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Исходники Acis 348

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Исходники Acis 348 - Williams Silva

Совсем недавно появлялась тема с просьбой о шаре исходника Acis 348+ , вот вообщем нашёлся некий человек под ником Williams Silva , который шарит эти сурсы. К ним так же прилагаются diff / patch 346-347 (на всякий пожарный).


-Filters are moved back into classes.

-Drop of //admin_fix_cache_crest admincommand.
-Drop of OLD_PLEDGE related stuff.
- BMP filter edited for DDS one, crests are stored under .dds format file.Consider to CONVERT .bmp into.dds !
-Crests are stored on a Mapfor an easier management.

Announcements-TySikken, xblx (&& me ofc).
-RenamedAnnouncements>AnnouncementTable, moved into datatables.Addition of Announcement model.General cleanup and rework.
-Addition of critical announcement type.
-Addition of scheduled announcement ; you can schedule your announcement to happen X times, every Y times.
-Saved under XML format instead of TXT.
-Drop of //reload_announcements (handled directly by AdminAdmin //reload generic admincommand), //announce_menu (no use).
-Merge of numerous announcements admincommands, now handled by//announce <list|all|add|add_auto|del>.
-Addition of //say admincommand (critical counterpart for //ann).
-Old//announce renamed for //ann.

-Little reorganization on Gameserver.java.

PS : so basically, regarding Announcements admincommands, you only have :
-//ann && //say for instant announcements type.
-//announce <list|all|add|add_auto|del> for advanced mode.
-//reload announcement.
MMOCore,Announcements,Eclipse settings,Scripts,Misc

MMOCore- basic update to latest L2J version.
-Add a try/catch to avoid core crashing.
-DisableNagle's algorithm (better latency, but bigger bandwitdh usage). It's a real time application,for love of goodness !
-Clientis setted on putPacketIntoWriteBuffer method.

-Fix an issue regarding Announcement limit.
-Add//announce all_auto, allowing to announce auto tasks. Add the appropriate button on Announcements admin panel.

Eclipse settings
-Added project based Java8 compliance on both projects.
-Copied project settings from gameserver to datapack.It seems I was using workbench settings on datapack.
-Fix few missing stuff on datapack, such asstatic keywords or nested return.
-"Incomplete switch cases on enum option"is now setted to "Ignore".
- addition of SecondClassChange script. I can't test all cases and HTMs, so please report any issue on forums.
- addition of Q662. Ty RooT.
- numerous packets cleanups
- clean one nested Item Class.
- improve readability or performance.
- reduce the amount or complexity of variables / parameters when not needed.
- HennaInfo is fixed, the class level defines the number of henna slots. Ty RooT.
- getItems() from Inventory returns a List, not an array anymore.
- Fix possible double attacks issue, ty Hasha.
- Decrease timer between multiple pickups.
- Added a new multisell bypass, with a newbie check for L2Merchant exchange equipment. Ty ArhsGr.
- Fix a NPE regarding CrestCache rework. Ty katara for report.

-Simplified FP system (took L2JFree one).Timers are still configurable via config, all others configs are dropped (totally pointless).
- A parameter setted to 0 means the action is always possible (you can enable/disable any FP that way).
- GLOBAL_CHAT && TRADE_CHAT FPs are desactivated bydefault. GLOBAL_CHAT handles "All"and"Shout" chats.
- SOCIAL timer has been tweaked to handle animations at the most global running speeds.Editif you don't like.

- addition of Q224, Q228, Q663. Ty to roko91 and RooT.

- Fix, anew, the movement stuck issue.
- Drop the empty folder in taskmanager.
- You can use arrows UP and DOWN to move the character without making your client crashes. No configs.
- Chats and RollDice handlers cleanup (nothing fantastic). Roll dice message is sent to anyone.
- Complete StopRotation packet. Ty RooT.

-Addition of Q220, Q226.Ty roko91.

-Drop the unused "block" system on PcInventory.
-Drop the "quests slots" system on PcInventory.Easier slots check.

