someone help with script


  1. Prelude
L2jmobius Essence
I have a skill to configure, after dealing damage it gathers all the mobs around...

I'm partial to the "PullBack" code

But pullback pulls mobs in front of your character.

How do I make the pullback not pull the mobs in front of the character, but rather bring them together?

skill "Spiral Shot"

What should I change in this handler for this to happen?

You need to get the aiming target on which the skill is cast and replace all uses of the effector in the effect with this target.

P.S. I just don’t know if it’s possible to get aiming target from the effect in Mobius.
Реакции: Rolo
Like that?Or like that

First variant:

    <skill id="47608" toLevel="8" name="Spiral Shot">
        <!-- <<font color="FF8000">Pull/ effect combo skill</font>>\n\nShoots an arrow imbued with strong wind energy.\nAttacks the target with $s1 power.\n\nIgnores $s2 of the target's defense.\nCritical.\n\nPulls nearby enemies to the target.\n\nApplies <font color="EFFF04">Gust</font> to the target.\n\n<If <font color="EFFF04">Fire (Flame Arrow Rain)</font> is active>\nThe following effect is applied:\n<font color="EFFF04">Flame Gust (damage over time)</font>\n\n<If <font color="EFFF04">Moisture (Water Arrow Rain)</font> is active>\nThe following effect is applied:\n<font color="EFFF04">Water Dust (damage over time)</font>\n\nIf <font color="EFFF04">Flurry (Storm Arrow Rain)</font> is active>\nThe following effect is applied:\n<font color="EFFF04">Storm (damage over time)</font> -->
            <value level="1">-1600</value>
            <value level="2">-1640</value>
            <value level="3">-1700</value>
            <value level="4">-1760</value>
            <value level="5">-1800</value>
            <value level="6">-1820</value>
            <value level="7">-1840</value>
            <value level="8">-1860</value>
            <value level="1">224</value>
            <value level="2">229</value>
            <value level="3">238</value>
            <value level="4">246</value>
            <value level="5">252</value>
            <value level="6">254</value>
            <value level="7">257</value>
            <value level="8">260</value>
            <effect name="CallSkill" fromLevel="1" toLevel="1">
            <effect name="CallSkill" fromLevel="2" toLevel="2">
            <effect name="CallSkill" fromLevel="3" toLevel="3">
            <effect name="CallSkill" fromLevel="4" toLevel="4">
            <effect name="CallSkill" fromLevel="5" toLevel="5">
            <effect name="CallSkill" fromLevel="6" toLevel="6">
            <effect name="CallSkill" fromLevel="7" toLevel="7">
            <effect name="CallSkill" fromLevel="8" toLevel="8">
    <skill id="47609" toLevel="8" name="Spiral Shot">
<!--        <hitTime>3000</hitTime>-->
<!--        <reuseDelay>20000</reuseDelay>-->
            <value level="1">-1600</value>
            <value level="2">-1640</value>
            <value level="3">-1700</value>
            <value level="4">-1760</value>
            <value level="5">-1800</value>
            <value level="6">-1820</value>
            <value level="7">-1840</value>
            <value level="8">-1860</value>
            <effect name="PullBack">

The second:

    <skill id="47608" toLevel="8" name="Spiral Shot">
        <!-- <<font color="FF8000">Pull/ effect combo skill</font>>\n\nShoots an arrow imbued with strong wind energy.\nAttacks the target with $s1 power.\n\nIgnores $s2 of the target's defense.\nCritical.\n\nPulls nearby enemies to the target.\n\nApplies <font color="EFFF04">Gust</font> to the target.\n\n<If <font color="EFFF04">Fire (Flame Arrow Rain)</font> is active>\nThe following effect is applied:\n<font color="EFFF04">Flame Gust (damage over time)</font>\n\n<If <font color="EFFF04">Moisture (Water Arrow Rain)</font> is active>\nThe following effect is applied:\n<font color="EFFF04">Water Dust (damage over time)</font>\n\nIf <font color="EFFF04">Flurry (Storm Arrow Rain)</font> is active>\nThe following effect is applied:\n<font color="EFFF04">Storm (damage over time)</font> -->
            <value level="1">-1600</value>
            <value level="2">-1640</value>
            <value level="3">-1700</value>
            <value level="4">-1760</value>
            <value level="5">-1800</value>
            <value level="6">-1820</value>
            <value level="7">-1840</value>
            <value level="8">-1860</value>
            <value level="1">224</value>
            <value level="2">229</value>
            <value level="3">238</value>
            <value level="4">246</value>
            <value level="5">252</value>
            <value level="6">254</value>
            <value level="7">257</value>
            <value level="8">260</value>
            <effect name="PullBack">
I tried to copy and paste what you said, but it remains the same, pulling in front of the character as your second example .

I know there is no person more qualified than you to teach this!

Am I doing something wrong that went unnoticed?

it looked like this:
If it's mobius source, go to mobius forum and ask him about it. After all, you're paying a monthly subscription, so be sure to get help. Good luck.

Там надо, чтобы мобы притягивались к тому мобу, в которого выстрелили.

нужен новый хендлер скорее всего, т.к. PullBack притягивает effected (моба) к effector(чару).
Yes, I started from that premise, I replicated the PullBack on the handle but I can't change the target positions.