Display Item Icon


Hello, how i can put item icon in item descripion? Like in this
pic 1725115266280.png it is a tutorial somewhere in this forum?
You need to create an icon in the tooltip (using Item.IconName as the texture) and then add text on the same line without a line break (bLineBreak), ensuring it is drawn in line (t_bDrawOneLine = true). You can find something similar in this interface, where there is a list of set items in the armor, followed by its name. However, you will need to increase the size of the icon.

I don't know how to do, i am newbie on editing interface, and i find this feature nice. Maybe you can help me, i can give u my interface.u.
I don't have a ready-made solution for this case at hand. You need something like this.

                m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE;
                m_Info.nOffSetX = 2; //it`s random value
                m_Info.nOffSetY = 5;
                m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
                m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
                m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 32;
                m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 32;
                m_Info.u_strTexture = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetItemTextureName(Item.ID);
                m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
                m_Info.nOffSetX = 5; //it`s random value
                m_Info.nOffSetY = 7;
                m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
                m_Info.t_color.R = 255;
                m_Info.t_color.G = 255;
                m_Info.t_color.B = 255;
                m_Info.t_color.A = 255;
                m_Info.t_strText = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetItemName(Item.ID);
I want to know in what function i have to add this, maybe it is a replace of existing or add a new
@byEvanthe, in function ReturnTooltip_NTT_ITEM. It then depends on what you need: either for all item groups or, for example, only for weapons and armor.
For all items i need. ( Armor / Weapon / etc item
Then, at the very beginning, even before calling the item name.
I understand you help me, and thank you for this, but i can't do this. I am newbie in client edit and i don;t know almost everything. Thank u again!
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Реакции: Rolo
@byEvanthe, show your ReturnTooltip_NTT_ITEM function, specifically what's there after all the local variables, just the first 100 lines or so.
function ReturnTooltip_NTT_ITEM(string param, String TooltipType, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType)
   local ItemInfo Item;

   local EItemType eItemType;
   local EEtcItemType eEtcItemType;

   local bool bLargeWidth;
   local string SlotString;
   local string strTmp;
   local int nTmp;
   local int idx;

   local string ItemName;
   local int Quality;
   local int ColorR;
   local int ColorG;
   local int ColorB;
   local string strDesc1;
   local string strDesc2;
   local string strDesc3;

    // 보급형 아이템
   local int ItemNameClass;

    //~ local array<ItemID> arrItemID;
   local int SetID;
    //~ local int SetID2;

   local string strAdena;
   local string strAdenaComma;
   local color AdenaColor;

   local ItemID tmpItemID;

   if (eSourceType == NTST_ITEM)
        ParamToItemInfo(param, Item);

        eItemType = EItemType(Item.ItemType);
        eEtcItemType = EEtcItemType(Item.ItemSubType);

        //아이콘 표시
     if (TooltipType == "InventoryWithIcon")
          m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE;
          m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 32;
          m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 32;
          m_Info.u_strTexture = Item.IconName;


        //아이템 이름 취득
        ItemName = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetRefineryItemName( Item.Name, Item.RefineryOp1, Item.RefineryOp2 );

        ItemNameClass = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetItemNameClass( Item.ID);

        //end of branch

        //인첸트 ex) "+10"
     if (TooltipType != "InventoryPrice1HideEnchant"
          && TooltipType != "InventoryPrice1HideEnchantStackable")

        //아이템 이름
        AddTooltipItemName(ItemName, Item, ItemNameClass);

        //Grade Mark

        //아이템 갯수
     if (TooltipType != "InventoryPrice1HideEnchantStackable")
            // 2009 10. 15
            // 퀘스트 보상 아이템 타입이면 아이템 개수를 표기 하지 않는다.
       if (TooltipType != "QuestReward")

        //아이템이 아데나면, 읽어주기 스트링
     if (IsAdena(Item.ID))
            //SimpleTooltip을 읽어주기스트링까지 보여준다.
          m_Tooltip.SimpleLineCount = 2;

          m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
          m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
          m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
          m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
          m_Info.t_strText = "(" $ ConvertNumToText(Int64ToString(Item.ItemNum)) $ ")";

        //InventoryPrice1 타입
     if (TooltipType == "InventoryPrice1"
          || TooltipType == "InventoryPrice1HideEnchant"
          || TooltipType == "InventoryPrice1HideEnchantStackable")
          strAdena = Int64ToString(Item.Price);
          strAdenaComma = MakeCostString(strAdena);
          AdenaColor = GetNumericColor(strAdenaComma);

