* @author S.T.R.E.S.S.
* @copyright 2008 - 2012 STRESS WEB
* @version 13
* @web http://stressweb.ru
* @Fix - http://L2Banners.ru
if ( !defined("STRESSWEB") )
die( "Access denied..." );
if ( !$l2cfg["forum"]["enable"] ) {
$tpl->SetResult( 'forum' );
} else {
$mod_forum = $controller->GetCache( 'mod_forum' );
if ( $mod_forum )
$tpl->SetResult( 'forum', $mod_forum );
else {
if ( empty($l2cfg["forum"]["deny"]) )
$l2cfg["forum"]["deny"] = "0";
$fdb = new db( $l2cfg["forum"]["dbhost"], $l2cfg["forum"]["dbuser"], $l2cfg["forum"]["dbpass"], $l2cfg["forum"]["dbname"], $l2cfg["mysql"]["debug"] );
$fdb->query( "SET NAMES '{$l2cfg["forum"]["dbcoll"]}'" );
* =================
* =================
if ( $l2cfg["forum"]["version"] == "ips" ) {
$fsql = "
SELECT tid,title,state,last_post,last_poster_id,last_poster_name, approved
FROM {$l2cfg["forum"]["prefix"]}forums_topics
WHERE forum_id NOT IN ({$l2cfg["forum"]["deny"]})
AND approved = 1
ORDER BY last_post DESC
LIMIT {$l2cfg["forum"]["count"]}";
$furl_user = "index.php?showuser=";
$furl_link = "index.php?showtopic={topic_id}' title='{desc_id}'";
* =================
* =================
if ( $l2cfg["forum"]["version"] == "ipb" ) {
$fsql = "
SELECT tid,title,description,last_post,last_poster_id,last_poster_name
FROM {$l2cfg["forum"]["prefix"]}topics
WHERE forum_id NOT IN ({$l2cfg["forum"]["deny"]})
ORDER BY last_post DESC
LIMIT {$l2cfg["forum"]["count"]}";
$furl_user = "index.php?showuser=";
$furl_link = "index.php?showtopic={topic_id}' title='{desc_id}'";
* =================
* phpBB
* =================
if ( $l2cfg["forum"]["version"] == "phpbb" ) {
$fsql = "
SELECT topic_id,topic_title,forum_id,topic_last_post_time,topic_last_poster_id,topic_last_poster_name
FROM {$l2cfg["forum"]["prefix"]}topics
WHERE forum_id NOT IN ({$l2cfg["forum"]["deny"]})
ORDER BY topic_last_post_time DESC
LIMIT {$l2cfg["forum"]["count"]}";
$furl_user = "memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=";
$furl_link = "viewtopic.php?f={desc_id}&t={topic_id}'";
* =================
* smf
* =================
if ( $l2cfg["forum"]["version"] == "smf" ) {
$fsql = "
SELECT id_topic,subject,id_board,poster_time,id_member,poster_name
FROM {$l2cfg["forum"]["prefix"]}messages
WHERE id_board NOT IN ({$l2cfg["forum"]["deny"]})
ORDER BY poster_time DESC
LIMIT {$l2cfg["forum"]["count"]}";
$furl_user = "index.php?action=profile;u=";
$furl_link = "index.php?topic={topic_id}'";
* =================
* vBulletin
* =================
if ( $l2cfg["forum"]["version"] == "vbulletin" ) {
$fsql = "
SELECT t.threadid,t.title,t.forumid,t.lastpost,u.userid,t.lastposter
FROM {$l2cfg["forum"]["prefix"]}thread t
LEFT JOIN {$l2cfg["forum"]["prefix"]}user u ON t.lastposter = u.username
WHERE t.forumid NOT IN ({$l2cfg["forum"]["deny"]})
ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC
LIMIT {$l2cfg["forum"]["count"]}";
$furl_user = "member.php?u=";
$furl_link = "showthread.php?t={topic_id}'";
* =================
* XenFoRo
* © thx Ream
* =================
if ( $l2cfg["forum"]["version"] == "xenforo" ) {
$fsql = "
SELECT thread_id,title,node_id,last_post_date,user_id,last_post_username
FROM {$l2cfg["forum"]["prefix"]}thread
WHERE node_id NOT IN ({$l2cfg["forum"]["deny"]})
ORDER BY last_post_date DESC
LIMIT {$l2cfg["forum"]["count"]}";
$furl_user = "members/";
$furl_link = "threads/{topic_id}'";
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$fquery = $fdb->query( $fsql );
while ( list($ftid, $ftitle, $fdesc_id, $flast_post, $flast_poster_id, $flast_poster_name) = $fdb->fetch($fquery) ) {
if ( strlen($ftitle) > $l2cfg["forum"]["length"] ) {
$ftitle = iconv( 'UTF-8', 'windows-1251', $ftitle );
$ftitle = substr( $ftitle, 0, $l2cfg["forum"]["length"] - 3 )."...";
$ftitle = iconv( 'windows-1251', 'UTF-8', $ftitle );
$flast_post = date( $l2cfg["forum"]["date"], $flast_post );
$flast_poster = "<a href='{$l2cfg["forum"]["url"]}/{$furl_user}{$flast_poster_id}' target='_blank'>{$flast_poster_name}</a>";
$flast_link = "<a href='{$l2cfg["forum"]["url"]}/".$controller->buildString( $furl_link, array("topic_id" => $ftid, "desc_id" => $fdesc_id) )." target='_blank'>{$ftitle}</a>";
$tpl->LoadView( 'forum' );
$tpl->Block( 'main', false );
$tpl->Block( 'item' );
$tpl->Set( 'date', $flast_post );
$tpl->Set( 'author', $flast_poster );
$tpl->Set( 'link', $flast_link );
$tpl->Build( 'forum_item' );
$tpl->LoadView( 'forum' );
$tpl->Block( 'main' );
$tpl->Block( 'item', false );
$tpl->Set( 'item', $tpl->GetResult('forum_item', true) );
$tpl->Build( "forum" );
if ( $l2cfg['cache']['enable'] and $l2cfg['cache']['forum'] ) {
$controller->SetCache( 'mod_forum', $tpl->GetResult('forum'), $l2cfg['cache']['forum'] );