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I got this error in interlude server with extender vanganth, i think that not affects in anything but i want the opinion of an expert

dwTime[75] < 80 !!!!!!!
The value [75] may variate, 68 84... etc

Note: this happens when casting speed it's high like 1700 + or atk speed of 2200 + when hitting or activating skills so quickly. May be a SQL delay? Floodguard CFG?

Well, i expect your answers and if you have another error please share it here for search solutions in this thread

L2 OFF PTS has limit for minimal timeout:

    if (time < 80)
        // small timers limit
        static int s_count = 0;
        if (s_count++ < 30) 
            g_winlog.Add(LOG_ERROR, L"dwTime[%d] < 80 !!!!!!!", time);
        time = 80;

So, if speed is too high, timer values will be small, and if they reach below 80 ms, you will get this error, and timer will be reset to 80 to avoid so-called busy-loop.

Nothing crucial, just a warning report. Check your skilldata, and try to avoid too fast cast/attack
Реакции: kick


    Баллов: 35
    За сообщение
Thank you so much MasterToma, i'll try to find that code in the extender source to erase that limit, i find that unnecesary, a elf mage with POW + Arcana Agility reachs much more than 1700 Casting Spd. and all the skills are executed too fast.
Will have a problem making that?
My humble opinion - yes you will have a problems
80ms timeout is small as a hell - it's ~12 timeouts per second. If you will remove it, someone could kill your server just with 8 chars - cast non-stop, so they will eat all 8 IO threads.

Second, I doubt, this code is present in Vanganth extender. Anyway, it is inside CIOObject::AddTimer

Real problem - is a bug in CSkillAction::OnStart, where I fixed it in that way:

    // if (m_launchTime >= 10)  FIXED: minimal timer is 80ms
    if (m_launchTime > 80)
        creature->GetSkillReuseDelayLock().Leave(__FILEW__, __LINE__);
        return true;

m_launchTime = hit_time - cancel_time from skilldata.txt.
Properties of a Hydro Blast or other nukes, debuffs, etc
skill_hit_time=4 skill_cool_time=0 skill_hit_cancel_time=0.5 reuse_delay=6

If i got more hit time the skills will be casted slowly, i'm surprised because in a C4 Off that error doesn't appear and it seems that the same mage character casts with more speed than c6

Thanks for Answer

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