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msg_begin id=32 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ñïîñîáíû ê áîþ. Äâèãàéòåñü ê áëèçæàéøåé òî÷êå ðåñòàðòà] group=0 color=0000FFFF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=39 UNK_0=1 message=[Ýâåíò TGS2002 çàêîí÷åí. Âñåì áîëüøîå ñïàñèáî.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=180 UNK_0=1 message=[Îñòàëîñü $s1 äíåé äî óäàëåíèÿ ïåðñîíàæà. Õîòèòå îòìåíèòü óäàëåíèå?] group=4 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[popup] msg_end
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msg_begin id=197 UNK_0=1 message=[Âûøåë èç êëàíà] group=0 color=FF0080FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=199 UNK_0=1 message=[×ëåíñòâî â ýòîì êëàíå áûëî îòìåíåíî] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=203 UNK_0=1 message=[Ãðóïïà áûëà ðàñïóùåíà] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_party_leave] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=204 UNK_0=1 message=[Íåïðàâèëüíîå èìÿ. Ïîïðîáóéòå åùå] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=205 UNK_0=1 message=[Íåïðàâèëüíîå èìÿ ïåðñîíàæà. Îáðàòèòåñü ê ÃÌ'ó] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=206 UNK_0=1 message=[Ââåäèòå èìÿ êëàíà äëÿ îáúÿâëåíèÿ âîéíû] group=4 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[popup] msg_end
msg_begin id=207 UNK_0=1 message=[$s2 èç êëàíà $s1 îáúÿâëÿåò âàì âîéíó. Âû ñîãëàñíû?] group=4 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[popup] msg_end
msg_begin id=208 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïðè óêàçàíèè ïóòè, íåçàáóäüòå óêàçàòü è ðàñøèðåíèå] group=4 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[popup] msg_end
msg_begin id=209 UNK_0=1 message=[Ðàçìåð êàðòèíêè íåïðàâèëüíûé. Âûáåðèòå êàðòèíêó 16*12] group=0 color=0000FFFF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=210 UNK_0=1 message=[Íåâîçìîæíî íàéòè ôàéë] group=0 color=0000FFFF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=211 UNK_0=1 message=[Ìîæíî èñïîëüçîâàòü êàðòèíêè ðàçìåðîì 16*12 ôîðìàòà, bmp 256 öâåòîâ] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=212 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ñîñòîèòå â êëàíå] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=213 UNK_0=1 message=[Íåäîñòóïíî. Ïîïðîáóéòå åùå ðàç ïîçæå] group=0 color=0000FFFF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=214 UNK_0=1 message=[Òèòóë èçìåíåí] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=215 UNK_0=1 message=[Îáúÿâëåíà âîéíà ñ êëàíîì $s1] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[215] win=2 font=0 lftime=5 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[Our Clan shall destroy our enemies in a great war!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=216 UNK_0=1 message=[Âîéíà ñ êëàíîì $s1 çàâåðøåíà. ] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[216] win=2 font=0 lftime=5 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[The Clan War has ended.] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=217 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû âûèãðàëè âîéíó ñ êëàíîì $s1!] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[217] win=2 font=0 lftime=5 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[Our clan is victorious!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=218 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû ñäàëèñü êëàíó $s1] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[218] win=2 font=0 lftime=5 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[Our clan has suffered a defeat!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=219 UNK_0=1 message=[Ëèäåðà êëàíà çàâàëèëè. Âû áûëè ïîâåðæåíû êëàíîì $s1] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[219] win=2 font=0 lftime=5 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[Our leader has been slain! We suffer defeat!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=220 UNK_0=1 message=[Îñòàëîñü $s1 ìèíóò äî îêîí÷àíèÿ âîéíû. ] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=8 font=0 lftime=5 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[Clan War is ending in $s1 second(s)] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=221 UNK_0=1 message=[Ëèìèò âðåìåíè íà âîéíó èñ÷åðïàí. Âîéíà ñ êëàíîì $s1 îêîí÷åíà] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[221] win=2 font=0 lftime=5 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[The Clan War is ending.] