnnihilation. NpcId: 2275320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.AnnihilationFighter. NpcId: 2275320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.AnnihilationFighter. NpcId: 2275720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.AnnihilationFighter. NpcId: 2275820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.AnnihilationFighter. NpcId: 2275920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SeedOfAnnihilation. NpcId: 2276320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.AnnihilationFighter. NpcId: 2276320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SeedOfAnnihilation. NpcId: 2276420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.AnnihilationFighter. NpcId: 2276420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SeedOfAnnihilation. NpcId: 2276520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.AnnihilationFighter. NpcId: 2276520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: plains_of_the_lizardmen.LizardmanSummoner. NpcId: 2277420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.DrillSergeant. NpcId: 2277520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.DrillSergeant. NpcId: 2277620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.DrillSergeant. NpcId: 2277720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.DrillSergeant. NpcId: 2277820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.SelMahumRecruit. NpcId: 2278020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.SelMahumRecruit. NpcId: 2278220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.SelMahumRecruit. NpcId: 2278320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.SelMahumRecruit. NpcId: 2278420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.SelMahumRecruit. NpcId: 2278520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.SelSquadLeader. NpcId: 2278620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.SelSquadLeader. NpcId: 2278720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: selmahum.SelSquadLeader. NpcId: 2278820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: monas.MoSMonk. NpcId: 2278920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: monas.MoSMonk. NpcId: 2279020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: monas.MoSMonk. NpcId: 2279120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: monas.MoSMonk. NpcId: 2279220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: monas.MoSMonk. NpcId: 2279320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: monas.FurnaceSpawnRoom.DivinityMonster. NpcId: 2279820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: monas.FurnaceSpawnRoom.DivinityMonster. NpcId: 2279920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: monas.FurnaceSpawnRoom.DivinityMonster. NpcId: 2280020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.PavelRuins. NpcId: 2280120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.PavelRuins. NpcId: 2280220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.PavelRuins. NpcId: 2280320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.PavelRuins. NpcId: 2280420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.PavelRuins. NpcId: 2280520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.PavelRuins. NpcId: 2280620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_mesmer_drake. NpcId: 2282020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_drakos_warrior. NpcId: 2282220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.detect_party_warrior. NpcId: 2282320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.detect_party_warrior. NpcId: 2282420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.detect_party_warrior. NpcId: 2282520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.detect_party_warrior. NpcId: 2282620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.detect_party_wizard. NpcId: 2282720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.detect_party_warrior. NpcId: 2282820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.detect_party_wizard. NpcId: 2282920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.detect_party_warrior. NpcId: 2283020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_valley_dragon_searcher. NpcId: 2283120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_valley_dragon_recon. NpcId: 2283220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_sand_drake_searcher. NpcId: 2283320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_dust_dragon_searcher. NpcId: 2283420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_event_dc_monster. NpcId: 2283520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_event_dc_monster. NpcId: 2283620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_event_dc_monster. NpcId: 2283720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_malruk_princess. NpcId: 2284120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_malruk_banshee. NpcId: 2284220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_malruk_sniper. NpcId: 2284320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_dragon_knight_3. NpcId: 2284420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_dragon_knight_5. NpcId: 2284520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_dragon_knight_9. NpcId: 2284620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_drake_leader. NpcId: 2284820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_drake_warrior. NpcId: 2284920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_drake_scout. NpcId: 2285020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_drake_mage. NpcId: 2285120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_dragon_guard. NpcId: 2285220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_dragon_mage. NpcId: 2285320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_bloody_karik. NpcId: 2285420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_bloody_berserker. NpcId: 2285520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_bloody_karinness. NpcId: 2285620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_guardian_of_antaras. NpcId: 2285720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_valley_necro. NpcId: 2285820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_howl. NpcId: 2285920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.detect_party_warrior. NpcId: 2286020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.detect_party_warrior. NpcId: 2286120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_drakos_warrior. NpcId: 2286220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.the_cemetery.domb_death_cabrio. NpcId: 2503520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.tower_of_insolence.kernon. NpcId: 2505420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.tower_of_insolence.golkonda_longhorn. NpcId: 2512620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.tower_of_insolence.hallate_the_death_lord. NpcId: 2522020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.forest_of_the_dead.ai_raid_fighter_night_dorian. NpcId: 2532820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherRaid. NpcId: 2533920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherRaid. NpcId: 2534220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherRaid. NpcId: 2534620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherRaid. NpcId: 2534920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.StakatoNest. NpcId: 2551420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Tiberias. NpcId: 2552820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.Darnel. NpcId: 2553120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.Kechi. NpcId: 2553220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.Tears. NpcId: 2553420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Typhoon. NpcId: 2553920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.DemonPrince. NpcId: 2554020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Ranku. NpcId: 2554220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Tully. NpcId: 2554420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.DarionChallenger. NpcId: 2560020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.DarionChallenger. NpcId: 2560120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.DarionChallenger. NpcId: 2560220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Darion. NpcId: 2560320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.MutatedElpy. NpcId: 2560420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaSpore. NpcId: 2560520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaSpore. NpcId: 2560620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaSpore. NpcId: 2560720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.NaiaSpore. NpcId: 2560820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Epidos. NpcId: 2560920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Epidos. NpcId: 2561020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Epidos. NpcId: 2561120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Epidos. NpcId: 2561220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.FloatingGhost. NpcId: 2561420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.FloatingGhost. NpcId: 2561520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWarden. NpcId: 2561620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWarden. NpcId: 2561720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWarden. NpcId: 2561820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWarden. NpcId: 2561920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWarden. NpcId: 2562020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWarden. NpcId: 2562120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWarden. NpcId: 2562220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.GvGBoss. NpcId: 2565320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: GvGBoss. NpcId: 2565520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.GvGBoss. NpcId: 2565520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KanadisGuide. NpcId: 2565920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KanadisGuide. NpcId: 2566020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KanadisGuide. NpcId: 2566120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KanadisFollower. NpcId: 2566220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KanadisFollower. NpcId: 2566320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: KanadisFollower. NpcId: 2566420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: YehanBrother. NpcId: 2566520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.YehanBrother. NpcId: 2566520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: YehanBrother. NpcId: 2566620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.YehanBrother. NpcId: 2566620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CannibalisticStakatoChief. NpcId: 2566720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CannibalisticStakatoChief. NpcId: 2566820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CannibalisticStakatoChief. NpcId: 2566920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CannibalisticStakatoChief. NpcId: 2567020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: groups.StakatoNest. NpcId: 2567120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Aenkinel. NpcId: 2569020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Aenkinel. NpcId: 2569120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Aenkinel. NpcId: 2569220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Aenkinel. NpcId: 2569320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Aenkinel. NpcId: 2569420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Aenkinel. NpcId: 2569520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.IceCaptainKnight. NpcId: 2569920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.IceCaptainKnight. NpcId: 2570020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWatcher. NpcId: 2570620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthFakeWatcher. NpcId: 2570720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostBeholder. NpcId: 2570820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: kamaloka.LabyrinthLostWarden. NpcId: 2570920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: LostCaptain. NpcId: 2571020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_emerald_horn. NpcId: 2571820:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_dust_rider. NpcId: 2571920:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_bleeding_fly. NpcId: 2572020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_blackdagger_wing. NpcId: 2572120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_shadow_summoner. NpcId: 2572220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_spike_slasher. NpcId: 2572320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_muscle_bomber. NpcId: 2572420:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_drake_lord. NpcId: 2572520:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_behemoth_leader. NpcId: 2572620:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_dragon_beast. NpcId: 2572720:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.detect_party_wizard. NpcId: 2573020:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.ai_feast_feeder. NpcId: 2573120:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.lair_of_antaras.ai_dragon_beast_sp. NpcId: 2573220:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.detect_party_warrior. NpcId: 2573320:44:26 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.dragon_valley.detect_party_warrior. NpcId: 2573420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.the_enchanted_valley.tree_q0421. NpcId: 2718520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.the_enchanted_valley.tree_q0421. NpcId: 2718620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.the_enchanted_valley.tree_q0421. NpcId: 2718720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.the_enchanted_valley.tree_q0421. NpcId: 2718820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.the_enchanted_valley.guardian_of_tree. NpcId: 2718920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: GuradsOfDawn. NpcId: 2735220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQLilimServantFighter. NpcId: 2737120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQLilimServantMage. NpcId: 2737220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQLilimServantFighter. NpcId: 2737320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQLilimServantFighter. NpcId: 2737420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQLilimServantFighter. NpcId: 2737520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQLilimServantFighter. NpcId: 2737620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQLilimServantFighter. NpcId: 2737720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQLilimServantMage. NpcId: 2737820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQLilimServantFighter. NpcId: 2737920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SealDevice. NpcId: 2738420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SealDevice. NpcId: 2738420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: QueenAnt. NpcId: 2900120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: QueenAntLarva. NpcId: 2900220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: QueenAntNurse. NpcId: 2900320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Core. NpcId: 2900620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Core. NpcId: 2900620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Orfen. NpcId: 2901420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Orfen. NpcId: 2901420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Orfen_RibaIren. NpcId: 2901820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Antharas. NpcId: 2901920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Baium. NpcId: 2902020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Archangel. NpcId: 2902120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Zaken. NpcId: 2902220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ZakenNightly. NpcId: 2902220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: BaiumGatekeeper. NpcId: 2902520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: BaiumNpc. NpcId: 2902520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Valakas. NpcId: 2902820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SpecialMinion. NpcId: 2902920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.ValakasMinion. NpcId: 2902920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Frintezza. NpcId: 2904520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ScarletVanHalisha. NpcId: 2904620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ScarletVanHalisha. NpcId: 2904720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.castle.Venom. NpcId: 2905420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.VenomTeleportCubic. NpcId: 2905520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.AndreasVanHalter. NpcId: 2906220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: primeval_isle.Sailren. NpcId: 2906520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Antharas. NpcId: 2906620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Antharas. NpcId: 2906720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Antharas. NpcId: 2906820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SpecialMinion. NpcId: 2906920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.AntharasMinion. NpcId: 2906920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Gordon. NpcId: 2909520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Baylor. NpcId: 2909920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Baylor. NpcId: 2910320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Beleth. NpcId: 2911820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SpecialMinion. NpcId: 2911920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.BelethClone. NpcId: 2911920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: LostCaptain. NpcId: 2912920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: LostCaptain. NpcId: 2913220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: LostCaptain. NpcId: 2913520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: LostCaptain. NpcId: 2913820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: LostCaptain. NpcId: 2914120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: LostCaptain. NpcId: 2914420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: LostCaptain. NpcId: 2914720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.Ekimus. NpcId: 2915020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.FeralHound. NpcId: 2915120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofinfinity.FeralHound. NpcId: 2915220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.Tiat. NpcId: 2916320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: seedofdestruction.TiatCamera. NpcId: 2916420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Zaken. NpcId: 2917620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ZakenDaytime. NpcId: 2917620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.FreyaThrone. NpcId: 2917720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.FreyaStandNormal. NpcId: 2917920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.FreyaStandHard. NpcId: 2918020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Zaken. NpcId: 2918120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ZakenDaytime83. NpcId: 2918120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SpecialMinion. NpcId: 2919020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: freya.AntharasMinion. NpcId: 2919020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaGuard. NpcId: 3007120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.giran.Alexandria. NpcId: 3009820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaGuard. NpcId: 3019620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaGuard. NpcId: 3033220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3059620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NewbieGuide. NpcId: 3059820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NewbieGuide. NpcId: 3059920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NewbieGuide. NpcId: 3060020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NewbieGuide. NpcId: 3060120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NewbieGuide. NpcId: 3060220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pet_manager.PetManager. NpcId: 3073120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Auctioneer. NpcId: 3076720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Auctioneer. NpcId: 3076820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Auctioneer. NpcId: 3076920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Auctioneer. NpcId: 3077020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Auctioneer. NpcId: 3077120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pet_manager.PetManager. NpcId: 3082720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pet_manager.PetManager. NpcId: 3082820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pet_manager.PetManager. NpcId: 3082920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pet_manager.PetManager. NpcId: 3083020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pet_manager.PetManager. NpcId: 3083120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pet_manager.PetManager. NpcId: 3086920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaGuard. NpcId: 3091620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Keplon. NpcId: 3094920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: BlackJude. NpcId: 3098120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.the_cemetery.coffer_of_the_dead. NpcId: 3102720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.tower_of_insolence.chest_of_kernon. NpcId: 3102820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.tower_of_insolence.chest_of_golkonda. NpcId: 3102920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.tower_of_insolence.chest_of_hallate. NpcId: 3103020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardRndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3103220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardRndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3103320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardRndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3103420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardRndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3103520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardRndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3103620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.defaults.Muzyk. NpcId: 3104220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.defaults.Muzyk. NpcId: 3104320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.SymbolMaker. NpcId: 3104620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.SymbolMaker. NpcId: 3104720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.SymbolMaker. NpcId: 3104820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.SymbolMaker. NpcId: 3104920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.SymbolMaker. NpcId: 3105020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.SymbolMaker. NpcId: 3105120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.SymbolMaker. NpcId: 3105220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.SymbolMaker. NpcId: 3105320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pet_manager.PetManager. NpcId: 3106720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NewbieGuide. NpcId: 3107620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NewbieGuide. NpcId: 3107720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3109320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3109320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3109420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3109420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3109520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3109620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3109720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3109820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3109920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3110020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3110120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3110220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3110320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3110420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3110520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3110620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3110720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3110820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3110920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3111020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3111420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3111520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3111620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3111720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3111820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3111920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3112020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3112120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3112220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3112320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3112420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.seven_sign.SSQNpcSSTeleporter. NpcId: 3112520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: BlacksmithMammon. NpcId: 