Want to Sell Source code Grand Crusade based on L2-Scripts 31560

L2 TokTil

1 353

based on L2-Scripts vertion 31560

The Price is only $700 USD

Without Update and GeoData

for who interest, i will give my teamviewer id, so you can confirm the code

haha my price 7$
@L2 TokTil, Hello
Could you please provide list of fixes \ enhancements \ features?
Because if it is without changes, price is unreal.
@L2 TokTil, Hello
Could you please provide list of fixes \ enhancements \ features?
Because if it is without changes, price is unreal.

Sorry i dint make change log when change the code, example in the original code when you put item with ensoul system in auction house (Commision), and when server restart, ensoul in that item is vanish (missing, because ensoul dint save in to database), solve with just add simple new variable in database Commission.

Add 2 Event (not complet yet, need improvement)

when you familiar with l2-scripts pack you can take a look the code where is in trouble.

PM me your price
Sorry i dint make change log when change the code, example in the original code when you put item with ensoul system in auction house (Commision), and when server restart, ensoul in that item is vanish (missing, because ensoul dint save in to database), solve with just add simple new variable in database Commission.

Add 2 Event (not complet yet, need improvement)

when you familiar with l2-scripts pack you can take a look the code where is in trouble.

PM me your price
So are you selling the same source code with 2 small fixes?
Пособирать и купить ретейл GloryDays.

Bonus High Five: Part 5 Mod GOD Revisi 20720

you will find here carefuly this topic is scammed :) bcause i share it for FREE not for BUSINESS
you will find here carefuly this topic is scammed :) bcause i share it for FREE not for BUSINESS

you shared compiled pack with new version than mine, but thanks for your data pack, ican use that ;););),

as i told in first post you can peek the code to confirm my source only for who interest and don't forget about Bonus High Five: Part 5 Mod GOD Revisi 20720
h5 MOD revision you can got it free in this site :)



  • lucu.webp
    81,2 КБ · Просмотры: 63
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public static final String PROJECT_REVISION = "L2s [32081]";
public static final String UPDATE_NAME = "Grand Crusade";

Кто гео подгонит ?
public static final String PROJECT_REVISION = "L2s [32081]";
public static final String UPDATE_NAME = "Grand Crusade";

Кто гео подгонит ?
спроси у irsdev а так он дал сильку на----лово там дискомпил аля за 2017 а тот кто продает актуальный насколько я понял вот и делаем вывод кто они и что они ))) да не стойт он этих денег