hello. i am trying to use remote buff from BBS. it seems have a delay 10 seconds like flood protection. how i can disable?
(when i am using this on item or npc there is not having delay.)
this is from schemebuffer.txt the use_delay is =1 so should be 1 milisecond.
the button from htm of the community board
(when i am using this on item or npc there is not having delay.)
this is from schemebuffer.txt the use_delay is =1 so should be 1 milisecond.
setting_begin enabled=1 allow_pk=1 allow_guilty=0 allow_combat=0 allow_olympiad=0 allow_cursedweapon=1 use_delay=1 peacezone_only=0 buff_delay=0 low_level_msg=2454 high_level_msg=2455 not_enough_adena_msg=2456 add_to_list_msg=2408 add_to_summon_list_msg=2409 setting_end
remote_buff_begin pch_id=308354 price_id=4037 price_amount=1 min_level=0 max_level=80 abnormal_time=7200 remote_buff_end
the button from htm of the community board
<td><a action="bypass sb_b_p?id=308354">Wind Walk </a></td>