Вышел Global Offensive CS 1.6 mod | Ранний Доступ c 25.12.2016

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It feels like 1.6 but will NEVER be like 1.6

That's a fact, and I'm not hiding it or selling dreams to you guys, the mod will NEVER be EXACTLY like 1.6 and even if at first I wanted to bring back ALL aspects of 1.6, I'm starting to change my mind on that because of the limitations, the fact that people would get bored since it'll just be a remastered 1.6, and of course all the problems 1.6 had related to balancing issues, bugs, etc...


So, what's the deal?

Thing is, why not taking the mod into a smart direction? Where there would be no balancing problems? Reworked maps, keeping the improvements CS:GO had over the years, and all that while keeping the nostalgia and feeling from 1.6? This may sound crazy... but think about it, the perfectly balanced Counter-Strike where the P228 and FiveSeven wouldn't be as useless as they were in the past, the shotguns having a purpose, the sub-machineguns being useful.

The mod is for now taking both directions at the same time... keeping the balance from 1.6, while removing the bugs that were in 1.6 which were fixed in CS:GO, but still by keeping the exact same maps as they were in 1.6 but at the same time keeping the improvements CS:GO introduced...

What do we do then?

I have basically two options:

  • Option 1 - The Straight Classic
Build the mod without improving what 1.6 did in the past, including porting the EXACT same maps but in HD (a bit like what CSPromod did in the past... though it's the path I've been taking until now... Dust2 and Inferno are examples about how it'd go), keeping CS1.6's balance, extending reload times, keeping the glitches from 1.6. But I would be limited about things I can't modify like, nade physics, players heights and all those things hardcoded in CS:GO.

Important points:

- Keep the 1.6 balance.
- Keep the EXACT same maps.
- Keep the SAME feeling.
- Do basically a CSPromod 2.
- Anything to make it like 1.6,
- But only keeping CS:GO's stuff if I can't get around it.
- Stick to the old gamemodes and not improving them at all.
- Keep the old particle effects.

  • Option 2 - The Perfect Mix
Build the mod around what CS:GO improved, while keeping the nostalgia and fixing the balance WITHOUT the new weapons, playermodels, sounds, skins... but remaking the maps around the ambiance and art styles of 1.6 instead of a straight port (basically 90s themed, influenced by films and Half-Life... take CS_Italy for example which is included in the mod and is in fact CS:GO's Italy with the feeling and layout from 1.6)

Important points:

- Try to fix the balance of the weapons like Valve is trying to do.
- Rework CS:GO's maps, while making them feel like the old ones and keep the themes of 1.6.
- Embrace the greatest CS:GO's changes (opaque smokes, right click throwing, C4 sounds, map improvements, skins),
- But keep the Classic feel (and the rest that made 1.6 popular).
- Not re-implementing the new weapons (f**n' kek-9)
- Keep the good old sounds (and MAYBE rework them a bit).
- Keep in mind that CS1.6 had its issues, and that CS:GO fixed some of them.
- Support the mod until my death Keep improving the balance of the mod using community feedback
- Add new gamemodes (Instagib, Golden gun, CS:GO's Guardian gamemode)
- Add new HD particle effects because they look outdated in the current version.
- Keep the old 1.6 movement physics though improving it to make it smooth.

Now what?

Now? you guys Vote!

Because the mod is all about the community, I will never take decisions without knowing what the community want, a part of it is nostalgic but want great changes, and the rest is pure 1.6 players. The mod is still planed on the 25th December no matter what.

Votes are over, Option 2 was picked at 76%

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Как оно на практике :)

зачем спрашивается, если есть 2 оригинальной игры. 1.6 останется в памяти, го есть сейчас, дальше может что то еще лучше появится.
зачем спрашивается, если есть 2 оригинальной игры. 1.6 останется в памяти, го есть сейчас, дальше может что то еще лучше появится.
Не всем нравится механика гоу
Я только что попробовал в старый оригинальный 1.6 погонять.
Всё, уже не могу, никак... Вот я смотрю в сторону "Escape from Tarkov".
И с КСГО пора завязывать уже, что-то хочется посерьезней )

Не всем нравится механика гоу
Но всё равно там не 100% соответствие пока что у него получилось, но интересно. Люди играют )