Experience bar goes back to 0% when reaching Max. level

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Hello! I'm asking for advice on how to fix a problem with the client. I'm running Interlude chronicle on a 152 protocol client, and ran into a problem: Interlude's max. level is 80 of course, but when I reach Level 80 with 100% EXP, the experience bar goes back to 0%.

This is of course not a server problem and only a visual thing. I'm actually at 100%. If I die, or if I enchant a skill, it updates correctly. But when I'm at exactly 100% EXP, the bar visually shows "0%".

Could anyone have any idea on where to look for?

Thanks in advance! ))
Hello! I'm asking for advice on how to fix a problem with the client. I'm running Interlude chronicle on a 152 protocol client, and ran into a problem: Interlude's max. level is 80 of course, but when I reach Level 80 with 100% EXP, the experience bar goes back to 0%.

This is of course not a server problem and only a visual thing. I'm actually at 100%. If I die, or if I enchant a skill, it updates correctly. But when I'm at exactly 100% EXP, the bar visually shows "0%".

Could anyone have any idea on where to look for?

Thanks in advance! ))

This is a client problem, because on the client, this is not the max level. You must limit the MAX XP at 99.99%.
This is a client problem, because on the client, this is not the max level. You must limit the MAX XP at 99.99%.
Hello! Yes, I thought it was probably a client issue. However, I don't really know where to look for, in order to set the MAX to 99.99%. Could you please tell me where to look?

Thanks in advance!
try adding 81 levels in the datapack, but set the maximum to 80 in the configs.
try adding 81 levels in the datapack, but set the maximum to 80 in the configs.
It is already like this (not using java, using advext)
Max. level is 85, set to maximum 80 in config.
Testing this with IL/HF client has no problems. When using the 152 client however, this problem appears. So it seems to be the client, not server-side!

Salvation: The Gathering / Orfen 152




        if (containsMask(UserInfoType.CURRENT_HPMPCP_EXP_SP))
            writeInt((int) Math.round(_player.getCurrentHp()));
            writeInt((int) Math.round(_player.getCurrentMp()));
            writeInt((int) Math.round(_player.getCurrentCp()));
            writeDouble((float) (_player.getExp() - ExperienceData.getInstance().getExpForLevel(_player.getLevel())) / (ExperienceData.getInstance().getExpForLevel(_player.getLevel() + 1) - ExperienceData.getInstance().getExpForLevel(_player.getLevel())));
            writeByte(0); // 430
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