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=222 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 âñòóïèë â êëàí] group=0 color=FF0080FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_pledge_join] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=224 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 íå îòâåòèë: ïðèãëàøåíèå â êëàí áûëî îòìåíåíî] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_denial] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=225 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå îòâåòèëè íà ïðèãëàøåíèå $s1: âñòóïëåíèå áûëî îòìåíåíî] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_denial] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=226 UNK_0=1 message=[Êëàí $s1 íå îòâåòèë: îáúÿâëåíèå âîéíû îòìåíåíî] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_denial] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=227 UNK_0=1 message=[Îáúÿâëåíèå âîéíû áûëî îòìåíåíî, ïîñêîëüêó âû íå îòâåòèëè íà âûçîâ êëàíà $s1] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_denial] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=228 UNK_0=1 message=[Çàïðîñ íà îêîí÷àíèå âîéíû áûë îòêëîíåí] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_denial] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=230 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå ñîçäàòü íîâûé êëàí â òå÷åíèè 10 äíåé ïîñëå ðàñôîðìèðîâàíèÿ ïðåäûäóùåãî] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_impossible] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=231 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïåðñîíàæ íå ìîæåò âñòóïèòü â òå÷åíèè 5 äíåé ïîñëå âûõîäà èç êëàíà. ] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_impossible] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=232 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå âñòóïàòü â òå÷åíèè 5 äíåé ïîñëå âûõîäà êëàíà] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_impossible] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=233 UNK_0=1 message=[Êëàí çàïîëíåí. Âñòóïëåíèå íîâûõ ïåðñîíàæåé íåâîçìîæíî] group=0 color=FF0080FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_impossible] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=242 UNK_0=1 message=[Âûáåðèòå öåëü] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=243 UNK_0=1 message=[Íåëüçÿ îáúÿâèòü âîéíó êëàíàì, ñ êîòîðûìè ñîñòîèòå â ñîþçå] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_impossible] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=244 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå èìååòå ïðàâ íà îáúÿâëåíèå âîéíû] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_impossible] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=245 UNK_0=1 message=[5 äíåé íå ïðîøëî ñ ìîìåíòà îòâåðæåíèÿ âîéíû. Õîòèòå ïðîäîëæèòü?] group=4 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[popup] msg_end
msg_begin id=246 UNK_0=1 message=[Äðóãîé êëàí ñåé÷àñ âîþåò] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=247 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû óæå âîåâàëè ñ êëàíîì $s1: 5 äíåé äîëæíî ïðîõîäèòü ïåðåä ïîâòîðíûì îáúÿâëåíèåì âîéíû] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1775 UNK_0=1 message=[×ëåí êëàíà $s1 áûë àêòèâíûì ÷ëåíîì ñàìîé âåðõíåé ãðóïïû íà Festival of Darkness. $s2 î÷êîâ ðåïóòàöèè êëàíà áûëî äîáàâëåíî.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1776 UNK_0=1 message=[×ëåí êëàíà $s1 ñòàë Ãåðîåì. $2s î÷êîâ ðåïóòàöèè êëàíà áûëî äîáàâëåíî.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1777 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû óñïåøíî ïðîøëè êëàíîâûé êâåñò. $s1 î÷êîâ ðåïóòàöèè êëàíà áûëî äîáàâëåíî.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1778 UNK_0=1 message=[Äðóãîé êëàí çàõâàòèë âàø êëàíõîëë. $s1 î÷êîâ áûëî âû÷òåíî èç ðåïóòàöèè âàøåãî êëàíà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1779 UNK_0=1 message=[After losing the contested clan hall, 300 î÷êîâ áûëî âû÷òåíî èç ðåïóòàöèè âàøåãî êëàíà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1780 UNK_0=1 message=[Âàø êëàí çàõâàòèë êëàíõîëë îïïîíåíòà. $s1 î÷êîâ áûëî âû÷òåíî èç ðåïóòàöèè êëàíà âàøåãî îïïîíåíòà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1781 UNK_0=1 message=[Âàø êëàí äîáàâèë $1s î÷êîâ ê ñâîåé ðåïóòàöèè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1782 UNK_0=1 message=[×ëåí êëàíà $s1 áûë óáèò. $s2 î÷êîâ ðåïóòàöèè êëàíà ó âàñ áûëè âû÷òåíû è ïåðåäàíû êëàíó îïïîíåíòà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1783 UNK_0=1 message=[Çà óáèéñòâî ÷ëåíà êëàíà îïïîíåíòà, $s1 î÷êîâ áûëî âû÷òåíî èç ðåïóòàöèè êëàíà îïïîíåíòà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1784 UNK_0=1 message=[Âàø êëàí íå ñìîã çàùèòèòü Çàìîê. $s1 î÷êîâ ðåïóòàöèè êëàíà ó âàñ áûëè âû÷òåíû è ïåðåäàíû êëàíó îïïîíåíòà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1785 UNK_0=1 message=[Êëàí, êîòîðîìó âû ïðèíàäëåæèòå, áûë èíèöèàëèçèðîâàí. $s1 î÷êîâ áûëî âû÷òåíî èç ðåïóòàöèè âàøåãî êëàíà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1786 UNK_0=1 message=[Âàø êëàí íå ñìîã çàùèòèòü Çàìîê. $s1 î÷êîâ áûëî âû÷òåíî èç ðåïóòàöèè âàøåãî êëàíà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1787 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 î÷êîâ áûëî âû÷òåíî èç ðåïóòàöèè êëàíà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1788 UNK_0=1 message=[Êëàíîâîå çàêëèíàíèå $s1 áûëî äîáàâëåíî.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1789 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïîñêîëüêó î÷êè ðåïóòàöèè êëàíà óïàëè íà 0 èëè íèæå, âàøè êëàíîâûå çàêëèíàíèÿ áûëè äåàêòèâèðîâàíû.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_shortage] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1790 UNK_0=1 message=[Óñëîâèÿ, íåîáõîäèìûå äëÿ óâåëè÷åíèÿ óðîâíÿ êëàíà íå áûëè âûïîëíåíû.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_shortage] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1791 UNK_0=1 message=[Óñëîâèÿ, íåîáõîäèìûå äëÿ ñîçäàíèÿ âîåííîãî ïîäðàçäåëåíèÿ íå áûëè âûïîëíåíû.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_shortage] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1792 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïîæàëóéñòà, íàçíà÷òå íîâîãî êóðàòîðà äëÿ âàøåãî íîâîãî Order of Knights.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1793 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 âûáðàí êàê êàïèòàí $s2.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1794 UNK_0=1 message=[Ðûöàðè $s1 áûëè ñîçäàíû.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_pledge_join] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1795 UNK_0=1 message=[Êîðîëåâñêàÿ Îõðàíà $s1 áûëà ñîçäàíà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_pledge_join] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1796 UNK_0=1 message=[This account has been temporarily suspended due to involvement in account theft or other abnormal game play which has harmed or inconvenienced other players. If you were not involved with any of these violations, please contact Customer Service to verify your identity. For more details, please visit the 1:1 Inquiry section of the Customer Support page at the official Lineage II website (] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1797 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 ïîëó÷èë äîëæíîñòü $s2.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1798 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïðèâåëåãèè Ëîðäà êëàíà ïåðåäàíû $s1.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1799 UNK_0=1 message=[Â íàñòîÿùèé ìîìåíò èäåò èññëåäîâàíèå. Ïîæàëóéñòà ïîäîæäèòå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1800 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïîëüçîâàòåëü ïîä èìåíåì $s1 èìååò èñòîðèþ ïîëüçîâàíèÿ òðåòüèõ ïðîãðàìì (ñòîðîííèõ).] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1804 UNK_0=1 message=[Àêêàóíò ïðèîñòàíîâëåí íà 7 äíåé] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1805 UNK_0=1 message=[Ýòîò àêêàóíò ïðèîñòàíîâëåí íà 30 äíåé] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1806 UNK_0=1 message=[Ýòîò àêêàóíò áûë âðåìåííî çàáàíåí] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1807 UNK_0=1 message=[Ýòîò àêêàóíò ïðèîñòàíîâëåí íà 30 äíåé] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1809 UNK_0=1 message=[Íà÷àòü èñïîëüçîâàòü àêêàóíò ìîæíî ïîñëå åãî âåðèôèêàöèè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1810 UNK_0=1 message=[Ñîñòîÿíèå îòêëîíåíèÿ ñîîáùåíèé áûëî àêòèâèçèðîâàíî.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1811 UNK_0=1 message=[Ñîñòîÿíèå îòêëîíåíèÿ ñîîáùåíèé áûëî óäàëåíî.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1813 UNK_0=1 message=[Âðåìåíè îñòàëîñü $s1 ÷àñ(îâ) è $s2 ìèíóò äî îêîí÷àíèÿ èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1814 UNK_0=1 message=[$s2 ìèíóòû âðåìåíè èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ îñòàâëåíû äëÿ $s1.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1816 UNK_0=1 message=[Âëàäåëåö $s2 íàõîäèòñÿ â ðàéîíå $s1.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1823 UNK_0=1 message=[Ðåãèñòðàöèîííûé ïåðèîä äëÿ âîéíû õîëëà êëàíà çàêîí÷èëñÿ.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1824 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû áûëè çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíû â âîéíå çà êëàí õîëë. Ïîæàëóéñòà ïåðåìåñòèòå íàëåâî ñòîðîíó àðåíû õîëëà êëàíà è ïîäãîòîâüòåñü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1825 UNK_0=1 message=[Âàøà ïîïûòêà ðåãèñòðàöèè â âîéíå çà êëàí õîëë áûëà íåóäà÷íà. Ïîïðîáóéòå ñíîâà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_impossible] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1826 UNK_0=1 message=[Èãðà íà÷íåòñÿ ÷åðåç $s1 ìèíóò. Âñå èãðîêè äîëæíû ïîñïåøèòü è ïåðåìåñòèòüñÿ íà ëåâóþ ñòîðîíó àðåíû õîëëà êëàíà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1835 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 ïîëíàÿ è äîïîëíèòåëüíûå ÷ëåíû êëàíà ïðèãëàøåíû ñåé÷àñ áûòü íå ìîãóò.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_shortage] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1836 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå âñòóïèòü â Àêàäåìèþ êëàíà, ò.ê. óæå èìååòå âòîðóþ ïðîôåññèþ.] group=0 color=FF0080FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_shortage] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1837 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 ïîñëàë âàì ïðèãëàøåíèå ÷òîáû âñòóïèòü â $s3 Êîðîëåâñêóþ Ñòðàæó $s2 êëàíà. Õîòèòå âñòóïèòü?] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_party_invite] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1875 UNK_0=1 message=[There are $s1 minute(s) left in the fixed use time for this PC Café.] group=0 color=00FFFFFF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1876 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû õîòèòå ïîêèíóòü êëàí $s1 ?] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1879 UNK_0=1 message=[×åðåç $s1 ìèíóò âû áóäåòå òåëåïîðòèðîâàíû èçâíå èãðîâîé àðåíû.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1881 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïðåäâàðèòåëüíûé ìàò÷ íà÷íåòñÿ ÷åðåç $s1 ñåêóíä. Ïîäãîòîâüòåñü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1882 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïåðñîíàæ íå ìîæåò áûòü ñîçäàí íà ýòîì ñåðâåðå.] group=0 color=00FFFFFF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_impossible] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1883 UNK_0=1 message=[Íåò ïðåäëîæåíèé. ß âëàäåëåö, èëè ÿ äåëàþ ïðåäëîæåíèå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_impossible] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1884 UNK_0=1 message=[Enter the PC Room coupon serial number:] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1885 UNK_0=1 message=[This serial number cannot be entered. Please try again in $s1 minute(s).] group=4 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_impossible] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[popup] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1887 UNK_0=1 message=[Invalid serial number. Your attempt to enter the number has failed $s1 time(s). You will be allowed to make $s2 more attempt(s).] group=4 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[popup] msg_end
msg_begin id=1888 UNK_0=1 message=[Invalid serial number. Your attempt to enter the number has failed 5 times. Please try again in 4 hours.] group=4 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[popup] msg_end
msg_begin id=1889 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïîçäðàâëåíèÿ. Âû ïîëó÷èëè $s1.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1891 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå èñïîëüçîâàòü âåùè â ÷àñòíîì ìàãàçèíå èëè ÷àñòíîì ðàáî÷åì ìàãàçèíå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1903 UNK_0=1 message=[Those of you who have requested NCOTP should run NCOTP \n by using your cell phone to get the NCOTP \n password and enter it within 1 minute.\n If you have not requested NCOTP, leave this field blank and\n click the Login button.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1909 UNK_0=1 message=[==< Ñïèñîê ïåðñîíàæåé Àêàäåìèè êëàíà, êîòîðûå çàêàí÷èâàþò îáó÷åíèå íà ñëåäóþùåé íåäåëå >==] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1910 UNK_0=1 message=[Âûïóñêíèêè: $s1] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1911 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå âûçâàòü èãðîêîâ, êîòîðûå ê íàñòîÿùåìó âðåìåíè ó÷àñòâóþò â Áîëüøîé Îëèìïèàäå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1912 UNK_0=1 message=[Only those requesting NCOTP should make an entry into this field.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1913 UNK_0=1 message=[Îñòàâøååñÿ âðåìÿ ïîâòîðà öèêëà $s1 $s2 ìèíóò.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1914 UNK_0=1 message=[Îñòàâøååñÿ âðåìÿ ïîâòîðà öèêëà $s1 $s2 ñåêóíä.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1915 UNK_0=1 message=[Èãðà áóäåò çàêîí÷åíà ÷åðåç $s1 second(s).] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1916 UNK_0=1 message=[Óðîâåíü $s1 ñìåðòåëüíîãî øòðàôà áóäåò îöåíåí.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1917 UNK_0=1 message=[Ñìåðòåëüíûé øòðàô ïîäíÿò.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1918 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïèòîìåö ñëèøêîì áîëüøîãî óðîâíÿ äëÿ óïðàâëåíèÿ.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1919 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïåðèîä ðåãèñòðàöèè â Âåëèêîé Îëèìïèàäå çàêîí÷åí.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1920 UNK_0=1 message=[Your account is currently inactive. If you do not log into the game for a certain period of time, your account will then be changed into an inactive account. You can reactivate your account by visiting the Lineage II home page (] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1921 UNK_0=1 message=[$s2 ÷àñîâ $s3 ìèíóò ïðîøëè ñ òåõ ïîð, êàê $s1 áûë óáèò.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1922 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïîñêîëüêó $s1 ïîòåðïåë íåóäà÷ó äëÿ óáèéñòâà â òå÷åíèè ïîëíîãî äíÿ, ýòî èñòåêëî.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1923 UNK_0=1 message=[Court Magician: Ïîðòàë ñîçäàí!] group=0 color=F000FFFF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1924 UNK_0=1 message=[Òåêóùàÿ ïîçèöèÿ: $s1, $s2, $s3 (Îêîëî Primeval Isle)] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1925 UNK_0=1 message=[Èç-çà âëèÿíèÿ Seal of Strife âû â äàííûé ìîìåíò íå ìîæåòå âûçûâàòü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1926 UNK_0=1 message=[Íåò îïïîíåíòà, ÷òîáû ïîëó÷èòü âûçîâ äëÿ äóýëè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1927 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 âûçâàí íà äóýëü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1928 UNK_0=1 message=[Ãðóïïà $s1 âûçâàíà íà äóýëü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1929 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 ïðèíÿë âàø âûçîâ íà äóýëü. Äóýëü íà÷íåòñÿ ÷åðåç íåñêîëüêî ìãíîâåíèé.