3112620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3117220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3117220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3117320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3117320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3117420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3117420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3117520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3117520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3117620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3117620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3117720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3117720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3117820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3117820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3117920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3117920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3118020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3118020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3118120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3118120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3118220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3118220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3118320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3118320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3118420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3118420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3118520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3118520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3118620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3118620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3118720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3118720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3118820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3118820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3118920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3118920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3119020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3119020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3119120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3119120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3119220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3119220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3119320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3119320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3119420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3119420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3119520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3119520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3119620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3119620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3119720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3119720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3119820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3119820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3119920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3119920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3120020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3120020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3120120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3120120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ArenaManager. NpcId: 3122520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ArenaManager. NpcId: 3122620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3123120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3123120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3123220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3123220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3123320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3123320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3123420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3123420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3123520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3123520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3123620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3123620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3123720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3123720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3123820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3123820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3123920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3123920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3124020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3124020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3124120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3124120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3124220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3124220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3124320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3124320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3124420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3124420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3124520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3124520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3124620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3124620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3124720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3124720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3124820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3124820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3124920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3124920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3125020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3125020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3125120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3125120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3125220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3125220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3125320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3125320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3125420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3125420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.SymbolMaker. NpcId: 3126420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pet_manager.PetManager. NpcId: 3126520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.SymbolMaker. NpcId: 3130820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pet_manager.PetManager. NpcId: 3130920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaGuard. NpcId: 3134020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ValakasGatekeeper. NpcId: 3138520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3145220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3145320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3145420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3145520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3145620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3145720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3145820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3145920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3146020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3146120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3146220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3146320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3146420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3146520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3146620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3146720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3146820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3146920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3147020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3147120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3147220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3147320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3147420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3147520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3147620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3147720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3147820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3147920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3148020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3148120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3148220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3148320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3148420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3148520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3148620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3148720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.beastfarm.BeastfarmQuest. NpcId: 3153720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ValakasGatekeeper. NpcId: 3154020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: BorderOutpostDoorman. NpcId: 3167520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: BorderOutpostDoorman. NpcId: 3167620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: BorderOutpostDoorman. NpcId: 3168020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: OlympiadObelisk. NpcId: 3169020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3171320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3171320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3171420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3171420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3171520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3171520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3171620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3171620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3171720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3171720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3171820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3171820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3171920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3171920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3172020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3172020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3172120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3172120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3172220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3172220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3172320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3172320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3172420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3172420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3172520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3172520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3172620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3172620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3172720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3172720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3172820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3172820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.TestServerHelper. NpcId: 3175620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.test_server_helper. NpcId: 3175620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.TestServerHelper. NpcId: 3175720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.test_server_helper. NpcId: 3175720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TeleportCube. NpcId: 3175920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: OlympiadObelisk. NpcId: 3176920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: OlympiadObelisk. NpcId: 3177020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: OlympiadObelisk. NpcId: 3177120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: OlympiadObelisk. NpcId: 3177220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardRndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3184520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardRndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3184820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardRndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3185020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardRndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3185120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardRndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3185220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardRndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3185320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3186120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: BaiumGatekeeper. NpcId: 3186220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3191920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3192020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3192120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3192220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3192320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3192420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3192520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3192620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3192720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3192820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3192920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3193020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3193120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3193220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3193320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3193420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3193520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3193620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3193720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3193820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3193920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3194020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3194120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3194220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3194320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SepulcherNpc. NpcId: 3194420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.SymbolMaker. NpcId: 3195320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pet_manager.PetManager. NpcId: 3195420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaGuard. NpcId: 3198120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3199920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3199920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3200020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3200020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3200120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3200120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3200220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.preacher_of_doom. NpcId: 3200220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3200320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3200320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3200420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3200420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3200520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3200520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CabaleBuffer. NpcId: 3200620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ssq.orator_of_revelations. NpcId: 3200620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: FrintezzaGatekeeper. NpcId: 3201120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Raforty. NpcId: 3202020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.clan_trader.MerchantHullia. NpcId: 3202420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.clan_trader.MerchantIlia. NpcId: 3202520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: den_of_evil.HestuiGuard. NpcId: 3202620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pagan_temple.SanctuaryDoorGuardBasic. NpcId: 3203420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pagan_temple.SanctuaryOuttaGuardBasic. NpcId: 3203520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pagan_temple.ChapelDoorGuardBasic. NpcId: 3203620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.pagan_temple.ChapelOuttaGuardBasic. NpcId: 3203720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TriolsMirror. NpcId: 3203920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TriolsMirror. NpcId: 3204020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ai_pavel_atlanta. NpcId: 3204620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Rooney. NpcId: 3204920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pagan_temple.AltarGatekeeper. NpcId: 3205120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: EdwinFollower. NpcId: 3207020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Edwin. NpcId: 3207220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.adv_manager_town. NpcId: 3207420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.adv_manager_town. NpcId: 3208220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.adv_manager_town. NpcId: 3208320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.adv_manager_town. NpcId: 3208420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.adv_manager_town. NpcId: 3208520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.adv_manager_town. NpcId: 3208620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.adv_manager_town. NpcId: 3208720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.adv_manager_town. NpcId: 3208820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.adv_manager_town. NpcId: 3208920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: Pterosaur. NpcId: 3210820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.sailren_quest_npc. NpcId: 3210920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Asamah. NpcId: 3211520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NewbieGuide. NpcId: 3213520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: MotherNornil. NpcId: 3223720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: MotherNornil. NpcId: 3223920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DoorCont. NpcId: 3226020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DoorCont. NpcId: 3226120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DoorCont. NpcId: 3226220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SteamCorridorController. NpcId: 3227320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SteamCorridorController. NpcId: 3227420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SteamCorridorController. NpcId: 3227520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CrystalCavernController. NpcId: 3227620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CrystalCavernController. NpcId: 3227720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CrystalCavernController. NpcId: 3227820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CrystalCavernController. NpcId: 3227920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CrystalCavernController. NpcId: 3228020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: CoralGardenGate. NpcId: 3228120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DarkCloudMansion. NpcId: 3228220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.EvasProtector. NpcId: 3228420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.EvasProtector. NpcId: 3228520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.EvasProtector. NpcId: 3228620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: isle_of_prayer.EvasProtector. NpcId: 3228720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DarkCloudMansion. NpcId: 3228820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DarkCloudMansion. NpcId: 3228920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DarkCloudMansion. NpcId: 3229020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DarkCloudMansion. NpcId: 3229120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.heine.Galate. NpcId: 3229220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Giron. NpcId: 3229320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.CaravanBudenka. NpcId: 3229420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Falk. NpcId: 3229720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Hude. NpcId: 3229820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.QuarrySlave. NpcId: 3229920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.hellbound.ai_quarry_slave. NpcId: 3229920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Bernarde. NpcId: 3230020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.WanderingghostKendal. NpcId: 3230120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Zerian. NpcId: 3230220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.RankuScapegoat. NpcId: 3230520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NativeCorpse. NpcId: 3230620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.hellbound.ai_dolmen. NpcId: 3230720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.RomanticCatMingming. NpcId: 3230820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Daltuva. NpcId: 3231320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Warpgate. NpcId: 3231420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Warpgate. NpcId: 3231520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Warpgate. NpcId: 3231620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Warpgate. NpcId: 3231720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Warpgate. NpcId: 3231820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Warpgate. NpcId: 3231920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DarkCloudMansion. NpcId: 3232420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NewbieGuide. NpcId: 3232720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.CoralGardenGolem. NpcId: 3232820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.defaults.GardenGuard. NpcId: 3233020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardRndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3233520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GuardRndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3233620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: EvasGiftBox. NpcId: 3234220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.MoonlightTombstone. NpcId: 3234320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopServant. NpcId: 3234420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Buron. NpcId: 3234520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Kanaf. NpcId: 3234620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Shhadai. NpcId: 3234720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Rignos. NpcId: 3234920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: hellbound.Sandstorm. NpcId: 3235020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Kief. NpcId: 3235420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Solomon. NpcId: 3235520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Jude. NpcId: 3235620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.IncastleNative. NpcId: 3235720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.DowntownNative. NpcId: 3235820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.CaravanRelief. NpcId: 3236120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.CitizenNative. NpcId: 3236220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: RndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3236220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Resistance. NpcId: 3236320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.TurncoatNativeNpc. NpcId: 3236420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopServant. NpcId: 3237020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopServant. NpcId: 3237120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopServant. NpcId: 3237220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hellbound.Dorian. NpcId: 3237320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SteelCitadelTeleporter. NpcId: 3237420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SteelCitadelTeleporter. NpcId: 3237520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: NaiaCube. NpcId: 3237620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.UndergroundColiseumManager. NpcId: 3237720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.FantasyIslandNpc. NpcId: 3237820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: fantasy_island.LeylaDancer. NpcId: 3242420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: fantasy_island.LeylaDancer. NpcId: 3242520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: fantasy_island.LeylaDancer. NpcId: 3242620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: fantasy_island.LeylaDancer. NpcId: 3242720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: fantasy_island.LeylaDancer. NpcId: 3242820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: fantasy_island.LeylaMira. NpcId: 3243120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: fantasy_island.LeylaDancer. NpcId: 3243220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: fantasy_island.MCManager. NpcId: 3243320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: fantasy_island.MusicBox. NpcId: 3243720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: fantasy_island.MCIndividual. NpcId: 3243920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: fantasy_island.MCIndividual. NpcId: 3244020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: fantasy_island.MCIndividual. NpcId: 