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  • Users: zoumhs
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  1. zoumhs

    Vanganth error question.

    Hello good morning, anyone knows this error what it means is npc error? 08/20/2021 16: 30: 01.965, [. \ ObjectDB.cpp] [189] undefined (or unregistered) ClassId [1035710] 08/20/2021 16: 30: 02.024, [. \ ObjectDB.cpp] [217] undefined (or unregistered) ClassId [1035710] 08/20/2021 16: 30: 02.024...
  2. zoumhs

    Witch chronicle preferred?

    Hello dear friends! i would like to discuss with you, what chronicle you prefer C4 or C6 and what rates, extender L2OFF with both sources, tell me our opinion im looking good ideas to touch old good days, im thinking to open one project small or big in the winter to play just to play all players...
  3. zoumhs

    vanganth Autoloot system

    Hello anyone, i want to know if anyone know how to make autoloot like this.
  4. zoumhs

    Vangath help?

    I have the problem i dont see example this window https://ibb.co/pLCfh3z when i press to invite a clan a player. and after some seconds i get i dont respond the invite because i dont see the window to press yes to join. here is the code: can you help us please?
  5. zoumhs

    Vangath C4 problem with clan.

    Hello dear! I have one question you know how to find this packet i dont see the clan members, check dav im trying already in clansy.cpp to find a solution but i cant catch the correct packet for c4, passed 27days already to find a solution 😕im using vangath downgrade to c4 im using this LoanX /...
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