            //가격 : xxx,xxx,xxx
          AddTooltipItemOption(322, strAdenaComma $ " ", true, true, false);
          SetTooltipItemColor(AdenaColor.R, AdenaColor.G, AdenaColor.B, 0);

          m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
          m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
          m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
          m_Info.t_color = AdenaColor;
          m_Info.t_ID= 469;

            //SimpleTooltip을 가격까지 보여준다.
          m_Tooltip.SimpleLineCount = 2;

            //읽어주기 스트링
       if (Item.Price>IntToInt64(0))
            m_Tooltip.SimpleLineCount = 3;
            AddTooltipItemOption(0, "(" $ ConvertNumToText(strAdena) $ ")", false, true, false);
            SetTooltipItemColor(AdenaColor.R, AdenaColor.G, AdenaColor.B, 0);

        //InventoryPrice2 타입
     if (TooltipType == "InventoryPrice2"
          || TooltipType == "InventoryPrice2PrivateShop")
          strAdena = Int64ToString(Item.Price);
          strAdenaComma = MakeCostString(strAdena);
          AdenaColor = GetNumericColor(strAdenaComma);

            //가격 : 1개당
          AddTooltipItemOption2(322, 468, true, true, false);
          SetTooltipItemColor(AdenaColor.R, AdenaColor.G, AdenaColor.B, 0);

            //"xxx,xxx,xxx "
          m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
          m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
          m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
          m_Info.t_color = AdenaColor;
          m_Info.t_strText = " " $ strAdenaComma $ " ";

          m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
          m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
          m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
          m_Info.t_color = AdenaColor;
          m_Info.t_ID= 469;

            //SimpleTooltip을 가격까지 보여준다.
          m_Tooltip.SimpleLineCount = 2;

            //읽어주기 스트링
       if (Item.Price>IntToInt64(0))
            m_Tooltip.SimpleLineCount = 3;

            m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
            m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
            m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
            m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
            m_Info.t_color = AdenaColor;
            m_Info.t_strText = "(";

              m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
              m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
              m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
              m_Info.t_color = AdenaColor;
              m_Info.t_ID = 468;

              m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
              m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
              m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
              m_Info.t_color = AdenaColor;
              m_Info.t_strText = " " $ ConvertNumToText(strAdena) $ ")";

        //InventoryPrice2PrivateShop 타입
       if (TooltipType == "InventoryPrice2PrivateShop")
         if (IsStackableItem(Item.ConsumeType) && Item.Reserved64 > IntToInt64(0))
                //"구매개수 : xx"
              AddTooltipItemOption(808, Int64ToString(Item.Reserved64), true, true, false);

        // 아이템에 따른 각종 정보

          SlotString = GetSlotTypeString(Item.ItemType, Item.SlotBitType, Item.ArmorType);

       switch (eItemType)

        // 1. WEAPON
            case ITEM_WEAPON:
            bLargeWidth = true;

            //Slot Type
            strTmp = GetWeaponTypeString(Item.WeaponType);
         if (Len(strTmp)>0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(0, strTmp $ " / " $ SlotString, false, true, false);


            //"[무기 제원]"
            AddTooltipItemOption(1489, "", true, false, false);
            SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0);

            //Physical Damage
            AddTooltipItemOption(94, String(GetPhysicalDamage(Item.WeaponType, Item.SlotBitType, Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDamage)), true, true, false);

            //Masical Damage
            AddTooltipItemOption(98, String(GetMagicalDamage(Item.WeaponType, Item.SlotBitType, Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.MagicalDamage)), true, true, false);

            //Attack Speed
            AddTooltipItemOption(111, GetAttackSpeedString(Item.AttackSpeed), true, true, false);

            //SoulShot Count
         if (Item.SoulshotCount>0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(404, "X " $ Item.SoulshotCount, true, true, false);

            //SpiritShot Count
         if (Item.SpiritShotCount>0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(496, "X " $ Item.SpiritshotCount, true, true, false);

         if (Item.Weight==0)
            AddTooltipItemOption(52, " 0 ", true, true, false);
            AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false);
            //AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false);

            //MP Consume
         if (Item.MpConsume != 0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(320, String(Item.MpConsume), true, true, false);

         if (Item.RefineryOp1 != 0 || Item.RefineryOp2 != 0)

              AddTooltipItemOption(1490, "", true, false, false);
              SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0);

