L2 Fandc-2019 vs L2jSunrise and L2jEternityWorld

Salty Mike

hella salty
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How does L2 FandC source from 2019 (from L2Lionna HF) stack up against Sunrise and EternityWorld?
Is it competitive to the latter two? Do you know of any holes/glitches/etc in the FandC 2019 source?

I already have the FandC source and I wonder if I should instead buy EternityWorld/Sunrise.
Share your thoughts on the matter. Your input will be invaluable and much appreciated!
L2jEternityWorld is really good, i worked a bit with it ad web developer, and i was happy.
Also on this project L2jEternityWorld was really stabe, so all of team members like it.
FandC над ним нужно работать
SunRise просто слабая команда. Добавили разных конфигов и визуалов,а на реализацию забили.
Eternity лучше всех. Отличная реализация + гибкая настройка всего + шикарная тех поддержка + доступны для покупки модификации.
FandC над ним нужно работать
SunRise просто слабая команда. Добавили разных конфигов и визуалов,а на реализацию забили.
Eternity лучше всех. Отличная реализация + гибкая настройка всего + шикарная тех поддержка + доступны для покупки модификации.
The version I have was being used on a LIVE server two years ago (Lionna), so I could only assume that they have patched all of the major holes.

What I'm more interested in is insider knowledge regarding FandC and more specifically what are the team's weakest points.

Either way, thanks for the response. :)
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The version I have was being used on a LIVE server two years ago (Lionna), so I could only assume that they have patched all of the major holes.

What I'm more interested in is insider knowledge regarding FandC and more specifically what are the team's weakest points.

Either way, thanks for the response. :)
Well, I know what I have also, and I've received it from Synerge/Sorin back in those days. They(l2ro) have tutorial bypass bug, overall, they have shitty bypass system where items can be duplicated. It was fixed around middle of 2020 year. All the period they were checking logs and banning accs/hwids who used that bypass.

About other packs, Idk.
Are you sure you need a source? Maybe you just need a team that provides you with builds?
So as a customer I would choose just a team that supports for any questions, but as a developer it doesn't really matter.
Are you sure you need a source? Maybe you just need a team that provides you with builds?
So as a customer I would choose just a team that supports for any questions, but as a developer it doesn't really matter.
I need the source code so I can add my planned customisations and I prefer doing these customisations myself, as opposed to paying someone to do something I'm completely capable of doing myself.
Если ТС в курсе проблем FancDC а их там по сравнению со старым вариантов не убавилось, а только прибавилось (учитывая что у сборку товарищь "Kara" напихал всякого говна) в пакетке как не было проверок так и нет. То смысл создавать тему?
Я особо не вникал в то, что у меня есть от клиентов, но многие хейтили (l2ro). Все оверосборки однотипны и проблемы у всех однотипны, кроме товарища Дизера(ток не зазновайся :)) Поэтому сравнивать тут в принципе нечего
Последнее редактирование:
L2 Eternity World by far, is one of the best base h5 right now; ofc you can open a project with fandc or sunrise, but for sure will be the same thing of 95% of lineage server on the world (bugs, exploit, etc) if you know how to work with the source you can fix it ofc, but will take a lot of time. So, if you wanna open a good, stable and competitive project, your best option its eternityworld
Зарубежным игрокам зачастую вообще плевать как и что работает. Обычно их сервера красивые внешне и ужасно кривые внутри и при этом все играют и не жалуются.
I need the source code so I can add my planned customisations and I prefer doing these customisations myself, as opposed to paying someone to do something I'm completely capable of doing myself.
So just take first available sources to do that, really. Rational-minded people don't sell their source code so as not to be scammed (i.e. by source code sharing).
L2 Eternity World by far, is one of the best base h5 right now; ofc you can open a project with fandc or sunrise, but for sure will be the same thing of 95% of lineage server on the world (bugs, exploit, etc) if you know how to work with the source you can fix it ofc, but will take a lot of time. So, if you wanna open a good, stable and competitive project, your best option its eternityworld
They are not selling the source, so I cannot do my customisations on it.

I think I've made up my mind. I'll stick with FandC. The only issue with it that has been raised was the Tutorial bypass exploits, which I'll fix.
I've already tweaked the Essence interface and added the new animations for Pole and 2-handed weapons. The next stops are Autohunt server+client side (a proper auto-hunt like on Classic/Essence), the adaptation of Elfo's Autobots, and stage-based system (similar to Valhalla-Age's Remastered server), etc.
Well, I know what I have also, and I've received it from Synerge/Sorin back in those days. They(l2ro) have tutorial bypass bug, overall, they have shitty bypass system where items can be duplicated. It was fixed around middle of 2020 year. All the period they were checking logs and banning accs/hwids who used that bypass.

About other packs, Idk.

Well, I've found two questionable bypasses. One that has the potential to create free D-grade items (its actually 3 bypasses all related to "Get *SOMETHING* ") and another that allows you to open any HTML from the Special Tutorial folder, meaning you could reopen the page of the previously mentioned bypass at will, or technically even open any TAKE REWARDS HTML that does not have a quest-state check. I could only assume that these two were exploited. Oddly enough, it took me 5 minutes to spot both of them, so I can't think of a reason why would it take them years to find and fix that sh1t, assuming that was indeed the exploit you mentioned.

Ex. 1: