# Ativar private store buy
PhantomPrivateStore = true
# Title que vai aparecer ao iniciar a lojinha
PhantomPrivate_Buy_Title = Baratinho,GOGOGO,C-arma S +16,ta olhando oq?,C> bow DC +20,COMPRO,<<< COMPRO >>>,ALGUEM TEM?,PM-ME,<< PM >>,<< ACESSORIO >>,GM PM,MUDA AREA FARM,<< ACCESSORY >>,PROCURO CLAN,ESTUDANDO
# Chance para o fake ativar o modo buy
PhantomPrivate_Buy_Chance = 50
# Items que o modo buy vai usar
PhantomPrivate_Buy = 2407,5767,5779,6660,6659,6658,6373,6374,6375,6376,6378,6657
# Title que vai aparecer ao iniciar modo sell
PhantomPrivate_Sell_Title = Soulshot: A-Grade,Spiritshot: A,manda pm,SO HOJE!,compra logo fdpp,VENDO FARM,< FARM >,< BARATISSIMO >,ME AJUDA AI,ME DA ADENA,VENDO,<<< VENDO >>>,GM CADE VC?,SAI ;*,VOLTO MAIS TARDE,<<< FARM >>>
# chance para o fake ativar o modo sell
PhantomPrivate_Sell_Chance = 50
# Items que o modo sell vai usar
PhantomPrivate_Sell = 8559,8560,8561,8562,8563,8564
# Time of Fake Citizen will be spawned
FakeCitizenDespawnMinTime = 72000
FakeCitizenDespawnMaxTime = 72000
# Time of Fake PvP Player will be spawned
FakePvpDespawnMinTime = 72000
FakePvpDespawnMaxTime = 72000
# Chance of bot sit/run
FakeSocialChance = 50
# Chance of bot Sit and Stand on Peace Zone
FakeSitChance = 50
# Chance of bot Talk on Peace Zone
FakeTalkChance = 100000
# Fake Players clan list, its used by fake players
FakeClanIDList = 268436363,268477003
# If empty, tittle will be load on faketitlewordlist.txt
FakePlayerTitle =
# Fake Player Consumables
# Arrow used by fake archers
FakePlayerArrow = 1345
# Soulshot used by fighter fake players
FakePlayerSoulShot = 1467
# Blessed Spirit Shot used by mage fake players
FakePlayerBlessedSoulShot = 3952
# Amor/Jewel/Weapon Fake Enchant
# Fake Player Enchants
# Min - Max Enchant Armors
MinEnchantAmor = 16
MaxEnchantAmor = 16
# Min - Max Enchant Weapons
MinEnchantWeapon = 3
MaxEnchantWeapon = 25
# Min - Max Enchant Jewels
MinEnchantJewel = 16
MaxEnchantJewel = 16
# Fake Player Armor
# Armor are choose randomly
# Make a set armor 1
ListRobeArmor1 = 2406,2415,5716,5732
# Make a set armor 2
ListRobeArmor2 = 2406,2415,5716,5732
# Make a set armor 3
ListRobeArmor3 = 2406,2415,5716,5732,9521
# Make a set armor 4
ListRobeArmor4 = 6383,6386,6384,6385,9521
# Make a set armor 1
ListHeavyArmor1 = 2381,2417,5722,5738
# Make a set armor 2
ListHeavyArmor2 = 2381,2417,5722,5738
# Make a set armor 3
ListHeavyArmor3 = 2381,2417,5722,5738
# Make a set armor 4
ListHeavyArmor4 = 6373,6374,6378,6375,6376,9519
# Make a set armor 1
ListLightArmor1 = 2392,2417,5723,5739
# Make a set armor 2
ListLightArmor2 = 2392,2417,5723,5739
# Make a set armor 3
ListLightArmor3 = 2392,2417,5723,5739
# Make a set armor 4
ListLightArmor4 = 6379,6382,6380,6381,9518
# Fake Player Misc/Jewels
# Jewels set are choose randomly
# Make a set jewels 1
JewelSetList1 = 9610,1;9611,1;9612,1;9613,1;9614,1;
# Make a set jewels 2
JewelSetList2 = 920,1;858,1;858,1;889,1;889,1;
# Enable Hair accessory for fake players
# Get a randomly accessory. Separeted by " , "
AllowFakePlayerAccesory = True
FakeAccessoryIDList = 9200,9201,9202,9203,9204,9208,9199,9198,9188,8917,8920,8921,8922,8923,8911,8915
# Fake Player Weapons
# Bow Weapons used by fake Archers. Separeted by " , "
# Archer AI Weapons
FakeBowIDList = 7577,6594
# Dagger AI Weapons
FakeDaggerIDList = 6590
# Tanker AI Weapons
FakeSwordIDList = 6583
# Farmer AI Weapons
FakeSpearIDList = 6600
# Warrior AI (Gladiator) Weapons
FakeDualIDList = 6580
# Warrior AI (Tyrant) Weapons
FakeFistIDList = 6604
# Tanker AI (Destroyer) Weapons
FakeBigSwordIDList = 6607
# Nuker AI Weapons
FakeMagicWeaponIDList = 6608,6608,6614
# Nuker/Tanker AI Shield
FakeShieldIDList = 6377,5799
# Fake Player Buffer List
# Macro buffer by class from fake players
# Set Nuker mage buffers
NukerBufferList = 4342,4355,4347,4351,4356,4349,4346,4350,4344,1303,276,277,273,365,269,270,304,267,268,1389,1413,4703,1416,1393,1392,1352,1353,1323
# Set Archer buffers
ArcherBufferList = 4342,4357,4349,4346,1087,1062,4347,4360,4359,4358,4345,4350,4344,274,275,272,271,264,269,304,267,266,268,1388,1363,4699,1416,1323
# Set Daggers buffers
DaggerBufferList = 4342,4357,4349,4346,1087,1062,4347,4360,4359,4358,4345,4350,4344,274,275,272,271,264,269,304,267,266,268,1310,1389,1363,4699,1416,1323
# Set Warrior buffers
WarriorBufferList = 4342,4357,4349,4346,1087,1062,4347,4360,4359,4358,4345,4350,4344,274,275,272,271,264,269,304,267,266,268,305,1284,1310,1389,1363,4699,1416,1323
# Set Random buffers
RandomBufferList = 4342,4357,4355,4553,4554,1374,1416