                //컬러값 취득
           if (Item.RefineryOp2 != 0)
                Quality = class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetQuality( Item.RefineryOp2 );
                GetRefineryColor(Quality, ColorR, ColorG, ColorB);

           if (Item.RefineryOp1 != 0)
                strDesc1 = "";
                strDesc2 = "";
                strDesc3 = "";
             if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.RefineryOp1, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 ))
               if (Len(strDesc1)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);
               if (Len(strDesc2)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);
               if (Len(strDesc3)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);

           if (Item.RefineryOp2 != 0)
                strDesc1 = "";
                strDesc2 = "";
                strDesc3 = "";
             if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.RefineryOp2, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 ))
               if (Len(strDesc1)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);

               if (Len(strDesc2)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);
               if (Len(strDesc3)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);

                //"교환/드롭 불가"
              AddTooltipItemOption(1491, "", true, false, false);
              SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);

           if (Len(Item.Description)>0)

        // 2. ARMOR
            case ITEM_ARMOR:
            bLargeWidth = true;

            // Sheild
         if ( Item.SlotBitType == 256 && Item.ArmorType == 4 ) // ArmorType == 4 is sigil..
           if (Len(SlotString)>0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(0, SlotString, false, true, false);
           if (Item.PhysicalDefense != 0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(95, String(GetPhysicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDefense)), true, true, false);
                //Avoid Modify
           if (Item.AvoidModify != 0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(97, String(Item.AvoidModify), true, true, false);
           if (Item.Weight != 0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false);
         else if (Item.SlotBitType == 256 || Item.SlotBitType == 128) //SBT_LHAND or SBT_RHAND
           if (Len(SlotString)>0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(0, SlotString, false, true, false);
                //Shield Defense
                //debug("Shield Defense" $ Item.ShieldDefense);
           if (Item.ShieldDefense != 0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(95, String(GetShieldDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.ShieldDefense)), true, true, false);

                //Shield Defense Rate
                //debug("Shield Defense Rate" $ Item.ShieldDefenseRate);
           if (Item.ShieldDefenseRate != 0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(317, String(Item.ShieldDefenseRate), true, true, false);

                //Avoid Modify
                //debug("Avoid Modify" $ Item.AvoidModify);
           if (Item.AvoidModify != 0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(97, String(Item.AvoidModify), true, true, false);

                //debug("Weight" $ Item.Weight);
           if (Item.Weight != 0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false);

            // Magical Armor
         else if (IsMagicalArmor(Item.ID))
                //Slot Type
           if (Len(SlotString)>0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(0, SlotString, false, true, false);

                //MP Bonus
              AddTooltipItemOption(388, String(Item.MpBonus), true, true, false);

                //Physical Defense
           if (Item.SlotBitType == 65536)

           else if ( Item.SlotBitType == 524288)
           else if ( Item.SlotBitType == 262144)
             if (Item.PhysicalDefense != 0)
                AddTooltipItemOption(95, String(GetPhysicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDefense)), true, true, false);

           if (Item.Weight != 0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false);

            // Physical Armor
                //Slot Type
                //debug("Physical Armor1 " $ Item.SlotBitType $ Item.PhysicalDefense);
           if (Len(SlotString)>0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(0, SlotString, false, true, false);

                //Physical Defense
           if (Item.SlotBitType == 65536)

           else if ( Item.SlotBitType == 524288)
           else if ( Item.SlotBitType == 262144)
             if (Item.PhysicalDefense != 0)
                AddTooltipItemOption(95, String(GetPhysicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDefense)), true, true, false);
           if (Item.Weight != 0)
              AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false);
         if (Item.RefineryOp1 != 0 || Item.RefineryOp2 != 0)

              AddTooltipItemOption(1490, "", true, false, false);
              SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0);

                //컬러값 취득
           if (Item.RefineryOp2 != 0)
                Quality = class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetQuality( Item.RefineryOp2 );
                GetRefineryColor(Quality, ColorR, ColorG, ColorB);

           if (Item.RefineryOp1 != 0)
                strDesc1 = "";
                strDesc2 = "";
                strDesc3 = "";
             if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.RefineryOp1, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 ))
               if (Len(strDesc1)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);
               if (Len(strDesc2)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);
               if (Len(strDesc3)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);

           if (Item.RefineryOp2 != 0)
                strDesc1 = "";
                strDesc2 = "";
                strDesc3 = "";
             if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.RefineryOp2, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 ))
               if (Len(strDesc1)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);

               if (Len(strDesc2)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);
               if (Len(strDesc3)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);


