Не работает регистрация на сайте и не выводит статистику логин-гейм сервера

LsD 25

Привет всем! Ребята помогите пожалуйста решить проблему, скачал сборку L2Emu RT ХФ , всё установил всё работает в игру заходит логин и гейм статус горит зелёным цветом на стресс вебе 13, но регистрация и статистика не работает пишет "Ошибка базы даных" пароли везде вводил всё правильно уже вторые сутки не знаю что делать всё перепробовал,если в админке стресса включить вывод ошибок Mysql то при открытмй сайта вылазиет ошибка так же смотрите скрины, вот скрины помогите кто знает


  • 076666666666666.webp
    115,2 КБ · Просмотры: 242
  • 07666666666600000666.webp
    27,7 КБ · Просмотры: 268

запросы стрессвеба к базе сервера надо править.
где то я уже подобное видел )
мне одному кажется или это форум с каждым днем все больше и больше похож на всем известный форум?
наверное да так как у меня база данных на которой стоит сайт=стресс веб, это хостинг
Вот база данных сайта вообще не интересует как бэ, я про базу данных сервера, она у вас доступна корректно, для доступа сайта туда?
Логи сервера предоставь. Если ошибка в запросах нужно править запросы. А также может быть ошибка подключения (Например порт хостингом закрыт). tmbdambo напишите если сами не справитесь. за пиво помогу=)
Вот база данных сайта вообще не интересует как бэ, я про базу данных сервера, она у вас доступна корректно, для доступа сайта туда?
Да, стоит статистический айпи, все айпи прописаны
Логи сервера предоставь. Если ошибка в запросах нужно править запросы. А также может быть ошибка подключения (Например порт хостингом закрыт). tmbdambo напишите если сами не справитесь. за пиво помогу:-)
[05.04.18 18:31:09:273] INFO loginserver.oOOO: Loaded 127 server names
[05.04.18 18:31:09:367] INFO loginserver.oOOO: Loaded whirlpool2 as default crypt.
[05.04.18 18:31:09:953] INFO loginserver.oOOO: Cached 10 KeyPairs for RSA communication
[05.04.18 18:31:09:960] INFO loginserver.oOOO: Stored 20 keys for Blowfish communication
[05.04.18 18:31:09:974] INFO loginserver.C: Loaded 1 registered GameServer(s).
[05.04.18 18:31:10:004] INFO loginserver.AuthServer: Listening for gameservers on
[05.04.18 18:31:10:005] INFO loginserver.AuthServer: Listening for clients on *:2106
Логи сервера предоставь. Если ошибка в запросах нужно править запросы. А также может быть ошибка подключения (Например порт хостингом закрыт). tmbdambo напишите если сами не справитесь. за пиво помогу:-)
[05.04.18 17:03:36:088]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[05.04.18 17:03:36:091]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: Revision: ................ -1
[05.04.18 17:03:36:091]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: Build date: .............. 2014.12.08 16:26
[05.04.18 17:03:36:091]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: Compiler version: ........ yGuard Bytecode Obfuscator 2.5.2
[05.04.18 17:03:36:091]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[05.04.18 17:03:36:204]  INFO premium.PremiumConfig: Loaded 4 Premium configs
[05.04.18 17:03:36:220]  INFO visual.VisualConfig: Loaded 5 Visualized configs
[05.04.18 17:03:36:222]  INFO gameserver.Config: Abuse: Loaded 18 abuse words.
[05.04.18 17:03:36:308]  INFO idfactory.IdFactory: IdFactory: Clear characters online status.
[05.04.18 17:03:36:316]  INFO idfactory.IdFactory: IdFactory: Extracted total 0 used id's.
[05.04.18 17:03:36:316]  INFO idfactory.BitSetIDFactory: IdFactory: 102912 id's available.
[05.04.18 17:03:36:529]  INFO scripts.Scripts: Scripts: Loading...
[05.04.18 17:03:37:085]  INFO scripts.Scripts: Scripts: Loaded 1248 classes.
[05.04.18 17:03:37:101]  INFO utils.Strings: Loaded 418 translit entries.
[05.04.18 17:03:37:104]  INFO gameserver.GameTimeController: GameTimeController: initialized. Current time is 12:21 in the day.
[05.04.18 17:03:37:104]  INFO model.World: L2World: Creating regions: [256][272][32].
[05.04.18 17:03:37:109]  INFO htm.HtmCache: HtmCache: disabled.