3244120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: WorkshopServant. NpcId: 3246720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ZakenAnchor. NpcId: 3246820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ZakenAnchor. NpcId: 3246820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: BelethCoffin. NpcId: 3247020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.PremiumManager. NpcId: 3247820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Pathfinder. NpcId: 3248420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Pathfinder. NpcId: 3248520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.UndergroundColiseumHelper. NpcId: 3249120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KamalokaGuard. NpcId: 3249620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.KrateisCubeManager. NpcId: 3250320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.KrateisCubeMatchManager. NpcId: 3250420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.KrateisCubeMatchManager. NpcId: 3250520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.KrateisCubeMatchManager. NpcId: 3250620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: PailakaRewardNpc. NpcId: 3251020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: PailakaRewardNpc. NpcId: 3251120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: PailakaRewardNpc. NpcId: 3251220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.UndergroundColiseumManager. NpcId: 3251320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.UndergroundColiseumManager. NpcId: 3251420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.UndergroundColiseumManager. NpcId: 3251520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.UndergroundColiseumManager. NpcId: 3251620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.aerial_cleft.CleftGates. NpcId: 3251820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.aerial_cleft.CleftGates. NpcId: 3251920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.aerial_cleft.CleftConverter. NpcId: 3252020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: HandysBlockChecker. NpcId: 3252120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: HandysBlockChecker. NpcId: 3252220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: HandysBlockChecker. NpcId: 3252320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: HandysBlockChecker. NpcId: 3252420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.gracia.seed_of_destruction.Allenos. NpcId: 3252620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TepiosReward. NpcId: 3253020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DeadTumor. NpcId: 3253520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DeadTumor. NpcId: 3253620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: EkimusMouth. NpcId: 3253720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: AbyssGaze. NpcId: 3253920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: AbyssGaze. NpcId: 3254020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.hall_of_erosion.Asyatei. NpcId: 3254620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: RndWalkAndAnim. NpcId: 3254620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.gracia.Dwyllios. NpcId: 3254920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: GeneralDilios. NpcId: 3254920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.gracia.alliance_base_ketserusa.npc_soldier_tomaris. NpcId: 3255220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.gracia.Lekon. NpcId: 3255720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.gracia.alliance_base_ketserusa.npc_warmage_artius. NpcId: 3255920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.events.event_ai_masteryogy. NpcId: 3259920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: birthday.Alegria. NpcId: 3260020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.Weave. NpcId: 3261020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.Weave. NpcId: 3261220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.gludio.airship_field.FortuneTellerMinne. NpcId: 3261620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.defaults.PriestJeina. NpcId: 3261720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.gracia.MageNotingale. NpcId: 3262720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.giran.Looser. NpcId: 3263220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.stakato_nest.Kintaijin. NpcId: 3264020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: pts.advanced.update_announcer. NpcId: 3264820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DelustionGatekeeper. NpcId: 3265820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DelustionGatekeeper. NpcId: 3265920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DelustionGatekeeper. NpcId: 3266020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DelustionGatekeeper. NpcId: 3266120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DelustionGatekeeper. NpcId: 3266220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: DelustionGatekeeper. NpcId: 3266320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ZakenCandle. NpcId: 3270520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ZakenGatekeeper. NpcId: 3271320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQLilith. NpcId: 3271520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQLilithMinion. NpcId: 3271620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQLilithMinion. NpcId: 3271720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQAnakim. NpcId: 3271820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQAnakimMinion. NpcId: 3271920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQAnakimMinion. NpcId: 3272020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: custom.SSQAnakimMinion. NpcId: 3272120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.gracia.seed_of_annihilation.Clemis. NpcId: 3273420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.gracia.seed_of_annihilation.Nimo. NpcId: 3273520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.gracia.seed_of_annihilation.Seyo. NpcId: 3273720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: FollowNpc. NpcId: 3273820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Batracos. NpcId: 3274020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Sally. NpcId: 3274320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SteelCitadelTeleporter. NpcId: 3274520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SteelCitadelTeleporter. NpcId: 3274620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SteelCitadelTeleporter. NpcId: 3274720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SteelCitadelTeleporter. NpcId: 3274820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SteelCitadelTeleporter. NpcId: 3274920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SteelCitadelTeleporter. NpcId: 3275020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SteelCitadelTeleporter. NpcId: 3275120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SteelCitadelTeleporter. NpcId: 3275220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TullyWorkShopTeleporter. NpcId: 3275320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TullyWorkShopTeleporter. NpcId: 3275420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TullyWorkShopTeleporter. NpcId: 3275520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: TullyWorkShopTeleporter. NpcId: 3275620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: monas.Sumiel. NpcId: 3275820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: KegorNpc. NpcId: 3276120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: Sirra. NpcId: 3276220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: PriestAquilani. NpcId: 3278020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: JiniaNpc. NpcId: 3278120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: PriestOfBlessing. NpcId: 3278320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ElcardiaAssistant. NpcId: 3278520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ElcardiaAssistant. NpcId: 3278620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ElcardiaAssistant. NpcId: 3278620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: ElcardiaAssistant. NpcId: 3278720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ElcardiaAssistant. NpcId: 3278720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: OddGlobe. NpcId: 3281520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.defaults.GruffMan. NpcId: 3286220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.dragon_valley.SeparatedSoul. NpcId: 3286420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.dragon_valley.SeparatedSoul. NpcId: 3286520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.dragon_valley.SeparatedSoul. NpcId: 3286620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.dragon_valley.SeparatedSoul. NpcId: 3286720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.dragon_valley.SeparatedSoul. NpcId: 3286820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.dragon_valley.SeparatedSoul. NpcId: 3286920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.dragon_valley.SeparatedSoul. NpcId: 3287020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.dragon_valley.DragonVortex. NpcId: 3287120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.dragon_valley.SeparatedSoul. NpcId: 3289120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3501020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3501020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3501120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3501120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3501220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3501220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3501320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3501320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3501420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3501420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3501520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3501520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3501620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3501620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3501720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3501720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3501820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3501820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3501920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3501920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3502020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3502020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3502120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3502120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3502220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3502220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3502320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3502320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3502420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3502420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3502520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3502520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3502620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3502620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3502720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3502720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3502820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3502820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3502920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3502920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3503020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3503020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3503120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3503120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3503220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3503220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3503320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3503320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3503420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3503420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3503520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3503520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3503620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3503620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3503720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3503720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3503820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3503820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3503920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3503920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3504020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3504020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3504120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3504120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3504220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3504220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3504320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3504320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3504420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3504420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3504520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3504520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3504620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3504620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3504720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3504720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3504820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3504820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3504920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3504920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3505020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3505020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3505120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3505120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3505220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3505220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3505320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3505320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3505420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3505420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3505520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3505520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3505620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3505620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3505720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3505720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3505820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3505820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3505920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3505920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3506020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3506020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3506120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3506120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.castle.ArtefactAI. NpcId: 3506320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3506420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3506420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3506520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3506520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3506620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3506620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3506720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3506720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3506820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3506820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3506920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3506920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3507020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3507020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3507120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3507120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3507220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3507220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3507320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3507320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3507420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3507420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3507520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3507520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3507620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3507620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3507720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3507720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3507820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3507820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3507920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3507920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3508020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3508020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3508120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3508120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3508220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3508220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3508320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3508320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3508420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3508420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3508520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3508520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3508620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3508620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3508720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3508720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3508820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3508820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3508920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3508920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3509020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3509020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3509120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3509120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3509220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3509320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3509420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3509520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3509620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3509720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Blacksmith. NpcId: 3509820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Warehouse. NpcId: 3509920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Chamberlain. NpcId: 3510020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMessenger. NpcId: 3510420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3510620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3510620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3510720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3510720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3510820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3510820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3510920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3510920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3511020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3511020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3511120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3511120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3511220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3511220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3511320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3511320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3511420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3511420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3511520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3511520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3511620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3511620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3511720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3511720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3511820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3511820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3511920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3511920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3512020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3512020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3512120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3512120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3512220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3512220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3512320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3512320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3512420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3512420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3512520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3512520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3512620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3512620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3512720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3512720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3512820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3512820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3512920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3512920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3513020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3513020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3513120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3513120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3513220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3513220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3513320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3513320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3513420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3513520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3513620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3513720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3513820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3513920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Blacksmith. NpcId: 3514020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Warehouse. NpcId: 3514120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Chamberlain. NpcId: 3514220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMessenger. NpcId: 3514620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3514820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3514820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3514920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3514920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3515020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3515020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3515120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3515120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3515220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3515220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3515320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3515320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3515420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3515420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3515520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3515520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3515620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3515620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3515720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3515720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3515820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3515820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3515920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3515920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3516020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3516020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3516120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3516120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3516220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3516220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3516320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3516320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3516420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3516420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3516520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3516520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3516620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3516620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3516720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3516720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3516820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3516820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3516920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3516920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3517020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3517020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3517120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3517120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3517220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3517220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3517320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3517320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3517420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3517420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3517520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3517520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3517620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3517720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3517820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3517920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3518020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3518120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Blacksmith. NpcId: 