[L2 GRAN KAIN] Proffessional Custom Interlude Ready To Go [Bassed Grankain Source]
Project based on last grankain source revision
Project ready to start
Tested live
Perfect working geodata
Perfect working skills like l2off
Perfect working sieges
Video with server preview here
skype contact: l2developer (kamex)
Server contain everything you can immagine for a real custom interlude pvp ready project
PS: source has been updated a lot!
Part 2 of preview will be uploaded soon
For more informations about project contact me on skype: l2developer (kamex)
General Server Informations
Main Town - Talking Island Village
Maximum Level - 85 (All classes will learn after level 80 the new skills from High Five Chronicle İnformation below)
XP RATE - 1000x
SP RATE - 1000x
All classes have new high five skills added
Enchant Rates
Safe enchant +3 / Max enchant +20
- Normal Scroll - 65% ( if broke weapon crystalize )
- Blessed Scroll - 75% ( if broke weapon return to +4 )
- Giant Scroll - 100% ( weapon success enchant )
Augument Rates
- Low-Grade Lifestone - 5%
- Mid-Grade Lifestone - 7%
- High-Grade Lifestone - 13%
- Top-Grade Lifestone - 20%
You can use 1 Active or 1 Passive Augment
GM Shop ( Gallius )
Armors / Weapons / Jewelry / Normal Enchant Scrolls
Potions / General Consumables / Greater Dyes
Glittering Event - Medal Shop ( Kinsley's Servitor )
Common Interlude Accesoryes
High Five Accesoryes
Custom Shop ( Morgomir )
Moirai Armor / Moirai Jewels / Masterwork Moirai Armor
Vesper Noble Armor / Vesper Noble Jewels / Masterwork Vesper Noble Armor
Vorpal Armor / Vorpal Jewels
Elegya Armor / Elegya Jewels
Icarus Weapons
Vesper Weapons
Freya Weapons
Lifestones / Book of Giants / Noblesse
Clan Eggs / Blessed Scrolls / Giant Scrolls
Raid Boss Jewels
Improved Raid Boss Jewels
Blessed Raid Boss Jewels
Buffs Configuration
NPC Buffer with all buffs avaibile
28 + 4 Buff Slots ( total of 32 )
6 Debuff Slots
Automatic Events
Team vs Team - reward 100 Glittering Event - Medals
Deathmatch- reward 100 Glittering Event - Medals
PvP Zone
Autoflag when entering pvp zone
Autorespawn after 10 seconds
Autonoblesse when enter and when respawn
Show HP / CP / MP left of your killer
PVP Reward - 1 Glittering Event Medal ( everywhere )
Olympiad Configuration
Retail like
New heroes every monday ( every 7 days )
Unique dressme panel
type .dressme
Open Dressme Panel and Costumize your Weapon Armor and Shield
Project based on last grankain source revision
Project ready to start
Tested live
Perfect working geodata
Perfect working skills like l2off
Perfect working sieges
Video with server preview here
skype contact: l2developer (kamex)
Server contain everything you can immagine for a real custom interlude pvp ready project
PS: source has been updated a lot!
Part 2 of preview will be uploaded soon
For more informations about project contact me on skype: l2developer (kamex)
General Server Informations
Main Town - Talking Island Village
Maximum Level - 85 (All classes will learn after level 80 the new skills from High Five Chronicle İnformation below)
XP RATE - 1000x
SP RATE - 1000x
All classes have new high five skills added
Enchant Rates
Safe enchant +3 / Max enchant +20
- Normal Scroll - 65% ( if broke weapon crystalize )
- Blessed Scroll - 75% ( if broke weapon return to +4 )
- Giant Scroll - 100% ( weapon success enchant )
Augument Rates
- Low-Grade Lifestone - 5%
- Mid-Grade Lifestone - 7%
- High-Grade Lifestone - 13%
- Top-Grade Lifestone - 20%
You can use 1 Active or 1 Passive Augment
GM Shop ( Gallius )
Armors / Weapons / Jewelry / Normal Enchant Scrolls
Potions / General Consumables / Greater Dyes
Glittering Event - Medal Shop ( Kinsley's Servitor )

Custom Shop ( Morgomir )

Buffs Configuration
NPC Buffer with all buffs avaibile
28 + 4 Buff Slots ( total of 32 )
6 Debuff Slots

Team vs Team - reward 100 Glittering Event - Medals
Deathmatch- reward 100 Glittering Event - Medals
PvP Zone
Autoflag when entering pvp zone
Autorespawn after 10 seconds
Autonoblesse when enter and when respawn
Show HP / CP / MP left of your killer
PVP Reward - 1 Glittering Event Medal ( everywhere )
Olympiad Configuration
Retail like
New heroes every monday ( every 7 days )
Unique dressme panel
type .dressme
Open Dressme Panel and Costumize your Weapon Armor and Shield