[05.04.18 17:03:37:126]  INFO data.StringHolder: StringHolder: load strings: 554 for lang: RUSSIAN
[05.04.18 17:03:37:126]  INFO data.StringHolder: StringHolder: load strings: 553 for lang: ENGLISH
[05.04.18 17:03:40:395]  INFO skills.SkillsEngine: SkillsEngine: Loaded 66045 skill templates from XML files. Max id: 90003, max level: 259
[05.04.18 17:03:41:782]  INFO holder.OptionDataHolder: OptionDataHolder: loaded 24975 option data(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:43:256]  INFO holder.ItemHolder: ItemHolder: loaded 19135 item(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:43:257]  INFO parser.ExtractableItems: ExtractableItems: Initializing
[05.04.18 17:03:43:270]  INFO parser.ExtractableItems: ExtractableItems: Loaded 362 Extractable.
[05.04.18 17:03:46:305]  INFO holder.NpcHolder: NpcHolder: loaded 10474 npc(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:46:651]  INFO holder.PetDataTemplateHolder: PetDataTemplateHolder: loaded 52 pet data template(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:46:667]  INFO instancemanager.MapRegionManager: MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:46:698]  INFO instancemanager.MapRegionManager: MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:46:702]  INFO holder.StaticObjectHolder: StaticObjectHolder: loaded 50 static object(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:46:854]  INFO holder.DoorHolder: DoorHolder: loaded 1155 door(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:46:941]  INFO holder.ZoneHolder: ZoneHolder: loaded 1165 zone(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:47:681]  INFO holder.SpawnHolder: SpawnHolder: loaded 28950 spawn(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:47:834]  INFO holder.InstantZoneHolder: InstantZoneHolder: loaded 95 instant zone(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:49:914]  INFO holder.AirshipDockHolder: AirshipDockHolder: loaded 4 airship dock(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:001]  INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 56997 normal learns for 103 classes.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:001]  INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 79 transfer learns for 3 classes.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:001]  INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 120 transformation learns for 6 races.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:002]  INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 662 fishing learns for 6 races.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:002]  INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 72 certification learns.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:002]  INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 3 collection learns.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:002]  INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 44 pledge learns.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:002]  INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 18 sub unit learns.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:104]  INFO holder.CharTemplateHolder: CharTemplateHolder: loaded 206 char template(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:285]  INFO holder.ResidenceHolder: ResidenceHolder: total size: 83
[05.04.18 17:03:50:285]  INFO holder.ResidenceHolder: ResidenceHolder:  - load 9 dominion(s).
[05.04.18 17:03:50:286]  INFO holder.ResidenceHolder: ResidenceHolder:  - load 21 fortress(s).
[05.04.18 17:03:50:286]  INFO holder.ResidenceHolder: ResidenceHolder:  - load 44 clanhall(s).
[05.04.18 17:03:50:286]  INFO holder.ResidenceHolder: ResidenceHolder:  - load 9 castle(s).
[05.04.18 17:03:50:343]  INFO instancemanager.RaidBossSpawnManager: RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 0 Statuses
[05.04.18 17:03:50:375]  INFO entity.SevenSigns: SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period!
[05.04.18 17:03:50:375]  INFO entity.SevenSigns: SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:375]  INFO entity.SevenSigns: SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:376]  INFO entity.SevenSigns: SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:376]  INFO entity.SevenSigns: SevenSigns: The Competition this week, if the trend continue, will end with a tie.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:377]  INFO entity.SevenSigns: SevenSigns: Next period begins in 4 days, 0 hours and 56 mins.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:530]  INFO holder.EventHolder: EventHolder: loaded 101 event(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:538]  INFO holder.CubicHolder: CubicHolder: loaded 145 cubic(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:630]  INFO holder.BuyListHolder: TradeController: Loaded 4 file(s).
[05.04.18 17:03:50:630]  INFO holder.BuyListHolder: TradeController: Loaded 25069 Items.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:630]  INFO holder.BuyListHolder: TradeController: Loaded 728 Buylists.