3518220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Warehouse. NpcId: 3518320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Chamberlain. NpcId: 3518420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMessenger. NpcId: 3518820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3519020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3519020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3519120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3519120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3519220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3519220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3519320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3519320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3519420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3519420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3519520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3519520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3519620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3519620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3519720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3519720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3519820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3519820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3519920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3519920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3520020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3520020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3520120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3520120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3520220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3520220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3520320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3520320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3520420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3520420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3520520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3520520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3520620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3520620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3520720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3520720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3520820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3520820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3520920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3520920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3521020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3521020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3521120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3521120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3521220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3521220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3521320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3521320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3521420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3521420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3521520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3521520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3521620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3521620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3521720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3521720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3521820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3521920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3522020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3522120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3522220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3522320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Blacksmith. NpcId: 3522420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Warehouse. NpcId: 3522520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Chamberlain. NpcId: 3522620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMessenger. NpcId: 3523220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3523420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3523420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3523520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3523520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3523620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3523620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3523720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3523720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3523820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3523820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3523920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3523920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3524020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3524020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3524120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3524120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3524220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3524220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3524320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3524320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3524420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3524420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3524520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3524520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3524620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3524620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3524720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3524720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3524820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3524820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3524920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3524920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3525020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3525020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3525120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3525120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3525220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3525220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3525320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3525320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3525420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3525420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3525520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3525520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3525620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3525620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3525720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3525720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3525820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3525820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3525920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3525920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3526020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3526020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3526120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3526220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3526320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3526420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3526520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3526620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3526720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3526820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3526920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3527020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3527120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Blacksmith. NpcId: 3527220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Warehouse. NpcId: 3527320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Chamberlain. NpcId: 3527420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMessenger. NpcId: 3527820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3528020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3528020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3528120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3528120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3528220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3528220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3528320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3528320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3528420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3528420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3528520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3528520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3528620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3528620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3528720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3528720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3528820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3528820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3528920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3528920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3529020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3529020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3529120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3529120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3529220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3529220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3529320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3529320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3529420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3529420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3529520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3529520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3529620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3529620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3529720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3529720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3529820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3529820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3529920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3529920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3530020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3530020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3530120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3530120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3530220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3530220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3530320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3530320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3530420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3530420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3530520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3530520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3530620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3530620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3530720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3530720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3530820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3530920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3531020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3531120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3531220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3531320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Blacksmith. NpcId: 3531420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Warehouse. NpcId: 3531520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Chamberlain. NpcId: 3531620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMessenger. NpcId: 3532020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3532420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3532420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3532520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3532520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3532620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3532620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3532720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3532720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3532820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3532820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3532920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3532920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3533020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3533020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3533120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3533120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3533220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3533220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3533320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3533320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3533420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3533420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3533520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3533520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3533620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3533620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3533720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3533720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3533820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3533820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3533920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3533920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3534020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3534020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3534120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3534120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3534220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3534220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3534320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3534320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3534420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3534420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3534520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3534520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3534620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3534620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3534720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3534720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3534820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3534820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3534920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3534920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3535020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3535020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3535120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3535120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3535220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3535320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3535420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3535520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3535620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3535720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3535820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3535920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3536020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Blacksmith. NpcId: 3536120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Warehouse. NpcId: 3536220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Chamberlain. NpcId: 3536320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMessenger. NpcId: 3536720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Nurka. NpcId: 3536820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3536820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3536920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3536920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3537020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3537020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3537120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3537120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3537220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3537220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3537320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3537320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3537420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3537420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Nurka. NpcId: 3537520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3537520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3537620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3537620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3537720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3537720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3537820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3537820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3537920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3537920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3538020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3538020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3538120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3538120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Brakel. NpcId: 3538220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Manager. NpcId: 3538320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3538420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3538520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3538620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3538720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3538820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3538920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3539020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3539120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3539220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3539320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3539420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3539520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3539620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3539720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3539820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3539920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3540020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3540120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3540220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3540320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3540420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3540520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3540620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3540720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Dietrich. NpcId: 3540820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3540820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Mikhail. NpcId: 3540920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3540920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Gustav. NpcId: 3541020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3541020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3541120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3541220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3541320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3541420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3541520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3541620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3541720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3541820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Messenger. NpcId: 3542020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Manager. NpcId: 3542120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchBerserker. NpcId: 3542820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.MatchBerserker. NpcId: 3542820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchScout. NpcId: 3542920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.MatchScout. NpcId: 3542920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchLeader. NpcId: 3543020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.MatchLeader. NpcId: 3543020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchCleric. NpcId: 3543120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.MatchCleric. NpcId: 3543120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchTrief. NpcId: 3543220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.MatchTrief. NpcId: 3543220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3543320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3543420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3543520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3543620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.BanditMessager. NpcId: 3543720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Manager. NpcId: 