Посмотрите видео ниже, чтобы узнать, как установить наш сайт в виде веб-приложения на главном экране.
Примечание: Эта функция может быть недоступна в некоторых браузерах.
Обрадовал парня )Ни в одной
Нужно не саму гео а именно гео движок пилитьгео надо самому пилить что в шаре они все дырявые так что пилим или ищи кодера который тебе запили за бабло)))
даНужно не саму гео а именно гео движок пилить
И что не в одних исходах нету хоть чего то толкового? Что бы не пилить все с 0.
ну зачем более мение адекватный гео у лост-ворд ну это по мое мненние а так хз не видел более тольковые геоИ что не в одних исходах нету хоть чего то толкового? Что бы не пилить все с 0.
Я хоть верно понимаю мы говорим не о гео дате а о гео движке?) То мало ли не поняли меня)ну зачем более мение адекватный гео у лост-ворд ну это по мое мненние а так хз не видел более тольковые гео
там не геодвиг, там система передвижения была переписана.(об люцере)Отсюда возьми, лучше во фри не видел
Простите за наглость, а может дать кто то ссылку на исходы Lost Worldтам не геодвиг, там система передвижения была переписана.(об люцере)
геодвиг с JTS либо Lost World.
Ресурсы > Рекомендуемое > LostWorldПростите за наглость, а может дать кто то ссылку на исходы Lost World
Я думаю, просто перетащить папку geodata и поменять порты, будет не достаточноБрали гео двиг с JTS и вот что вышло
Посмотреть вложение 25186
Там такой же геодвиг как и на лостах.Брали гео двиг с JTS и вот что вышло
Посмотреть вложение 25186
package org.mmocore.gameserver.geoengine;
import org.mmocore.commons.geometry.Shape;
import org.mmocore.gameserver.configuration.config.GeodataConfig;
import org.mmocore.gameserver.configuration.config.ServerConfig;
import org.mmocore.gameserver.geoengine.utils.GeoOptimizer;
import org.mmocore.gameserver.geoengine.utils.GeoOptimizer.BlockLink;
import org.mmocore.gameserver.object.GameObject;
import org.mmocore.gameserver.utils.Location;
import org.mmocore.gameserver.world.World;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* @Author: Diamond
* @CoAuthor: DRiN
* @Date: 01/03/2009
public class GeoEngine {
public static final byte EAST = 1, WEST = 2, SOUTH = 4, NORTH = 8, NSWE_ALL = 15, NSWE_NONE = 0;
public static final byte BLOCKTYPE_FLAT = 0;
public static final byte BLOCKTYPE_COMPLEX = 1;
public static final byte BLOCKTYPE_MULTILEVEL = 2;
public static final int BLOCKS_IN_MAP = 256 * 256;
private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeoEngine.class);
* Даный массив содержит эталонную геодату. <BR>
* Первые 2 [][] (byte[*][*][][]) являются x и y региона.<BR>
private static final MappedByteBuffer[][] rawgeo = new MappedByteBuffer[World.WORLD_SIZE_X][World.WORLD_SIZE_Y];
* Даный массив содержит всю геодату на сервере. <BR>
* Первые 2 [][] (byte[*][*][][]) являются x и y региона.<BR>
* Третий [] (byte[][][*][]) является блоком геодаты.<BR>
* Четвертый [] (byte[][][][*]) является контейнером для всех блоков в регионе.<BR>
private static final byte[][][][][] geodata = new byte[World.WORLD_SIZE_X][World.WORLD_SIZE_Y][1][][];
public static int MAX_LAYERS = 1; // меньше 1 быть не должно, что бы создавались временные массивы как минимум short[2]
public static short getType(int x, int y, int geoIndex) {
return NgetType(x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, geoIndex);
public static int getHeight(Location loc, int geoIndex) {
return getHeight(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, geoIndex);
public static int getHeight(int x, int y, int z, int geoIndex) {
return NgetHeight(x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, z, geoIndex);
public static boolean canMoveToCoord(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz, int geoIndex) {
return canMove(x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, false, geoIndex);
public static byte getNSWE(int x, int y, int z, int geoIndex) {
return NgetNSWE(x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, z, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheck(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int geoIndex) {
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, false, false, false, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheck(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, boolean returnPrev, int geoIndex) {
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, false, false, returnPrev, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckWithCollision(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int geoIndex) {
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, true, false, false, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckWithCollision(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, boolean returnPrev, int geoIndex) {
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, true, false, returnPrev, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckBackward(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int geoIndex) {
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, false, true, false, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckBackward(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, boolean returnPrev, int geoIndex) {
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, false, true, returnPrev, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckBackwardWithCollision(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int geoIndex) {
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, true, true, false, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckBackwardWithCollision(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, boolean returnPrev, int geoIndex) {
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, true, true, returnPrev, geoIndex);
public static Location moveInWaterCheck(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz, int waterZ, int geoIndex) {
return MoveInWaterCheck(x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, z, tx - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, ty - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, tz, waterZ, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckForAI(Location loc1, Location loc2, int geoIndex) {
return MoveCheckForAI(loc1.x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, loc1.y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, loc1.z, loc2.x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, loc2.y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckInAir(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz, double collision, int geoIndex) {
int gx = x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int gy = y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int tgx = tx - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int tgy = ty - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int nz = NgetHeight(tgx, tgy, tz, geoIndex);
// Не даем опуститься ниже, чем пол + 32
if (tz <= nz + 32) {
tz = nz + 32;
Location result = canSee(gx, gy, z, tgx, tgy, tz, true, geoIndex);
if (result.equals(gx, gy, z)) {
return null;
return result.geo2world();
public static boolean canSeeTarget(GameObject actor, GameObject target, boolean air) {
if (target == null) {
return false;
// Костыль конечно, но решает кучу проблем с дверьми
if (target instanceof GeoCollision || actor.equals(target)) {
return true;
return canSeeCoord(actor, target.getX(), target.getY(), target.getZ() + (int) target.getColHeight() + 32, air);
public static boolean canSeeCoord(GameObject actor, int tx, int ty, int tz, boolean air) {
return actor != null && canSeeCoord(actor.getX(), actor.getY(), actor.getZ() + (int) actor.getColHeight() + 32, tx, ty, tz, air, actor.getGeoIndex());
public static boolean canSeeCoord(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz, boolean air, int geoIndex) {
int mx = x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int my = y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int tmx = tx - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int tmy = ty - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
return canSee(mx, my, z, tmx, tmy, tz, air, geoIndex).equals(tmx, tmy, tz) && canSee(tmx, tmy, tz, mx, my, z, air, geoIndex).equals(mx, my, z);
public static boolean canMoveWithCollision(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz, int geoIndex) {
return canMove(x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, true, geoIndex);
* @param NSWE
* @param x
* @param y
* @param tx
* @param ty
* @return True if NSWE dont block given direction
public static boolean checkNSWE(byte NSWE, int x, int y, int tx, int ty) {
if (NSWE == NSWE_ALL) {
return true;
if (NSWE == NSWE_NONE) {
return false;
if (tx > x) {
if ((NSWE & EAST) == 0) {
return false;
} else if (tx < x) {
if ((NSWE & WEST) == 0) {
return false;
if (ty > y) {
if ((NSWE & SOUTH) == 0) {
return false;
} else if (ty < y) {
if ((NSWE & NORTH) == 0) {
return false;
return true;
public static String geoXYZ2Str(int _x, int _y, int _z) {
return "(" + String.valueOf((_x << 4) + World.MAP_MIN_X + 8) + " " + String.valueOf((_y << 4) + World.MAP_MIN_Y + 8) + " " + _z + ")";
public static String NSWE2Str(byte nswe) {
String result = "";
if ((nswe & NORTH) == NORTH) {
result += "N";
if ((nswe & SOUTH) == SOUTH) {
result += "S";
if ((nswe & WEST) == WEST) {
result += "W";
if ((nswe & EAST) == EAST) {
result += "E";
return result.isEmpty() ? "X" : result;
private static boolean NLOS_WATER(int x, int y, int z, int next_x, int next_y, int next_z, int geoIndex) {
short[] layers1 = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] layers2 = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
NGetLayers(x, y, layers1, geoIndex);
NGetLayers(next_x, next_y, layers2, geoIndex);
if (layers1[0] == 0 || layers2[0] == 0) {
return true;
short h;
// Находим ближайший к целевой клетке слой
short z2 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 1; i <= layers2[0]; i++) {
h = (short) ((short) (layers2[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if (Math.abs(next_z - z2) > Math.abs(next_z - h)) {
z2 = h;
// Луч проходит над преградой
if (next_z + 32 >= z2) {
return true;
// Либо перед нами стена, либо над нами потолок. Ищем слой пониже, для уточнения
short z3 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 1; i <= layers2[0]; i++) {
h = (short) ((short) (layers2[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if (h < z2 + GeodataConfig.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT && Math.abs(next_z - z3) > Math.abs(next_z - h)) {
z3 = h;
// Ниже нет слоев, значит это стена
if (z3 == Short.MIN_VALUE) {
return false;
// Собираем данные о предыдущей клетке, игнорируя верхние слои
short z1 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
byte NSWE1 = NSWE_ALL;
for (int i = 1; i <= layers1[0]; i++) {
h = (short) ((short) (layers1[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if (h < z + GeodataConfig.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT && Math.abs(z - z1) > Math.abs(z - h)) {
z1 = h;
NSWE1 = (byte) (layers1[i] & 0x0F);
// Если есть NSWE, то считаем за стену
return checkNSWE(NSWE1, x, y, next_x, next_y);
private static int FindNearestLowerLayer(short[] layers, int z, boolean regionEdge) {
short h, nearest_layer_h = Short.MIN_VALUE;
int nearest_layer = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int zCheck = regionEdge ? z + GeodataConfig.REGION_EDGE_MAX_Z_DIFF : z;
for (int i = 1; i <= layers[0]; i++) {
h = (short) ((short) (layers[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if (h < zCheck && nearest_layer_h < h) {
nearest_layer_h = h;
nearest_layer = layers[i];
return nearest_layer;
private static short CheckNoOneLayerInRangeAndFindNearestLowerLayer(short[] layers, int z0, int z1) {
int z_min, z_max;
if (z0 > z1) {
z_min = z1;
z_max = z0;
} else {
z_min = z0;
z_max = z1;
short h, nearest_layer = Short.MIN_VALUE, nearest_layer_h = Short.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 1; i <= layers[0]; i++) {
h = (short) ((short) (layers[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if (z_min <= h && h <= z_max) {
return Short.MIN_VALUE;
if (h < z_max && nearest_layer_h < h) {
nearest_layer_h = h;
nearest_layer = layers[i];
return nearest_layer;
public static boolean canSeeWallCheck(short layer, short nearest_lower_neighbor, byte directionNSWE, int curr_z, boolean air) {
short nearest_lower_neighborh = (short) ((short) (nearest_lower_neighbor & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if (air) {
return nearest_lower_neighborh < curr_z;
short layerh = (short) ((short) (layer & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
int zdiff = nearest_lower_neighborh - layerh;
return (layer & 0x0F & directionNSWE) != 0 || zdiff > -GeodataConfig.MAX_Z_DIFF && zdiff != 0;
* проверка видимости
* @return возвращает последнюю точку которую видно (в формате геокоординат)
* в результате (Location) h является кодом, если >= 0 то успешно достигли последней точки, если меньше то не последней
public static Location canSee(int _x, int _y, int _z, int _tx, int _ty, int _tz, boolean air, int geoIndex) {
int diff_x = _tx - _x, diff_y = _ty - _y, diff_z = _tz - _z;
int dx = Math.abs(diff_x), dy = Math.abs(diff_y);
float steps = Math.max(dx, dy);
int curr_x = _x, curr_y = _y, curr_z = _z;
short[] curr_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
NGetLayers(curr_x, curr_y, curr_layers, geoIndex);
Location result = new Location(_x, _y, _z, -1);
if (steps == 0) {
if (CheckNoOneLayerInRangeAndFindNearestLowerLayer(curr_layers, curr_z, curr_z + diff_z) != Short.MIN_VALUE) {
result.set(_tx, _ty, _tz, 1);
return result;
float step_x = diff_x / steps, step_y = diff_y / steps, step_z = diff_z / steps;
float half_step_z = step_z / 2.0f;
float next_x = curr_x, next_y = curr_y, next_z = curr_z;
int i_next_x, i_next_y, i_next_z, middle_z;
short[] tmp_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short src_nearest_lower_layer, dst_nearest_lower_layer, tmp_nearest_lower_layer;
for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
if (curr_layers[0] == 0) {
result.set(_tx, _ty, _tz, 0);
return result; // Здесь нет геодаты, разрешаем
next_x += step_x;
next_y += step_y;
next_z += step_z;