[05.04.18 17:03:50:663]  INFO holder.RecipeHolder: RecipeController: Loaded 998 Recipes.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:094]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10007] Production 'Moirai Necklace' [15725] price is lower than referenced | 10961000 > 1
[05.04.18 17:03:51:095]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10007] Production 'Moirai Earring' [15724] price is lower than referenced | 8221000 > 1
[05.04.18 17:03:51:095]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10007] Production 'Moirai Ring' [15723] price is lower than referenced | 5480000 > 1
[05.04.18 17:03:51:095]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10007] Production 'Elegia Necklace' [15719] price is lower than referenced | 21795000 > 1
[05.04.18 17:03:51:095]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10007] Production 'Elegia Earring' [15718] price is lower than referenced | 16346000 > 1
[05.04.18 17:03:51:096]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10007] Production 'Elegia Ring' [15717] price is lower than referenced | 10897000 > 1
[05.04.18 17:03:51:096]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10007] Production 'Vorpal Necklace' [15722] price is lower than referenced | 18177000 > 1
[05.04.18 17:03:51:097]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10007] Production 'Vorpal Earring' [15721] price is lower than referenced | 13633000 > 1
[05.04.18 17:03:51:097]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10007] Production 'Vorpal Ring' [15720] price is lower than referenced | 9088000 > 1
[05.04.18 17:03:51:099]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10008] Production 'Freya Necklace' [16025] price is lower than referenced | 14726400 > 1
[05.04.18 17:03:51:099]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10008] Production 'Blessed Freya Necklace' [16026] price is lower than referenced | 15192000 > 1
[05.04.18 17:03:51:113]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10017] Production 'Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (A)' [6570] price is lower than referenced | 1800000 > 1000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:113]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10017] Production 'Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A)' [6569] price is lower than referenced | 15000000 > 8000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:113]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10017] Production 'Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B)' [6571] price is lower than referenced | 7000000 > 2000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:114]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10017] Production 'Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (B)' [6572] price is lower than referenced | 750000 > 400000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:114]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10017] Production 'Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C)' [6573] price is lower than referenced | 3000000 > 800000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:114]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10017] Production 'Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (C)' [6574] price is lower than referenced | 350000 > 300000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:115]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10017] Production 'Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D)' [6575] price is lower than referenced | 900000 > 200000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:116]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10018] Production 'Elixir of Life (A-Grade)' [8626] price is lower than referenced | 12500 > 10000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:117]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10018] Production 'Elixir of Life (S-Grade)' [8627] price is lower than referenced | 15000 > 10000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:129]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10025] Production 'Sword of Miracles' [5641] price is lower than referenced | 20741000 > 10000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:129]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10025] Production 'Sword of Miracles' [5642] price is lower than referenced | 20741000 > 10000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:129]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10025] Production 'Sword of Miracles' [5643] price is lower than referenced | 20741000 > 10000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:130]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10025] Production 'Dark Legion's Edge' [5647] price is lower than referenced | 20741000 > 10000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:130]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10025] Production 'Dark Legion's Edge' [5648] price is lower than referenced | 20741000 > 10000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:130]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10025] Production 'Dark Legion's Edge' [5649] price is lower than referenced | 20741000 > 10000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:130]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10025] Production 'Sword of Ipos' [8791] price is lower than referenced | 26968400 > 15000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:131]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10025] Production 'Sword of Ipos' [8792] price is lower than referenced | 26968400 > 15000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:131]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10025] Production 'Sword of Ipos' [8793] price is lower than referenced | 26968400 > 15000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:131]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10025] Production 'Themis' Tongue' [8812] price is lower than referenced | 26968400 > 15000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:131]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10025] Production 'Themis' Tongue' [8814] price is lower than referenced | 26968400 > 15000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:132]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10025] Production 'Themis' Tongue' [8813] price is lower than referenced | 26968400 > 15000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:142]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10040] Production 'Tawny-Maned Lion Mounting Bracelet' [13547] price is lower than referenced | 1144000 > 1
[05.04.18 17:03:51:160]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:160]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:160]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:161]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:161]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:161]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:161]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:162]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:162]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:162]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:163]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:163]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:163]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:163]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:164]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:164]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:164]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:164]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:165]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:165]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:166]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:166]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:166]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:167]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:167]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:167]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:167]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:168]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:168]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:168]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10051] is empty!
[05.04.18 17:03:51:186]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10059] Production 'Transform Sealbook - Anakim' [10296] price is lower than referenced | 30000000 > 10000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:187]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [10059] Production 'Transform Sealbook  - Kechi' [10300] price is lower than referenced | 11500000 > 10000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:192]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3111301
[05.04.18 17:03:51:208]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112601
[05.04.18 17:03:51:216]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112602
[05.04.18 17:03:51:264]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112603
[05.04.18 17:03:51:272]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112604
[05.04.18 17:03:51:274]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112605
[05.04.18 17:03:51:284]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112606
[05.04.18 17:03:51:289]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112607
[05.04.18 17:03:51:291]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112608
[05.04.18 17:03:51:293]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112609
[05.04.18 17:03:51:298]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112610
[05.04.18 17:03:51:301]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112611
[05.04.18 17:03:51:304]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112612
[05.04.18 17:03:51:307]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112613
[05.04.18 17:03:51:314]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112614
