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Все изображения и файлы загружайте только на наш сервер! Для этого используйте кнопку "Загрузить файл", расположенную ниже или просто перетащите необходимые файлы/изображения со своего компьютера в окно редактора.

Подскажите в чем проблема?
Ты либо сервер выключаешь либо RAM не хватает

Подскажите в чем проблема?
проблема скорей всего в настройках либо самом ядре.
Можно по подробнее?
Ваше железо,
что в батнике вбито.
Подгружал ли гео.

Может криво настройки влепил.
хотя не в этом дело..

ещё настораживает надпись Shutdown Hooks...
может дело в нём.. может нет... (какой-то код подгружает) не суть...
я уже этим года 3-4 не занимался.. чисто эдак выводы из увиденного.
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/network/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/network/hexid.txt
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/events/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/events/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/events/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/events/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/events/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/events/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/chat/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loaded 708 Filter Words.
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/administration/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/administration/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loaded 1416 Filter Words.
[24.07.16 20:41:22] L2DatabaseFactory: Connected to database server
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] System Time: 24-07-2016 08:41:22 PM
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] OS: Windows 7 Build: 6.1
[24.07.16 20:41:22] OS Arch: amd64
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Avaible CPU(s): 2
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Processor(s) Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Runtime Information
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Current Free Heap Size: 722 mb
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Current Heap Size: 744 mb
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Maximum Heap Size: 1000 mb
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Java Platform Information
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Java Runtime  Name: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Java Version: 1.8.0_101
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Java Class Version: 52.0
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Virtual Machine Information (JVM)
[24.07.16 20:41:22] JVM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[24.07.16 20:41:22] JVM installation directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_101
[24.07.16 20:41:22] JVM version: 25.101-b13
[24.07.16 20:41:22] JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
[24.07.16 20:41:22] JVM Info: mixed mode
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Initializing Script Engine Manager.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Script Engine: java 1.6 - Language: java - Language Version: 1.6
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Script Engine: jython 2.2.1 - Language: python - Language Version: 2.2.1
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Script Engine: Oracle Nashorn 1.8.0_101 - Language: ECMAScript - Language Version: ECMA - 262 Edition 5.1
[24.07.16 20:41:23] ThreadPoolManager: Initializing.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] General threads: ..... 6.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Effect threads: ...... 8.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] AI threads: .......... 8.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Packet threads: ...... 4.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Total threads: ....... 26.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] L2World: Setting up World Regions
[24.07.16 20:41:23] L2World: (95 by 135) World Region Grid set up.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] DeadlockDetector: Initializing
[24.07.16 20:41:24] IdFactory: Cleaned 0 elements
[24.07.16 20:41:24] IdFactory: Cleanup items
[24.07.16 20:41:24] IdFactory: Cleanup clans
[24.07.16 20:41:24] IdFactory: Cleanup items on ground
[24.07.16 20:41:24] IDFactory: 102912 id's avaliable.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] MapRegionManager: Loaded 38 restartpoint(s).
[24.07.16 20:41:24] MapRegionManager: Loaded 23 restartareas with 145 arearegion(s).
[24.07.16 20:41:24] MapRegionManager: Loaded 235 zoneregion(s).
[24.07.16 20:41:24] MapRegionManager: Loaded 4 race depending redirects.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] AnnounceManager: Loaded 0 announce
[24.07.16 20:41:24] AnnounceManager: Loaded 0 auto announce
[24.07.16 20:41:24] IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1879048046
[24.07.16 20:41:24] Geodata Engine: Disabled.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] Static Objects: Loaded 29 object(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:24] GameTimeController: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] Initializing BoatManager
[24.07.16 20:41:24] Initializing InstanceManager
[24.07.16 20:41:24] Multiverse Instance created
[24.07.16 20:41:24] Universe Instance created
[24.07.16 20:41:24] AttackStanceTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] DecayTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] KnownListUpdateTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] LeakTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] SQLQueue: started
[24.07.16 20:41:24] TeleportTable: Loaded 925 location
[24.07.16 20:41:24] SkillTreeTable:          Loaded 36066 skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] FishingSkillTreeTable:   Loaded 109 general skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] FishingSkillTreeTable:   Loaded 8 dwarven skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] EnchantSkillTreeTable:   Loaded 14520 enchant skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] PledgeSkillTreeTable:    Loaded 64 pledge skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:27] SkillTable: Loaded 31174 skill templates from XML files.