i_next_x = (int) (next_x + 0.5f);
i_next_y = (int) (next_y + 0.5f);
i_next_z = (int) (next_z + 0.5f);
middle_z = (int) (curr_z + half_step_z);
if ((src_nearest_lower_layer = CheckNoOneLayerInRangeAndFindNearestLowerLayer(curr_layers, curr_z, middle_z)) == Short.MIN_VALUE) {
return result.setH(-10); // либо есть преграждающая поверхность, либо нет снизу слоя и значит это "пустота", то что за стеной или за колоной
NGetLayers(curr_x, curr_y, curr_layers, geoIndex);
if (curr_layers[0] == 0) {
result.set(_tx, _ty, _tz, 0);
return result; // Здесь нет геодаты, разрешаем
if ((dst_nearest_lower_layer = CheckNoOneLayerInRangeAndFindNearestLowerLayer(curr_layers, i_next_z, middle_z)) == Short.MIN_VALUE) {
return result.setH(-11); // либо есть преграда, либо нет снизу слоя и значит это "пустота", то что за стеной или за колоной
if (curr_x == i_next_x) {
//движемся по вертикали
if (!canSeeWallCheck(src_nearest_lower_layer, dst_nearest_lower_layer, i_next_y > curr_y ? SOUTH : NORTH, curr_z, air)) {
return result.setH(-20);
} else if (curr_y == i_next_y) {
//движемся по горизонтали
if (!canSeeWallCheck(src_nearest_lower_layer, dst_nearest_lower_layer, i_next_x > curr_x ? EAST : WEST, curr_z, air)) {
return result.setH(-21);
} else {
//движемся по диагонали
NGetLayers(curr_x, i_next_y, tmp_layers, geoIndex);
if (tmp_layers[0] == 0) {
result.set(_tx, _ty, _tz, 0);
return result; // Здесь нет геодаты, разрешаем
if ((tmp_nearest_lower_layer = CheckNoOneLayerInRangeAndFindNearestLowerLayer(tmp_layers, i_next_z, middle_z)) == Short.MIN_VALUE) {
return result.setH(-30); // либо есть преграда, либо нет снизу слоя и значит это "пустота", то что за стеной или за колоной
if (!(canSeeWallCheck(src_nearest_lower_layer, tmp_nearest_lower_layer, i_next_y > curr_y ? SOUTH : NORTH, curr_z, air) && canSeeWallCheck(tmp_nearest_lower_layer, dst_nearest_lower_layer, i_next_x > curr_x ? EAST : WEST, curr_z, air))) {
NGetLayers(i_next_x, curr_y, tmp_layers, geoIndex);
if (tmp_layers[0] == 0) {
result.set(_tx, _ty, _tz, 0);
return result; // Здесь нет геодаты, разрешаем
if ((tmp_nearest_lower_layer = CheckNoOneLayerInRangeAndFindNearestLowerLayer(tmp_layers, i_next_z, middle_z)) == Short.MIN_VALUE) {
return result.setH(-31); // либо есть преграда, либо нет снизу слоя и значит это "пустота", то что за стеной или за колоной
if (!canSeeWallCheck(src_nearest_lower_layer, tmp_nearest_lower_layer, i_next_x > curr_x ? EAST : WEST, curr_z, air)) {
return result.setH(-32);
if (!canSeeWallCheck(tmp_nearest_lower_layer, dst_nearest_lower_layer, i_next_x > curr_x ? EAST : WEST, curr_z, air)) {
return result.setH(-33);
result.set(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z);
curr_x = i_next_x;
curr_y = i_next_y;
curr_z = i_next_z;
result.set(_tx, _ty, _tz, 0xFF);
return result;
private static Location MoveInWaterCheck(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz, int waterZ, int geoIndex) {
int dx = tx - x;
int dy = ty - y;
int dz = tz - z;
int inc_x = sign(dx);
int inc_y = sign(dy);
dx = Math.abs(dx);
dy = Math.abs(dy);
if (dx + dy == 0) {
return new Location(x, y, z).geo2world();
float inc_z_for_x = dx == 0 ? 0 : dz / dx;
float inc_z_for_y = dy == 0 ? 0 : dz / dy;
int prev_x;
int prev_y;
int prev_z;
float next_x = x;
float next_y = y;
float next_z = z;
if (dx >= dy) // dy/dx <= 1
int delta_A = 2 * dy;
int d = delta_A - dx;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dx;
for (int i = 0; i < dx; i++) {
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
prev_z = z;
x = (int) next_x;
y = (int) next_y;
z = (int) next_z;
if (d > 0) {
d += delta_B;
next_x += inc_x;
next_z += inc_z_for_x;
next_y += inc_y;
next_z += inc_z_for_y;
} else {
d += delta_A;
next_x += inc_x;
next_z += inc_z_for_x;
if (next_z >= waterZ || !NLOS_WATER(x, y, z, (int) next_x, (int) next_y, (int) next_z, geoIndex)) {
return new Location(prev_x, prev_y, prev_z).geo2world();
} else {
int delta_A = 2 * dx;
int d = delta_A - dy;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dy;
for (int i = 0; i < dy; i++) {
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
prev_z = z;
x = (int) next_x;
y = (int) next_y;
z = (int) next_z;
if (d > 0) {
d += delta_B;
next_x += inc_x;
next_z += inc_z_for_x;
next_y += inc_y;
next_z += inc_z_for_y;
} else {
d += delta_A;
next_y += inc_y;
next_z += inc_z_for_y;
if (next_z >= waterZ || !NLOS_WATER(x, y, z, (int) next_x, (int) next_y, (int) next_z, geoIndex)) {
return new Location(prev_x, prev_y, prev_z).geo2world();
return new Location((int) next_x, (int) next_y, (int) next_z).geo2world();
* проверка проходимости по прямой
private static boolean canMove(int __x, int __y, int _z, int __tx, int __ty, int _tz, boolean withCollision, int geoIndex) {
int _x = __x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int _y = __y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int _tx = __tx - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int _ty = __ty - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int diff_x = _tx - _x, diff_y = _ty - _y;
int incx = sign(diff_x), incy = sign(diff_y);
final boolean overRegionEdge = ((_x >> 11) != (_tx >> 11) || (_y >> 11) != (_ty >> 11));
if (diff_x < 0) {
diff_x = -diff_x;
if (diff_y < 0) {
diff_y = -diff_y;
int pdx, pdy, es, el;
if (diff_x > diff_y) {
pdx = incx;
pdy = 0;
es = diff_y;
el = diff_x;
} else {
pdx = 0;
pdy = incy;
es = diff_x;
el = diff_y;
int err = el / 2;
int curr_x = _x, curr_y = _y, curr_z = _z;
int next_x = curr_x, next_y = curr_y, next_z = curr_z;
short[] next_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] temp_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] curr_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
NGetLayers(curr_x, curr_y, curr_layers, geoIndex);
if (curr_layers[0] == 0) {
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < el; i++) {
err -= es;
if (err < 0) {
err += el;
next_x += incx;
next_y += incy;
} else {
next_x += pdx;
next_y += pdy;
boolean regionEdge = overRegionEdge && ((next_x >> 11) != (curr_x >> 11) || (next_y >> 11) != (curr_y >> 11));
NGetLayers(next_x, next_y, next_layers, geoIndex);
if ((next_z = NcanMoveNext(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z, curr_layers, next_x, next_y, next_layers, temp_layers, withCollision, regionEdge, geoIndex)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
return false;
short[] t = curr_layers;
curr_layers = next_layers;
next_layers = t;
curr_x = next_x;
curr_y = next_y;
curr_z = next_z;
int diff_z = curr_z - _tz;
if (GeodataConfig.ALLOW_FALL_FROM_WALLS) {
return diff_z < GeodataConfig.MAX_Z_DIFF ? true : false;
if (diff_z < 0) {
diff_z = -diff_z;
return diff_z > GeodataConfig.MAX_Z_DIFF ? false : true;
private static Location MoveCheck(int __x, int __y, int _z, int __tx, int __ty, boolean withCollision, boolean backwardMove, boolean returnPrev, int geoIndex) {
int _x = __x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int _y = __y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int _tx = __tx - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int _ty = __ty - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int diff_x = _tx - _x, diff_y = _ty - _y;
int incx = sign(diff_x), incy = sign(diff_y);
final boolean overRegionEdge = ((_x >> 11) != (_tx >> 11) || (_y >> 11) != (_ty >> 11));
if (diff_x < 0) {
diff_x = -diff_x;
if (diff_y < 0) {
diff_y = -diff_y;
int pdx, pdy, es, el;
if (diff_x > diff_y) {
pdx = incx;
pdy = 0;
es = diff_y;
el = diff_x;
} else {
pdx = 0;
pdy = incy;
es = diff_x;
el = diff_y;
int err = el / 2;
int curr_x = _x, curr_y = _y, curr_z = _z;
int next_x = curr_x, next_y = curr_y, next_z = curr_z;
int prev_x = curr_x, prev_y = curr_y, prev_z = curr_z;
short[] next_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] temp_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] curr_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
NGetLayers(curr_x, curr_y, curr_layers, geoIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < el; i++) {
err -= es;
if (err < 0) {
err += el;
next_x += incx;
next_y += incy;
} else {
next_x += pdx;
next_y += pdy;
boolean regionEdge = overRegionEdge && ((next_x >> 11) != (curr_x >> 11) || (next_y >> 11) != (curr_y >> 11));
NGetLayers(next_x, next_y, next_layers, geoIndex);
if ((next_z = NcanMoveNext(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z, curr_layers, next_x, next_y, next_layers, temp_layers, withCollision, regionEdge, geoIndex)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
if (backwardMove && NcanMoveNext(next_x, next_y, next_z, next_layers, curr_x, curr_y, curr_layers, temp_layers, withCollision, regionEdge, geoIndex) == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
short[] t = curr_layers;
curr_layers = next_layers;
next_layers = t;
if (returnPrev) {
prev_x = curr_x;
prev_y = curr_y;
prev_z = curr_z;
curr_x = next_x;
curr_y = next_y;
curr_z = next_z;
if (returnPrev) {
curr_x = prev_x;
curr_y = prev_y;
curr_z = prev_z;
return new Location(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z).geo2world();
* Аналогичен CanMove, но возвращает весь пройденный путь. В гео координатах.
public static List<Location> MoveList(int __x, int __y, int _z, int __tx, int __ty, int geoIndex, boolean onlyFullPath) {
int _x = __x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int _y = __y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int _tx = __tx - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int _ty = __ty - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int diff_x = _tx - _x, diff_y = _ty - _y;
int incx = sign(diff_x), incy = sign(diff_y);
final boolean overRegionEdge = ((_x >> 11) != (_tx >> 11) || (_y >> 11) != (_ty >> 11));
if (diff_x < 0) {
diff_x = -diff_x;
if (diff_y < 0) {
diff_y = -diff_y;
int pdx, pdy, es, el;
if (diff_x > diff_y) {
pdx = incx;
pdy = 0;
es = diff_y;
el = diff_x;
} else {
pdx = 0;
pdy = incy;
es = diff_x;
el = diff_y;
int err = el / 2;
int curr_x = _x, curr_y = _y, curr_z = _z;
int next_x = curr_x, next_y = curr_y, next_z = curr_z;
short[] next_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] temp_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] curr_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
NGetLayers(curr_x, curr_y, curr_layers, geoIndex);
if (curr_layers[0] == 0) {
return null;
List<Location> result = new ArrayList<Location>(el + 1);
result.add(new Location(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z)); // Первая точка
for (int i = 0; i < el; i++) {
err -= es;
if (err < 0) {
err += el;
next_x += incx;//сдвинуть прямую (сместить вверх или вниз, если цикл проходит по иксам)
next_y += incy;//или сместить влево-вправо, если цикл проходит по y
} else {
next_x += pdx;//продолжить тянуть прямую дальше, т.е. сдвинуть влево или вправо, если
next_y += pdy;//цикл идёт по иксу; сдвинуть вверх или вниз, если по y
boolean regionEdge = overRegionEdge && ((next_x >> 11) != (curr_x >> 11) || (next_y >> 11) != (curr_y >> 11));
NGetLayers(next_x, next_y, next_layers, geoIndex);
if ((next_z = NcanMoveNext(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z, curr_layers, next_x, next_y, next_layers, temp_layers, false, regionEdge, geoIndex)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
if (onlyFullPath) {
return null;
} else {
short[] t = curr_layers;
curr_layers = next_layers;
next_layers = t;
curr_x = next_x;
curr_y = next_y;
curr_z = next_z;
result.add(new Location(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z));
return result;
* Используется только для антипаровоза в AI
private static Location MoveCheckForAI(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int geoIndex) {
int dx = tx - x;
int dy = ty - y;
int inc_x = sign(dx);
int inc_y = sign(dy);
dx = Math.abs(dx);
dy = Math.abs(dy);
if (dx + dy < 2 || dx == 2 && dy == 0 || dx == 0 && dy == 2) {
return new Location(x, y, z).geo2world();
int prev_x = x;
int prev_y = y;
int prev_z = z;
int next_x = x;
int next_y = y;
int next_z = z;
if (dx >= dy) // dy/dx <= 1
int delta_A = 2 * dy;
int d = delta_A - dx;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dx;
for (int i = 0; i < dx; i++) {
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
prev_z = z;
x = next_x;
y = next_y;
z = next_z;
if (d > 0) {
d += delta_B;
next_x += inc_x;
next_y += inc_y;
} else {
d += delta_A;
next_x += inc_x;
next_z = NcanMoveNextForAI(x, y, z, next_x, next_y, geoIndex);
if (next_z == 0) {
return new Location(prev_x, prev_y, prev_z).geo2world();
} else {
int delta_A = 2 * dx;
int d = delta_A - dy;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dy;
for (int i = 0; i < dy; i++) {
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
prev_z = z;
x = next_x;
y = next_y;
z = next_z;
if (d > 0) {
d += delta_B;
next_x += inc_x;
next_y += inc_y;
} else {
d += delta_A;
next_y += inc_y;
next_z = NcanMoveNextForAI(x, y, z, next_x, next_y, geoIndex);
if (next_z == 0) {
return new Location(prev_x, prev_y, prev_z).geo2world();
return new Location(next_x, next_y, next_z).geo2world();
private static boolean NcanMoveNextExCheck(int x, int y, int h, int nextx, int nexty, int hexth, short[] temp_layers, boolean regionEdge, int geoIndex) {
NGetLayers(x, y, temp_layers, geoIndex);
if (temp_layers[0] == 0) {
return true;
int temp_layer;
if ((temp_layer = FindNearestLowerLayer(temp_layers, h + GeodataConfig.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT, regionEdge)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
return false;
short temp_layer_h = (short) ((short) (temp_layer & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
final int maxDeltaZ = regionEdge ? GeodataConfig.REGION_EDGE_MAX_Z_DIFF : GeodataConfig.MAX_Z_DIFF;
if (Math.abs(temp_layer_h - hexth) >= maxDeltaZ || Math.abs(temp_layer_h - h) >= maxDeltaZ) {
return false;
return checkNSWE((byte) (temp_layer & 0x0F), x, y, nextx, nexty);
* @return возвращает высоту следующего блока, либо Integer.MIN_VALUE если двигатся нельзя
public static int NcanMoveNext(int x, int y, int z, short[] layers, int next_x, int next_y, short[] next_layers, short[] temp_layers, boolean withCollision, boolean regionEdge, int geoIndex) {
if (layers[0] == 0 || next_layers[0] == 0) {
return z;
int layer, next_layer;
