в основном - за помощью знающих людей и за контентом..., т. к. сам помочь пока не в силах, а так я б не прочь научиться, я люблю помогать людям и ХОЧУ ВСЕ ЗНАТЬ и УМЕТЬ...
Even though RU is the main language I am feelling pretty much at "home" when I am searching/asking for something. People around here are really friendly so I am really grateful for that. I am using translator in most of the cases and it is working perfectly.
"Why I registered ?" - everyone knows that people on this forum have the best knowledge related to Lineage 2 game .
If you want to buy something on the internet related to Lineage 2 as a software or if you may need help related to your private development 99.9% you are working with someone who already has an account registered on "mmo-dev".
I joined here 3-4 months ago if I am not mistaken and I hereby confirm that I have learned a lot of things just by looking at the comments sections so cheers guys for that