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Не получается скомпилировать interface.u ( LUSE \ UCC )
Luse не пользовался, но пользовался 2 компилятором, который через батник запускается. Там тебе нужно в путь interlude--> interface--> classes закинуть классы
Там скорее всего собирает , просто ты декомпильнут что-то и оно криво декомпильнуло , я так же мучался только с НПЦ эффектами , когда UE EXPLORER`ом декомпильнул готовый эффект , но там было много ошибок , чуть помучался , исправил и все заработало. Как вариант - попробуй в ChatGPT закинуть декомпил кода и посмотреть есть ли там ошибки
1. I take a custom interface.u - I took on finishing Essense V2
2. Export classes via WOT
3. I put the finished classes in my LUSE project - I bought a subscription to boost from the Author, and downloaded the current version from him there.
4. Open LUSE and edit the required class in it
5. I press the compilation test - It passes successfully
6. I click Compile - everything seems to compile... But at the last moment it says "I can't copy the file".
Looking at the "Debug Log" in LUSE...
------------------------Interface - Release--------------------------------- -------
Superclass UIScript of class UICommonAPI not found
How can something like this be compiled? I don't understand, it seems like WOT pulls classes without errors, there is no gibberish anywhere.
Well, the author somehow stuffed this into his interface.u
....I went on to study further
I think I'll try to run Compilier.bat myself, without the LUSE GUI...
1. Again I copy the ready-made interface classes (I make sure that everything is in its place)
2. I launch Compilier.bat
3. Compiles successfully - I get build
4. I'm starting to be glad that everything worked out.... But no. It didn't work out.
Because this thing just copied interface.u, which was in the neighboring system folder... And it is generally standard) There is nothing there that I added) It just ignored the class files that are in the required folder oO
...started digging further
I thought - well, I'll try to launch UCC then, in fact, it does all the work.
1. I check that all interface classes are in place
2. I delete the previous "successful" build
3. I make a batch file with the contents of ucc make
4. I launch and.... Error.
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