package ru.l2gw.gameserver.templates;
import javolution.util.FastMap;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import ru.l2gw.gameserver.Config;
import ru.l2gw.commons.arrays.GArray;
import ru.l2gw.extensions.scripts.Script;
import ru.l2gw.extensions.scripts.Scripts;
import ru.l2gw.gameserver.model.L2Drop;
import ru.l2gw.gameserver.model.L2DropData;
import ru.l2gw.gameserver.model.L2MinionData;
import ru.l2gw.gameserver.model.L2Skill;
import ru.l2gw.gameserver.model.base.ClassId;
import ru.l2gw.gameserver.tables.SkillTable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* This cl contains all generic data of a L2Spawn object.<BR><BR>
* <B><U> Data</U> :</B><BR><BR>
* <li>npcId, type, name, sex</li>
* <li>revardExp, revardSp</li>
* <li>aggroRange, factionId, factionRange</li>
* <li>rhand, lhand, armor</li>
* <li>_drops</li>
* <li>_minions</li>
* <li>_teachInfo</li>
* <li>_skills</li>
* <li>_questsStart</li><BR><BR>
public class L2NpcTemplate extends L2CharTemplate
private static final Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(L2NpcTemplate.class.getName());
public static enum ShotsType
public final int npcId;
public String type;
public String ai_type;
public final String name;
public String title;
public final String sex;
public final byte level;
public final int revardExp;
public final int revardSp;
public final short aggroRange;
public final int rhand;
public final int lhand;
public final int armor;
public final String factionId;
public final short factionRange;
public int displayId = 0;
public boolean isDropHerbs = false;
public final ShotsType shots;
public final boolean isRaid;
private StatsSet _AIParams = null;
public final String ignoreClanList;
public final int soulshotCount;
public final int spiritshotCount;
public final float hp_mod;
public final int undying;
public final int can_be_attacked;
public final int can_move;
public final int flying;
public final int targetable;
public final int show_name_tag;
public final int unsowing;
/** fixed skills*/
private short race = 0;
/** The object containing all Item that can be dropped by L2NpcInstance using this L2NpcTemplate*/
private L2Drop _drop = null;
/** The table containing all Minions that must be spawn with the L2NpcInstance using this L2NpcTemplate*/
private final GArray<L2MinionData> _minions = new GArray<>(0);
private GArray<ClassId> _teachInfo;
protected HashMap<Integer, L2Skill> _skills;
private HashMap<String, L2Skill[]> _skillsByType;
private final static HashMap<Integer, L2Skill> _emptySkills = new HashMap<Integer, L2Skill>(0);
private Map<Quest.QuestEventType, Quest[]> _questEvents;
* Constructor of L2Character.<BR><BR>
* @param set The StatsSet object to transfer data to the method
public L2NpcTemplate(StatsSet set, StatsSet AIParams)
npcId = set.getInteger("npcId");
displayId = set.getInteger("displayId");
type = set.getString("type");
ai_type = set.getString("ai_type");
name = set.getString("name");
title = set.getString("title");
sex = set.getString("sex");
level = set.getByte("level");
revardExp = set.getInteger("revardExp");
revardSp = set.getInteger("revardSp");
aggroRange = set.getShort("aggroRange");
rhand = set.getInteger("rhand");
lhand = set.getInteger("lhand");
armor = set.getInteger("armor");
String f = set.getString("factionId", null);
if(f == null)
factionId = "";
factionId = f.intern();
factionRange = set.getShort("factionRange");
_teachInfo = null;
isDropHerbs = set.getBool("isDropHerbs");
shots = set.getEnum("shots", ShotsType.class, ShotsType.NONE);
_AIParams = AIParams;
ignoreClanList = set.getString("ignore_clan_list", null);
spiritshotCount = set.getInteger("spiritshot_count", 0);
soulshotCount = set.getInteger("soulshot_count", 0);
hp_mod = set.getInteger("hp_mod", 1);
undying = set.getInteger("undying", 0);
can_be_attacked = set.getInteger("can_be_attacked", 1);
can_move = set.getInteger("can_move", 1);
flying = set.getInteger("flying", 0);
targetable = set.getInteger("targetable", 1);
show_name_tag = set.getInteger("show_name_tag", 1);
unsowing = set.getInteger("unsowing", 0);
Class<?> _this = null;
_this = Class.forName("ru.l2gw.gameserver.model.instances." + type + "Instance");
catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
Script sc = Scripts.getInstance().getClasses().get("npc.model.instances." + type + "Instance");
if(sc != null)
_this = sc.getRawClass();
isRaid = _this != null && raidboss.isAssignableFrom(_this);
private static Class<?> raidboss = null;
raidboss = Class.forName("ru.l2gw.gameserver.model.instances.L2RaidBossInstance");
catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
public L2NpcTemplate(StatsSet set)
this(set, null);
public void addTeachInfo(ClassId classId)
if(_teachInfo == null)
_teachInfo = new GArray<ClassId>();
public GArray<ClassId> getTeachInfo()
return _teachInfo;
public boolean canTeach(ClassId classId)
return _teachInfo != null && _teachInfo.contains(classId);
public void addDropData(L2DropData drop, int groupChance, int dropType)
if(_drop == null)
_drop = new L2Drop();
_drop.addData(drop, groupChance, dropType);
public void addRaidData(L2MinionData minion)
public void addSkill(L2Skill skill, String type)
if(_skills == null)
_skills = new HashMap<Integer, L2Skill>();
if(_skillsByType == null)
_skillsByType = new HashMap<String, L2Skill[]>();