[24.07.16 20:41:27] SkillTable: Occupying arrays for 75061.
[24.07.16 20:41:27] ExtraSkillTable: Loaded  55 skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:27] ResidentialSkillTable: Loaded 0 skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] PetSkillsTable: Loaded 1594 skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] NobleSkillTable: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] HeroSkillTable: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] Items: Cleanup items table
[24.07.16 20:41:28] ItemTable: Loaded 6882/6882 Items.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] ItemTable: Loaded 1014/1014 Armors.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] ItemTable: Loaded 1313/1313 Weapons.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 51 armor sets.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 51 armor sets.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] AugmentationData: Loaded: 1780 weapons skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 Spellbooks.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] SummonItemsData: Loaded 38 Summon Items from summon_items.xml
[24.07.16 20:41:29] Extractable items data: Loaded 344 extractable items!
[24.07.16 20:41:29] FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] ItemsAutoDestroy: initialized
[24.07.16 20:41:29] CharNameTable: Loaded 0 character names.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] CharTemplateTable: Loaded 89 Character Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] LevelUpData: Loaded 103 Character Level Up Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] Helper Buff Table: Loaded 25 Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] HennaTreeTable: Loaded 7128 Henna Tree Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] CoupleManager: loaded 0 couples(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:29] ClanTable: restored 0 clans from the database.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] Cache[Crest]: 0,000MB on 0 files loaded.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] Cache[Crest]: (Forget Time: 300s , Capacity: 50)
[24.07.16 20:41:29] HeroSystem: Loaded 0 Heroes.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] HeroSystem: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] BlockListManager: Loaded 0 character block(s).
[24.07.16 20:41:29] NpcTable: Loaded 7052 Npc Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] NpcTable: Loaded 6 Custom Npc Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] NpcTable: Loaded 447 Minions.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] NpcLikePc :Loaded 1 template(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:30] PetDataTable: loaded 12 pets.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] AutoChatHandler: Loaded 32 handlers in total.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 129 spawn group(s) from the database.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period!
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSigns: The competition, if the current trend continues, will end in a tie this week.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSigns: Next period begins in 0 days, 21 hours and 18 mins.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSignsFestival: first Festival of Darkness cycle begins in 2 minutes.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] CrownManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: loaded 0 clan halls
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: loaded 44 free clan halls
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Gludio
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Gludin
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Dion
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Giran
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 7 halls in Aden
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Goddard
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 9 halls in Rune
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Schuttgart
[24.07.16 20:41:30] RegenTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] DoorTable: Loaded 224 Door Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] Loaded: 9 castles
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SiegeManager: Loaded 0 registred siege(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:30] Initializing FortManager
[24.07.16 20:41:30] GuardReturnHomeManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:32] AttackableAiTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:32] WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 626 Npc Walker Routes.
[24.07.16 20:41:32] Initializing Walkers Routes Table.
[24.07.16 20:41:32] NpcWalkerAiTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:32] DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialized
[24.07.16 20:41:33] SpawnTable: Loaded 37393 Npc Spawn Locations.
[24.07.16 20:41:33] SpawnTable: 0 Npc Not Spawned.
[24.07.16 20:41:33] Loaded: 21 fortress
[24.07.16 20:41:33] FortSiegeManager: Loaded 21 siege(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:34] ZoneManager: arena.xml loaded with 8 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Initializing QuestManager
[24.07.16 20:41:34] ZoneManager: boss.xml loaded with 18 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Gludio: Sat Jul 30 20:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Dion: Sat Jul 30 20:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Giran: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Oren: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Aden: Sat Jul 30 20:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Innadril: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Goddard: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Rune: Sat Jul 30 20:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Schuttgart: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: castle.xml loaded with 48 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: clanhall.xml loaded with 44 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: custom.xml loaded with 0 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: fishing.xml loaded with 40 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: forts.xml loaded with 42 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: foursepulchers.xml loaded with 8 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: misc.xml loaded with 34 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: monstertrack.xml loaded with 2 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: mothertree.xml loaded with 5 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: pagan.xml loaded with 1 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:36] ZoneManager: peace.xml loaded with 42 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:36] ZoneManager: stadia.xml loaded with 22 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:36] ZoneManager: water.xml loaded with 200 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:36] MercTicketManager: loaded 0 Mercenary Tickets
[24.07.16 20:41:36] SiegeManager of Fortress Of Resistence
[24.07.16 20:41:36] SiegeManager of Bandits Stronghold
[24.07.16 20:41:36] SiegeManager of Devastated Castle
[24.07.16 20:41:36] SiegeManager of Fortres Of Dead
[24.07.16 20:41:36] SiegeManager of Wild Beasts Farm
[24.07.16 20:41:36] SiegeManager of Rainbow Springs Chateau
[24.07.16 20:41:36] BuffHolder: Loaded 3 buffScheme(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:37] Failed executing script: D:\Lineage 2 Server\Lineage 2 Server\Source\build\game\data\scripts\handlers\voice\ See for details.
