Which is the free-share with the most stable core?

Salty Mike

hella salty
1 438
  1. Chaotic Throne: High Five
I've been downloading, installing, and going through the core of many free-shared servers HIGH FIVE (H5 / HF) and I still cannot determine which one has the most solid core.

What are your recommendations?
My plan is to heavily customise pretty much everything, so missing quests, events, etc are not a problem. What I'm afraid of the most is the presence of a game-breaking glitch that I do not know of, thus being unable to fix/patch it.

What the best /most stable/ core would look like is something that has no major holes (duplication glitches, stats/subclasses/item stacking etc).

GT - Pyc:

Я загружал, устанавливал и просматривал ядро многих бесплатных совместно используемых серверов HIGH FIVE (H5 / HF), и я до сих пор не могу определить, какой из них имеет самое надежное ядро.

Каковы ваши рекомендации?
Я планирую сильно настроить практически все, чтобы пропущенные квесты, события и тд не были проблемой. Больше всего я боюсь наличия сбоя в игре, о котором я не знаю.
Наилучшим/наиболее стабильным ядром будет то, что не имеет серьезных дыр (глюки дублирования, складывание на статс/сабклассы/предметов и тд).
You need only HF client right? Try this one.

No, I need all of the HF features, as I'm going to alter them. I'm not interested in Interlude. I have premium access to acis, but I'm interested in H5.
"open team" source then. But it is heavily different from other sources so be prepared for that.
I couldn't find the source code of Open Team, only a pre-compiled version shared by Rolo, which is of no use to me, since I need the java/core part too in order to make my modifications. :/
Salty Mike, я компилировал из исходников, предоставленных в той же теме. Правда, автор поста сказал, что ответственность за файлы на себя не берет.
Реакции: KATE
1)Исходники - CCCP HF last
2)Исходники - Исходники Open-Team
3)Исходники - JTS - JDK12
4)Исходники - LostWorld JDK 12
5)Исходники - L2GW (custom)
любой какой вам по душе
The download link of the aforementioned thread is dead/broken/does not work.
Другого пути донести смысл, видимо, нет.
Thanks! I thought it was the same as yours since they share the same name.

I've used scripts before, been playing around with their HF + GoD multi-client version trying to figure out how it handles both clients. I'll check this original one, thanks!

Sorry for the double post! (I hope they get merged automatically!)

The download link for this L2-Scripts original is also dead/broken.