MU Online IGCN S9 E2 (VirtualBox 6.0)

MU Online IGCN S9 E2 (VirtualBox 6.0) 2019-09-13

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Краткое описание:
General Features

Minimum CPU & RAM usage control resources usage from configuration
Enhanced Speed and Performance of Server applications
Hyper-threading optimized files multi-core processors are no longer a problem
Packets Queue System
Easy Configurable Environment minimalist configuration required to up and run server
Detailed Logs System now you can keep an eye on what your players are doing

Client Side Features
HD Resolution Support
Auto Reconnect System
Glow System shinny your items in own colours
Custom Items System add own items up to 512 per group
Possible Item Combinations Ancient, Excellent Ancient, Excellent, Socket with up to 5 Spheres Support, JoH Items, 380 Items, Harmony Items System up to +13
Support of high attack speed for all Skills and Classes (no speed bug)
Multi Language Support: Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Russian, Vietnam and more (included translations: English, Portuguese, Spanish)

Tools and Editors

1. IGC.Essential Tool
Stats Editor
Location Editor
Skill Editor
Gens Editor
Game Master Editor
Account Manager
Banishment Manager
VIP Manager
Castle Siege Manager
Marriage Manager
Guild Manager
Item Editor

Database Management
Search and delete empty or inactive Accounts
Search and delete dupe Items
Character Exp Fixer
DataBase Backup Manager
Items structure converter to IGC.Format
and more...

Item Finder
Account Finder
Status Checker

Server and Game Features
Party & Guild Matching
Pandora Jewel and Mining System
News and Notices System display global messages to your players on specified interval
Advanced VIP System award your players with a range of benefits of being VIP
Bonus Event System Adjust Exp rates for specified maps
Cash Shop System award with cash or coin for every event type and Play Time
Chaos Box System configure the rates the way you want
Character Settings System get your character balanced, no matter of your server configuration
Skill Settings System configure skills formula of each class and special mobs skills
Buffer Bot System Customize the Bots to award your players with selection of Buffs
Event Reward System Customize events (Blood Castle, Devil Square, Chaos Chaos and more) reward type and count
Prohibited Words limit your players with the words that are not elegant
ChaosCard Bag Custom Reward from Chaos Card - that can be done
Custom Socket Manage Custom Socket Item? Yes, this is truth
Lucky Items Manager want a Custom Lucky Item? Nothing easier
Reset Item Manager required item to perform reset? Configure it here
Item Bag Manager allows you to add New Event Bags yourself for and item or monster
Drop Manager Configure drop the way you want, with no limits
Game Master Shop
Off-Trade System sell the Stuff for any type of coin or cash
Off-Levelling gain exp being offline
Auto Party System Leave an open door for your friends to join party while being AFK
Configurable PVP Damage Reduction increases the PVP duration without changing the characters balance
Configurable Castle Siege damage reduction increases the Castle Siege PVP duration without changing the characters balance
Full Customizable Elemental System with pentagram, mithril and Errtel drop rates and mix rates
Map Attribute System enabling or disabling PVP, Pk Penalty, Exp Bonus and Drop Rate for each map
Zen Configuration customize the zen drop of each map
Gens System configurable and with all features (Quests, Ranking, PVP and more)
Multi-ware System which allows to use more then one vault per account

InGame Quests and Events
Arca War Battle
Acheron Guardian Event
Chaos Castle Survival Event
Illusion Temple Renewal
Imperial Fort Event
Double Goer (Doppelganger)
Castle Siege
Loren Deep
Devil Square (1-7)
Blood Castle (1-8)
Chaos Castle (1-7)
Swamp of Peace (Medusa)
Rabbits Invasion
Pouch of Blessing Invasion
Golden Monster Invasion
White Wizard Invasion
Battle Soccer
Kalima (1-7) Event
Kanturu Event
LaCleon Event
Last Man Stating Event (Custom)
Bonus events Event (Custom)
Santa Village Event
Halloween Event
New Year Day Event

Lottery Events
Lucky Items System
Rena Event
Chaos Card
Moss The Gambler

Box and Sepcial Item Events
Chocolate Box (Blue, Red, Pink)
Heart of Love
Candy Box (Lilac, Vermilion, Deep Blue)
Ribbon Box (Blue, Green, Red)
Golden and Silver Medals
Start of Sacred Rebirth
GM Box
Cherry Blossom (Gold)
Sealed Silver and Sealed Golden Boxes

Side Features
Cash Shop System with gifting and Goblin points options
Loren Market Location
Duel System and Duel Arena located on Vulcanus Map
Original Mini Maps
Gens System with Gens Chat Support
Quest System (Tutorial, Gens Quest System, Cherry Blossom Quest and more)
Pentagram system (including new Pentagrams)
Elemental Damage System
Full completed skill tree for all races (including extended skill tree for Fist Master)
Fruits System
Expansion of Inventory and Warehouse
New Trade Feature move items to and from the trade with right click of the mouse
Mu Helper BOT System
Marry System advanced Marry System to get a wonderful wedding with your love
Fenrir - Red, Blue, Black, Golden combination & Pets
Ring of Warrior for level 40 and 80
Texture Changes to maps or upgraded textures (Map Has Not Been Modified)
Qeffects now comes with client download (In Extras Folder)
SMS Service Partially Removed
Some Text_ENG.bmd Adjustments
Chat Bug Fix (Enter Bug)
Fully rotatable 3D camera| F9 To Enable & Disable F10 To Reset Position |
MuBot Has Combo Selection
QeffectsGL (Now Supported)
Facebook Feature From Mu Helper Removed
Custom ScreenShot Path
Character Frame GResetBox Is Disabled
Some Season 10 + 11 Items added
Win 7 Errors fixed with not be able to load the client or start the client
HQ Character Skins + New Character HQ skins (Kapocha33)
Added EXC Glow (SolarisMU)
Added Reset/MLV Box (SolarisMU)
Newer Class Skins From S12
Barracks,CryWolf,Lorenmarket Are Now Added To Warp Window