3543820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3543920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3544020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3544120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3544220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3544320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3544420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3544520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3544620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3544720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3544820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3544920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3545020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3545120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3545220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3545320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3545420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3545520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3545620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3545720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3545820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3545920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3546020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3546120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3546220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3546320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3546420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3546520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3546620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3546720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3546820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3547120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3547120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3547220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3547220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3547320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3547420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3547420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3547520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3547520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3547620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3547620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3547720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3547720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3547820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3547820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3547920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3547920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3548020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3548020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3548120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3548120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3548220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3548220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3548320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3548320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3548420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3548420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3548520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3548520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3548620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3548620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3548720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3548720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3548820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3548820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3548920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3548920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3549020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3549020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3549120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3549120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3549220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3549220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3549320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3549320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3549420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3549420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3549520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3549520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3549620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3549620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3549720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3549820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3549920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3550020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3550120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3550220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3550320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3550420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3550520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.VenomTeleporter. NpcId: 3550620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Blacksmith. NpcId: 3550720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Warehouse. NpcId: 3550820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Chamberlain. NpcId: 3550920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMessenger. NpcId: 3551320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3551720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3551720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3551820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3551820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3551920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3551920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3552020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3552020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3552120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3552120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3552220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3552220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3552320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3552320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3552420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3552420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3552520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3552520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3552620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3552620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3552720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3552720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3552820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3552820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3552920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3552920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3553020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3553020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3553120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3553120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3553220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3553220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3553320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3553320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3553420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3553420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3553520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3553520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3553620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3553620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3553720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3553720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3553820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3553820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3553920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3553920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3554020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3554020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3554120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3554120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3554220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3554220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3554320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3554320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3554420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3554520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.TeleportSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3554620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3554720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3554820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3554920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3555020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3555120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Doorman. NpcId: 3555220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Blacksmith. NpcId: 3555320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Warehouse. NpcId: 3555420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.Chamberlain. NpcId: 3555520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastleMessenger. NpcId: 3555920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3556120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3556220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3556320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3556420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3556520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3556620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3556720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3556820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3556920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3557020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3557120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3557220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3557320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3557420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3557520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3557620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3557720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3557820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3557920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3558020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3558120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3558220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3558320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3558420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3558520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedManager. NpcId: 3558620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.AuctionedDoorman. NpcId: 3558720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowGourd. NpcId: 3558820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowGourd. NpcId: 3558920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowGourd. NpcId: 3559020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowGourd. NpcId: 3559120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowChest. NpcId: 3559520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowYeti. NpcId: 3559620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.RainbowYeti. NpcId: 3559620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowYeti. NpcId: 3559720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.RainbowYeti. NpcId: 3559720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowYeti. NpcId: 3559820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.RainbowYeti. NpcId: 3559820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowYeti. NpcId: 3559920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.RainbowYeti. NpcId: 3559920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3560120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3560220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowCoordinator. NpcId: 3560320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.RainbowMessenger. NpcId: 3560420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Manager. NpcId: 3560520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3561320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3561420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3561520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3561620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchMassTeleporter. NpcId: 3561720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchBerserker. NpcId: 3561820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.MatchBerserker. NpcId: 3561820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchScout. NpcId: 3561920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.MatchScout. NpcId: 3561920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchLeader. NpcId: 3562020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.MatchLeader. NpcId: 3562020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchCleric. NpcId: 3562120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.MatchCleric. NpcId: 3562120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.MatchTrief. NpcId: 3562220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.MatchTrief. NpcId: 3562220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3562320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3562420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3562520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3562620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.FarmMessenger. NpcId: 3562720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Manager. NpcId: 3562820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.LidiaVonHellmann. NpcId: 3562920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.LidiaVonHellmann. NpcId: 3562920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3563020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.AlfredVonHellmann. NpcId: 3563020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3563120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.clanhall.GiselleVonHellmann. NpcId: 3563120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3563220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3563320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3563420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3563520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3563620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3563720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Messenger. NpcId: 3563920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Manager. NpcId: 3564020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3564120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.clanhall.Doorman. NpcId: 3564220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.castle.CastleMagician. NpcId: 3564820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.castle.CastleMagician. NpcId: 3564920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.castle.CastleMagician. NpcId: 3565020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.castle.CastleMagician. NpcId: 3565120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.castle.CastleMagician. NpcId: 3565220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.castle.CastleMagician. NpcId: 3565320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.castle.CastleMagician. NpcId: 3565420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.castle.CastleMagician. NpcId: 3565520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.castle.CastleMagician. NpcId: 3565620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3565820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3565920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3566020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3566120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3566220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3566420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3566620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3566720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3566820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3566920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3567020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3567020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3567120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3567120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3567220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3567220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3567320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3567320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3567420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3567420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3567520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3567620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3567620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3567720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3567720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3567820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3567820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3567920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3567920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3568020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3568020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3568120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3568120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3568220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3568220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3568320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3568320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3568420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3568420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3568520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3568520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3568620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3568620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3568720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3568720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3568920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3569020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3569220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3569420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3569620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3569820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3569920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3570020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3570120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3570220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3570220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3570320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3570320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3570420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3570420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3570520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3570520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3570620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3570620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MainMachine. NpcId: 3570720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.BackupPowerUnit. NpcId: 3570820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.ControlUnit. NpcId: 3570920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3571020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3571120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3571120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3571320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3571320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3571420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3571420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3571520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3571520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3571620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3571620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3571720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3571720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3571820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3571820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3571920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3571920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3572020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3572020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3572120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.General. NpcId: 3572120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3572220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3572220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3572320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3572320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3572420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3572420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3572520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3572520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3572720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3572820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3573020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3573120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3573320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3573520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3573620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3573720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3573820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3573920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3573920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3574020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3574020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3574120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3574120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3574220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3574220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3574320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3574320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3574420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3574520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3574520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3574620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3574620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3574720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3574720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3574820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3574820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3574920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3574920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3575020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3575020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3575120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3575120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3575220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3575220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3575320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3575320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3575420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3575420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3575520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3575520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3575620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3575620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3575820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3575920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3576120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3576320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3576520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3576720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3576820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3576920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3577020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3577120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3577120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3577220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3577220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3577320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3577320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3577420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3577420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3577520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3577520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MainMachine. NpcId: 3577620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.BackupPowerUnit. NpcId: 3577720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.ControlUnit. NpcId: 3577820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3577920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3578020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3578020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3578220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3578220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3578320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3578320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3578420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3578420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3578520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3578520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3578620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3578620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3578720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3578720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3578820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3578820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3578920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3578920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3579020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.General. NpcId: 