        // 3. ACCESSARY
            case ITEM_ACCESSARY:
            bLargeWidth = true;

            //Slot Type
         if (Len(SlotString)>0)
            AddTooltipItemOption(0, SlotString, false, true, false);

            //Magical Defense
            // 탈리스만은 아이템 마방을 보여주지 않는다.
            // 왼팔찌 오른팔찌도 마방을 보여주지 않는다.
         if ((Item.SlotBitType != 4194304 ) && (Item.SlotBitType != 1048576 ) && (Item.SlotBitType != 2097152 ))
            AddTooltipItemOption(99, String(GetMagicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.MagicalDefense)), true, true, false);

         if (Item.Weight == 0)
            AddTooltipItemOption(52, " 0 ", true, true, false);
            AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false);

            //debug ("Refinery Result Accessotires" @ Item.RefineryOp1);
         if (Item.RefineryOp1 != 0 || Item.RefineryOp2 != 0)

              AddTooltipItemOption(1490, "", true, false, false);
              SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0);

                //컬러값 취득
           if (Item.RefineryOp2 != 0)
                Quality = class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetQuality( Item.RefineryOp2 );
                GetRefineryColor(Quality, ColorR, ColorG, ColorB);

           if (Item.RefineryOp1 != 0)
                strDesc1 = "";
                strDesc2 = "";
                strDesc3 = "";
             if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.RefineryOp1, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 ))
               if (Len(strDesc1)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);
               if (Len(strDesc2)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);
               if (Len(strDesc3)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);

           if (Item.RefineryOp2 != 0)
                strDesc1 = "";
                strDesc2 = "";
                strDesc3 = "";
             if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.RefineryOp2, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 ))
               if (Len(strDesc1)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);

               if (Len(strDesc2)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);
               if (Len(strDesc3)>0)
                    AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false);
                    SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);


        // 4. QUEST
            case ITEM_QUESTITEM:
            bLargeWidth = true;

            //Slot Type
         if (Len(SlotString)>0)
            AddTooltipItemOption(0, SlotString, false, true, false);

        // 5. ETC
            case ITEM_ETCITEM:
            bLargeWidth = true;

         if (eEtcItemType == ITEME_PET_COLLAR)
                //Pet Name
           if (Item.Damaged == 0)
              nTmp = 971;
              nTmp = 970;
              AddTooltipItemOption2(969, nTmp, true, true, false);

                //Pet Level
              AddTooltipItemOption(88, String(Item.Enchanted), true, true, false);
         else if (eEtcItemType == ITEME_TICKET_OF_LORD)
              AddTooltipItemOption(972, String(Item.Enchanted), true, true, false);
         else if (eEtcItemType == ITEME_LOTTO)
                // 복권에서는 bless가 회차, 몬스터레이스에서는 Enchant가 회차입니다. 주의하세요! - lancelot 2008. 11. 11.
                // 회차
              AddTooltipItemOption(670, String(Item.Blessed), true, true, false);

                // Info
              AddTooltipItemOption(671, GetLottoString(Item.Enchanted, Item.Damaged), true, true, false);
         else if (eEtcItemType == ITEME_RACE_TICKET)
                // 회차
              AddTooltipItemOption(670, String(Item.Enchanted), true, true, false);

                // Info
              AddTooltipItemOption(671, GetRaceTicketString(Item.Blessed), true, true, false);

              AddTooltipItemOption(744, String(Item.Damaged*100), true, true, false);
            //~ if (Item.Price!=0)
         if (Item.Weight==0)
            AddTooltipItemOption(52, " 0 ", true, true, false);
            AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false);

        //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////
        //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////

        // [칠월칠석, 방어구 각인] item enchant option - by jin 09/08/05
       if (Item.EnchantOption1 != 0 || Item.EnchantOption2 != 0 || Item.EnchantOption3 != 0)