[24.07.16 20:41:37] Failed executing script: D:\Lineage 2 Server\Lineage 2 Server\Source\build\game\data\scripts\handlers\voice\ See for details.
[24.07.16 20:41:37] Spawn Events Managers
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Loaded: 369 quests
[24.07.16 20:41:42] HtmCache: Loaded 24797 HTM file(s) for 2 language(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Despawned 601 creature(s), spawned 232
[24.07.16 20:41:42] RaidBossReturnHomeManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:42] RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 191 Instances
[24.07.16 20:41:42] RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances
[24.07.16 20:41:42] CursedWeaponsManager: loaded 2 cursed weapon(s).
[24.07.16 20:41:42] TradeListTable: Loaded 634 Buylists.
[24.07.16 20:41:42] ManorSystem: Schedule for manor refresh @ Mon Jul 25 20:00:42 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:42] ManorSystem: Manor period approve updated
[24.07.16 20:41:42] ManorSystem: Schedule for period approve @ Mon Jul 25 06:00:42 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:42] ManorManager: Loaded 256 seeds
[24.07.16 20:41:42] AuctionManager: loaded 38 auction(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:42] TimedItems: loaded 0 items 
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: 10279 minutes until period ends
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: Next weekly change is in 10076 minutes
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 0 hours and 2 mins.
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Sun Jul 24 18:00:42 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:42] DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.
[24.07.16 20:41:42] DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors.
[24.07.16 20:41:42] FourSepulchersManager: Loaded 4 mausoleum(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:42] FourSepulchersManager: Four Sepulchers will open at Sun Jul 24 20:55:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:43] GrandBossReturnHomeManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] QueenAntManager: State of QueenAnt is ALIVE.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] ZakenManager: State of Zaken is ALIVE.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] CoreManager: State of Core is ALIVE.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] OrfenManager: State of Orfen is ALIVE.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] SailrenManager: State of Sailren is NOTSPAWN.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] VanHalterManager : State of High Priestess van Halter is ALIVE.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] AntharasManager: State of Antharas is NOTSPAWN.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] BaiumManager: State of Baium is NOTSPAWN.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] ValakasManager: State of Valakas is NOTSPAWN.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] LastImperialTombManager: Init The Last Imperial Tomb.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] FrintezzaManager: State of Frintezza is NOTSPAWN.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] Faction Manager: disabled.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] ItemHandler: Loaded 0 handlers.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] SkillHandler: Loaded 0 handlers.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] ChatHandler: Loaded 0 handlers.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] ObjectRestrictions: loading...
[24.07.16 20:41:43] ObjectRestrictions: loaded 0 restrictions.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] SiegeStatus: loading...
[24.07.16 20:41:43] TaskManager: initalized.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] TaskManager: Registered: 6 Tasks.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] PetitionManager: initalized.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] Fishing Championship Manager : started
[24.07.16 20:41:43] Offline Manager: restore traders disables.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] FollowTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] AttackFollowTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] Connecting to login on localhost:9014
[24.07.16 20:41:44] IOFloodManager: initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] PCCaffe: Task scheduled every 10 minutes
[24.07.16 20:41:44] GameEventManager: Loaded 4 events.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] Cristmas event status: Off.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] Medals event status: Off.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] StarlightFestival event status: Off.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] L2Day event status: Off.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] BigSquash event status: Off.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] GmController: Loaded 0 handlers.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] GmController: Loaded 0 admin players.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] Loaded 0 extensions.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] TaskManager: Loaded: 3 Tasks From Database.
[24.07.16 20:41:46] Registered on login as Server 1 : Bartz
[24.07.16 20:41:46] Free memory: 625 Mb of 1000 Mb
[24.07.16 20:41:46] Ready on IP: localhost:7777.