3579020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3579120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3579120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3579220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3579220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3579320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3579320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3579420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3579420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3579620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3579720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3579820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3579920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3580020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3580220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3580420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3580520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3580620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3580720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3580820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3580820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3580920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3580920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3581020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3581020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3581120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3581120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3581220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3581220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3581320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3581420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3581420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3581520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3581520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3581620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3581620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3581720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3581720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3581820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3581820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3581920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3581920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3582020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3582020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3582120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3582120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3582220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3582220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3582320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3582320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3582420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3582420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3582520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3582520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3582720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3582820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3583020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3583120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3583320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3583520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3583620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3583720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3583820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3583920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3583920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3584020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3584020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3584120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3584120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3584220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3584220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3584320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3584320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3584420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3584520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3584520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3584620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3584620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3584720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3584720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3584820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3584820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3584920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3584920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3585020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3585020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3585120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3585120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3585220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3585220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3585320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3585320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3585420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3585420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3585520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3585520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3585620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3585620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3585820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3585920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3586020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3586120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3586320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3586520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3586720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3586820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3586920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3587020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3587120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3587120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3587220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3587220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3587320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3587320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3587420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3587420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3587520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3587520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MainMachine. NpcId: 3587620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.BackupPowerUnit. NpcId: 3587720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.ControlUnit. NpcId: 3587820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3587920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3588020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3588020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3588220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3588220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3588320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3588320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3588420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3588420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3588520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3588520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3588620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3588620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3588720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3588720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3588820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3588820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3588920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3588920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3589020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.General. NpcId: 3589020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3589120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3589120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3589220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3589220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3589320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3589320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3589420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3589420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3589620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3589720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3589920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3590020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3590220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3590420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3590520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3590620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3590720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3590820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3590820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3590920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3590920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3591020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3591020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3591120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3591120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3591220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3591220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3591320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3591420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3591420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3591520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3591520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3591620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3591620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3591720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3591720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3591820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3591820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3591920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3591920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3592020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3592020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3592120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3592120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3592220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3592220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3592320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3592320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3592420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3592420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3592520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3592520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3592720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3592820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3593020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3593220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3593420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3593620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3593720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3593820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3593920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3594020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3594020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3594120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3594120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3594220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3594220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3594320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3594320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3594420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3594420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MainMachine. NpcId: 3594520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.BackupPowerUnit. NpcId: 3594620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.ControlUnit. NpcId: 3594720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3594820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3594920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3594920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3595120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3595120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3595220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3595220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3595320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3595320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3595420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3595420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3595520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3595520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3595620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3595620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3595720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3595720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3595820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3595820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3595920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.General. NpcId: 3595920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3596020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3596020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3596120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3596120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3596220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3596220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3596320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3596320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3596520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3596620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3596820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3597020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3597220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3597420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3597520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3597620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3597720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3597820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3597820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3597920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3597920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3598020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3598020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3598120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3598120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3598220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3598220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MainMachine. NpcId: 3598320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.BackupPowerUnit. NpcId: 3598420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.ControlUnit. NpcId: 3598520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3598620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3598720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3598720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3598920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3598920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3599020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3599020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3599120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3599120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3599220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3599220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3599320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3599320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3599420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3599420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3599520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3599520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3599620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3599620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3599720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.General. NpcId: 3599720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3599820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3599820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3599920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3599920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3600020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3600020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3600120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3600120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3600320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3600420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3600620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3600720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3600920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3601120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3601220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3601320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3601420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3601520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3601520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3601620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3601620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3601720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3601720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3601820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3601820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3601920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3601920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3602020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3602120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3602120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3602220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3602220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3602320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3602320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3602420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3602420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3602520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3602520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3602620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3602620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3602720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3602720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3602820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3602820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3602920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3602920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3603020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3603020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3603120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3603120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3603220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3603220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3603420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3603520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3603720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3603920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3604120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3604320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3604420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3604520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3604620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3604720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3604720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3604820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3604820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3604920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3604920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3605020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3605020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3605120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3605120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MainMachine. NpcId: 3605220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.BackupPowerUnit. NpcId: 3605320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.ControlUnit. NpcId: 3605420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3605520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3605620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3605620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3605820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3605820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3605920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3605920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3606020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3606020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3606120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3606120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3606220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3606220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3606320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3606320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3606420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3606420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3606520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3606520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3606620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.General. NpcId: 3606620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3606720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3606720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3606820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3606820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3606920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3606920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3607020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3607020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3607220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3607320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3607520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3607720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3607920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3608120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3608220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3608320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3608420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3608520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3608520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3608620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3608620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3608720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3608720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3608820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3608820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3608920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3608920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MainMachine. NpcId: 3609020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.BackupPowerUnit. NpcId: 3609120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.ControlUnit. NpcId: 3609220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3609320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3609420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3609420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3609620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3609620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3609720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3609720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3609820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3609820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3609920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3609920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3610020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3610020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3610120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3610120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3610220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3610220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3610320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3610320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3610420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.General. NpcId: 