Этот релиз исправляет ряд ошибок и проблем:
- Добавлена поддержка PHP 7.2.
- Добавлена бета-поддержка импорта данных с phpBB 3.2 и IPB 4.2.
- Facebook API обновлён до версии 2.10.
- Исправлена ошибка из-за которой иногда не отправлялись электронные письма с уведомлениями о смене email.
- При загрузке записей новостной ленты через Ajax, теперь все дополнительные CSS и JS загружаются корректно.
- Теперь при физическом удалении комментария профиля, записи об этом в журнале и очереди модерации тоже удаляются.
- Теперь при блокировке пользователя с помощью функции "Очистка спама", также удаляется и его аватар.
- Исправлена ошибка с отображением симпатий для пользователей, у которых некорректно работало кэширование.
- Корректная обработка перенаправлений в HTTP-клиенте, где целью перенаправления является только строка запроса.
- Отображение номера страницы в теге <title> при просмотре страниц меток.
- Ensure the server side validates the privacy policy/terms and rules acceptance form
- Ensure certain fields output in the data portability exports are escaped
- Some small phrase adjustments
- Attempt to ensure the new cookie notice does not hide the footer links
- Ensure data portability features are only available to admins with the "Manage users" permission
- If the geoLocationUrl option is empty, no longer attempt to link a user's location
- If a user's location is linked, ensure that noreferrer and nofollow values are set
- Implement the ability to add an unsubscribe link to admin sent emails
- Fix issues with selecting the new bottom fixer notice type
- Fix for invalid CSS
- Fix broken register_twitter template
- Ensure the server side validates the privacy policy/terms and rules acceptance form
- Ensure certain fields output in the data portability exports are escaped
- Some small phrase adjustments
- Attempt to ensure the new cookie notice does not hide the footer links
- Ensure data portability features are only available to admins with the "Manage users" permission
- If the geoLocationUrl option is empty, no longer attempt to link a user's location
- If a user's location is linked, ensure that noreferrer and nofollow values are set
- Implement the ability to add an unsubscribe link to admin sent emails
- Fix issues with selecting the new bottom fixer notice type
- Fix for invalid CSS
- Fix broken register_twitter template
- New notice position "Fixed" which fixes notices to the bottom of the page.
- GDPR: New default privacy policy help page
- GDPR: Ability to mark change log entries as "protected" so they will never be pruned
- GDPR: New fields to log the date and time that the privacy policy / terms and rules were last accepted (logged as protected in the user change log)
- GDPR: Now possible to force all members to accept privacy policy / terms and rues before continuing using the site
- GDPR: More detailed cookie notice which has to be explicitly acknowledged. It will appear in the new "Fixed" notice position.
- GDPR: Updated default Cookie help page text.
- GDPR: When deleting a user, give an option to change their name in order to anonymize content they have created.
- GDPR: Functionality to allow very basic personal details to be exported in XML format on one forum and imported into another to comply with data portability.
- GDPR: Require explict consent when registering and only log acceptance if consent was given.
- GDPR: New option to show "Require site email" option to be filled in during registration (with consent date being logged if appropriate).
- GPDR: Add a new option to anonymise IP addresses for Google Analytics.
- Remove swfupload support.
- Ensure the _xfToken value is retrieved from the request as a string.
- Remove the supposedly invalid "gender" property from the member view structured data.
- No longer import a few social media identities from PHPBB due to reports of those fields no longer existing (and they no longer exist in XF2 anyway).
- Ensure overlays are not de-cached too early when animations are disabled.
- Resolve an issue which could strangely modify the message text when using select-to-quote.
- Fixed behaviour of user upgrade downgrades following refund/reversal
- Use a less permissive scope for Google integration
- Fix success message when downgrading a user
- Use latest Google analytics code
- Handle deleted users in spam cleaner better
- Throw an error if a trophy is created without criteria
- Drop the use of 'assoc' from Twitter and Facebook redirects
- Fix the max length of the controller name in session activity updates
- In some cases, a Solve Media CAPTCHA challenge would erroneously pass if the HTML was tampered with (such as via a spam bot).
- Better support for media embeds and user mentions in the IPS Forums 4.x importer.
- Fix for missing likes on import from XF to XF.
- Improve PHP 7.x compatibility in the SMF importer.
- Add rel="canonical" to the quick navigation template to avoid indexing duplicate content.
- Security: Disable use of js/videojs/video-js.swf and remove calling it from the template.
- Recommend users upgrade to PHP 5.6 or above when installing or upgrading.
- Fix an issue with Chrome's XSS auditor when submitting content using the rich text editor in certain scenarios.
- Prevent warnings from being inserted in an expired state.
- Fix a situation where message counts would be adjusted incorrectly when approving a thread while moving it (such as in the spam cleaner).
- Add "nofollow" to certain links related to the find new system.
- Adjust the naming of filter list cookies to be shorter and not include query string params.
- Prevent an error in the RSS feed importer relating to an invalid Atom feed.
- Prevent the RSS importer from failing to import a feed if the feed contained multiple entries with the same ID.
- Disable user mention processing within quotes.
- Adjust attachment translation in the IPB importer.
- Adjust birth date importing from SMF and process attachment tags to our format.
- Fix breadcrumb links not pointing to "full" URLs in the help system.