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    Autobots | The best Fake Player & Autofarm Engine

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    Autobots | The best Fake Player & Autofarm Engine

    So almost 3 years ago I released a very primitive Fake Players engine called L2jRoboto. It lacked many features and it wasn't really manageable. Thanks to the quarantine situation I decided to spend some of my spare time writing a completely new engine from scratch. So without any further ado I...
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    [Шара] Сборка от команды L2jorion rev#16

    It was a joke. The code is shit and the developer is unskilled. DO NOT USE IT.
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    L2dotNET проект La2 Interlude

    Экспериментальный проект La2 Interlude, закодированный в C #. Пожалуйста, помогите и помогите. благодаря GitHub - Elfocrash/L2dotNET: A server emulator for Lineage2 Interlude written in C#
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