3610420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3610520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3610520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3610620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3610620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3610720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3610720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3610820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3610820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3611020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3611120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3611320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3611420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3611620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3611820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3611920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3612020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3612120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3612220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3612220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3612320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3612320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3612420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3612420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3612520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3612520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3612620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3612620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3612720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3612820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3612820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3612920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3612920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3613020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3613020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3613120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3613120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3613220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3613220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3613320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3613320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3613420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3613420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3613520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3613520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3613620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3613620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3613720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3613720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3613820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3613820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3613920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3613920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3614120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3614220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3614420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3614520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3614720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3614920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3615020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3615120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3615220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3615320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3615320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3615420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3615420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3615520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3615520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3615620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3615620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3615720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3615720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3615820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3615920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3615920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3616020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3616020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3616120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3616120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3616220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3616220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3616320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3616320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3616420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3616420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3616520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3616520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3616620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3616620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3616720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3616720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3616820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3616820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3616920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3616920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3617020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3617020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3617220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3617320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3617420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3617520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3617720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3617920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3618120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3618220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3618320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3618420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3618520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3618520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3618620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3618620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3618720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3618720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3618820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3618820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3618920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3618920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MainMachine. NpcId: 3619020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.BackupPowerUnit. NpcId: 3619120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.ControlUnit. NpcId: 3619220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3619320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3619420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3619420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3619620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3619620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3619720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3619720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3619820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3619820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3619920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3619920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3620020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3620020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3620120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3620120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3620220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3620220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3620320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3620320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3620420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.General. NpcId: 3620420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3620520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3620520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3620620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3620620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3620720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3620720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3620820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3620820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3621020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3621120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3621320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3621520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3621720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3621920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3622020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3622120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3622220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3622320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3622320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3622420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3622420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3622520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3622520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3622620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3622620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3622720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3622720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MainMachine. NpcId: 3622820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.BackupPowerUnit. NpcId: 3622920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.ControlUnit. NpcId: 3623020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3623120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3623220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3623220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3623320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3623320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3623420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3623420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3623520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3623520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3623620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3623620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3623720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3623720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3623820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3623820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3623920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3623920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3624020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3624020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3624120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3624120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3624220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.General. NpcId: 3624220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3624320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3624320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3624420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3624420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3624520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3624520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3624620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3624620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3624820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3624920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3625120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3625320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3625520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3625720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3625820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3625920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3626020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3626120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3626120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3626220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3626220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3626320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3626320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3626420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3626420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3626520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3626520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MainMachine. NpcId: 3626620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.BackupPowerUnit. NpcId: 3626720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.ControlUnit. NpcId: 3626820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3626920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3627020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3627020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3627220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3627220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3627320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3627320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3627420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3627420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3627520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3627520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3627620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3627620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3627720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3627720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3627820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3627820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3627920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3627920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3628020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.General. NpcId: 3628020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3628120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3628120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3628220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3628220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3628320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3628320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3628420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3628420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3628620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3628720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3628920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3629020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3629220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3629420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3629520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3629620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3629720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3629820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3629820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3629920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3629920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3630020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3630020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3630120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3630120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3630220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3630220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3630320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3630420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3630420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3630520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3630520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3630620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3630620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3630720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3630720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3630820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3630820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3630920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3630920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3631020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3631020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3631120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3631120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3631220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3631220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3631320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3631320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3631420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3631420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3631520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3631520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3631720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3631820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3632020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3632220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3632420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3632620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3632720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3632820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3632920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3633020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3633020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3633120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3633120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3633220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3633220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3633320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3633320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3633420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3633420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MainMachine. NpcId: 3633520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.BackupPowerUnit. NpcId: 3633620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.ControlUnit. NpcId: 3633720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3633820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3633920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3633920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3634120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3634120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3634220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3634220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3634320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3634320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3634420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3634420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3634520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3634520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3634620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3634620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3634720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3634720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3634820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3634820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3634920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.General. NpcId: 3634920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3635020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3635020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3635120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3635120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3635220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3635220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3635320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3635320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Manager. NpcId: 3635520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.SuspiciousMerchant. NpcId: 3635620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.peace.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3635820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.fortress.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3636020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.LogisticsOfficer. NpcId: 3636220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.FortressPrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3636420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3636520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3636620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Doorman. NpcId: 3636720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3636820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.RebelCommander. NpcId: 3636820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3636920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3636920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3637020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3637020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3637120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3637120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3637220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3637220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MainMachine. NpcId: 3637320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.BackupPowerUnit. NpcId: 3637420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.ControlUnit. NpcId: 3637520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.PowerControlUnit. NpcId: 3637620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3637720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3637720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3637920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.GuardCaption. NpcId: 3637920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3638020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3638020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3638120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3638120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3638220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.SupportUnitCaption. NpcId: 3638220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3638320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardMystic. NpcId: 3638320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3638420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardPriest. NpcId: 3638420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3638520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.ArcherCaption. NpcId: 3638520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3638620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3638620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3638720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.General. NpcId: 3638720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3638820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3638820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3638920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.Ballista. NpcId: 3638920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3639020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.fortress.siege.MercenaryCaption. NpcId: 3639020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3639120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3639120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3639320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3639420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3639520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3639620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3639720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3639820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3639920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3640020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3640120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastlePrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3640320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastlePrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3640420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastlePrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3640520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastlePrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3640620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastlePrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3640720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastlePrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3640820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastlePrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3640920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastlePrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3641020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.castle.CastlePrisonKeeper. NpcId: 3641120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3643320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3643420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3643520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3643620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3643720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3643820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3643920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3644020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3644120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3644220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3644320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3644420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3644520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3644620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3644720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3644820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3644920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3645020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3645120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3645220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3645320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3645420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.fortress.Envoy. NpcId: 