Display the loading screen with the texture "L2Font-e.loading02-e" on teleport

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Hello, could anyone guide me to do this?

I'm trying to add the loading screen whenever a character uses the teleport, but I'm not having success, I thought that with this ShowBoard parameter it could happen, but apparently it only pulls html, does anyone know of any other parameters that I might be trying to use , or a different method?

player.sendPacket(new ShowBoard("<img src=\"L2Font-e.loading02-e\" >", "101"));
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Hello, could anyone guide me to do this?

I'm trying to add the loading screen whenever a character uses the teleport, but I'm not having success, I thought that with this ShowBoard parameter it could happen, but apparently it only pulls html, does anyone know of any other parameters that I might be trying to use , or a different method?
You can't do cause only clientside, current packet SnowBoard only for Alt+B.

But you can try use unused windows in interface with packet like overlay and modify interface show loading background.
You can't do cause only clientside, current packet SnowBoard only for Alt+B.

But you can try use unused windows in interface with packet like overlay and modify interface show loading background.
a window proportional to loading?
Generally these windows already have their own size, in this case I would have to implement a new window with a size necessary for loading, or are there some proportional ones?

I may not have understood either, I'm a newbie
a window proportional to loading?
Generally these windows already have their own size, in this case I would have to implement a new window with a size necessary for loading, or are there some proportional ones?

I may not have understood either, I'm a newbie
Yes you need modify size with backgroundin interface.xdat and send packet with current window in your java server, also need add timer on interface close window cause packet can't do clientside actions.
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    Баллов: 15
    thank you!
in this case I would have to implement a new window with a size necessary for loading
You need a custom Window and a Texture in the XDAT and a control script in the .u with "OnShow()" event with:

local int x;
local int y;

GetCurrentResolution(x, y);
YourCustomWindow.SetWindowSize(x, y);
YourCustomTexture.SetWindowSize(x, y);

And finally a custom server side packet that sends 0 or 1 to enable and disable the in-game window on demand.
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Реакции: lBrazza


    Баллов: 15
    thank you!
Yes you need modify size with backgroundin interface.xdat and send packet with current window in your java server, also need add timer on interface close window cause packet can't do clientside actions.
You need a custom Window and a Texture in the XDAT and a control script in the .u with "OnShow()" event with:

local int x;
local int y;

GetCurrentResolution(x, y);
YourCustomWindow.SetWindowSize(x, y);
YourCustomTexture.SetWindowSize(x, y);

And finally a custom server side packet that sends 0 or 1 to enable and disable the in-game window on demand.

I understand, it will take a little more work, but it's not impossible, thank you!