[05.04.18 17:03:51:316]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 3112615
[05.04.18 17:03:51:318]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell redefined: 400
[05.04.18 17:03:51:330]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9118] Production 'Draconic Leather Armor' [6379] price is lower than referenced | 15577000 > 10000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:330]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9118] Production 'Major Arcana Robe' [6383] price is lower than referenced | 15577000 > 10000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:330]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9118] Production 'Imperial Crusader Breastplate' [6373] price is lower than referenced | 12781000 > 10000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:331]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9118] Production 'Imperial Crusader Gaiters' [6374] price is lower than referenced | 7988000 > 5000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:333]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9120] Production 'Elven Long Sword' [2499] price is lower than referenced | 1387000 > 200000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:333]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9120] Production 'Mithril Dagger' [225] price is lower than referenced | 1387000 > 200000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:333]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9120] Production 'Bonebreaker' [159] price is lower than referenced | 1387000 > 200000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:334]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9120] Production 'Staff of Life' [189] price is lower than referenced | 1387000 > 200000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:334]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9120] Production 'Scallop Jamadhr' [262] price is lower than referenced | 1387000 > 200000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:334]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9120] Production 'Glaive' [297] price is lower than referenced | 1387000 > 200000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:334]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9120] Production 'Claymore' [70] price is lower than referenced | 1387000 > 200000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:335]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9120] Production 'Bastard Sword*Bastard Sword' [2525] price is lower than referenced | 1074000 > 200000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:338]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Homunkulus's Sword' [6313] price is lower than referenced | 3304300 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:338]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Homunkulus's Sword' [6314] price is lower than referenced | 3304300 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:338]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Homunkulus's Sword' [6315] price is lower than referenced | 3304300 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:338]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Eminence Bow' [4822] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:339]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Eminence Bow' [4823] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:339]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Eminence Bow' [4824] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:339]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Crystal Dagger' [6358] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:340]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Crystal Dagger' [4774] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:340]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Crystal Dagger' [4775] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:340]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Crystal Dagger' [4776] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:340]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Great Pata' [4795] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:341]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Great Pata' [4796] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:341]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Great Pata' [4797] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:341]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Yaksa Mace' [4744] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:341]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Yaksa Mace' [4745] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:341]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Yaksa Mace' [4746] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:342]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Katana*Katana' [2582] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:342]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Orcish Poleaxe' [4852] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:342]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Orcish Poleaxe' [4853] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:342]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Orcish Poleaxe' [4854] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:343]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Berserker Blade' [6347] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:343]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Berserker Blade' [6347] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:343]  WARN holder.MultiSellHolder: MultiSell [9121] Production 'Berserker Blade' [6347] price is lower than referenced | 4713500 > 3000000
[05.04.18 17:03:51:480]  INFO holder.ProductHolder: ProductItemTable: Loaded 193 product item on sale.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:498]  INFO holder.HennaHolder: HennaHolder: loaded 180 henna(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:504]  INFO holder.EnchantItemHolder: EnchantItemHolder: load 4 enchant scroll(s).
[05.04.18 17:03:51:509]  INFO holder.SoulCrystalHolder: SoulCrystalHolder: loaded 54 soul crystal(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:513]  INFO holder.ArmorSetsHolder: ArmorSetsHolder: loaded 217 armor sets(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:519]  INFO holder.PetitionGroupHolder: PetitionGroupHolder: loaded 1 petition group(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:521]  INFO cache.CrestCache: CrestCache: Loaded 0 crests
[05.04.18 17:03:51:541]  INFO tables.FishTable: FishTable: Loaded 270 fishes.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:565]  INFO tables.FishTable: FishTable: Loaded 919 fish rewards.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:565]  INFO tables.SkillTreeTable: SkillTreeTable: Loaded 526 enchanted skills.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:567]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: Initializing AugmentationData.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:592]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: 10 bad skill(s) were skipped.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:610]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:610]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 24 accessory augmentation stats.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:611]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 0
[05.04.18 17:03:51:611]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 1
[05.04.18 17:03:51:612]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 2
[05.04.18 17:03:51:612]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 3
[05.04.18 17:03:51:612]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 4
[05.04.18 17:03:51:612]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 5
[05.04.18 17:03:51:613]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 6
[05.04.18 17:03:51:613]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 7
[05.04.18 17:03:51:613]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 8
[05.04.18 17:03:51:613]  INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 9
[05.04.18 17:03:51:616]  INFO tables.EnchantHPBonusTable: EnchantHPBonusTable: Loaded bonuses for 6 grades.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:624]  INFO tables.LevelUpTable: LevelUpData: Loaded 103 Character Level Up Templates.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:673]  INFO tables.PetSkillsTable: PetSkillsTable: Loaded 3031 skills.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:674]  INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionManager: Initializing ItemAuctionManager
[05.04.18 17:03:51:682]  INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionInstance: ItemAuction: Loaded 78 item(s) and registered 0 auction(s) for instance 32320.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:686]  INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionInstance: ItemAuction: Schedule next auction 1 on 2018.04.10 17:00:00 for instance 32320
[05.04.18 17:03:51:687]  INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionInstance: ItemAuction: Loaded 78 item(s) and registered 0 auction(s) for instance 32321.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:688]  INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionInstance: ItemAuction: Schedule next auction 2 on 2018.04.12 17:00:00 for instance 32321
[05.04.18 17:03:51:690]  INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionInstance: ItemAuction: Loaded 78 item(s) and registered 0 auction(s) for instance 32322.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:690]  INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionInstance: ItemAuction: Schedule next auction 3 on 2018.04.07 17:00:00 for instance 32322
[05.04.18 17:03:51:691]  INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionManager: ItemAuctionManager: Loaded 3 instance(s).