-FixPacketForge tool.Ty roko91 for the fix.
-Fix a NPE on ShortcutInit packet.
-Fix a NPE on removeCrest().
-Fix a NPE on calculateRewards(), overhit related.TySweeTsfor the fix.
-Added a missing check on pickup method, related to overweight.Now you can't be 110% full...
- RequestDestroyItem got its checks edited, with the addition of CANNOT_DESTROY_NUMBER_INCORRECT message (for both < 1 and > max item number conditions).
- Remove GMs priviledges on few packets, leading to a most appropriated casual player experience for : attack stance on restart/logout, slot/weight overbuy, outofcontrol Action.
Duels- part I,Misc

Duels- part I

I decide to commit first part of Duels,as there is already a lot of work.
Allis functional,and far better written than before.Part2 will get few fixes && little tweaks forPartyDuels, probably 10% of what I'm commiting now.

- General cleanup : aCis code style, DuelState Enum creation, setIsInDuel > setInDuel rename. Numerous comments && Javadoc as documentation.

- Fix a ConcurrentException on DuelManager (couldn't handle simultaneous Duel creations).
-Duel id is correctly calculated (it was probably very, very sad before).

-Chaotic players (karma >0) can't start or accept a duel request.
- Fix a potential ConcurrentException on buff/debuff storing.
- Fix a NPE with _playerConditions.
- Fix few custom String for SystemMessage counterparts.
- Fix the way duels handle disconnected players. It is considered as a surrender, as L2OFF. Ty sahar for report.
- Fix an issue with surrender SystemMessage winner name.
- Fix the max range for duel request && check task.
- Fix the check task
- It is fired once the duel is accepted (instead of after countdowns). A duel can now be disturbed during the countdown.
- Added missing checks for party duels (zones, interrupted state, distance, pvpflag).
- Fix RequestDuelAnswerStart checks, which are now exactly the same than RequestDuelStart packet.
- Fix when a party in a command channel requests or accepts a party duel, that party is automatically withdrawn from the command channel.
- Fix parties teleport, which are ported back to previous stored location no matter the duel end (in prevision to arena coordinates).

Victory/lose animations
- Fix an issue with kneel animation for 'B player/party winner' case.
- Add Victory animation for winners.
- Animations are sent even if one side is missing.

- Revert party duel timer to 120 seconds (retail time).
- The 1vs1 countdown is setted to 5sec instead of 3sec + "void" 3sec. Messages for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 cases.
- The party countdown is setted to 30sec instead of 20sec, with messages for 30, 20, 15, 10 cases. It also uses 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 messages from 1vs1.
- Drop the 5sec timer at the end of a duel.
- The two left tasks, CheckTask && StartTask, use scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate to avoid to generate tasks every seconds.

- Rework PartyMatchList, ExListPartyMatchingWaitingRoom serverpackets.
L2JFree Commons- part I,Misc.

L2JFree Commons- part I
-Holds all String related methods (gathered from misc places).
-Addition of 8staticDateFormat to avoid to generate objects.Unify the date writing style over the whole source (few still missing).
-Cleanup existing methods, improving performance or readability.
-StringUtil.append() allows to append any type of objects, instead of simply strings (which avoid all valueOf / toString).
-Util.implodeString()is dropped,useString.join()-Java8 feature -when possible.
-Point3Dclassis dropped (redundant withLocation).

-Drop few invalid IDsfromRaidbossInfo script.
-Fix removeDuel method.
-Format adenas amount on wedding manager, ty oceeman.
-Few cleanups, improving readability / performance :
- L2OlympiadManager,RequestOlympiadMatchList: getOlympiadTasks() creation to handle loop easier.
-AdminManor handler : addition of static manor.htm.
-FriendsBBSManager,ClanBBSManager,RegionBBSManager,MailBBSManager: replace String concat on loops forStringBuilder.
-MailBBSManager: creation of MailTypeenum.
- L2AuctionnerInstance :use a StringBuilder instead of String concat loop.
-RaidBossSpawnManager: the long>long> date > format is cleaned up...You can directly uselong to format, lol.
-SevenSignsFestival: correct use of String.join().
-PetDataTable: fix a strange use of int array >string format.
-Drop of GMAuditfor bans and buffs action.
- Q419 : fix the strange array > list > array >'custom method' formatting
-AllStringBuilder have been reviewed andfixed.The convention name is"sb".
-AllNpcHtmlMessage have been reviewed.The convention name is"html".

-Since JDK 1.5,String concatenation is AUTOMATICALLY replaced byStringBuilder.Don't bother about concatenation, EXCEPT in one case (see below).
- FOR loops should always use a StringBuilder, NOT A CONCATENATION.
- If numerous types of element must be attached, you definitively should use StringUtil.append() method.
- DON'T USE '+' inside StringUtil.append() to seperate parameters, but ','!

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