3645520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.reputation_manager.ManagerLepidus. NpcId: 3647920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.reputation_manager.ManagerScipio. NpcId: 3648020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MercenaryCaptain. NpcId: 3648920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.TerritoryManager. NpcId: 3649020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.TerritoryManager. NpcId: 3649120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.TerritoryManager. NpcId: 3649220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.TerritoryManager. NpcId: 3649320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.TerritoryManager. NpcId: 3649420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.TerritoryManager. NpcId: 3649520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.TerritoryManager. NpcId: 3649620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.TerritoryManager. NpcId: 3649720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.TerritoryManager. NpcId: 3649820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3649920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3649920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.Catapult. NpcId: 3650720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3650820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MilitaryAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3650820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3650920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3650920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3651020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.ReligiousAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3651020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3651120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3651120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3651220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3651220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3651320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.EconomicAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3651320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3651420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MilitaryAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3651420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3651520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3651520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3651620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.ReligiousAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3651620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3651720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3651720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3651820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3651820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3651920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.EconomicAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3651920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3652020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MilitaryAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3652020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3652120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3652120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3652220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.ReligiousAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3652220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3652320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3652320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3652420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3652420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3652520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.EconomicAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3652520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3652620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MilitaryAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3652620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3652720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3652720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3652820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.ReligiousAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3652820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3652920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3652920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3653020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3653020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3653120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.EconomicAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3653120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3653220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MilitaryAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3653220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3653320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3653320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3653420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.ReligiousAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3653420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3653520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3653520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3653620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3653620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3653720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.EconomicAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3653720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3653820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MilitaryAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3653820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3653920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3653920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3654020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.ReligiousAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3654020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3654120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3654120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3654220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3654220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3654320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.EconomicAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3654320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3654420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MilitaryAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3654420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3654520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3654520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3654620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.ReligiousAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3654620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3654720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3654720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3654820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3654820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3654920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.EconomicAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3654920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3655020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MilitaryAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3655020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3655120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3655120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3655220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.ReligiousAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3655220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3655320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3655320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3655420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3655420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3655520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.EconomicAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3655520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3655620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.MilitaryAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3655620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3655720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3655720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3655820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.ReligiousAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3655820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3655920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardFighter. NpcId: 3655920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.SiegeGuard. NpcId: 3656020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.SiegeGuardRanger. NpcId: 3656020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3656120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.EconomicAssociationLeader. NpcId: 3656120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SeducedInvestigator. NpcId: 3656220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SeducedInvestigator. NpcId: 3656220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SeducedInvestigator. NpcId: 3656320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SeducedInvestigator. NpcId: 3656320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SeducedInvestigator. NpcId: 3656420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SeducedInvestigator. NpcId: 3656420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: SeducedInvestigator. NpcId: 3656520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SeducedInvestigator. NpcId: 3656520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: pts.aerial_cleft.CleftTownTeleporter. NpcId: 3657020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3659120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.SuppliesSafe. NpcId: 3659120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3659220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.SuppliesSafe. NpcId: 3659220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3659320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.SuppliesSafe. NpcId: 3659320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3659420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.SuppliesSafe. NpcId: 3659420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3659520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.SuppliesSafe. NpcId: 3659520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3659620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.SuppliesSafe. NpcId: 3659620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3659720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.SuppliesSafe. NpcId: 3659720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3659820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.SuppliesSafe. NpcId: 3659820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: residences.QuestSiegeGuard. NpcId: 3659920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: residences.dominion.SuppliesSafe. NpcId: 3659920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.fightClub.FlagToCapture. NpcId: 5300120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.fightClub.FlagToCapture. NpcId: 5300220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.fightClub.FlagToCapture. NpcId: 5300320:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.fightClub.FlagToCapture. NpcId: 5300420:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.fightClub.FlagToCapture. NpcId: 5300520:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.fightClub.FlagHolder. NpcId: 5300620:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.fightClub.FlagHolder. NpcId: 5300720:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.fightClub.FlagHolder. NpcId: 5300820:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.fightClub.FlagHolder. NpcId: 5300920:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.fightClub.FlagHolder. NpcId: 5301020:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.fightClub.Base. NpcId: 5301120:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.fightClub.Base. NpcId: 5301220:44:27 [main] ERROR NpcTemplate - Not found type class for type: events.fightClub.TreasureChest. NpcId: 5301320:44:27 [main] INFO NpcHolder - NpcHolder: loaded 10469 npc(s) count.20:44:27 [main] INFO NpcHolder - NpcHolder: loaded 6287 PTS AI template(s) count.20:44:27 [main] INFO CustomBuyListHolder - CustomBuyListHolder: loaded 199 custom buy list(s) count.20:44:27 [main] INFO MapRegionManager - MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.20:44:27 [main] INFO MapRegionManager - MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.20:44:27 [main] INFO StaticObjectHolder - StaticObjectHolder: loaded 50 static object(s) count.20:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722000120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722000220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722000320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722000420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722000520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722000620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722000720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722000820:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722000920:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722001020:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722001120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722001220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722001320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1722001420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SSQDoor. DoorId: 1724010220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SSQDoor. DoorId: 1724010420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SSQDoor. DoorId: 1724011020:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SSQDoor. DoorId: 1724010820:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SSQDoor. DoorId: 1724010620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1820000620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1820000720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1820000820:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1820000920:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1822000620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1822000720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1921001120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1921001220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1921001320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1921001420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1921001520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1921001620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1921001720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1921001820:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1924000120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1924000220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1924001120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 1924001220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2020000420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2020000520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2022001120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2022001220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2022001320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2022001420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2022001520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2022001620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2022001920:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2022002020:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2022002720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2022002820:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2023000620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2023000720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116000120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116000220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116000320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116000420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116000520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116000620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116000720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116000820:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116000920:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116001020:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116001120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116001220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116001320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2116001420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2117000120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2117000220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2117000320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2117000420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2117000520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2117000620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2122000420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2122000520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2213001720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2213001820:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2213001920:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2213002020:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2213002120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2213002220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2213002320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2213002420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2215000420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2215000520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2216000620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2216000720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2216001020:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2216001120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2218000620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2218000720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2220000220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2220000320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2220000820:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2220000920:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2222000320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2222000420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2222000520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2222000620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2222000720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2222000820:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2222000920:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2222001020:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2222001120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2222001220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2223000220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2223000320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2313000720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2313000820:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SecretRoomDoor. DoorId: 2315000120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: SecretRoomDoor. DoorId: 2315000220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2316000220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2316000320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2317000220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2317000320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2317001020:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2317001120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2320000620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2320000720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2320001020:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2320001120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2321000420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2321000520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2321000820:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2321000920:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2324000420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2324000520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2414000120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2414000220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2414000320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2414000420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2414000520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2414000620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2415000120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2415000220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2415001120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2415001220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2416000120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2416000220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2416000320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2416000420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2416000520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2416000620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2416000720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2416000820:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2418002220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2418002320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2418002420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2418002520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2418002620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2418002720:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2418002820:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2418002920:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2418003020:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2418003120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2418003220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2418003320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2419001120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2419001220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2517000120:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2517000220:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2517000320:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2517000420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2517000520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2517000620:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2519000420:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2519000520:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2519001020:44:27 [main] ERROR DoorTemplate - Not found ai class for ai: ResidenceDoor. DoorId: 2519001120:44:27 [main] INFO DoorHolder - DoorHolder: loaded 1163 door(s) count.20:44:27 [main] INFO ZoneHolder - ZoneHolder: loaded 2445 zone(s) count.20:44:28 [main] INFO SpawnHolder - SpawnHolder: loaded 35262 spawn(s) count.20:44:28 [main] INFO InstantZoneHolder - InstantZoneHolder: loaded 159 instant zone(s) count.Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at org.mmocore.gameserver.manager.ReflectionManager.getInstance(ReflectionManager.java:41) at org.mmocore.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:60) at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.(GameServer.java:160) at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:338)Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.mmocore.gameserver.ai.CharacterAI cannot be cast to org.mmocore.gameserver.ai.DoorAI at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.instances.DoorInstance.getAI(DoorInstance.java:205) at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.instances.DoorInstance.(DoorInstance.java:52) at org.mmocore.gameserver.model.entity.Reflection.init(Reflection.java:673) at org.mmocore.gameserver.manager.ReflectionManager.(ReflectionManager.java:35) at org.mmocore.gameserver.manager.ReflectionManager.(ReflectionManager.java:13) at org.mmocore.gameserver.manager.ReflectionManager$LazyHolder.(ReflectionManager.java:100) ... 4 more
в настройках путь к бд правильный указал? БД установилась? как понимаю ругается на то, что не может найти скилы, дерево классов и т.д. от кх, от персов и т.д.

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