[05.04.18 17:03:51:747]  INFO bosses.AntharasManager: AntharasManager: State of Antharas is NOTSPAWN.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:748]  INFO bosses.AntharasManager: AntharasManager: Next spawn date of Antharas is 03:00 01.01.1970.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:749]  INFO threading.RunnableImpl: Спавно Босс Antharas
[05.04.18 17:03:51:750]  INFO threading.RunnableImpl: Спавно Босс Baium
[05.04.18 17:03:51:751]  INFO bosses.BaiumManager: BaiumManager: State of Baium is NOTSPAWN.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:756]  INFO bosses.BaiumManager: BaiumManager: Next spawn date: 03:00 01.01.1970
[05.04.18 17:03:51:757]  INFO threading.RunnableImpl: Спавно Босс Baylor
[05.04.18 17:03:51:764]  INFO bosses.BelethManager: Beleth Manager: Loaded successfuly
[05.04.18 17:03:51:768]  INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: Loaded 20 Mysterious-Box spawns.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:787]  INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 physical monsters spawns.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:804]  INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 magical monsters spawns.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:808]  INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: loaded 92 Church of duke monsters spawns.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:812]  INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: loaded 68 Emperor's grave NPC spawns.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:813]  INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Conquerors' Sepulcher Manager
[05.04.18 17:03:51:814]  INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Emperors' Sepulcher Manager
[05.04.18 17:03:51:814]  INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Great Sages' Sepulcher Manager
[05.04.18 17:03:51:815]  INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Judges' Sepulcher Manager
[05.04.18 17:03:51:816]  INFO bosses.FourSepulchersManager: FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time
[05.04.18 17:03:51:817]  INFO threading.RunnableImpl: Спавно Босс Sailren
[05.04.18 17:03:51:817]  INFO bosses.SailrenManager: SailrenManager: State of Sailren is NOTSPAWN.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:817]  INFO bosses.SailrenManager: SailrenManager: Next spawn date of Sailren is 03:00 01.01.1970.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:818]  INFO threading.RunnableImpl: Спавно Босс Valakas
[05.04.18 17:03:51:818]  INFO bosses.ValakasManager: ValakasManager: State of Valakas is NOTSPAWN.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:818]  INFO bosses.ValakasManager: ValakasManager: Next spawn date of Valakas is 03:00 01.01.1970.
[05.04.18 17:03:51:824]  INFO threading.RunnableImpl: Thu Apr 05 17:03:51 MSK 2018 Atk announce scheduled to 5.0 minute of this hour.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:015]  INFO model.Manor: ManorManager: Loaded 270 seeds
[05.04.18 17:03:52:115] ERROR scripts.Scripts: Scripts: Failed running quests.Dominion_KillSpecialUnitQuest.onLoad()
   at sun.reflect.InstantiationExceptionConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
   at l2p.gameserver.scripts.Scripts.init(Unknown Source)
   at l2p.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(Unknown Source)
   at l2p.gameserver.GameServer.main(Unknown Source)
[05.04.18 17:03:52:337]  INFO scriptConfig.ScriptConfig: Loaded Service: ScripsConfig
[05.04.18 17:03:52:339]  INFO services.Bash: Loaded Service: Bash [enabled]
[05.04.18 17:03:52:597]  INFO services.Bash: Service: Bash - RSS data download completed.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:604]  WARN services.Bash: Service: Bash - RSS data parse error.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:623]  INFO community.Augmentation: CommunityBoard: ArgumManager loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:626]  INFO community.ClanCommunity: CommunityBoard: Clan Community service loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:627]  INFO community.CommunityBoard: CommunityBoard: service loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:628]  INFO community.CommunityBoardBuffer: CommunityBoard: Buffer Community service loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:632]  INFO community.CommunityBoardCommission: CommunityBoard: Commission Loaded
[05.04.18 17:03:52:635]  INFO community.CommunityBoardEnchanter: CommunityBoard: Enchant Community service loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:637]  INFO community.CommunityBoardNewStats: CommunityBoard: New Stats service loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:638]  INFO community.CommunityBoardProfession: CommunityBoard: Manage Career service loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:639]  INFO community.CommunityBoardServices: CommunityBoard: Manager Community services loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:640]  INFO community.CommunityBoardTeleport: CommunityBoard: Teleport Community service loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:641]  INFO community.CommunityBoardWarehouse: CommunityBoard: Warehouse loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:641]  INFO community.ManageFavorites: CommunityBoard: Manage Favorites service loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:642]  INFO community.ManageFriends: CommunityBoard: Manage Friends service loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:642]  INFO community.ManageMemo: CommunityBoard: Manage Memo service loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:643]  INFO community.PrivateMail: CommunityBoard: Private Mail service loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:644]  INFO community.RegionCommunity: CommunityBoard: Region service loaded.
[05.04.18 17:03:52:856]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 1000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:53:351]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 5000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:53:384]  INFO naia.NaiaTowerManager: Naia Tower Manager: Loaded 12 rooms
[05.04.18 17:03:53:719]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 9000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:56:524]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 13000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:56:886]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 16000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:57:151]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 18000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:57:217]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 20000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:59:578]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 21000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:59:645]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 22000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:59:693]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 23000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:59:767]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 26000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:59:838]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 27000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:59:863]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 28000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:59:886]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 29000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:59:911]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 30000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:59:931]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 31000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:03:59:960]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 32000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:04:00:111]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 34000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:04:00:153]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 36000 npc for group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:04:00:193]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 37911 npc; spawns: 16981; group: NONE
[05.04.18 17:04:00:194]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 18 npc; spawns: 18; group: event_gatekeeper
[05.04.18 17:04:00:195]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 17 npc; spawns: 17; group: class_master
[05.04.18 17:04:00:195]  INFO data.BoatHolder: BoatHolder: loaded 5 boat(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:199]  INFO data.BoatHolder: BoatHolder: Spawning: GludinRune_Vehicle
[05.04.18 17:04:00:199]  INFO data.BoatHolder: BoatHolder: Spawning: GiranTalkin_Vehicle
[05.04.18 17:04:00:199]  INFO data.BoatHolder: BoatHolder: Spawning: AdenGracia_Airship
[05.04.18 17:04:00:200]  INFO data.BoatHolder: BoatHolder: Spawning: TalkingGludin_Vehicle
[05.04.18 17:04:00:200]  INFO data.BoatHolder: BoatHolder: Spawning: RunePrimeval_Vehicle
[05.04.18 17:04:00:201]  INFO holder.StaticObjectHolder: StaticObjectHolder: spawned: 50 static object(s).
[05.04.18 17:04:00:209]  INFO instancemanager.DimensionalRiftManager: DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 13 room types with 112 rooms.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:210]  INFO instancemanager.DimensionalRiftManager: DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 300 DimensionalRift spawns, 0 errors.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:213]  INFO games.LotteryManager: Lottery: Starting ticket sell for lottery #1.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:233]  INFO instancemanager.AutoSpawnManager: AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 50 handlers in total.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:240]  INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....
[05.04.18 17:04:00:240]  INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period
[05.04.18 17:04:00:240]  INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Period Ends....
[05.04.18 17:04:00:240]  INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: In 25 days, 6 hours and 56 mins.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:240]  INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Next Weekly Change is in....
[05.04.18 17:04:00:241]  INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: In 6 days, 23 hours and 59 mins.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:241]  INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Noblesses
[05.04.18 17:04:00:241]  INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 0 hours and 56 mins.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:242]  INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Event starts/started: Thu Apr 05 18:00:00 MSK 2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:245]  INFO entity.Hero: Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:245]  INFO entity.Hero: Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:246]  INFO instancemanager.PetitionManager: Initializing PetitionManager
[05.04.18 17:04:00:254]  INFO instancemanager.CursedWeaponsManager: CursedWeaponsManager: Loaded 2 cursed weapon(s).