if ((layer = FindNearestLowerLayer(layers, z + GeodataConfig.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT, regionEdge)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
byte layer_nswe = (byte) (layer & 0x0F);
if (!checkNSWE(layer_nswe, x, y, next_x, next_y))
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
short layer_h = (short) ((short) (layer & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if ((next_layer = FindNearestLowerLayer(next_layers, layer_h + GeodataConfig.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT, regionEdge)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
short next_layer_h = (short) ((short) (next_layer & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
// если движение не по диагонали
if (x == next_x || y == next_y) {
if (withCollision) {
//short[] heightNSWE = temp_layers;
if (x == next_x) {
NgetHeightAndNSWE(x - 1, y, layer_h, temp_layers, geoIndex);
if (Math.abs(temp_layers[0] - layer_h) > 15 || !checkNSWE(layer_nswe, x - 1, y, x, y) || !checkNSWE((byte) temp_layers[1], x - 1, y, x - 1, next_y)) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
NgetHeightAndNSWE(x + 1, y, layer_h, temp_layers, geoIndex);
if (Math.abs(temp_layers[0] - layer_h) > 15 || !checkNSWE(layer_nswe, x + 1, y, x, y) || !checkNSWE((byte) temp_layers[1], x + 1, y, x + 1, next_y)) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
return next_layer_h;
final int maxDeltaZ = regionEdge ? GeodataConfig.REGION_EDGE_MAX_Z_DIFF : GeodataConfig.MAX_Z_DIFF;
NgetHeightAndNSWE(x, y - 1, layer_h, temp_layers, geoIndex);
if (Math.abs(temp_layers[0] - layer_h) >= maxDeltaZ || !checkNSWE(layer_nswe, x, y - 1, x, y) || !checkNSWE((byte) temp_layers[1], x, y - 1, next_x, y - 1)) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
NgetHeightAndNSWE(x, y + 1, layer_h, temp_layers, geoIndex);
if (Math.abs(temp_layers[0] - layer_h) >= maxDeltaZ || !checkNSWE(layer_nswe, x, y + 1, x, y) || !checkNSWE((byte) temp_layers[1], x, y + 1, next_x, y + 1)) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
return next_layer_h;
if (!NcanMoveNextExCheck(x, next_y, layer_h, next_x, next_y, next_layer_h, temp_layers, regionEdge, geoIndex)) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
if (!NcanMoveNextExCheck(next_x, y, layer_h, next_x, next_y, next_layer_h, temp_layers, regionEdge, geoIndex)) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
//FIXME if(withCollision)
return next_layer_h;
* Используется только для антипаровоза в AI
public static int NcanMoveNextForAI(int x, int y, int z, int next_x, int next_y, int geoIndex) {
short[] layers1 = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] layers2 = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
NGetLayers(x, y, layers1, geoIndex);
NGetLayers(next_x, next_y, layers2, geoIndex);
if (layers1[0] == 0 || layers2[0] == 0) {
return z == 0 ? 1 : z;
short h;
short z1 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
byte NSWE1 = NSWE_ALL;
for (int i = 1; i <= layers1[0]; i++) {
h = (short) ((short) (layers1[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if (Math.abs(z - z1) > Math.abs(z - h)) {
z1 = h;
NSWE1 = (byte) (layers1[i] & 0x0F);
if (z1 == Short.MIN_VALUE) {
return 0;
short z2 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
byte NSWE2 = NSWE_ALL;
for (int i = 1; i <= layers2[0]; i++) {
h = (short) ((short) (layers2[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if (Math.abs(z - z2) > Math.abs(z - h)) {
z2 = h;
NSWE2 = (byte) (layers2[i] & 0x0F);
if (z2 == Short.MIN_VALUE) {
return 0;
if (z1 > z2 && z1 - z2 > GeodataConfig.MAX_Z_DIFF) {
return 0;
if (!checkNSWE(NSWE1, x, y, next_x, next_y) || !checkNSWE(NSWE2, next_x, next_y, x, y)) {
return 0;
return z2 == 0 ? 1 : z2;
* в нулевую ячейку кладется длина
* @param geoX
* @param geoY
* @param result
public static void NGetLayers(int geoX, int geoY, short[] result, int geoIndex) {
result[0] = 0;
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if (block == null) {
int cellX, cellY;
int index = 0;
// Read current block type: 0 - flat, 1 - complex, 2 - multilevel
byte type = block[index];
switch (type) {
short height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
result[1] = (short) ((short) (height << 1) | NSWE_ALL);
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
index += (cellX << 3) + cellY << 1;
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
result[1] = height;
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while (offset > 0) {
byte lc = block[index];
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layer_count = block[index];
if (layer_count <= 0 || layer_count > MAX_LAYERS) {
result[0] = layer_count;
while (layer_count > 0) {
result[layer_count] = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
index += 2;
_log.error("GeoEngine: Unknown block type");
private static short NgetType(int geoX, int geoY, int geoIndex) {
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if (block == null) {
return 0;
return block[0];
public static int NgetHeight(int geoX, int geoY, int z, int geoIndex) {
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if (block == null) {
return z;
int cellX, cellY, index = 0;
// Read current block type: 0 - flat, 1 - complex, 2 - multilevel
byte type = block[index];
short height;
switch (type) {
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
return (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
index += (cellX << 3) + cellY << 1;
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
return (short) ((short) (height & 0x0fff0) >> 1); // height / 2
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while (offset > 0) {
byte lc = block[index];
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = block[index];
if (layers <= 0 || layers > MAX_LAYERS) {
return (short) z;
int z_nearest_lower_limit = z + GeodataConfig.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT;
int z_nearest_lower = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int z_nearest = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
while (layers > 0) {
height = (short) ((short) (makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]) & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if (height < z_nearest_lower_limit) {
z_nearest_lower = Math.max(z_nearest_lower, height);
} else if (Math.abs(z - height) < Math.abs(z - z_nearest)) {
z_nearest = height;
index += 2;
return z_nearest_lower != Integer.MIN_VALUE ? z_nearest_lower : z_nearest;
_log.error("GeoEngine: Unknown blockType");
return z;
* @param geoX позиция геодаты
* @param geoY позиция геодаты
* @param z координата без изменений
* @return NSWE: 0-15
public static byte NgetNSWE(int geoX, int geoY, int z, int geoIndex) {
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if (block == null) {
return NSWE_ALL;
int cellX, cellY;
int index = 0;
// Read current block type: 0 - flat, 1 - complex, 2 - multilevel
byte type = block[index];
switch (type) {
return NSWE_ALL;
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
index += (cellX << 3) + cellY << 1;
short height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
return (byte) (height & 0x0F);
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while (offset > 0) {
byte lc = block[index];
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = block[index];
if (layers <= 0 || layers > MAX_LAYERS) {
return NSWE_ALL;
short tempz1 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
short tempz2 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
int index_nswe1 = NSWE_NONE;
int index_nswe2 = NSWE_NONE;
int z_nearest_lower_limit = z + GeodataConfig.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT;
while (layers > 0) {
height = (short) ((short) (makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]) & 0x0fff0) >> 1); // height / 2
if (height < z_nearest_lower_limit) {
if (height > tempz1) {
tempz1 = height;
index_nswe1 = index;
} else if (Math.abs(z - height) < Math.abs(z - tempz2)) {
tempz2 = height;
index_nswe2 = index;
index += 2;
if (index_nswe1 > 0) {
return (byte) (makeShort(block[index_nswe1 + 1], block[index_nswe1]) & 0x0F);
if (index_nswe2 > 0) {
return (byte) (makeShort(block[index_nswe2 + 1], block[index_nswe2]) & 0x0F);
return NSWE_ALL;
_log.error("GeoEngine: Unknown block type.");
return NSWE_ALL;
public static void NgetHeightAndNSWE(int geoX, int geoY, short z, short[] result, int geoIndex) {
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if (block == null) {
result[0] = z;
result[1] = NSWE_ALL;
int cellX, cellY, index = 0;
short height, NSWE = NSWE_ALL;
// Read current block type: 0 - flat, 1 - complex, 2 - multilevel
byte type = block[index];
switch (type) {
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
result[0] = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
result[1] = NSWE_ALL;
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
index += (cellX << 3) + cellY << 1;
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
result[0] = (short) ((short) (height & 0x0fff0) >> 1); // height / 2
result[1] = (short) (height & 0x0F);
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while (offset > 0) {
byte lc = block[index];
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = block[index];
if (layers <= 0 || layers > MAX_LAYERS) {
result[0] = z;
result[1] = NSWE_ALL;
short tempz1 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
short tempz2 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
int index_nswe1 = 0;
int index_nswe2 = 0;
int z_nearest_lower_limit = z + GeodataConfig.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT;
while (layers > 0) {
height = (short) ((short) (makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]) & 0x0fff0) >> 1); // height / 2
if (height < z_nearest_lower_limit) {
if (height > tempz1) {
tempz1 = height;
index_nswe1 = index;
} else if (Math.abs(z - height) < Math.abs(z - tempz2)) {
tempz2 = height;
index_nswe2 = index;
index += 2;
if (index_nswe1 > 0) {
NSWE = makeShort(block[index_nswe1 + 1], block[index_nswe1]);
NSWE = (short) (NSWE & 0x0F);
} else if (index_nswe2 > 0) {
NSWE = makeShort(block[index_nswe2 + 1], block[index_nswe2]);
NSWE = (short) (NSWE & 0x0F);
result[0] = tempz1 > Short.MIN_VALUE ? tempz1 : tempz2;
result[1] = NSWE;
_log.error("GeoEngine: Unknown block type.");
result[0] = z;
result[1] = NSWE_ALL;
protected static short makeShort(byte b1, byte b0) {
return (short) (b1 << 8 | b0 & 0xff);
* @param geoPos позиция геодаты
* @return Block Index: 0-255
protected static int getBlock(int geoPos) {
return (geoPos >> 3) % 256;
* @param geoPos позиция геодаты
* @return Cell Index: 0-7
protected static int getCell(int geoPos) {
return geoPos % 8;
* Создает индекс блока геодаты по заданым координатам блока.
* @param blockX блок по geoX
* @param blockY блок по geoY
* @return индекс блока
protected static int getBlockIndex(int blockX, int blockY) {
return (blockX << 8) + blockY;
private static byte sign(int x) {
if (x >= 0) {
return +1;
return -1;
* Возвращает актуальный блок для текущих геокоординат.<BR>
* Является заготовкой для возвращения отдельніх блоков с дверьми
* @param geoX геокоордината
* @param geoY геокоордината
* @return текущий блок геодаты, или null если нет геодаты.
private static byte[] getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(int geoX, int geoY, int geoIndex) {
if (!GeodataConfig.ALLOW_GEODATA) {
return null;
int ix = geoX >> 11;
int iy = geoY >> 11;
if (ix < 0 || ix >= World.WORLD_SIZE_X || iy < 0 || iy >= World.WORLD_SIZE_Y) {
return null;
int blockX = getBlock(geoX);
int blockY = getBlock(geoY);
int regIndex = 0;
//Рефлект с геодатой
if ((geoIndex & 0x0f000000) == 0x0f000000) {
int x = (geoIndex & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
int y = (geoIndex & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
//Проверяем регион
if (ix == x && iy == y) {
regIndex = (geoIndex & 0x000000ff);
byte[][] region = geodata[ix][iy][regIndex];
if (region == null) {
return null;
return region[getBlockIndex(blockX, blockY)];
* Загрузка геодаты в память
public static void load() {
if (!GeodataConfig.ALLOW_GEODATA) {
_log.info("GeoEngine: Loading Geodata...");
File geoDir = new File(ServerConfig.DATAPACK_ROOT, "geodata");
if (!geoDir.exists() || !geoDir.isDirectory()) {
throw new RuntimeException("GeoEngine: Files missing, loading aborted.");
int count = 0;
for (int rx = GeodataConfig.GEO_X_FIRST; rx <= GeodataConfig.GEO_X_LAST; rx++) {
for (int ry = GeodataConfig.GEO_Y_FIRST; ry <= GeodataConfig.GEO_Y_LAST; ry++) {
File geoFile = new File(geoDir, String.format("%2d_%2d.l2j", rx, ry));
if (!geoFile.exists()) {
LoadGeodataFile(rx, ry, geoFile);
LoadGeodata(rx, ry, 0);
if (count == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("GeoEngine: Files missing, loading aborted.");
_log.info("GeoEngine: Loaded " + count + " map(s), max layers: " + MAX_LAYERS);
if (GeodataConfig.COMPACT_GEO) {
public static void DumpGeodata(String dir) {
new File(dir).mkdirs();
for (int mapX = 0; mapX < World.WORLD_SIZE_X; mapX++) {
for (int mapY = 0; mapY < World.WORLD_SIZE_Y; mapY++) {
if (geodata[mapX][mapY] == null) {
int rx = mapX + GeodataConfig.GEO_X_FIRST;
int ry = mapY + GeodataConfig.GEO_Y_FIRST;
String fName = dir + "/" + rx + "_" + ry + ".l2j";
_log.info("Dumping geo: " + fName);
DumpGeodataFile(fName, (byte) rx, (byte) ry);
public static boolean DumpGeodataFile(int cx, int cy) {
return DumpGeodataFileMap((byte) (Math.floor((float) cx / (float) 32768) + 20), (byte) (Math.floor((float) cy / (float) 32768) + 18));
public static boolean DumpGeodataFileMap(byte rx, byte ry) {
String name = "log/" + rx + "_" + ry + ".l2j";
return DumpGeodataFile(name, rx, ry);
public static boolean DumpGeodataFile(String name, byte rx, byte ry) {
int ix = rx - GeodataConfig.GEO_X_FIRST;
int iy = ry - GeodataConfig.GEO_Y_FIRST;
byte[][] geoblocks = geodata[ix][iy][0];
if (geoblocks == null) {
return false;
File f = new File(name);
if (f.exists()) {
OutputStream os = null;
try {
os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
for (byte[] geoblock : geoblocks) {
} catch (IOException e) {
_log.error("", e);
return false;
} finally {
if (os != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return true;
* Загрузка региона геодаты.