Default Configuration
OffLevel now functions but is buggy
Offtrade now works
DataServer Errors have been fixed
DataServer Display Icon Has Been Fixed
DataServer & Battlecore Dataserver crashes have been fixed (If Not Restore Your Databases Again)
Bots no longer need to be manually reloaded
Fixed Bot Reload
Bot store has now been implemented (Little Buggy)
Multiple event errors have been fixed
Default Blood Castle has been installed, But Infernal Blood Castle can be downloaded as optional
Blood Castle Can Now Support 1000 Monsters
Startup Programs Have Been Reprogrammed
Medusa & Sapi Queen Item Bag Fix
ArcaBattle is now loading in GS(Event Not Tested)
AcheronGuardian is now loading in GS (Event Not Tested)
RageFighter Inventory Error Fix (Thanks thevjfla)
Map Terrains are now default (No More Bounce Back For Default Maps)
Gaion Event is now working with no issues
AcheronGuardian Reload Notice has been fixed
Server Manager Has Been Revamped
Ancient Options Limit Increase = 255
Warehouse Count = 3
SeedMaster Extraction Now Fixed
No more 5-sec delay between select server/switch character/exit game
Castle Siege (Store) Is Now Working
DataServer % Crash Fix
BattleCore DataServer % Crash Fix
Raven Visual Fix "For Player Perspective only"
When trying to warp In CC wrong error text display has been fixed.
Custom Wings Now Supported ( Max 50)
Custom Effects Now Supported Dynamic & Static (Max 5000)
Custom Effect Generator
Custom Wing Generator
AG & SD Values "Always Display" without hover
Custom font has been removed since it caused some bugs on certain PC's
MG Impale Skill Visual Fix
Custom RF Gloves are now supported and visual issue has been fixed.
Custom Window Name Can now be modified in ServerInfo.bmd "Only Supports 3 Characters currently"
Fix reset position for 3D Camera
Death stab and other skills visuals have been fixed.

And much more!

Default Attack Speed value is now fixed to 25
Incorrect ItemList for Cashshop Editor
Devil Square Item Drop Has Been Fixed And Can Be Modify In IGC_Common.ini
Blood Castle Item Drop Has Been Fixed And Can Be Modify In IGC_Common.ini
Fixed Broken & Buggy Server Manager UI Layout
Improved Server Manager Design
Added Short Gif Guides in the support section
Improved Get IPV4 Address In IP/SQL Editor
Improved Portforward Guide
Improved Tools Section
Incorrect "Muun Dates Visual" have been removed. But dates must still be modify on server side in order for the effects to work
Attack Event Notice has been fixed And Displays Which map it has initiated on
Better PVP Balance (Will Still Need Better Balance)
Better Skill Balance (Will Still Need Better Balance)
Typo's In ImperialGuardian Config have been fixed
EXC Items & Normal Items now drop in ImeprialGuardian
GameServer Logs will now be created in ExtraLogs Folder to keep things more organized
Santa has been enabled by default and can be disabled in IGC_MonsterSpawn.xml
S13 Wings have been implemented
Warp with fenrir with custom wings have been fixed
CRC check (Client) & (Server) now works
Marry teleport has been fixed and also gives a notice.
PremiumEXP has now been disabled.
/gpost works correctly now & GPOST Zen Requirement fix.
Disable Pets from dropping. (Frequent Bug). Which Pets don't drop? (Guardian Angel, Imp, Horn of Uniria)
Rage Fighter now receives the correct Item Bag fix.
Event missing notifications fixed.
Marry Teleport Command has been changed from /huwi to /teleport
All Quest have been translated from Korean to English. (not the most accurate but it's the best I can do)
Missing Item Bags (Minor, Standard, Greater, Luxurious, Magnificent, Legendary, Unique Boxes now have item bags) (You must add your own custom items)
Multi warehouse SQL Script is now included and functions there is a 30 section wait time between switching warehouses. Will also receive a log in GS
MuBot/MuHelper: Zen requirement has been fixed.
New Custom Commands /setzen /mstreset /reload.

And much more!

Минимальные требования для стабильной работы сервера/образа:
2 ядра
4 Гб
Возможен запуск и на меньшем количестве ОЗУ, но для стабильной работы, рекомендуем использовать от 4 Гб и выше.

Так же в образе присутствует папка Other с дополнительными патчами скриптами и программами.

|7/26/19| Small Server Update With Item Bags
|7/26/19| Small Server Update Without Item Bags
|7/26/19| GameServers With CRC Fixed
|7/26/19| Small Client Patch
|8/11/19|GameServer With Default AttackSpeed Value Changed

Клиент к серверу вы можете скачать через сайт установленный на веб сервере в образе VBox, в разделе download. уже настроен как и сервер на IP, так же по этому адресу доступен и игровой сайт.

Данные администратора для входа Windows Server 2008R2:
Имя: Администратор
Пароль: Z123456z

Все данные учетных записях к установленному ПО находятся в текстовом документе "Информация.txt" на рабочем столе.

Образ собрал webdes27 и установил минимальное базовое по, специально для проекта MMO-Develop.

P.S. Изменения самой сборки сервера не проводились, все оставлено в том виде в котором была изначально загружена сборка сервера. Сервер был взять с проекта RZ. Веб настроен базово, для регистрации аккаунтов и сброса ресетов на 400 уровне. + добавлена валюта для сайта и произведены минимальные настройки, более глобальные настраивать сайт и клиента, необходимо производить в зависимости от требования к вашему проекту!

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