[05.04.18 17:04:00:255]  INFO instancemanager.CoupleManager: Initializing CoupleManager
[05.04.18 17:04:00:256]  INFO instancemanager.CoupleManager: Loaded: 0 couples(s)
[05.04.18 17:04:00:256]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: CoupleManager initialized
[05.04.18 17:04:00:257]  INFO admincommands.AdminCommandHandler: AdminCommandHandler: loaded 358 admin command handler(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:262]  INFO usercommands.UserCommandHandler: UserCommandHandler: loaded 16 user command handler(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:262]  INFO voicecommands.VoicedCommandHandler: VoicedCommandHandler: loaded 39 voiced command handler(s) count.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:272]  INFO A.M: BBSBufferConfig: Initializing complete.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:277]  INFO A.L: BuffTable: loaded 120 objects.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:278]  INFO A.J: CharacterTable: loaded 0 objects
[05.04.18 17:04:00:345]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: =[Events]=========================================
[05.04.18 17:04:00:414]  INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Gludio Castle time - 20:00 15.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:424]  INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Dion Castle time - 20:00 15.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:432]  INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Giran Castle time - 16:00 15.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:440]  INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Oren Castle time - 16:00 15.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:448]  INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Aden Castle time - 16:00 15.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:458]  INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Innadril Castle time - 20:00 15.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:467]  INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Goddard Castle time - 16:00 15.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:475]  INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Rune Castle time - 16:00 15.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:483]  INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Schuttgart Castle time - 16:00 15.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:488]  INFO impl.ClanHallNpcSiegeEvent: ClanHallNpcSiegeEvent: Fortress Of Resistance time - 18:00 16.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:492]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:495]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:499]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Topaz Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:503]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Ruby Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:507]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Crystal Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:518]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:522]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Sapphire Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:525]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:529]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Emerald Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:532]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Atramental Barracks time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:535]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Scarlet Barracks time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:538]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Viridian Barracks time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:542]  INFO impl.ClanHallSiegeEvent: ClanHallSiegeEvent: Devastated Castle time - 18:00 07.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:545]  INFO impl.ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: Bandit Stronghold time - 22:00 07.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:548]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Golden Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:552]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Silver Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:555]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Mithril Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:559]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Silver Manor time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:562]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Gold Manor time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:567]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Bronze Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:570]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Golden Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:574]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Silver Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:577]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Mithril Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:581]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Bronze Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:584]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Silver Manor time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:588]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:591]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:595]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Emerald Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:598]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Sapphire Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:602]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Mont Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:605]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Astaire Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:609]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Aria Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:612]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Yiana Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:615]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Roien Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:619]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Luna Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:622]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Traban Chamber time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:626]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Eisen Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:630]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Heavy Metal Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:633]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Molten Ore Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:637]  INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Titan Hall time - 15:00 02.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:645]  INFO impl.ClanHallMiniGameEvent: ClanHallMiniGameEvent: Rainbow Springs time - 22:00 07.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:649]  INFO impl.ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: Wild Beast Reserve time - 21:00 07.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:652]  INFO impl.ClanHallSiegeEvent: ClanHallSiegeEvent: Fortress of Dead time - 18:00 07.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:655]  INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Gludio Dominion time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:656]  INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Dion Dominion time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:657]  INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Giran Dominion time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:658]  INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Oren Dominion time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:659]  INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Aden Dominion time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:660]  INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Innadril Dominion time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:660]  INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Goddard Dominion time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:661]  INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Rune Dominion time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:662]  INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Schuttgart Dominion time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:666]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Shanty Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:671]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Southern Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:674]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Hive Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:678]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Valley Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:682]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Ivory Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:686]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Narsell Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:689]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Bayou Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:693]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: White Sands Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:697]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Borderland Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:701]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Swamp Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:704]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Archaic Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:708]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Floran Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:712]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Cloud Mountain Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:715]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Tanor Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:719]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Dragonspine Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:724]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Antharas Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:727]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Western Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:731]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Hunter's Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:735]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Aaru Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:738]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Demon Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:742]  INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Monastic Fortress time - undefined
[05.04.18 17:04:00:743]  INFO impl.KrateisCubeEvent: KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 70-75 Level time - 17:30 05.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:743]  INFO impl.KrateisCubeEvent: KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 76-79 Level time - 17:30 05.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:743]  INFO impl.KrateisCubeEvent: KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 80-85 Level time - 17:30 05.04.2018
[05.04.18 17:04:00:743]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: ==================================================
[05.04.18 17:04:00:745]  INFO instancemanager.CastleManorManager: Manor System: Initializing...
[05.04.18 17:04:00:751]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1879001466
[05.04.18 17:04:00:754]  INFO threading.RunnableImpl: Fishing Championship Manager : start new event period.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:768]  INFO instancemanager.HellboundManager: HellboundManager: Loaded 335 spawn entries.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:791]  INFO instancemanager.HellboundManager: HellboundManager: Spawned 623 mobs and NPCs according to the current Hellbound stage
[05.04.18 17:04:00:792]  INFO instancemanager.HellboundManager: Hellbound Manager: Loaded
[05.04.18 17:04:00:793]  INFO naia.NaiaTowerManager: Naia Core Manager: Loaded
[05.04.18 17:04:00:794]  INFO instancemanager.SoDManager: Seed of Destruction Manager: Loaded
[05.04.18 17:04:00:795]  INFO instancemanager.SoIManager: Seed of Infinity Manager: Loaded. Current stage is: 1
[05.04.18 17:04:00:795]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 4 npc; spawns: 4; group: soi_world_mouths
[05.04.18 17:04:00:796]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 1 npc; spawns: 1; group: soi_world_abyssgaze2
[05.04.18 17:04:00:797]  INFO instancemanager.BloodAltarManager: Blood Altar Manager: Initializing...
