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[Шара] l2jorion ласт рева (30) + Патч (отвязан) 30

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Tell me what to do with the LIBS folder?


this is compilled? not source?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
compiled or source?

Bug in server, try to stay away from any target let's say 700 range and put attack action on F1 and keep F1 pressed , when your character will be near the target it will do weird actions like he is blocked or stuck and you lose 1- 2 seconds before attack the target, sometimes your character attack the target, you see damage has been done but your character does not have any animation.
Обратите внимание, что данный пользователь заблокирован! Не совершайте с ним никаких сделок! Перейдите в его профиль, чтобы узнать причину блокировки.

Bug in server, try to stay away from any target let's say 700 range and put attack action on F1 and keep F1 pressed , when your character will be near the target it will do weird actions like he is blocked or stuck and you lose 1- 2 seconds before attack the target, sometimes your character attack the target, you see damage has been done but your character does not have any animation.
the developer says that he fixed this issue (geodata related) on rev 32