Софт L2Admin PTS GM Tool


i hope to be posting on the right forum section and this has not been shared before.

maybe it can be useful for others or maybe we can make it better.

Since i discovered the PTS Classic leak i have been working on this SVN -> "L2_LIVE_WSERVER_SVN"

i was able to rebuild the database for this to work, still doesn't have identities and there are some stuff i don't understand about this software.

this share is contained in the head revision of L2_LIVE_WSERVER_SVN/L2ADMINWEB/L2Admin

Stuff i know:
  • it has a script parser inside the code.
  • you are able to locate players in real time on the map
  • you can explore player(inventory, skills, recipes, craft, etc)
  • Main configuration is into web.config
  • managed to de-compile main dlls and they are added as projects into the solution so you can modify them as you want to add or limit functions.
  • it has a permission system for gms
  • it can connect and monitor PTS server consoles using admin port(tested and working?(***see below***))
  • it can directly send massive messages, items, buffs to specific players, groups or all connected.
  • there are some fields and tables missing in lin2world database (i don't remember which ones but you will notice if you use it)
  • can manage multiple servers at once
  • it has a monitoring system for multiple servers and can notify when a server goes down.
  • can manage BBS, modify, add articles and all that kind of stuff
  • can read logs?(not tested)
Not working:
  • most of the time it doesn't connect to PTS server consoles(have not figured out why)
  • maybe more stuff i haven't noticed.
  • Many functions need cached to be connected but as most of the time it doesn't connect is kind of useless
How to install:

install the rebuilded database contained in /sql
follow the file named data.txt to insert your server into tbl_world_info
insert your user into tbl_admin_user (use plain text for password, no encryption needed if in web.config you have:
<add key="EncryptedPassword" value="False"/>
<add key="EncryptionCheck" value="False"/>

open L2AdminWeb.sln contained into L2Admin folder


some screenshots:

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