            AddTooltipItemOption(2214, "", true, false, false);
            SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0);

         if (Item.EnchantOption1 != 0)
                // [칠월칠석, 방어구각인] 각인 효과는 일단 무조건 1번 색상을 사용. - by jin 09/08/06
              GetRefineryColor(1, ColorR, ColorG, ColorB);

         if (Item.EnchantOption1 != 0)
              strDesc1 = "";
              strDesc2 = "";
              strDesc3 = "";
           if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.EnchantOption1, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 ))
             if (Len(strDesc1)>0)
                  AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false);
                  SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);
             if (Len(strDesc2)>0)
                  AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false);
                  SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);
             if (Len(strDesc3)>0)
                  AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false);
                  SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);

         if (Item.EnchantOption2 != 0)
              strDesc1 = "";
              strDesc2 = "";
              strDesc3 = "";
           if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.EnchantOption2, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 ))
             if (Len(strDesc1)>0)
                  AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false);
                  SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);

             if (Len(strDesc2)>0)
                  AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false);
                  SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);
             if (Len(strDesc3)>0)
                  AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false);
                  SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);

         if (Item.EnchantOption3 != 0)
              strDesc1 = "";
              strDesc2 = "";
              strDesc3 = "";
           if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.EnchantOption3, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 ))
             if (Len(strDesc1)>0)
                  AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false);
                  SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);

             if (Len(strDesc2)>0)
                  AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false);
                  SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);
             if (Len(strDesc3)>0)
                  AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false);
                  SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0);


        //Home Improvement
       if (Item.CurrentDurability >= 0 && Item.Durability > 0)
            bLargeWidth = true;


            //<Home >
            AddTooltipItemOption(1492, "", true, false, false);
            SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0);

            m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
            m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
            m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
            m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
            m_Info.t_color.R = 163;
            m_Info.t_color.G = 163;
            m_Info.t_color.B = 163;
            m_Info.t_color.A = 255;
            m_Info.t_ID = 1493;

            m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
            m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
            m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
         if (Item.CurrentDurability+1 <= 5)
              m_Info.t_color.R = 255;
              m_Info.t_color.G = 0;
              m_Info.t_color.B = 0;
              m_Info.t_color.R = 176;
              m_Info.t_color.G = 155;
              m_Info.t_color.B = 121;
            m_Info.t_color.A = 255;
            m_Info.t_strText = " " $ Item.CurrentDurability $ "/" $ Item.Durability;

            AddTooltipItemOption(1491, "", true, false, false);

         if (Len(Item.Description)>0)

       if (Item.BR_MaxEnergy > 0)
            //bLargeWidth = true;

            AddTooltipItemOption(5065, "", true, false, false);
            SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0);

            m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
            m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
            m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
            m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
            m_Info.t_color.R = 163;
            m_Info.t_color.G = 163;
            m_Info.t_color.B = 163;
            m_Info.t_color.A = 255;
            m_Info.t_ID = 5066;

            m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
            m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
            m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
         if ( Item.BR_CurrentEnergy==0 || (Item.BR_MaxEnergy / Item.BR_CurrentEnergy > 10) )
              m_Info.t_color.R = 255;
              m_Info.t_color.G = 0;
              m_Info.t_color.B = 0;
              m_Info.t_color.R = 176;
              m_Info.t_color.G = 155;
              m_Info.t_color.B = 121;
            m_Info.t_color.A = 255;
            //m_Info.t_strText = " " $ Item.BR_CurrentEnergy $ "/" $ Item.BR_MaxEnergy;
            m_Info.t_strText = " " ;
            ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "Type", "CurrentEnergy");
        //end of branch

       if (Len(Item.Description)>0)
            bLargeWidth = true;

            m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
            m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
            m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
            m_Info.t_color.R = 178;
            m_Info.t_color.G = 190;
            m_Info.t_color.B = 207;
            m_Info.t_color.A = 255;
            m_Info.t_strText = Item.Description;

        //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////
        // To learn more
       if (IsValidItemID(Item.ID))
         for (idx=0; idx<TOOLTIP_SETITEM_MAX; idx++)
                //Sometimes you should know

           for (SetID=0; SetID<class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetSetItemNum(Item.ID, idx); SetID++) //0,1,2번 완비되야하나..
                bLargeWidth = true;
             if (!class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.IsExistSetItem(Item.ID, idx, SetID))
                  tmpItemID.classID = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetSetItemFirstID(Item.ID, idx, SetID);

               if (tmpItemID.classID > 0)
                    strTmp = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetItemName(tmpItemID);
                    m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
                    m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
                    m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
                    m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
                    m_Info.t_color.R = 112;
                    m_Info.t_color.G = 115;
                    m_Info.t_color.B = 123;
                    m_Info.t_color.A = 255;
                    m_Info.t_strText = strTmp;
                    ParamAdd(m_info.Condition, "SetItemNum", string(idx));
                    ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "Type", "Equip");
                    ParamAddItemID(m_Info.Condition, Item.ID);
                    ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "CurTypeID", string(SetID)); //비교할 아이템의 Type 예(0번:흉갑 1번:각반 2번:헬멧 3번:팔 4번 다리 ..ItemName.txt에 들어있는순서
                    ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "NormalColor", "112,115,123");
                    ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "EnableColor", "176,185,205");