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1930 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû ïðèíÿëè âûçîâ $s1 íà äóýëü. Äóýëü íà÷íåòñÿ ÷åðåç íåñêîëüêî ìãíîâåíèé.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1931 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 îòêëîíèë âàø âûçîâ íà äóýëü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1932 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 îòêëîíèë âàø âûçîâ íà äóýëü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1933 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû ïðèíÿëè âûçîâ $s1 íà Ãðóïïîâóþ äóýëü. Äóýëü íà÷íåòñÿ ÷åðåç íåñêîëüêî ìãíîâåíèé.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1934 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 ïðèíÿë âàø âûçîâ íà äóýëü ïðîòèâ âàøåé ãðóïïû. Äóýëü íà÷íåòñÿ ÷åðåç íåñêîëüêî ìãíîâåíèé.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1935 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 îòêëîíèë âàø âûçîâ íà äóýëü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1936 UNK_0=1 message=[Ãðóïïà îïïîíåíòîâ îòêëîíèëà âàø âûçîâ íà äóýëü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1937 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïîñêîëüêó ÷åëîâåê, êîòîðîìó âû áðîñàëè âûçîâ, íå â ãðóïïå, îíè íå ìîãóò óñòðîèòü äóýëü ñ âàøåé ãðóïïîé.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1938 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 âûçâàë âàñ íà äóýëü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1939 UNK_0=1 message=[Ãðóïïà $s1 âûçâàëà âàøó ãðóïïó íà äóýëü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1940 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå óñòðîèòü äóýëü â íàñòîÿùèé ìîìåíò.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1941 UNK_0=1 message=[Ýòî íåóäà÷íîå ìåñòî äëÿ äóýëè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1942 UNK_0=1 message=[Ãðóïïà îïïîíåíòîâ íå ìîæåò ñåé÷àñ ïðèíÿòü âûçîâ íà äóýëü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1943 UNK_0=1 message=[Ãðóïïà îïïîíåíòîâ ñåé÷àñ â íåïðèãîäíîì ìåñòå äëÿ äóýëè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1944 UNK_0=1 message=[Ìîìåíò... È âû áóäåòå ïåðåíåñåíû íà ìåñòî äóýëè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1945 UNK_0=1 message=[Äóýëü íà÷íåòñÿ ÷åðåç $s1 ñåêóíä.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_battle_count] voice=[] win=2 font=0 lftime=3 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[$s1!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1946 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 âûçâàë âàñ íà äóýëü. Âû ñîãëàñíû?] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1947 UNK_0=1 message=[Ãðóïïà $s1 âûçâàëà âàñ íà äóýëü. Âû ñîãëàñíû?] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1948 UNK_0=1 message=[Äóýëü íà÷íåòñÿ ÷åðåç $s1 ñåêóíä.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=2 font=0 lftime=3 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[$s1!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1949 UNK_0=1 message=[Äóýëü íà÷àëàñü!] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_battle_start] voice=[] win=2 font=0 lftime=3 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[Start!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1950 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 âûèãðàë äóýëü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=2 font=0 lftime=3 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[$s1 is victorious!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1951 UNK_0=1 message=[Ãðóïïà $s1 âûèãðàëà äóýëü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=2 font=0 lftime=3 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[$s1's party is victorious!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1952 UNK_0=1 message=[Äóýëü çàêîí÷èëàñü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=2 font=0 lftime=3 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[Tie] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1953 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïîñêîëüêó $s1 áûë äèñêâàëèôèöèðîâàí, $s2 ïîáåäèë.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=2 font=0 lftime=3 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[$s1 is victorious!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1954 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïîñêîëüêó ãðóïïà $s1 áûëà äèñêâàëèôèöèðîâàíà, ãðóïïà $s2 ïîáåäèëà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=2 font=0 lftime=3 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[$s1's party is victorious!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1955 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïîñêîëüêó $s1 âûøåë èç äóýëè, $s2 ïîáåäèë.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=2 font=0 lftime=3 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[$s1 is victorious!