if(Config.DEBUG && skill.getId() != 5044 && skill.isActive() && (Math.abs(skill.getMagicLevel() - level) > 9 || skill.getMagicLevel() > level))
int diff = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int lvl = 1;
int nlvl = 0;
int mlvl = 0;
L2Skill ns;
while((ns = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skill.getId(), lvl)) != null)
if(ns.getMagicLevel() > 0 && Math.abs(ns.getMagicLevel() - level) < diff && ns.getMagicLevel() <= level)
diff = Math.abs(ns.getMagicLevel() - level);
nlvl = ns.getLevel();
mlvl = ns.getMagicLevel();
if(!type.equalsIgnoreCase("L2Pet") && !type.equalsIgnoreCase("L2PetBaby") && !type.equalsIgnoreCase("L2Summon"))
_log.warn(name + ";" + npcId + ";" + level + ";" + skill.getName() + ";" + skill.getId() + ";" + skill.getLevel() + ";" + skill.getMagicLevel() + ";" + nlvl + ";" + mlvl);
if(!type.equalsIgnoreCase("L2Pet") && !type.equalsIgnoreCase("L2PetBaby") && !type.equalsIgnoreCase("L2Summon") && nlvl > 0 && nlvl != skill.getLevel())
String stmt = "UPDATE npcskills SET level = " + nlvl + " WHERE npcid = " + npcId + " and skillId = " + skill.getId() + "; -- old " + skill.getLevel() + "/" + skill.getMagicLevel() + " new " + nlvl + "/" + mlvl + " npc " + level;
_skills.put(skill.getId(), skill);
L2Skill[] skilllist;
if(_skillsByType.get(type) != null)
skilllist = new L2Skill[_skillsByType.get(type).length + 1];
System.arraycopy(_skillsByType.get(type), 0, skilllist, 0, _skillsByType.get(type).length);
skilllist = new L2Skill[1];
skilllist[skilllist.length - 1] = skill;
if(skill.getSkillType() != L2Skill.SkillType.NOTDONE && skill.isActive())
_skillsByType.put(type, skilllist);
public HashMap<String, L2Skill[]> getAllSkillsByType()
return _skillsByType;
public L2Skill[] getSkillsByType(String type)
if(_skillsByType == null)
return new L2Skill[0];
L2Skill[] ret = _skillsByType.get(type);
return ret != null ? ret : new L2Skill[0];
* Return the list of all possible drops of this L2NpcTemplate.<BR><BR>
public L2Drop getDropData()
return _drop;
* Обнуляет дроплист моба
public void clearDropData()
_drop = null;
* Return the list of all Minions that must be spawn with the L2NpcInstance using this L2NpcTemplate.<BR><BR>
public GArray<L2MinionData> getMinionData()
return _minions;
public HashMap<Integer, L2Skill> getSkills()
return _skills == null ? _emptySkills : _skills;
public void addQuestEvent(Quest.QuestEventType EventType, Quest q)
if(_questEvents == null)
_questEvents = new FastMap<Quest.QuestEventType, Quest[]>();
if(_questEvents.get(EventType) == null)
_questEvents.put(EventType, new Quest[] { q });
Quest[] _quests = _questEvents.get(EventType);
int len = _quests.length;
// if only one registration per npc is allowed for this event type
// then only register this NPC if not already registered for the specified event.
// if a quest allows multiple registrations, then register regardless of count
if(EventType.isMultipleRegistrationAllowed() || len < 1)
// be ready to add a new quest to a new copy of the list, with larger size than previously.
Quest[] tmp = new Quest[len + 1];
// loop through the existing quests and copy them to the new list. While doing so, also
// check if this new quest happens to be just a replacement for a previously loaded quest.
// Replace existing if the new quest is the same (reload) or a child of the existing quest.
// Do nothing if the new quest is a superclass of an existing quest.
// Add the new quest in the end of the list otherwise.
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(_quests[i].getName().equals(q.getName()) || L2NpcTemplate.isAssignableTo(q, _quests[i].getClass()))
_quests[i] = q;
else if(L2NpcTemplate.isAssignableTo(_quests[i], q.getClass()))
tmp[i] = _quests[i];
tmp[len] = q;
_questEvents.put(EventType, tmp);
// if it is the same quest (i.e. reload) or the existing is a superclass of the new one, replace the existing.
if(_quests[0].getName().equals(q.getName()) || L2NpcTemplate.isAssignableTo(q, _quests[0].getClass()))
_quests[0] = q;
_log.warn("Quest event not allowed in multiple quests. Skipped addition of Event Type \"" + EventType + "\" for NPC \"" + name + "\" and quest \"" + q.getName() + "\".");
* Checks if obj can be assigned to the Class represented by clazz.<br>
* This is true if, and only if, obj is the same class represented by clazz,
* or a subclass of it or obj implements the interface represented by clazz.
* @param obj
* @param clazz
* @return
public static boolean isAssignableTo(Object obj, Class<?> clazz)
return L2NpcTemplate.isAssignableTo(obj.getClass(), clazz);
public static boolean isAssignableTo(Class<?> sub, Class<?> clazz)
// if clazz represents an interface
// check if obj implements the clazz interface
Class<?>[] interfaces = sub.getInterfaces();
for(int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++)
return true;
return true;
sub = sub.getSuperclass();
while(sub != null);
return false;
public Quest[] getEventQuests(Quest.QuestEventType EventType)
if(_questEvents == null)
return null;
return _questEvents.get(EventType);
public short getRace()
return race;
public void setRace(short newrace)
race = newrace;
public boolean isUndead()
return race == 1;
public String toString()
return "Npc template " + name + "[" + npcId + "]";
public int getNpcId()
return npcId;
public final StatsSet getAIParams()
return _AIParams;