[24.07.16 20:41:46] Max players: 1000
[24.07.16 20:41:46] Load time: 23 Seconds.
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/network/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/network/hexid.txt
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/events/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/events/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/events/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/events/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/events/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/events/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/chat/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loaded 708 Filter Words.
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/administration/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/administration/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/main/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loading: ./config/mods/
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Loaded 1416 Filter Words.
[24.07.16 20:41:22] L2DatabaseFactory: Connected to database server
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] System Time: 24-07-2016 08:41:22 PM
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] OS: Windows 7 Build: 6.1
[24.07.16 20:41:22] OS Arch: amd64
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Avaible CPU(s): 2
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Processor(s) Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Runtime Information
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Current Free Heap Size: 722 mb
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Current Heap Size: 744 mb
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Maximum Heap Size: 1000 mb
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Java Platform Information
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Java Runtime  Name: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Java Version: 1.8.0_101
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Java Class Version: 52.0
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] Virtual Machine Information (JVM)
[24.07.16 20:41:22] JVM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[24.07.16 20:41:22] JVM installation directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_101
[24.07.16 20:41:22] JVM version: 25.101-b13
[24.07.16 20:41:22] JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
[24.07.16 20:41:22] JVM Info: mixed mode
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:22] ..................................................
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Initializing Script Engine Manager.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Script Engine: java 1.6 - Language: java - Language Version: 1.6
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Script Engine: jython 2.2.1 - Language: python - Language Version: 2.2.1
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Script Engine: Oracle Nashorn 1.8.0_101 - Language: ECMAScript - Language Version: ECMA - 262 Edition 5.1
[24.07.16 20:41:23] ThreadPoolManager: Initializing.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] General threads: ..... 6.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Effect threads: ...... 8.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] AI threads: .......... 8.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Packet threads: ...... 4.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] Total threads: ....... 26.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] L2World: Setting up World Regions
[24.07.16 20:41:23] L2World: (95 by 135) World Region Grid set up.
[24.07.16 20:41:23] DeadlockDetector: Initializing
[24.07.16 20:41:24] IdFactory: Cleaned 0 elements
[24.07.16 20:41:24] IdFactory: Cleanup items
[24.07.16 20:41:24] IdFactory: Cleanup clans
[24.07.16 20:41:24] IdFactory: Cleanup items on ground
[24.07.16 20:41:24] IDFactory: 102912 id's avaliable.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] MapRegionManager: Loaded 38 restartpoint(s).
[24.07.16 20:41:24] MapRegionManager: Loaded 23 restartareas with 145 arearegion(s).
[24.07.16 20:41:24] MapRegionManager: Loaded 235 zoneregion(s).
[24.07.16 20:41:24] MapRegionManager: Loaded 4 race depending redirects.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] AnnounceManager: Loaded 0 announce
[24.07.16 20:41:24] AnnounceManager: Loaded 0 auto announce
[24.07.16 20:41:24] IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1879048046
[24.07.16 20:41:24] Geodata Engine: Disabled.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] Static Objects: Loaded 29 object(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:24] GameTimeController: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] Initializing BoatManager
[24.07.16 20:41:24] Initializing InstanceManager
[24.07.16 20:41:24] Multiverse Instance created
[24.07.16 20:41:24] Universe Instance created
[24.07.16 20:41:24] AttackStanceTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] DecayTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] KnownListUpdateTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] LeakTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] SQLQueue: started
[24.07.16 20:41:24] TeleportTable: Loaded 925 location
[24.07.16 20:41:24] SkillTreeTable:          Loaded 36066 skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] FishingSkillTreeTable:   Loaded 109 general skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] FishingSkillTreeTable:   Loaded 8 dwarven skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] EnchantSkillTreeTable:   Loaded 14520 enchant skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:24] PledgeSkillTreeTable:    Loaded 64 pledge skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:27] SkillTable: Loaded 31174 skill templates from XML files.
[24.07.16 20:41:27] SkillTable: Occupying arrays for 75061.
[24.07.16 20:41:27] ExtraSkillTable: Loaded  55 skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:27] ResidentialSkillTable: Loaded 0 skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] PetSkillsTable: Loaded 1594 skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] NobleSkillTable: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] HeroSkillTable: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] Items: Cleanup items table
[24.07.16 20:41:28] ItemTable: Loaded 6882/6882 Items.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] ItemTable: Loaded 1014/1014 Armors.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] ItemTable: Loaded 1313/1313 Weapons.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 51 armor sets.