* @param rx регион x
* @param ry регион y
public static boolean LoadGeodataFile(int rx, int ry, File geoFile) {
int ix = rx - GeodataConfig.GEO_X_FIRST;
int iy = ry - GeodataConfig.GEO_Y_FIRST;
_log.debug("GeoEngine: Loading: " + geoFile.getName());
try {
FileChannel roChannel = new RandomAccessFile(geoFile, "r").getChannel();
long size = roChannel.size();
MappedByteBuffer buf = roChannel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, size);
rawgeo[ix][iy] = buf;
if (size < BLOCKS_IN_MAP * 3) {
throw new Error("Invalid geodata : " + geoFile.getName() + "!");
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Error(e);
public static void LoadGeodata(int rx, int ry, int regIndex) {
int ix = rx - GeodataConfig.GEO_X_FIRST;
int iy = ry - GeodataConfig.GEO_Y_FIRST;
MappedByteBuffer geo = rawgeo[ix][iy];
int index = 0, orgIndex, block = 0, floor = 0;
byte[][] blocks;
synchronized (geodata) {
if ((blocks = geodata[ix][iy][regIndex]) == null) {
geodata[ix][iy][regIndex] = (blocks = new byte[BLOCKS_IN_MAP][]); // 256 * 256 блоков в регионе геодаты
// Indexing geo files, so we will know where each block starts
for (block = 0; block < BLOCKS_IN_MAP; block++) {
byte type = geo.get(index);
byte[] geoBlock;
switch (type) {
// Создаем блок геодаты
geoBlock = new byte[2 + 1];
// Читаем нужные даные с геодаты
geoBlock[0] = type;
geoBlock[1] = geo.get(index);
geoBlock[2] = geo.get(index + 1);
// Увеличиваем индекс
index += 2;
// Добавляем блок геодаты
blocks[block] = geoBlock;
// Создаем блок геодаты
geoBlock = new byte[128 + 1];
// Читаем данные с геодаты
geoBlock[0] = type;
geo.get(geoBlock, 1, 128);
// Увеличиваем индекс
index += 128;
// Добавляем блок геодаты
blocks[block] = geoBlock;
// Оригинальный индекс
orgIndex = index;
// Считаем длину блока геодаты
for (int b = 0; b < 64; b++) {
byte layers = geo.get(index);
MAX_LAYERS = Math.max(MAX_LAYERS, layers);
index += (layers << 1) + 1;
if (layers > floor) {
floor = layers;
// Получаем длину
int diff = index - orgIndex;
// Создаем массив геодаты
geoBlock = new byte[diff + 1];
// Читаем даные с геодаты
geoBlock[0] = type;
geo.get(geoBlock, 1, diff);
// Добавляем блок геодаты
blocks[block] = geoBlock;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid geodata: " + rx + "_" + ry + "!");
public static int NextGeoIndex(int rx, int ry, int refId) {
if (!GeodataConfig.ALLOW_GEODATA) {
return 0;
int ix = rx - GeodataConfig.GEO_X_FIRST;
int iy = ry - GeodataConfig.GEO_Y_FIRST;
int regIndex = -1;
synchronized (geodata) {
byte[][][] region = geodata[ix][iy];
//Ищем свободный блок
for (int i = 0; i < region.length; i++) {
if (region[i] == null) {
regIndex = i;
//Свободного блока нет, создаем новый
if (regIndex == -1) {
byte[][][] resizedRegion = new byte[(regIndex = region.length) + 1][][];
for (int i = 0; i < region.length; i++) {
resizedRegion[i] = region[i];
geodata[ix][iy] = resizedRegion;
LoadGeodata(rx, ry, regIndex);
return 0x0f000000 | (ix << 16) | (iy << 8) | regIndex;
* Освободить занятый рефлектом индекс геодаты.
* @param geoIndex
public static void FreeGeoIndex(int geoIndex) {
if (!GeodataConfig.ALLOW_GEODATA) {
//Рефлект без геодаты
if ((geoIndex & 0x0f000000) != 0x0f000000) {
int ix = (geoIndex & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
int iy = (geoIndex & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
int regIndex = geoIndex & 0x000000ff;
synchronized (geodata) {
geodata[ix][iy][regIndex] = null;
* Преобразовывает FLAT блоки в COMPLEX<br>
* @param ix регион x
* @param iy регион y
* @param blockIndex индекс блока в регионе
private static void copyBlock(int ix, int iy, int blockIndex)
byte[][][] region = geodata[ix][iy];
if(region == null)
Log.add("door at null region? [" + ix + "][" + iy + "]", "doors");
byte[] block = region[blockIndex][0];
byte blockType = block[0];
short height = makeShort(block[2], block[1]);
height &= 0x0fff0;
height <<= 1;
height |= NORTH;
height |= SOUTH;
height |= WEST;
height |= EAST;
byte[] newblock = new byte[129];
newblock[0] = BLOCKTYPE_COMPLEX;
for(int i = 1; i < 129; i += 2)
newblock[i + 1] = (byte) (height >> 8);
newblock[i] = (byte) (height & 0x00ff);
region[blockIndex][0] = newblock;
region[blockIndex][0] = region[blockIndex][0].clone();
public static void removeGeoCollision(GeoCollision collision, int geoIndex) {
Shape shape = collision.getShape();
byte[][] around = collision.getGeoAround();
if (around == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Attempt to remove unitialized collision: " + collision);
//Размер коллизии в клетках геодаты
int minX = shape.getXmin() - World.MAP_MIN_X - 16 >> 4;
int minY = shape.getYmin() - World.MAP_MIN_Y - 16 >> 4;
int minZ = shape.getZmin();
int maxZ = shape.getZmax();
short height;
byte old_nswe;
for (int gX = 0; gX < around.length; gX++) {
for (int gY = 0; gY < around[gX].length; gY++) {
int geoX = minX + gX;
int geoY = minY + gY;
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if (block == null) {
int cellX = getCell(geoX);
int cellY = getCell(geoY);
int index = 0;
byte blockType = block[index];
switch (blockType) {
index += (cellX << 3) + cellY << 1;
// Получаем высоту клетки
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
old_nswe = (byte) (height & 0x0F);
height &= 0xfff0;
height >>= 1;
// подходящий слой не найден
if (height < minZ || height > maxZ) {
// around
height <<= 1;
height &= 0xfff0;
height |= old_nswe;
if (collision.isConcrete()) {
height |= around[gX][gY];
} else {
height &= ~around[gX][gY];
// Записываем высоту в массив
block[index + 1] = (byte) (height >> 8);
block[index] = (byte) (height & 0x00ff);
// Последний валидный индекс для двери
int neededIndex = -1;
// Далее следует стандартный механизм получения высоты
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while (offset > 0) {
byte lc = block[index];
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = block[index];
if (layers <= 0 || layers > MAX_LAYERS) {
short temph = Short.MIN_VALUE;
old_nswe = NSWE_ALL;
while (layers > 0) {
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
byte tmp_nswe = (byte) (height & 0x0F);
height &= 0xfff0;
height >>= 1;
int z_diff_last = Math.abs(minZ - temph);
int z_diff_curr = Math.abs(maxZ - height);
if (z_diff_last > z_diff_curr) {
old_nswe = tmp_nswe;
temph = height;
neededIndex = index;
index += 2;
// подходящий слой не найден
if (temph == Short.MIN_VALUE || (temph < minZ || temph > maxZ)) {
// around
temph <<= 1;
temph &= 0xfff0;
temph |= old_nswe;
if (collision.isConcrete()) {
temph |= around[gX][gY];
} else {
temph &= ~around[gX][gY];
// записываем высоту
block[neededIndex + 1] = (byte) (temph >> 8);
block[neededIndex] = (byte) (temph & 0x00ff);
public static void applyGeoCollision(GeoCollision collision, int geoIndex) {
Shape shape = collision.getShape();
if (shape.getXmax() == shape.getYmax() && shape.getXmax() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Attempt to add incorrect collision: " + collision);
boolean isFirstTime = false;
//Размер коллизии в клетках геодаты
int minX = shape.getXmin() - World.MAP_MIN_X - 16 >> 4;
int maxX = shape.getXmax() - World.MAP_MIN_X + 16 >> 4;
int minY = shape.getYmin() - World.MAP_MIN_Y - 16 >> 4;
int maxY = shape.getYmax() - World.MAP_MIN_Y + 16 >> 4;
int minZ = shape.getZmin();
int maxZ = shape.getZmax();
byte[][] around = collision.getGeoAround();
if (around == null) {
isFirstTime = true;
//Сформируем коллизию
byte[][] cells = new byte[maxX - minX + 1][maxY - minY + 1];
for (int gX = minX; gX <= maxX; gX++) {
for (int gY = minY; gY <= maxY; gY++) {
int x = (gX << 4) + World.MAP_MIN_X;
int y = (gY << 4) + World.MAP_MIN_Y;
for (int ax = x; ax < x + 16; ax++) {
for (int ay = y; ay < y + 16; ay++) {
if (shape.isInside(ax, ay)) {
cells[gX - minX][gY - minY] = 1;
break loop;
around = new byte[maxX - minX + 1][maxY - minY + 1];
for (int gX = 0; gX < cells.length; gX++) {
for (int gY = 0; gY < cells[gX].length; gY++) {
if (cells[gX][gY] == 1) {
around[gX][gY] = NSWE_ALL;
byte _nswe;
if (gY > 0) {
if (cells[gX][gY - 1] == 0) {
_nswe = around[gX][gY - 1];
_nswe |= SOUTH;
around[gX][gY - 1] = _nswe;
if (gY + 1 < cells[gX].length) {
if (cells[gX][gY + 1] == 0) {
_nswe = around[gX][gY + 1];
_nswe |= NORTH;
around[gX][gY + 1] = _nswe;
if (gX > 0) {
if (cells[gX - 1][gY] == 0) {
_nswe = around[gX - 1][gY];
_nswe |= EAST;
around[gX - 1][gY] = _nswe;
if (gX + 1 < cells.length) {
if (cells[gX + 1][gY] == 0) {
_nswe = around[gX + 1][gY];
_nswe |= WEST;
around[gX + 1][gY] = _nswe;
short height;
byte old_nswe, close_nswe;
for (int gX = 0; gX < around.length; gX++) {
for (int gY = 0; gY < around[gX].length; gY++) {
int geoX = minX + gX;
int geoY = minY + gY;
// Попытка скопировать блок геодаты, если уже существует, то не скопируется
//TODO: if(first_time)
// copyBlock(ix, iy, blockIndex);
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if (block == null) {
int cellX = getCell(geoX);
int cellY = getCell(geoY);
int index = 0;
byte blockType = block[index];
switch (blockType) {
index += (cellX << 3) + cellY << 1;
// Получаем высоту клетки
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
old_nswe = (byte) (height & 0x0F);
height &= 0xfff0;
height >>= 1;
// подходящий слой не найден
if (height < minZ || height > maxZ) {
close_nswe = around[gX][gY];
if (isFirstTime) {
if (collision.isConcrete()) {
close_nswe &= old_nswe;
} else {
close_nswe &= ~old_nswe;
around[gX][gY] = close_nswe;
// around
height <<= 1;
height &= 0xfff0;
height |= old_nswe;
if (collision.isConcrete()) {
height &= ~close_nswe;
} else {
height |= close_nswe;
// Записываем высоту в массив
block[index + 1] = (byte) (height >> 8);
block[index] = (byte) (height & 0x00ff);
// Последний валидный индекс для двери
int neededIndex = -1;
// Далее следует стандартный механизм получения высоты
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while (offset > 0) {
byte lc = block[index];
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = block[index];
if (layers <= 0 || layers > MAX_LAYERS) {
short temph = Short.MIN_VALUE;
old_nswe = NSWE_ALL;
while (layers > 0) {
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
byte tmp_nswe = (byte) (height & 0x0F);
height &= 0xfff0;
height >>= 1;
int z_diff_last = Math.abs(minZ - temph);
int z_diff_curr = Math.abs(maxZ - height);
if (z_diff_last > z_diff_curr) {
old_nswe = tmp_nswe;
temph = height;
neededIndex = index;
index += 2;
// подходящий слой не найден
if (temph == Short.MIN_VALUE || (temph < minZ || temph > maxZ)) {
close_nswe = around[gX][gY];
if (isFirstTime) {
if (collision.isConcrete()) {
close_nswe &= old_nswe;
} else {
close_nswe &= ~old_nswe;
around[gX][gY] = close_nswe;
// around
temph <<= 1;
temph &= 0xfff0;
temph |= old_nswe;
if (collision.isConcrete()) {
temph &= ~close_nswe;
} else {
temph |= close_nswe;
// записываем высоту
block[neededIndex + 1] = (byte) (temph >> 8);
block[neededIndex] = (byte) (temph & 0x00ff);
* загружает заранее сгенерированые карты соовпадений в блоках и благодаря им оптимизирует размещение геодаты в памяти
* @return количество оптимизированых блоков
public static void compact() {
long total = 0, optimized = 0;
BlockLink[] links;
byte[][][] link_region;
for (int mapX = 0; mapX < World.WORLD_SIZE_X; mapX++) {
for (int mapY = 0; mapY < World.WORLD_SIZE_Y; mapY++) {
if (geodata[mapX][mapY] == null) {
total += BLOCKS_IN_MAP;
links = GeoOptimizer.loadBlockMatches("geodata/matches/" + (mapX + GeodataConfig.GEO_X_FIRST) + "_" + (mapY + GeodataConfig.GEO_Y_FIRST) + ".matches");
if (links == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
link_region = geodata[links[i].linkMapX][links[i].linkMapY];
if (link_region == null) {
link_region[links[i].linkBlockIndex][0] = geodata[mapX][mapY][links[i].blockIndex][0];
_log.info(String.format("GeoEngine: - Compacted %d of %d blocks...", optimized, total));
* сравнение двух байт-массивов
* @param a1
* @param a2
* @return
public static boolean equalsData(byte[] a1, byte[] a2) {
if (a1.length != a2.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) {
if (a1[i] != a2[i]) {
return false;
return true;
* сравнение двух блоков геодаты
* @param mapX1
* @param mapY1
* @param blockIndex1
* @param mapX2
* @param mapY2
* @param blockIndex2
* @return
public static boolean compareGeoBlocks(int mapX1, int mapY1, int blockIndex1, int mapX2, int mapY2, int blockIndex2) {
return equalsData(geodata[mapX1][mapY1][blockIndex1][0], geodata[mapX2][mapY2][blockIndex2][0]);
private static void initChecksums() {
_log.info("GeoEngine: - Generating Checksums...");
new File(ServerConfig.DATAPACK_ROOT, "geodata/checksum").mkdirs();
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
GeoOptimizer.checkSums = new int[World.WORLD_SIZE_X][World.WORLD_SIZE_Y][];
for (int mapX = 0; mapX < World.WORLD_SIZE_X; mapX++) {
for (int mapY = 0; mapY < World.WORLD_SIZE_Y; mapY++) {
if (geodata[mapX][mapY] != null) {
executor.execute(new GeoOptimizer.CheckSumLoader(mapX, mapY, geodata[mapX][mapY]));
try {
executor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
_log.error("", e);
private static void initBlockMatches(int maxScanRegions) {
_log.info("GeoEngine: Generating Block Matches...");
new File(ServerConfig.DATAPACK_ROOT, "geodata/matches").mkdirs();
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
for (int mapX = 0; mapX < World.WORLD_SIZE_X; mapX++) {
for (int mapY = 0; mapY < World.WORLD_SIZE_Y; mapY++) {
if (geodata[mapX][mapY] != null && GeoOptimizer.checkSums != null && GeoOptimizer.checkSums[mapX][mapY] != null) {
executor.execute(new GeoOptimizer.GeoBlocksMatchFinder(mapX, mapY, maxScanRegions));
try {
executor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
_log.error("", e);
public static void deleteChecksumFiles() {
for (int mapX = 0; mapX < World.WORLD_SIZE_X; mapX++) {
for (int mapY = 0; mapY < World.WORLD_SIZE_Y; mapY++) {
if (geodata[mapX][mapY] == null) {
new File(ServerConfig.DATAPACK_ROOT, "geodata/checksum/" + (mapX + GeodataConfig.GEO_X_FIRST) + "_" + (mapY + GeodataConfig.GEO_Y_FIRST) + ".crc").delete();
public static void genBlockMatches(int maxScanRegions) {
public static void unload() {
for (int mapX = 0; mapX < World.WORLD_SIZE_X; mapX++) {
for (int mapY = 0; mapY < World.WORLD_SIZE_Y; mapY++) {