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1956 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïîñêîëüêó ãðóïïà $s1 âûøëà èç äóýëè, ãðóïïà $s2 ïîáåäèëà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=2 font=0 lftime=3 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[$s1's party is victorious!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1957 UNK_0=1 message=[Âûáåðèòå âåùü äëÿ Ïðèðîñòà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1958 UNK_0=1 message=[Âûáåðèòå êàòàëèçàòîð äëÿ Ïðèðîñòà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1959 UNK_0=1 message=[Òðåáóåòñÿ $s1 $s2.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1960 UNK_0=1 message=[Ýòî íå ïðèãîäíàÿ âåùü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1961 UNK_0=1 message=[Êîëè÷åñòâî Gemstone íå âåðíîå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1962 UNK_0=1 message=[Ýòà âåùü áûëà óñïåøíî Ïðèðîùåíà!] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1963 UNK_0=1 message=[Âûáåðèòå âåùü, èç êîòîðîé âû õîòèòå óäàëèòü Ïðèðîñò.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1964 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïðèðîñò ìîæåò áûòü óäàëåí òîëüêî èç Ïðèðîùåííîé âåùè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1965 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïðèðîñò áûë óñïåøíî óäàëåí èç $s1.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1966 UNK_0=1 message=[Òîëüêî ëèäåð êëàíà ìîæåò ïåðåäàâàòü êîìàíäû.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1967 UNK_0=1 message=[Âîðîòà íàäåæíî çàïåðòû. Ïîïðîáóéòå ïîïûòêó ïîçæå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[ItemSound3.sys_failed] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1968 UNK_0=1 message=[Âëàäåëåö $s1.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1969 UNK_0=1 message=[Îáëàñòü ãäå $s1 ïîÿâëÿåòñÿ.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1970 UNK_0=1 message=[Êàê òîëüêî âåùü Ïðèðîùåíà, îíà íå ìîæåò áûòü Ïðèðîùåíà ñíîâà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1971 UNK_0=1 message=[Óðîâåíü çàêàëêè ñëèøêîì âûñîêèé äëÿ èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1972 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèðàñòèòü âåùü, ïîêà èäóò òîðãîâûå îïåðàöèè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1973 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèðàñòèòü âåùü, ïîêà çàìîðîæåíû.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1974 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèðàñòèòü âåùü, ïîêà ìåðòâû.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1975 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèðàñòèòü âåùü, ïîêà àêòèâíà òîðãîâëÿ.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1976 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèðàñòèòü âåùü, ïîêà ïàðàëèçîâàíû.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1977 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèðàñòèòü âåùü, ïîêà ðûáà÷èòå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1978 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèðàñòèòü âåùü, ïîêà ñèäèòå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1979 UNK_0=1 message=[Îñòàòîê ìàíû $s1 òåïåðü 10.] group=0 color=0000FFFF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1980 UNK_0=1 message=[Îñòàòîê ìàíû $s1 òåïåðü 5.] group=0 color=0000FFFF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1981 UNK_0=1 message=[Îñòàòîê ìàíû $s1 òåïåðü 1. Âåùü ñêîðî èç÷åçíåò.] group=0 color=0000FFFF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1982 UNK_0=1 message=[Îñòàòîê ìàíû $s1 òåïåðü 0 è âåùü èç÷åçëà.] group=0 color=0000FFFF sound=[] voice=[] win=8 font=0 lftime=5 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[$s1 has vanished.] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1983 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1984 UNK_0=1 message=[Íàæìèòå êíîïêó Ïðèðîñòà äëÿ íà÷àëà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
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msg_begin id=1986 UNK_0=1 message=[Âëàäåëåö $s1 ($s2)] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1987 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1988 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïàðîì ïðèøåë íà Primeval Isle.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1989 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïàðîì îò÷àëèò îò Rune Harbor â òå÷åíèè òðåõ ìèíóò.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1990 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïàðîì îò÷àëèâàåò íà Primeval Isle îò Rune Harbor.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1991 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïàðîì îò÷àëèò îò Primeval Isle â òå÷åíèè òðåõ ìèíóò.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1992 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïàðîì îò÷àëèâàåò íà Rune Harbor îò Primeval Isle.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1993 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïàðîì èç Primeval Isle â Rune Harbor áûë çàäåðæàí.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1994 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïàðîì èç Rune Harbor â Primeval Isle áûë çàäåðæàí.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1995 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 ôèëüòðóåò âûáîð] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1996 UNK_0=1 message=[Àòàêà áûëà áëîêèðîâàíà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1997 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 âûïîëíÿåò êîíòð-àòàêó.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1998 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû êîíòð-àòàêóåòå àòàêó $s1.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=1999 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 óâåðòûâàåòñÿ îò àòàêè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2000 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû óâåðíóëèñü îò àòàêè $s1.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2001 UNK_0=1 message=[Óëó÷øåíèå ïîòåðïåëî íåóäà÷ó èç-çà íåïîäõîäÿùèõ óñëîâèé.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=2 font=0 lftime=3 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[Augmentation Failed!] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2002 UNK_0=1 message=[Ëîâóøêà íåóäà÷íà.] group=0 color=0000FFFF sound=[] voice=[] win=8 font=0 lftime=5 bkg=1 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2003 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû ïîëó÷èëè îáû÷íûé ìàòåðèàë.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2004 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû ïîëó÷èëè ðåäêèé ìàòåðèàë.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2005 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû ïîëó÷èëè óíèêàëüíûé ìàòåðèàë.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2006 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû ïîëó÷èëè åäèíñòâåííûé ìàòåðèàë ýòîãî òèïà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2007 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïîæàëóéñòà, ââåäèòå èìÿ ïîëó÷àòåëÿ.] group=4 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[popup] msg_end
msg_begin id=2008 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïîæàëóéñòà, ââåäèòå òåêñò.] group=4 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[popup] msg_end
msg_begin id=2009 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðåâûñèòü 1500 ñèìâîëîâ.] group=4 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[popup] msg_end
msg_begin id=2010 UNK_0=1 message=[$s2 $s1] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2011 UNK_0=1 message=[Óëó÷øåííàÿ âåùü íå ìîæåò áûòü îòâåðãíóòà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2012 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 ïåðåìåùåí (àêòèâèçèðîâàí).] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2013 UNK_0=1 message=[Âûøå ñåìÿ èëè îñòàëüíîå ïðèîáðåòàþò íåàäåêâàòíûé îáúåì.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2014 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèñòóïèòü, ïîñêîëüêó ïðîèçîøëà îøèáêà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2015 UNK_0=1 message=[Óìåíèå ìîæíî èñïîëüçîâàòü ñíîâà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2016 UNK_0=1 message=[Óìåíèå ìîæíî èñïîëüçâàòü ñíîâà, íî âðåìÿ èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ âîçðàñëî.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2017 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 íå ìîæåò ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â äóýëè ïîñêîëüêó $s1 ñåé÷àñ çàíÿò òîðãîâëåé èëè ïðîèçâîäñòâîì.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2018 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 íå ìîæåò ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â äóýëè ïîñêîëüêó $s1 ñåé÷àñ ðûáà÷èò.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2019 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 íå ìîæåò ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â äóýëè ïîñêîëüêó HP èëè MP $s1 íèæå 50 ïðîöåíòîâ.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2020 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 íå ìîæåò ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â äóýëè ïîñêîëüêó $s1 ñåé÷àñ â íåïîäõîäÿùåì ìåñòå (Ìèðíàÿ çîíà / Çîíà Ñåìè Ïå÷àòåé / Îêîëî âîäû / Çîíà ïåðåçàïóñêà).] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2021 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 íå ìîæåò ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â äóýëè ïîñêîëüêó $s1 ñåé÷àñ â áèòâå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2022 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 íå ìîæåò ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â äóýëè ïîñêîëüêó $s1 óæå ó÷àâñòâóåò â äóýëè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2023 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 íå ìîæåò ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â äóýëè ïîñêîëüêó $s1 â õàîòè÷íîì ñîñòîÿíèè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2024 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 íå ìîæåò ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â äóýëè ïîñêîëüêó $s1 ó÷àâñòâóåò â Îëèìïèàäå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2025 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 íå ìîæåò ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â äóýëè ïîñêîëüêó $s1 ó÷àâñòâóåò â âîéíå çà êëàíõîëë.