L2NPC Strange error.


1 345
Hello guys, im using the c4 server of dandiarena product, and i have this error, everytime i get this error at l2npc.exe than automatic l2server.exe remove npcs, what i mean remove raid bosses from the server. i will tell you how i get this error, if i stay online the server to 12-15 hours than i get this error. im using the dandiarena retail pack and i dont have touch something.

L2NPC ERROR: fetch_i: Access violation. Read [68], ai [ai_boss07_heart_of_warding] event [TIMER_FIRED_EX], pc [52], sp [0]

Information: Access violation. Read [68], ai [ai_boss07_heart_of_warding] event [TIMER_FIRED_EX], pc [52], sp [0]
-> Attempt to work out the instruction in a class AI or logical malfunction or an attempt to appeal to those already taken and carried out the cell (operand). Board is of the class and dekompilit handler and check the logic.
Bad AI code for 'class ai_boss07_heart_of_warding'. Decompile class and make fix.

anyone can help us to fix this?


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Bad AI code for 'class ai_boss07_heart_of_warding'. Decompile class and make fix.
Не смог разобраться(
ну всё же до боли просто:
fetch_i: Access violation. Read [68], ai [ai_boss07_heart_of_warding] event [TIMER_FIRED_EX], pc [52], sp [0]

ai_boss07_heart_of_warding - класс с ошибкой
TIMER_FIRED_EX - ошибка в этом хендлере класса
pc [52] - рухнула 52 команда в хендлере TIMER_FIRED_EX

берёте аи, считаете 52 команды от начала хендлера TIMER_FIRED_EX в ai_boss07_heart_of_warding - поздравляю, вы на месте ошибки
теперь внимательно смотрите и исправляете

например такой хернёй может сыпать, когда используется пустой креатур без проверки IsNullCreature, т.е. по сути невозможное исключение
Fixed its not a error when vanganth get out of ram get random errors like this i change it from 8gb ram to 16 and fixed.