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  1. MrKirill1232

    Upgrade Protocol

    class id enum: public final static int MAX_CLASS_ID; static { int maxClassId = 0; for (ClassId classId : ClassId.values()) { maxClassId = Math.max(maxClassId, classId.getId()); } MAX_CLASS_ID = maxClassId; } and config.java. You...
  2. MrKirill1232

    Upgrade Protocol

    and one more... some packets, as UserInfo and NpcInfo, has mask with sized, who located in "enums" folder.
  3. MrKirill1232

    Upgrade Protocol

    look diff between "network" folders of 2 versions (306 and 338) and move diff from 338 to 306 source. Finally - change in Server.ini allowed protocol from 306 to 338 ;D
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