[05.04.18 17:04:00:798]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 51 npc; spawns: 51; group: bloodaltar_alive_npc
[05.04.18 17:04:00:801]  INFO instancemanager.ExchangeBroker: ExchangeBroker: Loaded 0 items for sale
[05.04.18 17:04:00:809]  INFO gameserver.A: Scheduled server restart in 11h 56m.
[05.04.18 17:04:00:809]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: GameServer Started
[05.04.18 17:04:00:810]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: Maximum Numbers of Connected Players: 10000
[05.04.18 17:04:01:035]  INFO loginservercon.AuthServerCommunication: Connecting to authserver on
[05.04.18 17:04:01:036]  INFO instancemanager.AutoAnnounce: AutoAnnounce: Initializing
[05.04.18 17:04:01:038]  INFO instancemanager.AutoAnnounce: AutoAnnounce: Load OK
[05.04.18 17:04:01:038]  INFO instancemanager.AutoAnnounce: AutoAnnounce: Loaded 1 announce.
[05.04.18 17:04:01:059]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 443 npc; spawns: 121; group: DAY
[05.04.18 17:04:01:060]  INFO lspackets.AuthResponse: Registered on authserver as 1 [Bartz]
[05.04.18 17:04:01:063]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 653 npc; spawns: 429; group: dawn_spawn
[05.04.18 17:04:01:082]  INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 653 npc; spawns: 429; group: dusk_spawn
[05.04.18 17:04:01:082]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: Telnet server is currently disabled.
[05.04.18 17:04:01:082]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[05.04.18 17:04:01:085]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: AllowedMemory: ........... 932352 KB
[05.04.18 17:04:01:086]  INFO gameserver.GameServer:      Allocated: .......... 876544 KB (94.0143%)
[05.04.18 17:04:01:086]  INFO gameserver.GameServer:      Non-Allocated: ...... 55808 KB (5.9857%)
[05.04.18 17:04:01:086]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: AllocatedMemory: ......... 876544 KB
[05.04.18 17:04:01:086]  INFO gameserver.GameServer:      Used: ............... 710448 KB (76.1996%)
[05.04.18 17:04:01:086]  INFO gameserver.GameServer:      Unused (cached): .... 166095 KB (17.8147%)
[05.04.18 17:04:01:086]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: UseableMemory: ........... 221903 KB (23.8004%)
[05.04.18 17:04:01:086]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[05.04.18 17:04:01:089]  INFO ftGuard.ftGuard: Loading First Guard configuration...
[05.04.18 17:04:01:090]  INFO ftGuard.ftGuard: ************[ Protection System: Start Loading ]*************
[05.04.18 17:04:01:091]  INFO ftGuard.ftGuard: ************[ Protection System: Finish Loading ]*************
[05.04.18 17:04:01:091]  INFO ftGuard.ftGuard: ************[ Protection System: First Guard ON ]*************
[05.04.18 17:04:01:091]  INFO gameserver.GameServer: FT-Guard support enabled.
[05.04.18 17:04:31:042]  INFO tasks.RestoreOfflineTraders: Restored 0 offline traders
[05.04.18 17:50:51:818]  INFO threading.RunnableImpl: FourSepulchersManager: Entry time: Thu Apr 05 17:55:51 MSK 2018
[05.04.18 18:00:00:252]  INFO olympiad.CompStartTask: Olympiad System: Olympiad Game Started
[05.04.18 18:03:52:601]  INFO services.Bash: Service: Bash - RSS data download completed.
[05.04.18 18:03:52:608]  WARN services.Bash: Service: Bash - RSS data parse error.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Логи сервера предоставь. Если ошибка в запросах нужно править запросы. А также может быть ошибка подключения (Например порт хостингом закрыт). tmbdambo напишите если сами не справитесь. за пиво помогу:-)
я вам в скайпе написал мой скайп kris-pvp
Сервер на VDS или дома? Если дома, при развертывании SQL, вы ставили галочку доступ из вне?
Логи сервера предоставь. Если ошибка в запросах нужно править запросы. А также может быть ошибка подключения (Например порт хостингом закрыт). tmbdambo напишите если сами не справитесь. за пиво помогу:-)


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    86,5 КБ · Просмотры: 256
Сервер на VDS или дома? Если дома, при развертывании SQL, вы ставили галочку доступ из вне?
где такая галочка? на хостинге только phpmyadmin работает через него заливаю на сайт базу, а на сервере который дома стоит навикат
где такая галочка? на хостинге только phpmyadmin работает через него заливаю на сайт базу, а на сервере который дома стоит навикат
Такая галочка есть, когда устанавливаете MySQL себе на домашнею машинку.
Тему можно закрывать)) Мне помог решить и всё настроил

Респект таким людям!) С меня конечно на пиво ему ;)
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