[24.07.16 20:41:28] ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 51 armor sets.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] AugmentationData: Loaded: 1780 weapons skills.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 Spellbooks.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] SummonItemsData: Loaded 38 Summon Items from summon_items.xml
[24.07.16 20:41:29] Extractable items data: Loaded 344 extractable items!
[24.07.16 20:41:29] FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] ItemsAutoDestroy: initialized
[24.07.16 20:41:29] CharNameTable: Loaded 0 character names.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] CharTemplateTable: Loaded 89 Character Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] LevelUpData: Loaded 103 Character Level Up Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] Helper Buff Table: Loaded 25 Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] HennaTreeTable: Loaded 7128 Henna Tree Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] CoupleManager: loaded 0 couples(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:29] ClanTable: restored 0 clans from the database.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] Cache[Crest]: 0,000MB on 0 files loaded.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] Cache[Crest]: (Forget Time: 300s , Capacity: 50)
[24.07.16 20:41:29] HeroSystem: Loaded 0 Heroes.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] HeroSystem: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] BlockListManager: Loaded 0 character block(s).
[24.07.16 20:41:29] NpcTable: Loaded 7052 Npc Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:29] NpcTable: Loaded 6 Custom Npc Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] NpcTable: Loaded 447 Minions.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] NpcLikePc :Loaded 1 template(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:30] PetDataTable: loaded 12 pets.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] AutoChatHandler: Loaded 32 handlers in total.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 129 spawn group(s) from the database.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period!
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSigns: The competition, if the current trend continues, will end in a tie this week.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSigns: Next period begins in 0 days, 21 hours and 18 mins.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SevenSignsFestival: first Festival of Darkness cycle begins in 2 minutes.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] CrownManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: loaded 0 clan halls
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: loaded 44 free clan halls
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Gludio
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Gludin
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Dion
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Giran
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 7 halls in Aden
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Goddard
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 9 halls in Rune
[24.07.16 20:41:30] ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Schuttgart
[24.07.16 20:41:30] RegenTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] DoorTable: Loaded 224 Door Templates.
[24.07.16 20:41:30] Loaded: 9 castles
[24.07.16 20:41:30] SiegeManager: Loaded 0 registred siege(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:30] Initializing FortManager
[24.07.16 20:41:30] GuardReturnHomeManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:32] AttackableAiTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:32] WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 626 Npc Walker Routes.
[24.07.16 20:41:32] Initializing Walkers Routes Table.
[24.07.16 20:41:32] NpcWalkerAiTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:32] DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialized
[24.07.16 20:41:33] SpawnTable: Loaded 37393 Npc Spawn Locations.
[24.07.16 20:41:33] SpawnTable: 0 Npc Not Spawned.
[24.07.16 20:41:33] Loaded: 21 fortress
[24.07.16 20:41:33] FortSiegeManager: Loaded 21 siege(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:34] ZoneManager: arena.xml loaded with 8 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Initializing QuestManager
[24.07.16 20:41:34] ZoneManager: boss.xml loaded with 18 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Gludio: Sat Jul 30 20:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Dion: Sat Jul 30 20:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Giran: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Oren: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Aden: Sat Jul 30 20:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Innadril: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Goddard: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Rune: Sat Jul 30 20:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:34] Siege of Schuttgart: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: castle.xml loaded with 48 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: clanhall.xml loaded with 44 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: custom.xml loaded with 0 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: fishing.xml loaded with 40 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: forts.xml loaded with 42 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: foursepulchers.xml loaded with 8 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: misc.xml loaded with 34 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: monstertrack.xml loaded with 2 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: mothertree.xml loaded with 5 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:35] ZoneManager: pagan.xml loaded with 1 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:36] ZoneManager: peace.xml loaded with 42 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:36] ZoneManager: stadia.xml loaded with 22 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:36] ZoneManager: water.xml loaded with 200 zones
[24.07.16 20:41:36] MercTicketManager: loaded 0 Mercenary Tickets
[24.07.16 20:41:36] SiegeManager of Fortress Of Resistence
[24.07.16 20:41:36] SiegeManager of Bandits Stronghold
[24.07.16 20:41:36] SiegeManager of Devastated Castle
[24.07.16 20:41:36] SiegeManager of Fortres Of Dead
[24.07.16 20:41:36] SiegeManager of Wild Beasts Farm
[24.07.16 20:41:36] SiegeManager of Rainbow Springs Chateau
[24.07.16 20:41:36] BuffHolder: Loaded 3 buffScheme(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:37] Failed executing script: D:\Lineage 2 Server\Lineage 2 Server\Source\build\game\data\scripts\handlers\voice\ See for details.