              strTmp = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetSetItemEffectDescription(Item.ID, idx);
           if (Len(strTmp)>0)
                bLargeWidth = true;

                m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
                m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
                m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
                m_Info.t_color.R = 128;
                m_Info.t_color.G = 127;
                m_Info.t_color.B = 103;
                m_Info.t_color.A = 255;
                m_Info.t_strText = strTmp;
                ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "Type", "SetEffect");
                ParamAddItemID(m_Info.Condition, Item.ID);
                ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "EffectID", String(idx));
                ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "NormalColor", "128,127,103");
                ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "EnableColor", "183,178,122");
            //Sometimes you need to know
            strTmp = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetSetItemEnchantEffectDescription(Item.ID);
         if (Len(strTmp)>0)
              bLargeWidth = true;

              m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
              m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
              m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
              m_Info.t_color.R = 74;
              m_Info.t_color.G = 92;
              m_Info.t_color.B = 104;
              m_Info.t_color.A = 255;
              m_Info.t_strText = strTmp;
              ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "Type", "EnchantEffect");
              ParamAddItemID(m_Info.Condition, Item.ID);
              ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "NormalColor", "74,92,104");
              ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "EnableColor", "111,146,169");

        //퀘스트 정보를 표시한다.

        // 속성 게이지를 그려준다.

        // In the field of medicine
       if (Item.CurrentPeriod > 0)

            //<English translation>
            AddTooltipItemOption(1739, "", true, false, false);
            SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0);

            m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
            m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
            m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
            m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
            m_Info.t_color.R = 163;
            m_Info.t_color.G = 163;
            m_Info.t_color.B = 163;
            m_Info.t_color.A = 255;
            m_Info.t_ID = 1199;

            m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
            m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
            m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
            m_Info.t_color.R = 163;
            m_Info.t_color.G = 163;
            m_Info.t_color.B = 163;
            m_Info.t_color.A = 255;
            m_Info.t_strText = " : ";

            m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
            m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
            m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
            m_Info.t_color.R = 178;
            m_Info.t_color.G = 190;
            m_Info.t_color.B = 207;
            m_Info.t_color.A = 255;
            m_Info.t_strText = "" $ MakeTimeStr(Item.CurrentPeriod);
            ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "Type", "PeriodTime");


     if (bLargeWidth)
        m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH;

     if(TooltipType == "InventoryPawnViewer") // PawnViewer용추가 - lancelot 2007. 10. 16.
          m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
          m_Info.nOffSetY = 6;
          m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
          m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
          m_Info.t_strText ="ID : "$string(Item.Id.classID);

Okay, let me show you!
@byEvanthe, first of all, find your function AddTooltipItemName and modify it in a similar way:

function AddTooltipItemNames(string Name, ItemInfo Item, int AddTooltipItemName)
    m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE;
    m_Info.bLineBreak = true;
    m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
    m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 32;
    m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 32;
    m_Info.u_strTexture = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetItemTextureName(Item.ID);
    m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT;
    m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true;
    m_Info.nOffSetX = 2; //it`s random value
    m_Info.nOffSetY = 5; //and this
    switch (AddTooltipItemName)
        case 0:
        m_Info.t_color.R = 137;
        m_Info.t_color.G = 137;
        m_Info.t_color.B = 137;

You will get something like this:

As you can see, the enchantment parameter, grade icon, and item type are all out of place. Therefore, you will need to adjust the offset parameters for each of them: m_Info.nOffSetX and m_Info.nOffSetY, and fine-tune them so that they look correct. I believe it won't be difficult for you to find the corresponding blocks by their names.
@byEvanthe, sorry, I added an extra letter "s" at the end of the name, just AddTooltipItemName. )

Actually, i want it like this. Icon / item name / grade / type of item
Посмотреть вложение 77932

Actually, i want it like this. Icon / item name / grade / type of item
I took it from here, the source code is there
Well, i don't need the whole interface, i need just this 1725140609653.png for weapons/armors/acc/mats/etc
Ok, looks like this 1725141836310.png

Now, when i put mouse on items in inventory ( without any click ) the name disappeared and i see just enchant ( in case if item it's enchanted ) 1725141896480.png

Ad last thing, how i can put this 1725141913156.png down to 1725141928592.png
m_Tooltip.SimpleLineCount - показывает количество линий тултипа без клика мышкой
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