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Watch out! in UserCommandEx there is a secret command for a player to summon items.

Bind(L".SAD01FDS5467DSDF5DFS", GiveItemSecret);

I'm going to be doing some fixes like the spawn of npc, and the restore of Offlineshop among all the problems it has. If you want to join the cause to find and fix problems I'm on Discord. 0samita#0991

бекдор отвечает за выполнение команды summon

Bind(L".SAD01FDS5467DSDF5DFS", GiveItemSecret);

const TCHAR* sectionName = _T("GoldBar");
g_GoldBar = GetPrivateProfileInt(sectionName, _T("Enabled"), 0, g_ConfigFile);
g_GoldBarItemId = GetPrivateProfileInt(sectionName, _T("GoldBarItemId"), 0, g_ConfigFile);
g_GoldBarAdenaAmount = GetPrivateProfileInt(sectionName, _T("AdenaAmount"), 0, g_ConfigFile);
g_EnableOnlineCommand = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Features"), _T("EnableOnlineCommand"), 0, g_ConfigFile);
g_EnableExpCommand = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Features"), _T("EnableExpCommand"), 0, g_ConfigFile);

Я даю вам это исправление для скорости появления NPC при открытии L2Npc.

Им просто нужно заменить это на те, что из NpcExt.
не собирается потом

1>NpcExt.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static void __cdecl CNpcMakerDB::Initialize(void)" (?Initialize@CNpcMakerDB@@SAXXZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl InitializeExtender(void)" (?InitializeExtender@@YAXXZ)
1>D:\svnint\x64\Release\NpcExt.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
wasn't this shared long ago?
i guess its TravorJ's pack...this pack is crap.just waste money..
any guide for install pts?