geodata[mapX][mapY] = null;
package org.mmocore.gameserver.geodata;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.mmocore.commons.geometry.Shape;
import org.mmocore.gameserver.Config;
import org.mmocore.gameserver.geodata.GeoOptimizer.BlockLink;
import org.mmocore.gameserver.model.GameObject;
import org.mmocore.gameserver.model.World;
import org.mmocore.gameserver.utils.Location;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* @Author: Diamond
* @CoAuthor: DRiN
* @Date: 01/03/2009
public class GeoEngine
private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeoEngine.class);
public static final byte EAST = 1, WEST = 2, SOUTH = 4, NORTH = 8, NSWE_ALL = 15, NSWE_NONE = 0;
public static final byte BLOCKTYPE_FLAT = 0;
public static final byte BLOCKTYPE_COMPLEX = 1;
public static final byte BLOCKTYPE_MULTILEVEL = 2;
public static final int BLOCKS_IN_MAP = 256 * 256;
public static int MAX_LAYERS = 1; // меньше 1 быть не должно, что бы создавались временные массивы как минимум short[2]
* Даный массив содержит эталонную геодату. <BR>
* Первые 2 [][] (byte[*][*][][]) являются x и y региона.<BR>
private static final MappedByteBuffer[][] rawgeo = new MappedByteBuffer[World.WORLD_SIZE_X][World.WORLD_SIZE_Y];
* Даный массив содержит всю геодату на сервере. <BR>
* Первые 2 [][] (byte[*][*][][]) являются x и y региона.<BR>
* Третий [] (byte[][][*][]) является блоком геодаты.<BR>
* Четвертый [] (byte[][][][*]) является контейнером для всех блоков в регионе.<BR>
private static final byte[][][][][] geodata = new byte[World.WORLD_SIZE_X][World.WORLD_SIZE_Y][1][][];
public static short getType(int x, int y, int geoIndex)
return NgetType(x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, geoIndex);
public static int getHeight(Location loc, int geoIndex)
return getHeight(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, geoIndex);
public static int getHeight(int x, int y, int z, int geoIndex)
return NgetHeight(x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, z, geoIndex);
public static boolean canMoveToCoord(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz, int geoIndex)
return canMove(x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, false, geoIndex);
public static byte getNSWE(int x, int y, int z, int geoIndex)
return NgetNSWE(x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, z, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheck(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int geoIndex)
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, false, false, false, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheck(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, boolean returnPrev, int geoIndex)
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, false, false, returnPrev, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckWithCollision(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int geoIndex)
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, true, false, false, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckWithCollision(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, boolean returnPrev, int geoIndex)
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, true, false, returnPrev, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckBackward(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int geoIndex)
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, false, true, false, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckBackward(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, boolean returnPrev, int geoIndex)
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, false, true, returnPrev, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckBackwardWithCollision(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int geoIndex)
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, true, true, false, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckBackwardWithCollision(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, boolean returnPrev, int geoIndex)
return MoveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, true, true, returnPrev, geoIndex);
public static Location moveInWaterCheck(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz, int waterZ, int geoIndex)
return MoveInWaterCheck(x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, z, tx - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, ty - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, tz, waterZ, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckForAI(Location loc1, Location loc2, int geoIndex)
return MoveCheckForAI(loc1.x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, loc1.y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, loc1.z, loc2.x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4, loc2.y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4, geoIndex);
public static Location moveCheckInAir(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz, double collision, int geoIndex)
int gx = x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int gy = y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int tgx = tx - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int tgy = ty - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int nz = NgetHeight(tgx, tgy, tz, geoIndex);
// Не даем опуститься ниже, чем пол + 32
if(tz <= nz + 32)
tz = nz + 32;
Location result = canSee(gx, gy, z, tgx, tgy, tz, true, geoIndex);
if(result.equals(gx, gy, z))
return null;
return result.geo2world();
public static boolean canSeeTarget(GameObject actor, GameObject target, boolean air)
if(target == null)
return false;
// Костыль конечно, но решает кучу проблем с дверьми
if(target instanceof GeoCollision || actor.equals(target))
return true;
return canSeeCoord(actor, target.getX(), target.getY(), target.getZ() + (int) target.getColHeight() + 24, air);
public static boolean canSeeCoord(GameObject actor, int tx, int ty, int tz, boolean air)
return actor != null && canSeeCoord(actor.getX(), actor.getY(), actor.getZ() + (int) actor.getColHeight() + 24, tx, ty, tz, air, actor.getGeoIndex());
public static boolean canSeeCoord(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz, boolean air, int geoIndex)
int mx = x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int my = y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int tmx = tx - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int tmy = ty - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
return canSee(mx, my, z, tmx, tmy, tz, air, geoIndex).equals(tmx, tmy, tz) && canSee(tmx, tmy, tz, mx, my, z, air, geoIndex).equals(mx, my, z);
public static boolean canMoveWithCollision(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz, int geoIndex)
return canMove(x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, true, geoIndex);
* @param NSWE
* @param x
* @param y
* @param tx
* @param ty
* @return True if NSWE dont block given direction
public static boolean checkNSWE(byte NSWE, int x, int y, int tx, int ty)
return true;
return false;
if(tx > x)
if((NSWE & EAST) == 0)
return false;
else if(tx < x)
if((NSWE & WEST) == 0)
return false;
if(ty > y)
if((NSWE & SOUTH) == 0)
return false;
else if(ty < y)
if((NSWE & NORTH) == 0)
return false;
return true;
public static String geoXYZ2Str(int _x, int _y, int _z)
return "(" + String.valueOf((_x << 4) + World.MAP_MIN_X + 8) + " " + String.valueOf((_y << 4) + World.MAP_MIN_Y + 8) + " " + _z + ")";
public static String NSWE2Str(byte nswe)
String result = "";
if((nswe & NORTH) == NORTH)
result += "N";
if((nswe & SOUTH) == SOUTH)
result += "S";
if((nswe & WEST) == WEST)
result += "W";
if((nswe & EAST) == EAST)
result += "E";
return result.isEmpty() ? "X" : result;
private static boolean NLOS_WATER(int x, int y, int z, int next_x, int next_y, int next_z, int geoIndex)
short[] layers1 = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] layers2 = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
NGetLayers(x, y, layers1, geoIndex);
NGetLayers(next_x, next_y, layers2, geoIndex);
if(layers1[0] == 0 || layers2[0] == 0)
return true;
short h;
// Находим ближайший к целевой клетке слой
short z2 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
for(int i = 1; i <= layers2[0]; i++)
h = (short) ((short) (layers2[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if(Math.abs(next_z - z2) > Math.abs(next_z - h))
z2 = h;
// Луч проходит над преградой
if(next_z + 32 >= z2)
return true;
// Либо перед нами стена, либо над нами потолок. Ищем слой пониже, для уточнения
short z3 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
for(int i = 1; i <= layers2[0]; i++)
h = (short) ((short) (layers2[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if(h < z2 + Config.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT && Math.abs(next_z - z3) > Math.abs(next_z - h))
z3 = h;
// Ниже нет слоев, значит это стена
if(z3 == Short.MIN_VALUE)
return false;
// Собираем данные о предыдущей клетке, игнорируя верхние слои
short z1 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
byte NSWE1 = NSWE_ALL;
for(int i = 1; i <= layers1[0]; i++)
h = (short) ((short) (layers1[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if(h < z + Config.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT && Math.abs(z - z1) > Math.abs(z - h))
z1 = h;
NSWE1 = (byte) (layers1[i] & 0x0F);
// Если есть NSWE, то считаем за стену
return checkNSWE(NSWE1, x, y, next_x, next_y);
private static int FindNearestLowerLayer(short[] layers, int z, boolean regionEdge)
short h, nearest_layer_h = Short.MIN_VALUE;
int nearest_layer = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int zCheck = regionEdge ? z + Config.REGION_EDGE_MAX_Z_DIFF : z;
for(int i = 1; i <= layers[0]; i++)
h = (short) ((short) (layers[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if(h < zCheck && nearest_layer_h < h)
nearest_layer_h = h;
nearest_layer = layers[i];
return nearest_layer;
private static short CheckNoOneLayerInRangeAndFindNearestLowerLayer(short[] layers, int z0, int z1)
int z_min, z_max;
if(z0 > z1)
z_min = z1;
z_max = z0;
z_min = z0;
z_max = z1;
short h, nearest_layer = Short.MIN_VALUE, nearest_layer_h = Short.MIN_VALUE;
for(int i = 1; i <= layers[0]; i++)
h = (short) ((short) (layers[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if(z_min <= h && h <= z_max)
return Short.MIN_VALUE;
if(h < z_max && nearest_layer_h < h)
nearest_layer_h = h;
nearest_layer = layers[i];
return nearest_layer;
public static boolean canSeeWallCheck(short layer, short nearest_lower_neighbor, byte directionNSWE, int curr_z, boolean air)
short nearest_lower_neighborh = (short) ((short) (nearest_lower_neighbor & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
return nearest_lower_neighborh < curr_z;
short layerh = (short) ((short) (layer & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
int zdiff = nearest_lower_neighborh - layerh;
return (layer & 0x0F & directionNSWE) != 0 || zdiff > -Config.MAX_Z_DIFF;
* проверка видимости
* @return возвращает последнюю точку которую видно (в формате геокоординат)
* в результате (Location) h является кодом, если >= 0 то успешно достигли последней точки, если меньше то не последней
public static Location canSee(int _x, int _y, int _z, int _tx, int _ty, int _tz, boolean air, int geoIndex)
int diff_x = _tx - _x, diff_y = _ty - _y, diff_z = _tz - _z;
int dx = Math.abs(diff_x), dy = Math.abs(diff_y);
float steps = Math.max(dx, dy);
int curr_x = _x, curr_y = _y, curr_z = _z;
short[] curr_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
NGetLayers(curr_x, curr_y, curr_layers, geoIndex);
Location result = new Location(_x, _y, _z, -1);
if(steps == 0)
if(CheckNoOneLayerInRangeAndFindNearestLowerLayer(curr_layers, curr_z, curr_z + diff_z) != Short.MIN_VALUE)
result.set(_tx, _ty, _tz, 1);
return result;
float step_x = diff_x / steps, step_y = diff_y / steps, step_z = diff_z / steps;
float half_step_z = step_z / 2.0f;
float next_x = curr_x, next_y = curr_y, next_z = curr_z;
int i_next_x, i_next_y, i_next_z, middle_z;
short[] tmp_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short src_nearest_lower_layer, dst_nearest_lower_layer, tmp_nearest_lower_layer;
for(int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
if(curr_layers[0] == 0)
result.set(_tx, _ty, _tz, 0);
return result; // Здесь нет геодаты, разрешаем
next_x += step_x;
next_y += step_y;
next_z += step_z;
i_next_x = (int) (next_x + 0.5f);
i_next_y = (int) (next_y + 0.5f);
i_next_z = (int) (next_z + 0.5f);
middle_z = (int) (curr_z + half_step_z);
if((src_nearest_lower_layer = CheckNoOneLayerInRangeAndFindNearestLowerLayer(curr_layers, curr_z, middle_z)) == Short.MIN_VALUE)
return result.setH(-10); // либо есть преграждающая поверхность, либо нет снизу слоя и значит это "пустота", то что за стеной или за колоной
NGetLayers(curr_x, curr_y, curr_layers, geoIndex);
if(curr_layers[0] == 0)
result.set(_tx, _ty, _tz, 0);
return result; // Здесь нет геодаты, разрешаем
if((dst_nearest_lower_layer = CheckNoOneLayerInRangeAndFindNearestLowerLayer(curr_layers, i_next_z, middle_z)) == Short.MIN_VALUE)
return result.setH(-11); // либо есть преграда, либо нет снизу слоя и значит это "пустота", то что за стеной или за колоной
if(curr_x == i_next_x)
//движемся по вертикали
if(!canSeeWallCheck(src_nearest_lower_layer, dst_nearest_lower_layer, i_next_y > curr_y ? SOUTH : NORTH, curr_z, air))
return result.setH(-20);
else if(curr_y == i_next_y)
//движемся по горизонтали
if(!canSeeWallCheck(src_nearest_lower_layer, dst_nearest_lower_layer, i_next_x > curr_x ? EAST : WEST, curr_z, air))
return result.setH(-21);
//движемся по диагонали
NGetLayers(curr_x, i_next_y, tmp_layers, geoIndex);
if(tmp_layers[0] == 0)
result.set(_tx, _ty, _tz, 0);
return result; // Здесь нет геодаты, разрешаем
if((tmp_nearest_lower_layer = CheckNoOneLayerInRangeAndFindNearestLowerLayer(tmp_layers, i_next_z, middle_z)) == Short.MIN_VALUE)
return result.setH(-30); // либо есть преграда, либо нет снизу слоя и значит это "пустота", то что за стеной или за колоной
if(!(canSeeWallCheck(src_nearest_lower_layer, tmp_nearest_lower_layer, i_next_y > curr_y ? SOUTH : NORTH, curr_z, air) && canSeeWallCheck(tmp_nearest_lower_layer, dst_nearest_lower_layer, i_next_x > curr_x ? EAST : WEST, curr_z, air)))
NGetLayers(i_next_x, curr_y, tmp_layers, geoIndex);
if(tmp_layers[0] == 0)
result.set(_tx, _ty, _tz, 0);
return result; // Здесь нет геодаты, разрешаем
if((tmp_nearest_lower_layer = CheckNoOneLayerInRangeAndFindNearestLowerLayer(tmp_layers, i_next_z, middle_z)) == Short.MIN_VALUE)
return result.setH(-31); // либо есть преграда, либо нет снизу слоя и значит это "пустота", то что за стеной или за колоной
if(!canSeeWallCheck(src_nearest_lower_layer, tmp_nearest_lower_layer, i_next_x > curr_x ? EAST : WEST, curr_z, air))
return result.setH(-32);
if(!canSeeWallCheck(tmp_nearest_lower_layer, dst_nearest_lower_layer, i_next_x > curr_x ? EAST : WEST, curr_z, air))
return result.setH(-33);
result.set(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z);
curr_x = i_next_x;
curr_y = i_next_y;
curr_z = i_next_z;
result.set(_tx, _ty, _tz, 0xFF);
return result;
private static Location MoveInWaterCheck(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz, int waterZ, int geoIndex)
int dx = tx - x;
int dy = ty - y;
int dz = tz - z;
int inc_x = sign(dx);
int inc_y = sign(dy);
dx = Math.abs(dx);
dy = Math.abs(dy);
if(dx + dy == 0)
return new Location(x, y, z).geo2world();
float inc_z_for_x = dx == 0 ? 0 : dz / dx;
float inc_z_for_y = dy == 0 ? 0 : dz / dy;
int prev_x;
int prev_y;
int prev_z;
float next_x = x;
float next_y = y;
float next_z = z;
if(dx >= dy) // dy/dx <= 1
int delta_A = 2 * dy;
int d = delta_A - dx;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dx;
for(int i = 0; i < dx; i++)
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
prev_z = z;
x = (int) next_x;
y = (int) next_y;
z = (int) next_z;
if(d > 0)
d += delta_B;
next_x += inc_x;
next_z += inc_z_for_x;
next_y += inc_y;
next_z += inc_z_for_y;
d += delta_A;
next_x += inc_x;
next_z += inc_z_for_x;
if(next_z >= waterZ || !NLOS_WATER(x, y, z, (int) next_x, (int) next_y, (int) next_z, geoIndex))
return new Location(prev_x, prev_y, prev_z).geo2world();
int delta_A = 2 * dx;
int d = delta_A - dy;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dy;
for(int i = 0; i < dy; i++)
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
prev_z = z;
x = (int) next_x;
y = (int) next_y;
z = (int) next_z;
if(d > 0)
d += delta_B;
next_x += inc_x;
next_z += inc_z_for_x;
next_y += inc_y;
next_z += inc_z_for_y;
d += delta_A;
next_y += inc_y;
next_z += inc_z_for_y;
if(next_z >= waterZ || !NLOS_WATER(x, y, z, (int) next_x, (int) next_y, (int) next_z, geoIndex))
return new Location(prev_x, prev_y, prev_z).geo2world();
return new Location((int)next_x, (int)next_y, (int)next_z).geo2world();
* проверка проходимости по прямой
private static boolean canMove(int __x, int __y, int _z, int __tx, int __ty, int _tz, boolean withCollision, int geoIndex)
int _x = __x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int _y = __y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int _tx = __tx - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int _ty = __ty - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int diff_x = _tx - _x, diff_y = _ty - _y;
int incx = sign(diff_x), incy = sign(diff_y);
final boolean overRegionEdge = ((_x >> 11) != (_tx >> 11) || (_y >> 11) != (_ty >> 11));
if(diff_x < 0)
diff_x = -diff_x;
if(diff_y < 0)
diff_y = -diff_y;
int pdx, pdy, es, el;
if(diff_x > diff_y)
pdx = incx;
pdy = 0;
es = diff_y;
el = diff_x;
pdx = 0;
pdy = incy;
es = diff_x;
el = diff_y;
int err = el / 2;
int curr_x = _x, curr_y = _y, curr_z = _z;
int next_x = curr_x, next_y = curr_y, next_z = curr_z;
short[] next_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] temp_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] curr_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
NGetLayers(curr_x, curr_y, curr_layers, geoIndex);
if(curr_layers[0] == 0)
return true;
for(int i = 0; i < el; i++)
err -= es;
if(err < 0)
err += el;
next_x += incx;
next_y += incy;
next_x += pdx;
next_y += pdy;
boolean regionEdge = overRegionEdge && ((next_x >> 11) != (curr_x >> 11) || (next_y >> 11) != (curr_y >> 11));
NGetLayers(next_x, next_y, next_layers, geoIndex);
if((next_z = NcanMoveNext(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z, curr_layers, next_x, next_y, next_layers, temp_layers, withCollision, regionEdge, geoIndex)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return false;
short[] t = curr_layers;
curr_layers = next_layers;
next_layers = t;
curr_x = next_x;
curr_y = next_y;
curr_z = next_z;
int diff_z = curr_z - _tz;
return diff_z < Config.MAX_Z_DIFF ? true : false;
if(diff_z < 0)
diff_z = -diff_z;
return diff_z > Config.MAX_Z_DIFF ? false : true;
private static Location MoveCheck(int __x, int __y, int _z, int __tx, int __ty, boolean withCollision, boolean backwardMove, boolean returnPrev, int geoIndex)
int _x = __x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int _y = __y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int _tx = __tx - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int _ty = __ty - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int diff_x = _tx - _x, diff_y = _ty - _y;
int incx = sign(diff_x), incy = sign(diff_y);
final boolean overRegionEdge = ((_x >> 11) != (_tx >> 11) || (_y >> 11) != (_ty >> 11));
if(diff_x < 0)
diff_x = -diff_x;
if(diff_y < 0)
diff_y = -diff_y;
int pdx, pdy, es, el;
if(diff_x > diff_y)
pdx = incx;
pdy = 0;
es = diff_y;
el = diff_x;
pdx = 0;
pdy = incy;
es = diff_x;
el = diff_y;
int err = el / 2;
int curr_x = _x, curr_y = _y, curr_z = _z;
int next_x = curr_x, next_y = curr_y, next_z = curr_z;
int prev_x = curr_x, prev_y = curr_y, prev_z = curr_z;
short[] next_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] temp_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] curr_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
NGetLayers(curr_x, curr_y, curr_layers, geoIndex);
for(int i = 0; i < el; i++)
err -= es;
if(err < 0)
err += el;
next_x += incx;
next_y += incy;
next_x += pdx;
next_y += pdy;
boolean regionEdge = overRegionEdge && ((next_x >> 11) != (curr_x >> 11) || (next_y >> 11) != (curr_y >> 11));
NGetLayers(next_x, next_y, next_layers, geoIndex);
if((next_z = NcanMoveNext(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z, curr_layers, next_x, next_y, next_layers, temp_layers, withCollision, regionEdge, geoIndex)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
if(backwardMove && NcanMoveNext(next_x, next_y, next_z, next_layers, curr_x, curr_y, curr_layers, temp_layers, withCollision, regionEdge, geoIndex) == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
short[] t = curr_layers;
curr_layers = next_layers;
next_layers = t;
prev_x = curr_x;
prev_y = curr_y;
prev_z = curr_z;
curr_x = next_x;
curr_y = next_y;
curr_z = next_z;
curr_x = prev_x;
curr_y = prev_y;
curr_z = prev_z;
return new Location(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z).geo2world();
/** Аналогичен CanMove, но возвращает весь пройденный путь. В гео координатах. */
public static List<Location> MoveList(int __x, int __y, int _z, int __tx, int __ty, int geoIndex, boolean onlyFullPath)
int _x = __x - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int _y = __y - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int _tx = __tx - World.MAP_MIN_X >> 4;
int _ty = __ty - World.MAP_MIN_Y >> 4;
int diff_x = _tx - _x, diff_y = _ty - _y;
int incx = sign(diff_x), incy = sign(diff_y);
final boolean overRegionEdge = ((_x >> 11) != (_tx >> 11) || (_y >> 11) != (_ty >> 11));
if(diff_x < 0)
diff_x = -diff_x;
if(diff_y < 0)
diff_y = -diff_y;
int pdx, pdy, es, el;
if(diff_x > diff_y)
pdx = incx;
pdy = 0;
es = diff_y;
el = diff_x;
pdx = 0;
pdy = incy;
es = diff_x;
el = diff_y;
int err = el / 2;
int curr_x = _x, curr_y = _y, curr_z = _z;
int next_x = curr_x, next_y = curr_y, next_z = curr_z;
short[] next_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] temp_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] curr_layers = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
NGetLayers(curr_x, curr_y, curr_layers, geoIndex);
if(curr_layers[0] == 0)
return null;
List<Location> result = new ArrayList<Location>(el + 1);
result.add(new Location(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z)); // Первая точка
for(int i = 0; i < el; i++)
err -= es;
if(err < 0)
err += el;
next_x += incx;//сдвинуть прямую (сместить вверх или вниз, если цикл проходит по иксам)
next_y += incy;//или сместить влево-вправо, если цикл проходит по y
next_x += pdx;//продолжить тянуть прямую дальше, т.е. сдвинуть влево или вправо, если
next_y += pdy;//цикл идёт по иксу; сдвинуть вверх или вниз, если по y
boolean regionEdge = overRegionEdge && ((next_x >> 11) != (curr_x >> 11) || (next_y >> 11) != (curr_y >> 11));
NGetLayers(next_x, next_y, next_layers, geoIndex);
if((next_z = NcanMoveNext(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z, curr_layers, next_x, next_y, next_layers, temp_layers, false, regionEdge, geoIndex)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return null;
short[] t = curr_layers;
curr_layers = next_layers;
next_layers = t;
curr_x = next_x;
curr_y = next_y;
curr_z = next_z;
result.add(new Location(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z));
return result;
* Используется только для антипаровоза в AI
private static Location MoveCheckForAI(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int geoIndex)
int dx = tx - x;
int dy = ty - y;
int inc_x = sign(dx);
int inc_y = sign(dy);
dx = Math.abs(dx);
dy = Math.abs(dy);
if(dx + dy < 2 || dx == 2 && dy == 0 || dx == 0 && dy == 2)
return new Location(x, y, z).geo2world();
int prev_x = x;
int prev_y = y;
int prev_z = z;
int next_x = x;
int next_y = y;
int next_z = z;
if(dx >= dy) // dy/dx <= 1
int delta_A = 2 * dy;
int d = delta_A - dx;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dx;
for(int i = 0; i < dx; i++)
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
prev_z = z;
x = next_x;
y = next_y;
z = next_z;
if(d > 0)
d += delta_B;
next_x += inc_x;
next_y += inc_y;
d += delta_A;
next_x += inc_x;
next_z = NcanMoveNextForAI(x, y, z, next_x, next_y, geoIndex);
if(next_z == 0)
return new Location(prev_x, prev_y, prev_z).geo2world();
int delta_A = 2 * dx;
int d = delta_A - dy;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dy;
for(int i = 0; i < dy; i++)
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
prev_z = z;
x = next_x;
y = next_y;
z = next_z;
if(d > 0)
d += delta_B;
next_x += inc_x;
next_y += inc_y;
d += delta_A;
next_y += inc_y;
next_z = NcanMoveNextForAI(x, y, z, next_x, next_y, geoIndex);
if(next_z == 0)
return new Location(prev_x, prev_y, prev_z).geo2world();
return new Location(next_x, next_y, next_z).geo2world();
private static boolean NcanMoveNextExCheck(int x, int y, int h, int nextx, int nexty, int hexth, short[] temp_layers, boolean regionEdge, int geoIndex)
NGetLayers(x, y, temp_layers, geoIndex);
if(temp_layers[0] == 0)
return true;
int temp_layer;
if((temp_layer = FindNearestLowerLayer(temp_layers, h + Config.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT, regionEdge)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return false;
short temp_layer_h = (short) ((short) (temp_layer & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
final int maxDeltaZ = regionEdge ? Config.REGION_EDGE_MAX_Z_DIFF : Config.MAX_Z_DIFF;
if(Math.abs(temp_layer_h - hexth) >= maxDeltaZ || Math.abs(temp_layer_h - h) >= maxDeltaZ)
return false;
return checkNSWE((byte) (temp_layer & 0x0F), x, y, nextx, nexty);
* @return возвращает высоту следующего блока, либо Integer.MIN_VALUE если двигатся нельзя
public static int NcanMoveNext(int x, int y, int z, short[] layers, int next_x, int next_y, short[] next_layers, short[] temp_layers,boolean withCollision, boolean regionEdge, int geoIndex)
if(layers[0] == 0 || next_layers[0] == 0)
return z;
int layer, next_layer;
if((layer = FindNearestLowerLayer(layers, z + Config.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT, regionEdge)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
byte layer_nswe = (byte) (layer & 0x0F);
if(!checkNSWE(layer_nswe, x, y, next_x, next_y))
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
short layer_h = (short) ((short) (layer & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if((next_layer = FindNearestLowerLayer(next_layers, layer_h + Config.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT, regionEdge)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
short next_layer_h = (short) ((short) (next_layer & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
// если движение не по диагонали
if(x == next_x || y == next_y)
//short[] heightNSWE = temp_layers;
if(x == next_x)
NgetHeightAndNSWE(x - 1, y, layer_h, temp_layers, geoIndex);
if(Math.abs(temp_layers[0] - layer_h) > 15 || !checkNSWE(layer_nswe, x - 1, y, x, y) || !checkNSWE((byte) temp_layers[1], x - 1, y, x - 1, next_y))
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
NgetHeightAndNSWE(x + 1, y, layer_h, temp_layers, geoIndex);
if(Math.abs(temp_layers[0] - layer_h) > 15 || !checkNSWE(layer_nswe, x + 1, y, x, y) || !checkNSWE((byte) temp_layers[1], x + 1, y, x + 1, next_y))
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
return next_layer_h;
final int maxDeltaZ = regionEdge ? Config.REGION_EDGE_MAX_Z_DIFF : Config.MAX_Z_DIFF;
NgetHeightAndNSWE(x, y - 1, layer_h, temp_layers, geoIndex);
if(Math.abs(temp_layers[0] - layer_h) >= maxDeltaZ || !checkNSWE(layer_nswe, x, y - 1, x, y) || !checkNSWE((byte) temp_layers[1], x, y - 1, next_x, y - 1))
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
NgetHeightAndNSWE(x, y + 1, layer_h, temp_layers, geoIndex);
if(Math.abs(temp_layers[0] - layer_h) >= maxDeltaZ || !checkNSWE(layer_nswe, x, y + 1, x, y) || !checkNSWE((byte) temp_layers[1], x, y + 1, next_x, y + 1))
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
return next_layer_h;
if(!NcanMoveNextExCheck(x, next_y, layer_h, next_x, next_y, next_layer_h, temp_layers, regionEdge, geoIndex))
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
if(!NcanMoveNextExCheck(next_x, y, layer_h, next_x, next_y, next_layer_h, temp_layers, regionEdge, geoIndex))
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
//FIXME if(withCollision)
return next_layer_h;
* Используется только для антипаровоза в AI
public static int NcanMoveNextForAI(int x, int y, int z, int next_x, int next_y, int geoIndex)
short[] layers1 = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
short[] layers2 = new short[MAX_LAYERS + 1];
NGetLayers(x, y, layers1, geoIndex);
NGetLayers(next_x, next_y, layers2, geoIndex);
if(layers1[0] == 0 || layers2[0] == 0)
return z == 0 ? 1 : z;
short h;
short z1 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
byte NSWE1 = NSWE_ALL;
for(int i = 1; i <= layers1[0]; i++)
h = (short) ((short) (layers1[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if(Math.abs(z - z1) > Math.abs(z - h))
z1 = h;
NSWE1 = (byte) (layers1[i] & 0x0F);
if(z1 == Short.MIN_VALUE)
return 0;
short z2 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
byte NSWE2 = NSWE_ALL;
for(int i = 1; i <= layers2[0]; i++)
h = (short) ((short) (layers2[i] & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if(Math.abs(z - z2) > Math.abs(z - h))
z2 = h;
NSWE2 = (byte) (layers2[i] & 0x0F);
if(z2 == Short.MIN_VALUE)
return 0;
if(z1 > z2 && z1 - z2 > Config.MAX_Z_DIFF)
return 0;
if(!checkNSWE(NSWE1, x, y, next_x, next_y) || !checkNSWE(NSWE2, next_x, next_y, x, y))
return 0;
return z2 == 0 ? 1 : z2;
* в нулевую ячейку кладется длина
* @param geoX
* @param geoY
* @param result
public static void NGetLayers(int geoX, int geoY, short[] result, int geoIndex)
result[0] = 0;
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if(block == null)
int cellX, cellY;
int index = 0;
// Read current block type: 0 - flat, 1 - complex, 2 - multilevel
byte type = block[index];
short height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
result[1] = (short) ((short) (height << 1) | NSWE_ALL);
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
index += (cellX << 3) + cellY << 1;
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
result[1] = height;
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while(offset > 0)
byte lc = block[index];
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layer_count = block[index];
if(layer_count <= 0 || layer_count > MAX_LAYERS)
result[0] = layer_count;
while(layer_count > 0)
result[layer_count] = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
index += 2;
_log.error("GeoEngine: Unknown block type");
private static short NgetType(int geoX, int geoY, int geoIndex)
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if(block == null)
return 0;
return block[0];
public static int NgetHeight(int geoX, int geoY, int z, int geoIndex)
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if(block == null)
return z;
int cellX, cellY, index = 0;
// Read current block type: 0 - flat, 1 - complex, 2 - multilevel
byte type = block[index];
short height;
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
return (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
index += (cellX << 3) + cellY << 1;
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
return (short) ((short) (height & 0x0fff0) >> 1); // height / 2
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while(offset > 0)
byte lc = block[index];
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = block[index];
if(layers <= 0 || layers > MAX_LAYERS)
return (short) z;
int z_nearest_lower_limit = z + Config.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT;
int z_nearest_lower = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int z_nearest = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
while(layers > 0)
height = (short) ((short) (makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]) & 0x0fff0) >> 1);
if(height < z_nearest_lower_limit)
z_nearest_lower = Math.max(z_nearest_lower, height);
else if(Math.abs(z - height) < Math.abs(z - z_nearest))
z_nearest = height;
index += 2;
return z_nearest_lower != Integer.MIN_VALUE ? z_nearest_lower : z_nearest;
_log.error("GeoEngine: Unknown blockType");
return z;
* @param geoX позиция геодаты
* @param geoY позиция геодаты
* @param z координата без изменений
* @return NSWE: 0-15
public static byte NgetNSWE(int geoX, int geoY, int z, int geoIndex)
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if(block == null)
return NSWE_ALL;
int cellX, cellY;
int index = 0;
// Read current block type: 0 - flat, 1 - complex, 2 - multilevel
byte type = block[index];
return NSWE_ALL;
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
index += (cellX << 3) + cellY << 1;
short height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
return (byte) (height & 0x0F);
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while(offset > 0)
byte lc = block[index];
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = block[index];
if(layers <= 0 || layers > MAX_LAYERS)
return NSWE_ALL;
short tempz1 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
short tempz2 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
int index_nswe1 = NSWE_NONE;
int index_nswe2 = NSWE_NONE;
int z_nearest_lower_limit = z + Config.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT;
while(layers > 0)
height = (short) ((short) (makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]) & 0x0fff0) >> 1); // height / 2
if(height < z_nearest_lower_limit)
if(height > tempz1)
tempz1 = height;
index_nswe1 = index;
else if(Math.abs(z - height) < Math.abs(z - tempz2))
tempz2 = height;
index_nswe2 = index;
index += 2;
if(index_nswe1 > 0)
return (byte) (makeShort(block[index_nswe1 + 1], block[index_nswe1]) & 0x0F);
if(index_nswe2 > 0)
return (byte) (makeShort(block[index_nswe2 + 1], block[index_nswe2]) & 0x0F);
return NSWE_ALL;
_log.error("GeoEngine: Unknown block type.");
return NSWE_ALL;
public static void NgetHeightAndNSWE(int geoX, int geoY, short z, short[] result, int geoIndex)
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if(block == null)
result[0] = z;
result[1] = NSWE_ALL;
int cellX, cellY, index = 0;
short height, NSWE = NSWE_ALL;
// Read current block type: 0 - flat, 1 - complex, 2 - multilevel
byte type = block[index];
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
result[0] = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
result[1] = NSWE_ALL;
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
index += (cellX << 3) + cellY << 1;
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
result[0] = (short) ((short) (height & 0x0fff0) >> 1); // height / 2
result[1] = (short) (height & 0x0F);
cellX = getCell(geoX);
cellY = getCell(geoY);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while(offset > 0)
byte lc = block[index];
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = block[index];
if(layers <= 0 || layers > MAX_LAYERS)
result[0] = z;
result[1] = NSWE_ALL;
short tempz1 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
short tempz2 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
int index_nswe1 = 0;
int index_nswe2 = 0;
int z_nearest_lower_limit = z + Config.MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT;
while(layers > 0)
height = (short) ((short) (makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]) & 0x0fff0) >> 1); // height / 2
if(height < z_nearest_lower_limit)
if(height > tempz1)
tempz1 = height;
index_nswe1 = index;
else if(Math.abs(z - height) < Math.abs(z - tempz2))
tempz2 = height;
index_nswe2 = index;
index += 2;
if(index_nswe1 > 0)
NSWE = makeShort(block[index_nswe1 + 1], block[index_nswe1]);
NSWE = (short) (NSWE & 0x0F);
else if(index_nswe2 > 0)
NSWE = makeShort(block[index_nswe2 + 1], block[index_nswe2]);
NSWE = (short) (NSWE & 0x0F);
result[0] = tempz1 > Short.MIN_VALUE ? tempz1 : tempz2;
result[1] = NSWE;
_log.error("GeoEngine: Unknown block type.");
result[0] = z;
result[1] = NSWE_ALL;
protected static short makeShort(byte b1, byte b0)
return (short) (b1 << 8 | b0 & 0xff);
* @param geoPos позиция геодаты
* @return Block Index: 0-255
protected static int getBlock(int geoPos)
return (geoPos >> 3) % 256;
* @param geoPos позиция геодаты
* @return Cell Index: 0-7
protected static int getCell(int geoPos)
return geoPos % 8;
* Создает индекс блока геодаты по заданым координатам блока.
* @param blockX блок по geoX
* @param blockY блок по geoY
* @return индекс блока
protected static int getBlockIndex(int blockX, int blockY)
return (blockX << 8) + blockY;
private static byte sign(int x)
if(x >= 0)
return +1;
return -1;
* Возвращает актуальный блок для текущих геокоординат.<BR>
* Является заготовкой для возвращения отдельніх блоков с дверьми
* @param geoX геокоордината
* @param geoY геокоордината
* @return текущий блок геодаты, или null если нет геодаты.
private static byte[] getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(int geoX, int geoY, int geoIndex)
return null;
int ix = geoX >> 11;
int iy = geoY >> 11;
if(ix < 0 || ix >= World.WORLD_SIZE_X || iy < 0 || iy >= World.WORLD_SIZE_Y)
return null;
int blockX = getBlock(geoX);
int blockY = getBlock(geoY);
int regIndex = 0;
//Рефлект с геодатой
if((geoIndex & 0x0f000000) == 0x0f000000)
int x = (geoIndex & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
int y = (geoIndex & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
//Проверяем регион
if(ix == x && iy == y)
regIndex = (geoIndex & 0x000000ff);
byte[][] region = geodata[ix][iy][regIndex];
if (region == null)
return null;
return region[getBlockIndex(blockX, blockY)];
* Загрузка геодаты в память
public static void load()
_log.info("GeoEngine: Loading Geodata...");
File geoDir = new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT, "geodata");
if(!geoDir.exists() || !geoDir.isDirectory())
throw new RuntimeException("GeoEngine: Files missing, loading aborted.");
int count = 0;
for(int rx = Config.GEO_X_FIRST; rx <= Config.GEO_X_LAST; rx++)
for(int ry = Config.GEO_Y_FIRST; ry <= Config.GEO_Y_LAST; ry++)
File geoFile = new File(geoDir, String.format("%2d_%2d.l2j", rx, ry));
LoadGeodataFile(rx, ry, geoFile);
LoadGeodata(rx, ry, 0);
if(count == 0)
throw new RuntimeException("GeoEngine: Files missing, loading aborted.");
_log.info("GeoEngine: Loaded " + count + " map(s), max layers: " + MAX_LAYERS);
public static void DumpGeodata(String dir)
new File(dir).mkdirs();
for(int mapX = 0; mapX < World.WORLD_SIZE_X; mapX++)
for(int mapY = 0; mapY < World.WORLD_SIZE_Y; mapY++)
if(geodata[mapX][mapY] == null)
int rx = mapX + Config.GEO_X_FIRST;
int ry = mapY + Config.GEO_Y_FIRST;
String fName = dir + "/" + rx + "_" + ry + ".l2j";
_log.info("Dumping geo: " + fName);
DumpGeodataFile(fName, (byte) rx, (byte) ry);
public static boolean DumpGeodataFile(int cx, int cy)
return DumpGeodataFileMap((byte) (Math.floor((float) cx / (float) 32768) + 20), (byte) (Math.floor((float) cy / (float) 32768) + 18));
public static boolean DumpGeodataFileMap(byte rx, byte ry)
String name = "log/" + rx + "_" + ry + ".l2j";
return DumpGeodataFile(name, rx, ry);
public static boolean DumpGeodataFile(String name, byte rx, byte ry)
int ix = rx - Config.GEO_X_FIRST;
int iy = ry - Config.GEO_Y_FIRST;
byte[][] geoblocks = geodata[ix][iy][0];
if(geoblocks == null)
return false;
File f = new File(name);
OutputStream os = null;
os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
for(byte[] geoblock : geoblocks)
catch(IOException e)
_log.error("", e);
return false;
if(os != null)
catch(Exception e)
return true;
* Загрузка региона геодаты.
* @param rx регион x
* @param ry регион y
public static boolean LoadGeodataFile(int rx, int ry, File geoFile)
int ix = rx - Config.GEO_X_FIRST;
int iy = ry - Config.GEO_Y_FIRST;
_log.debug("GeoEngine: Loading: " + geoFile.getName());
FileChannel roChannel = new RandomAccessFile(geoFile, "r").getChannel();
long size = roChannel.size();
MappedByteBuffer buf = roChannel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, size);
rawgeo[ix][iy] = buf;
if(size < BLOCKS_IN_MAP * 3)
throw new Error("Invalid geodata : " + geoFile.getName() + "!");
return true;
catch(IOException e)
throw new Error(e);
public static void LoadGeodata(int rx, int ry, int regIndex)
int ix = rx - Config.GEO_X_FIRST;
int iy = ry - Config.GEO_Y_FIRST;
MappedByteBuffer geo = rawgeo[ix][iy];
int index = 0, orgIndex, block = 0, floor = 0;
byte[][] blocks;
if((blocks = geodata[ix][iy][regIndex]) == null)
geodata[ix][iy][regIndex] = (blocks = new byte[BLOCKS_IN_MAP][]); // 256 * 256 блоков в регионе геодаты
// Indexing geo files, so we will know where each block starts
for(block = 0; block < BLOCKS_IN_MAP; block++)
byte type = geo.get(index);
byte[] geoBlock;
// Создаем блок геодаты
geoBlock = new byte[2 + 1];
// Читаем нужные даные с геодаты
geoBlock[0] = type;
geoBlock[1] = geo.get(index);
geoBlock[2] = geo.get(index + 1);
// Увеличиваем индекс
index += 2;
// Добавляем блок геодаты
blocks[block] = geoBlock;
// Создаем блок геодаты
geoBlock = new byte[128 + 1];
// Читаем данные с геодаты
geoBlock[0] = type;
geo.get(geoBlock, 1, 128);
// Увеличиваем индекс
index += 128;
// Добавляем блок геодаты
blocks[block] = geoBlock;
// Оригинальный индекс
orgIndex = index;
// Считаем длину блока геодаты
for(int b = 0; b < 64; b++)
byte layers = geo.get(index);
MAX_LAYERS = Math.max(MAX_LAYERS, layers);
index += (layers << 1) + 1;
if(layers > floor)
floor = layers;
// Получаем длину
int diff = index - orgIndex;
// Создаем массив геодаты
geoBlock = new byte[diff + 1];
// Читаем даные с геодаты
geoBlock[0] = type;
geo.get(geoBlock, 1, diff);
// Добавляем блок геодаты
blocks[block] = geoBlock;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid geodata: " + rx + "_" + ry + "!");
public static int NextGeoIndex(int rx, int ry, int refId)
if (!Config.ALLOW_GEODATA)
return 0;
int ix = rx - Config.GEO_X_FIRST;
int iy = ry - Config.GEO_Y_FIRST;
int regIndex = -1;
byte[][][] region = geodata[ix][iy];
//Ищем свободный блок
for(int i = 0; i < region.length; i++)
if(region[i] == null)
regIndex = i;
//Свободного блока нет, создаем новый
if(regIndex == -1)
byte[][][] resizedRegion = new byte[(regIndex = region.length) + 1][][];
for(int i = 0; i < region.length; i++)
resizedRegion[i] = region[i];
geodata[ix][iy] = resizedRegion;
LoadGeodata(rx, ry, regIndex);
return 0x0f000000 | (ix << 16) | (iy << 8) | regIndex;
* Освободить занятый рефлектом индекс геодаты.
* @param geoIndex
public static void FreeGeoIndex(int geoIndex)
if (!Config.ALLOW_GEODATA)
//Рефлект без геодаты
if((geoIndex & 0x0f000000) != 0x0f000000)
int ix = (geoIndex & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
int iy = (geoIndex & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
int regIndex = geoIndex & 0x000000ff;
geodata[ix][iy][regIndex] = null;
* Преобразовывает FLAT блоки в COMPLEX<br>
* @param ix регион x
* @param iy регион y
* @param blockIndex индекс блока в регионе
private static void copyBlock(int ix, int iy, int blockIndex)
byte[][][] region = geodata[ix][iy];
if(region == null)
Log.add("door at null region? [" + ix + "][" + iy + "]", "doors");
byte[] block = region[blockIndex][0];
byte blockType = block[0];
short height = makeShort(block[2], block[1]);
height &= 0x0fff0;
height <<= 1;
height |= NORTH;
height |= SOUTH;
height |= WEST;
height |= EAST;
byte[] newblock = new byte[129];
newblock[0] = BLOCKTYPE_COMPLEX;
for(int i = 1; i < 129; i += 2)
newblock[i + 1] = (byte) (height >> 8);
newblock[i] = (byte) (height & 0x00ff);
region[blockIndex][0] = newblock;
region[blockIndex][0] = region[blockIndex][0].clone();
public static void removeGeoCollision(GeoCollision collision, int geoIndex)
Shape shape = collision.getShape();
byte[][] around = collision.getGeoAround();
if(around == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Attempt to remove unitialized collision: " + collision);
//Размер коллизии в клетках геодаты
int minX = shape.getXmin() - World.MAP_MIN_X - 16 >> 4;
int minY = shape.getYmin() - World.MAP_MIN_Y - 16 >> 4;
int minZ = shape.getZmin();
int maxZ = shape.getZmax();
short height;
byte old_nswe;
for(int gX = 0; gX < around.length; gX++)
for(int gY = 0; gY < around[gX].length; gY++)
int geoX = minX + gX;
int geoY = minY + gY;
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if(block == null)
int cellX = getCell(geoX);
int cellY = getCell(geoY);
int index = 0;
byte blockType = block[index];
index += (cellX << 3) + cellY << 1;
// Получаем высоту клетки
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
old_nswe = (byte) (height & 0x0F);
height &= 0xfff0;
height >>= 1;
// подходящий слой не найден
if(height < minZ || height > maxZ)
// around
height <<= 1;
height &= 0xfff0;
height |= old_nswe;
height |= around[gX][gY];
height &= ~around[gX][gY];
// Записываем высоту в массив
block[index + 1] = (byte) (height >> 8);
block[index] = (byte) (height & 0x00ff);
// Последний валидный индекс для двери
int neededIndex = -1;
// Далее следует стандартный механизм получения высоты
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while(offset > 0)
byte lc = block[index];
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = block[index];
if(layers <= 0 || layers > MAX_LAYERS)
short temph = Short.MIN_VALUE;
old_nswe = NSWE_ALL;
while(layers > 0)
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
byte tmp_nswe = (byte) (height & 0x0F);
height &= 0xfff0;
height >>= 1;
int z_diff_last = Math.abs(minZ - temph);
int z_diff_curr = Math.abs(maxZ - height);
if(z_diff_last > z_diff_curr)
old_nswe = tmp_nswe;
temph = height;
neededIndex = index;
index += 2;
// подходящий слой не найден
if(temph == Short.MIN_VALUE || (temph < minZ || temph > maxZ))
// around
temph <<= 1;
temph &= 0xfff0;
temph |= old_nswe;
temph |= around[gX][gY];
temph &= ~around[gX][gY];
// записываем высоту
block[neededIndex + 1] = (byte) (temph >> 8);
block[neededIndex] = (byte) (temph & 0x00ff);
public static void applyGeoCollision(GeoCollision collision, int geoIndex)
Shape shape = collision.getShape();
if(shape.getXmax() == shape.getYmax() && shape.getXmax() == 0)
throw new RuntimeException("Attempt to add incorrect collision: " + collision);
boolean isFirstTime = false;
//Размер коллизии в клетках геодаты
int minX = shape.getXmin() - World.MAP_MIN_X - 16 >> 4;
int maxX = shape.getXmax() - World.MAP_MIN_X + 16 >> 4;
int minY = shape.getYmin() - World.MAP_MIN_Y - 16 >> 4;
int maxY = shape.getYmax() - World.MAP_MIN_Y + 16 >> 4;
int minZ = shape.getZmin();
int maxZ = shape.getZmax();
byte[][] around = collision.getGeoAround();
if(around == null)
isFirstTime = true;
//Сформируем коллизию
byte[][] cells = new byte[maxX - minX + 1][maxY - minY + 1];
for(int gX = minX; gX <= maxX; gX++)
for(int gY = minY; gY <= maxY; gY++)
int x = (gX << 4) + World.MAP_MIN_X;
int y = (gY << 4) + World.MAP_MIN_Y;
loop: for(int ax = x; ax < x + 16; ax++)
for(int ay = y; ay < y + 16; ay++)
if(shape.isInside(ax, ay))
cells[gX - minX][gY - minY] = 1;
break loop;
around = new byte[maxX - minX + 1][maxY - minY + 1];
for(int gX = 0; gX < cells.length; gX++)
for(int gY = 0; gY < cells[gX].length; gY++)
if(cells[gX][gY] == 1)
around[gX][gY] = NSWE_ALL;
byte _nswe;
if(gY > 0)
if(cells[gX][gY - 1] == 0)
_nswe = around[gX][gY - 1];
_nswe |= SOUTH;
around[gX][gY - 1] = _nswe;
if(gY + 1 < cells[gX].length)
if(cells[gX][gY + 1] == 0)
_nswe = around[gX][gY + 1];
_nswe |= NORTH;
around[gX][gY + 1] = _nswe;
if(gX > 0)
if(cells[gX - 1][gY] == 0)
_nswe = around[gX - 1][gY];
_nswe |= EAST;
around[gX - 1][gY] = _nswe;
if(gX + 1 < cells.length)
if(cells[gX + 1][gY] == 0)
_nswe = around[gX + 1][gY];
_nswe |= WEST;
around[gX + 1][gY] = _nswe;
short height;
byte old_nswe, close_nswe;
for(int gX = 0; gX < around.length; gX++)
for(int gY = 0; gY < around[gX].length; gY++)
int geoX = minX + gX;
int geoY = minY + gY;
// Попытка скопировать блок геодаты, если уже существует, то не скопируется
//TODO: if(first_time)
// copyBlock(ix, iy, blockIndex);
byte[] block = getGeoBlockFromGeoCoords(geoX, geoY, geoIndex);
if(block == null)
int cellX = getCell(geoX);
int cellY = getCell(geoY);
int index = 0;
byte blockType = block[index];
index += (cellX << 3) + cellY << 1;
// Получаем высоту клетки
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
old_nswe = (byte) (height & 0x0F);
height &= 0xfff0;
height >>= 1;
// подходящий слой не найден
if(height < minZ || height > maxZ)
close_nswe = around[gX][gY];
close_nswe &= old_nswe;
close_nswe &= ~old_nswe;
around[gX][gY] = close_nswe;
// around
height <<= 1;
height &= 0xfff0;
height |= old_nswe;
height &= ~close_nswe;
height |= close_nswe;
// Записываем высоту в массив
block[index + 1] = (byte) (height >> 8);
block[index] = (byte) (height & 0x00ff);
// Последний валидный индекс для двери
int neededIndex = -1;
// Далее следует стандартный механизм получения высоты
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while(offset > 0)
byte lc = block[index];
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = block[index];
if(layers <= 0 || layers > MAX_LAYERS)
short temph = Short.MIN_VALUE;
old_nswe = NSWE_ALL;
while(layers > 0)
height = makeShort(block[index + 1], block[index]);
byte tmp_nswe = (byte) (height & 0x0F);
height &= 0xfff0;
height >>= 1;
int z_diff_last = Math.abs(minZ - temph);
int z_diff_curr = Math.abs(maxZ - height);
if(z_diff_last > z_diff_curr)
old_nswe = tmp_nswe;
temph = height;
neededIndex = index;
index += 2;
// подходящий слой не найден
if(temph == Short.MIN_VALUE || (temph < minZ || temph > maxZ))
close_nswe = around[gX][gY];
close_nswe &= old_nswe;
close_nswe &= ~old_nswe;
around[gX][gY] = close_nswe;
// around
temph <<= 1;
temph &= 0xfff0;
temph |= old_nswe;
temph &= ~close_nswe;
temph |= close_nswe;
// записываем высоту
block[neededIndex + 1] = (byte) (temph >> 8);
block[neededIndex] = (byte) (temph & 0x00ff);
* загружает заранее сгенерированые карты соовпадений в блоках и благодаря им оптимизирует размещение геодаты в памяти
* @return количество оптимизированых блоков
public static void compact()
long total = 0, optimized = 0;
BlockLink[] links;
byte[][][] link_region;
for(int mapX = 0; mapX < World.WORLD_SIZE_X; mapX++)
for(int mapY = 0; mapY < World.WORLD_SIZE_Y; mapY++)
if(geodata[mapX][mapY] == null)
total += BLOCKS_IN_MAP;
links = GeoOptimizer.loadBlockMatches("geodata/matches/" + (mapX + Config.GEO_X_FIRST) + "_" + (mapY + Config.GEO_Y_FIRST) + ".matches");
if(links == null)
for(int i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
link_region = geodata[links[i].linkMapX][links[i].linkMapY];
if(link_region == null)
link_region[links[i].linkBlockIndex][0] = geodata[mapX][mapY][links[i].blockIndex][0];
_log.info(String.format("GeoEngine: - Compacted %d of %d blocks...", optimized, total));
* сравнение двух байт-массивов
* @param a1
* @param a2
* @return
public static boolean equalsData(byte[] a1, byte[] a2)
if(a1.length != a2.length)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < a1.length; i++)
if(a1[i] != a2[i])
return false;
return true;
* сравнение двух блоков геодаты
* @param mapX1
* @param mapY1
* @param blockIndex1
* @param mapX2
* @param mapY2
* @param blockIndex2
* @return
public static boolean compareGeoBlocks(int mapX1, int mapY1, int blockIndex1, int mapX2, int mapY2, int blockIndex2)
return equalsData(geodata[mapX1][mapY1][blockIndex1][0], geodata[mapX2][mapY2][blockIndex2][0]);
private static void initChecksums()
_log.info("GeoEngine: - Generating Checksums...");
new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT, "geodata/checksum").mkdirs();
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
GeoOptimizer.checkSums = new int[World.WORLD_SIZE_X][World.WORLD_SIZE_Y][];
for(int mapX = 0; mapX < World.WORLD_SIZE_X; mapX++)
for(int mapY = 0; mapY < World.WORLD_SIZE_Y; mapY++)
if(geodata[mapX][mapY] != null)
executor.execute(new GeoOptimizer.CheckSumLoader(mapX, mapY, geodata[mapX][mapY]));
executor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
catch(InterruptedException e)
_log.error("", e);
private static void initBlockMatches(int maxScanRegions)
_log.info("GeoEngine: Generating Block Matches...");
new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT, "geodata/matches").mkdirs();
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
for(int mapX = 0; mapX < World.WORLD_SIZE_X; mapX++)
for(int mapY = 0; mapY < World.WORLD_SIZE_Y; mapY++)
if(geodata[mapX][mapY] != null && GeoOptimizer.checkSums != null && GeoOptimizer.checkSums[mapX][mapY] != null)
executor.execute(new GeoOptimizer.GeoBlocksMatchFinder(mapX, mapY, maxScanRegions));
executor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
catch(InterruptedException e)
_log.error("", e);
public static void deleteChecksumFiles()
for(int mapX = 0; mapX < World.WORLD_SIZE_X; mapX++)
for(int mapY = 0; mapY < World.WORLD_SIZE_Y; mapY++)
if(geodata[mapX][mapY] == null)
new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT, "geodata/checksum/" + (mapX + Config.GEO_X_FIRST) + "_" + (mapY + Config.GEO_Y_FIRST) + ".crc").delete();
public static void genBlockMatches(int maxScanRegions)
public static void unload()
for(int mapX = 0; mapX < World.WORLD_SIZE_X; mapX++)
for(int mapY = 0; mapY < World.WORLD_SIZE_Y; mapY++)
geodata[mapX][mapY] = null;
Так была взята не гео а сам гео двиг от них.Я думаю, просто перетащить папку geodata и поменять порты, будет не достаточно
?Так была взята не гео а сам гео двиг от них.