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2026 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 íå ìîæåò ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â äóýëè ïîñêîëüêó $s1 ó÷àâñòâóåò â Îñàäå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2027 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 íå ìîæåò ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â äóýëè ïîñêîëüêó $s1 ñåé÷àñ íà ëîäêå, âèâåðíå èëè ñòðàéäåðå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2028 UNK_0=1 message=[$s1 íå ìîæåò ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â äóýëè ïîñêîëüêó $s1 ñëèøêîì äàëåêî.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2029 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû íå ìîæåòå ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â Îëèìïèàäå, ïîêà òåëåïîðòèðóåòåñü.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2030 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû ñåé÷àñ âõîäèòå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2031 UNK_0=1 message=[Ïîæàëóéñòà, ïîäîæäèòå.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2032 UNK_0=1 message=[Ñåé÷àñ íå âðåìÿ äëÿ ïîêóïêè âåùåé.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2033 UNK_0=1 message=[Ñàá-êëàññ íå ìîæåò áûòü âçÿò èëè èçìåíåí, ò.ê. èíâåíòàðü ïåðåïîëíåí.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2034 UNK_0=1 message=[Îñòàëîñü $s1 ÷àñîâ è $s2 ìèíóò äî ìîìåíòà ïðèîáðåòåíèÿ âåùè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2035 UNK_0=1 message=[Îñòàëîñü $s1 ìèíóò äî ìîìåíòà ïðèîáðåòåíèÿ âåùè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2036 UNK_0=1 message=[Íåâîçìîæíî ïðèãëàñèòü, ïîñêîëüêó Ãðóïïà çàïåðòà.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2037 UNK_0=1 message=[Íåâîçìîæíî ñîçäàòü ïåðñîíàæ. Âû íå ìîæåòå ñîçäàòü ïåðñîíàæà íà âûáðàííîì ñåðâåðå. A restriction is in place which restricts users from creating characters on different servers where no previous character exists. Please choose another server.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2038 UNK_0=1 message=[Ýòîò àêêàóíò íå ìîæåò âûêèäûâàòü âåùè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2039 UNK_0=1 message=[Ýòîò àêêàóíò íå ìîæåò òîðãîâàòü âåùàìè.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2040 UNK_0=1 message=[Íåâîçìîæíà òîðãîâëÿ ñ âûáðàííîé öåëüþ.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2041 UNK_0=1 message=[Íå âîçìîæíî îòêðûòü ÷àñòíûé ìàãàçèí.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2042 UNK_0=1 message=[This account has been suspended for non-payment based on the cell phone payment agreement.\n Please submit proof of payment by fax (02-2186-3499) and contact customer service at 1600-0020.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2043 UNK_0=1 message=[You have exceeded your inventory volume limit and cannot take this quest item. Please make room in your inventory and try again.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2044 UNK_0=1 message=[This account cannot set up private manufacture.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2045 UNK_0=1 message=[This account cannot use private manufacture.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2046 UNK_0=1 message=[This account cannot use private stores.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2047 UNK_0=1 message=[This account cannot use the clan warehouse.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2051 UNK_0=1 message=[Since your account has not been agreed to play Lineage II, you cannot play Lineage II yet.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2052 UNK_0=1 message=[Since your account is registered in minor's name and your guardian has not agreed you to play Lineage II, you cannot play Lineage II yet.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2053 UNK_0=1 message=[Your account is in process of membership withdrawal request so you are not allowed to play Lineage II.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2054 UNK_0=1 message=[The use of your integrated account has been suspended so you are not allowed play Lineage II.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2055 UNK_0=1 message=[The use of your account has been suspended so you are not allowed to play Lineage II.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2056 UNK_0=1 message=[Since your account has been changed into an integrated account, you cannot play Lineage II any more with this account.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end
msg_begin id=2057 UNK_0=1 message=[Âû áûëè çàáëîêèðîíû $s1%.] group=0 color=799BB0FF sound=[] voice=[] win=0 font=0 lftime=0 bkg=0 anim=0 scrnmsg=[] type=[none] msg_end