help my custom NPC


1 223
o que estou fazendo não errado no meu NPC não funcionar?

comerciante npc_begin 33001 [Armadura Kenon] level = 70 acquire_exp_rate = 0 acquire_sp = 0 unsowing = 1 clan = {} ignore_clan_list = {} clan_help_range = 300 slot_chest = [] slot_rhand = [] slot_lhand = [] shield_defense_rate = 0 shield_defense = 0 skill_list = {@s_race_humanoid; @s_full_magic_defence; @s_touch_and_die npc_ai} = {[Kenon categoria = {} corrida = sexo humano = eterno masculino = 1 can_be_attacked = 0 corpse_time = 7 no_sleep_mode = 0 agro_range = 1000 ground_high = {120, 0, 0} ground_low = {50, 0, 0 } exp = 429634528 org_hp = 2.444,46819 org_hp_regen = 7,5 org_mp = 1345,8 org_mp_regen = 2,7 collision_radius = {8, 8} collision_height = {23, 23} str = 40 int = 21 dex = 30 wit = 20 con = 43 Homens = 10 = base_attack_type espada base_attack_range = 1000 base_damage_range = {0; 0; 80; 120} base_rand_dam = 90 base_physical_attack = 5688,86373 base_critical = 6 physical_hit_modify = 5,75 base_attack_speed = 553 = 0 base_reuse_delay base_magic_attack = 5470,40463 base_defend = 1 base_magic_defend = 5216,53847 physical_avoid_modify = 0 = 0 soulshot_count spiritshot_count = 0 hit_time_factor = 0, 6 item_make_list = {} corpse_make_list = {} {} additional_make_list = additional_make_multi_list = {} hp_increase = 0 = 0 mp_increase safe_height = 100 npc_end

<Html> <head> <body> <center>
<Img src = "l2ui_ch3.herotower_deco" width = 256 height = 32>
<Font color = "LEVEL"> Armadura Kenon </ font> <br>
<Center> <value = botão "Kenon Armaduras" action = "desvio -h MENU_SELECT? Pergunte = -303 & resposta = 204" width = 75 height = 21 back = "L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn" fore = "L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal">
<Value = Botão de ação "Vida Stone" = "desvio -h npc_% objectId% _multisell 100100" width = altura "95" = "24" back = "L2UI_CH3.bigbutton_down" fore = "L2UI_CH3.bigbutton">

</ Body>
</ Html>

// Kenon Armadura
MultiSell_begin [Sydeney] 527
is_dutyfree = 1
selllist = {

classe 1 Kenon Armor: comerciante
buyselllist_begin SellList0
{9600; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9601; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9602; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9603; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9604; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9605; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9606; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9607; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9608; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9609; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9610; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9611; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9612; 20; 0.000000; 0}

Onde está o erro meu NPC não funcionar ... is used L2 OFF C4
english atleast.
Think thereis no1 who can understand spanish\brasilian.

Show ur server logs at first.
Что я делаю не так, почему мой NPC не работает?
comerciante npc_begin 33001 [Armadura Kenon] level = 70 acquire_exp_rate = 0 acquire_sp = 0 unsowing = 1 clan = {} ignore_clan_list = {} clan_help_range = 300 slot_chest = [] slot_rhand = [] slot_lhand = [] shield_defense_rate = 0 shield_defense = 0 skill_list = {@s_race_humanoid; @s_full_magic_defence; @s_touch_and_die npc_ai} = {[Kenon categoria = {} corrida = sexo humano = eterno masculino = 1 can_be_attacked = 0 corpse_time = 7 no_sleep_mode = 0 agro_range = 1000 ground_high = {120, 0, 0} ground_low = {50, 0, 0 } exp = 429634528 org_hp = 2.444,46819 org_hp_regen = 7,5 org_mp = 1345,8 org_mp_regen = 2,7 collision_radius = {8, 8} collision_height = {23, 23} str = 40 int = 21 dex = 30 wit = 20 con = 43 Homens = 10 = base_attack_type espada base_attack_range = 1000 base_damage_range = {0; 0; 80; 120} base_rand_dam = 90 base_physical_attack = 5688,86373 base_critical = 6 physical_hit_modify = 5,75 base_attack_speed = 553 = 0 base_reuse_delay base_magic_attack = 5470,40463 base_defend = 1 base_magic_defend = 5216,53847 physical_avoid_modify = 0 = 0 soulshot_count spiritshot_count = 0 hit_time_factor = 0, 6 item_make_list = {} corpse_make_list = {} {} additional_make_list = additional_make_multi_list = {} hp_increase = 0 = 0 mp_increase safe_height = 100 npc_end