[24.07.16 20:41:37] Failed executing script: D:\Lineage 2 Server\Lineage 2 Server\Source\build\game\data\scripts\handlers\voice\ See for details.
[24.07.16 20:41:37] Spawn Events Managers
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Loaded: 369 quests
[24.07.16 20:41:42] HtmCache: Loaded 24797 HTM file(s) for 2 language(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Despawned 601 creature(s), spawned 232
[24.07.16 20:41:42] RaidBossReturnHomeManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:42] RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 191 Instances
[24.07.16 20:41:42] RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances
[24.07.16 20:41:42] CursedWeaponsManager: loaded 2 cursed weapon(s).
[24.07.16 20:41:42] TradeListTable: Loaded 634 Buylists.
[24.07.16 20:41:42] ManorSystem: Schedule for manor refresh @ Mon Jul 25 20:00:42 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:42] ManorSystem: Manor period approve updated
[24.07.16 20:41:42] ManorSystem: Schedule for period approve @ Mon Jul 25 06:00:42 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:42] ManorManager: Loaded 256 seeds
[24.07.16 20:41:42] AuctionManager: loaded 38 auction(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:42] TimedItems: loaded 0 items
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: 10279 minutes until period ends
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: Next weekly change is in 10076 minutes
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 0 hours and 2 mins.
[24.07.16 20:41:42] Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Sun Jul 24 18:00:42 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:42] DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.
[24.07.16 20:41:42] DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors.
[24.07.16 20:41:42] FourSepulchersManager: Loaded 4 mausoleum(s)
[24.07.16 20:41:42] FourSepulchersManager: Four Sepulchers will open at Sun Jul 24 20:55:00 MSK 2016
[24.07.16 20:41:43] GrandBossReturnHomeManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] QueenAntManager: State of QueenAnt is ALIVE.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] ZakenManager: State of Zaken is ALIVE.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] CoreManager: State of Core is ALIVE.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] OrfenManager: State of Orfen is ALIVE.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] SailrenManager: State of Sailren is NOTSPAWN.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] VanHalterManager : State of High Priestess van Halter is ALIVE.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] AntharasManager: State of Antharas is NOTSPAWN.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] BaiumManager: State of Baium is NOTSPAWN.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] ValakasManager: State of Valakas is NOTSPAWN.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] LastImperialTombManager: Init The Last Imperial Tomb.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] FrintezzaManager: State of Frintezza is NOTSPAWN.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] Faction Manager: disabled.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] ItemHandler: Loaded 0 handlers.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] SkillHandler: Loaded 0 handlers.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] ChatHandler: Loaded 0 handlers.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] ObjectRestrictions: loading...
[24.07.16 20:41:43] ObjectRestrictions: loaded 0 restrictions.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] SiegeStatus: loading...
[24.07.16 20:41:43] TaskManager: initalized.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] TaskManager: Registered: 6 Tasks.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] PetitionManager: initalized.
[24.07.16 20:41:43] Fishing Championship Manager : started
[24.07.16 20:41:43] Offline Manager: restore traders disables.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] FollowTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] AttackFollowTaskManager: Initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] Connecting to login on localhost:9014
[24.07.16 20:41:44] IOFloodManager: initialized.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] PCCaffe: Task scheduled every 10 minutes
[24.07.16 20:41:44] GameEventManager: Loaded 4 events.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] Cristmas event status: Off.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] Medals event status: Off.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] StarlightFestival event status: Off.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] L2Day event status: Off.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] BigSquash event status: Off.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] GmController: Loaded 0 handlers.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] GmController: Loaded 0 admin players.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] Loaded 0 extensions.
[24.07.16 20:41:44] TaskManager: Loaded: 3 Tasks From Database.
[24.07.16 20:41:46] Registered on login as Server 1 : Bartz
[24.07.16 20:41:46] Free memory: 625 Mb of 1000 Mb
[24.07.16 20:41:46] Ready on IP: localhost:7777.
[24.07.16 20:41:46] Max players: 1000
[24.07.16 20:41:46] Load time: 23 Seconds.
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