<Html> <head> <body> <center>
<Img src = "l2ui_ch3.herotower_deco" width = 256 height = 32>
<Font color = "LEVEL"> Armadura Kenon </ font> <br>
<Center> <value = botão "Kenon Armaduras" action = "desvio -h MENU_SELECT? Pergunte = -303 & resposta = 204" width = 75 height = 21 back = "L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn" fore = "L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal">
<Value = Botão de ação "Vida Stone" = "desvio -h npc_% objectId% _multisell 100100" width = altura "95" = "24" back = "L2UI_CH3.bigbutton_down" fore = "L2UI_CH3.bigbutton">

</ Body>
</ Html>


// Kenon Armadura
MultiSell_begin [Sydeney] 527
is_dutyfree = 1
selllist = {

classe 1 Kenon Armor: comerciante
buyselllist_begin SellList0
{9600; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9601; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9602; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9603; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9604; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9605; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9606; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9607; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9608; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9609; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9610; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9611; 20; 0.000000; 0}
{9612; 20; 0.000000; 0}

Подскажите, в чём может быть проблема? Используется L2 C4 OFF сервер.
Вряд ли кто-то сможет ему помочь тут, даже с таким переформатом его сообщения)
Ну если бы он целиком объяснил ситуацию, "не работает" понятие растяжимое... Нужны подробности.
not I create my shop NPC trade where is the error please?
as i said at first post SHOW US UR LOGS
При чем тут логи господа? Вы разве не видите как у него все ужасно? Штмл взята как буд-то с явы...И все дико кривое....

Here try this, I make new, just replace and test it.
npc_begin    merchant    33001    [armadura_kenon]    level=70    acquire_exp_rate=0    acquire_sp=0    unsowing=1    clan={}    ignore_clan_list={}    clan_help_range=300    slot_chest=[]    slot_rhand=[]    slot_lhand=[]    shield_defense_rate=0    shield_defense=0    skill_list={@s_race_undead;@s_full_magic_defence}    npc_ai={[kenon_armor];{[fnHi]=[kenon_armor001.htm]};{[MoveAroundSocial]=0};{[MoveAroundSocial1]=110};{[MoveAroundSocial2]=150}}    category={}    race=human    sex=male    undying=1    can_be_attacked=0    corpse_time=7    no_sleep_mode=0    agro_range=1000    ground_high={120;0;0}    ground_low={50;0;0}    exp=429634528    org_hp=2444.46819    org_hp_regen=7.5    org_mp=1345.8    org_mp_regen=2.7    collision_radius={10;10}    collision_height={24;24}    str=40    int=21    dex=30    wit=20    con=43    men=10    base_attack_type=sword    base_attack_range=40    base_damage_range={0;0;80;120}    base_rand_dam=30    base_physical_attack=688.86373    base_critical=4    physical_hit_modify=4.75    base_attack_speed=253    base_reuse_delay=0    base_magic_attack=470.40463    base_defend=295.91597    base_magic_defend=216.53847    physical_avoid_modify=0    soulshot_count=0    spiritshot_count=0    hit_time_factor=0.6    item_make_list={}    corpse_make_list={}    additional_make_list={}    additional_make_multi_list={}    hp_increase=0    mp_increase=0    safe_height=100    npc_end

MultiSell_begin    [sydeney]    527
is_dutyfree = 1

classe 1 kenon_armor: merchant

HTML: kenon_armor001.htm
<center><img src="l2ui_ch3.herotower_deco" width="256" height="32">
<font color="LEVEL">Armadura Kenon</font>
<br><button value="Epic Armors" action="bypass -h menu_select?ask=-303&reply=527" width=75 height=21 back="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn" fore="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal">

Replace all what you have by my fixes.
Реакции: Rekt4Life


    Баллов: 1
    Пришел тут и все исправил...
as i said at first post SHOW US UR LOGS
Ну если он транслитом переводит код, лучше ему вообще завязать с этим делом...
To Adicionar YOUR ai.job of ESSE Server Error
Последнее редактирование модератором:
use english please....
if you use this Bypass -h MENU_SELECT? ask? = -303 & replay = 204
the number of replay is the number of multiisell list in multisell.txt(multisell.txt is in folder Script server)

if your replay is number 204

in multisell the buylist N° 204 is :
//SSQ 어둠의 대장장이 A급 무기 특수능력부여
MultiSell_begin    [ssq_weapon_variation_a]    204
is_show_all = 0
is_dutyfree = 1       
keep_enchanted = 1
Erro de servidor NPC add in ai.job
classe 1 kenon_armor: merchant
is usede pack l2off c4

I think I need to compile this code to work
Error continues with the Total Price : Add the OSU ai.job the Notpad ++
because you translate ai from english to another....that why you have errors....
Eu faço tudo correto no entanto ao conectar Erro de servidor não o servidor cargas NPC perfeitamente Mais Quando eu levá-la ai.job volta ao funcionamento normal

vão fazer um vídeo com o erro de me ajudar

I'm looking to put more 8gb of memory more ram not know or create a npc help please
Последнее редактирование:
how help you if you do not understand...

I already gave you fixed npc.... And I test it and all fine.