Global Gatekeeper html-ai.obj-npcdata


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Global GK
HTML: teleport_list.htm


<img src="L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco" height="32" width="256"><br>
<center><font color="FF0000">Global Gatekeeper</font></center>
<center><button value="Towns" action="bypass -h teleport_request" width=70 height=21 back="L2UI.DefaultButton_click" fore="L2UI.DefaultButton"></center>
<center><font color="CCFF00">Hunting Zone</font></center>
<center><button value="Low Level" action="bypass -h menu_select?ask=-21&reply=1" width=70 height=21 back="L2UI.DefaultButton_click" fore="L2UI.DefaultButton"></center>
<center><button value="Mid Level" action="bypass -h menu_select?ask=-21&reply=2" width=70 height=21 back="L2UI.DefaultButton_click" fore="L2UI.DefaultButton"></center>
<center><button value="High Level" action="bypass -h menu_select?ask=-21&reply=3" width=70 height=21 back="L2UI.DefaultButton_click" fore="L2UI.DefaultButton"></center>
<img src="L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco" height="32" width="256"><br>
<center><font color="CCFF00">By ~{L2}~*hugoblood*</font></center>




class 1 gk_global : teleporter
TelPosList Position = {
{"Aden Castle Town"; 146768; 25856; -2000; 1000; 0 };
{"Giran Castle Town"; 83336; 147972; -3404; 1000; 0 };
{"Gludio Castle Town"; -12787; 122779; -3114; 1000; 0 };
{"The Town of Dion"; 15671; 142994; -2704; 1000; 0 };
{"Oren Castle Town"; 82971; 53207; -1470; 1000; 0 };
{"Hardin’s Academy"; 105884; 109744; -3170; 1000; 0 };
{"Rune Castle Town"; 43835; -47749; -792; 1000; 0 };
{"Goddard Castle Town"; 148024; -55281; -2728; 1000; 0 };
{"Heine"; 111333; 219345; -3546; 8500; 0 };
{"Hunter Village"; 117156; 76878; -2670; 8200; 0 };
{"The Village of Gludin"; -80684; 149770; -3043; 1000; 0 };
{"The Elven Village"; 46890; 51531; -2976; 1000; 0 };
{"The Dark Elven Village"; 9716; 15502; -4500; 1000; 0 };
{"Orc Village"; -45186; -112459; -236; 1000; 0 };
{"Dwarven Village"; 115120; -178112; -916; 1000; 0 };
{"Talking Island Village"; -84141; 244623; -3729; 1000; 0 };
{"Ivory Tower"; 85343; 16267; -3640; 1000; 0 }
TelPosList PositionNoblessNoItemTown = {
{"Obelisk Of Victory"; -99843; 237583; -3568; 1000; 0 };
{"Western Territory Of Talking Island"; -102850; 215932; -3424; 1000; 0 };
{"Elven Ruins Entrance"; -113686; 235723; -3640; 1000; 0 };
{"Elven Forest"; 21362; 51122; -3688; 1000; 0 };
{"Neutral Zone"; -10612; 75881; -3592; 1000; 0 };
{"Spider Nest"; -61095; 75104; -3383; 1000; 0 };
{"North Swampland"; -21472; 36244; -2794; 1000; 0 };
{"Swampland"; -30777; 49750; -3552; 1000; 0 };
{"Black Magic Institute Entrance"; -47087; 59571; -3328; 1000; 0 };
{"Southern Immortal Plateau"; -17870; -90980; -2528; 1000; 0 };
{"Lyonn Territory"; 8209; -93425; -2321; 1000; 0 };
{"Frozen Waterfall"; 7603; -138871; -934; 1000; 0 };
{"Cave of Trials Entrance"; 9340; -112509; -2536; 1000; 0 };
{"West Mining Area"; 124054; -200170; -3704; 1000; 0 };
{"East Mining Area(Northeast Seacoast)"; 169008; -208272; -3506; 1000; 0 };
{"Abandoned Coal Mines Entrance"; 139714; -177456; -1536; 1000; 0 };
{"Mithril Mines Entrance"; 171946; -173352; 3440; 1000; 0 };
{"Looting Area of Evil Spirit"; -6536; 106065; -3152; 1000; 0 };
{"Maille Lizardman Barracks"; -27511; 101577; -3320; 1000; 0 };
{"Ruins of Agony"; -41925; 122539; -3032; 1000; 0 };
{"Ruins of Deaspair"; -23990; 143971; -3840; 1000; 0 };
{"Abbandoned Camp"; -46932; 140883; -2936; 1000; 0 };
{"Wind Hill"; -93453; 89814; -3240; 1000; 0 };
{"Orc Barracks"; -85329; 106369; -3603; 1000; 0 };
{"Fellmere Harvest Ground"; -70387; 115501; -3472; 1000; 0 }

TelPosList PositionNoblessNoItemField = {
{"Windawood Manor"; -28257; 156638; -3472; 1000; 0 };
{"Windmill Hill"; -72152; 173347; -3576; 1000; 0 };
{"Red rock canyon"; -44994; 188099; -3256; 1000; 0 };
{"North Swampland Entrance"; -14913; 170017; -2893; 1000; 0 };
{"West Swampland Entrance"; -47506; 179572; -3669; 1000; 0 };
{"South Wasteland Entrance"; -16730; 209417; -3691; 1000; 0 };
{"Langk Lizardman Dwelling"; -45210; 202654; -3592; 1000; 0 };
{"Forgotten Temple Entrance"; -53001; 191425; -3568; 1000; 0 };
{"Cruma Marshlands"; 5941; 125455; -3400; 1000; 0 };
{"Execution Ground"; 46165; 150008; -3208; 1000; 0 };
{"Plains Of Dion"; -716; 178965; -3704; 1000; 0 };
{"Floran Village"; 15227; 161866; -3608; 1000; 0 };
{"Entrance to Cruma Tower"; 17255; 114177; -3440; 1000; 0 };
{"Cruma Tower - 1st Floor"; 17724; 113950; -11672; 1000; 0 };
{"East Field of Silence"; 91088; 182384; -3192; 1000; 0 };
{"West Field of Silence"; 69748; 186111; -2872; 1000; 0 };
{"Garden of Eva Entrance"; 84413; 234334; -3656; 1000; 0 };
{"Alligator Island Entrance"; 115583; 192261; -3488; 1000; 0 };
{"North Alligator Island"; 116732; 165938; -2448; 1000; 0 };
{"Northern Pathway of the Enchanted Valley"; 104426; 33746; -3825; 1000; 0 };
{"Southern Pathway of the Enchanted Valley"; 124904; 61992; -3973; 1000; 0 };
{"Entrance to the Forest of Mirrors"; 142065; 81300; -3000; 1000; 0 };
{"The Front of Anghel Waterfall"; 163341; 91374; -3320; 1000; 0 };
{"Plains Of Glory"; 135580; 19467; -3424; 1000; 0 };
{"Blazing Swamp"; 159455; -12931; -2872; 1000; 0 };
{"Plains Of Fierce Battle"; 156898; 11217; -4032; 1000; 0 };
{"Fields Of Massacre"; 183543; -14974; -2768; 1000; 0 };
{"The Cemetery"; 167047; 20304; -3328; 1000; 0 };
{"Dragon Valley Death Pass"; 73024; 118485; -3720; 1000; 0 }
TelPosList PositionNoblessNoItemSSQ = {
{"The Forbidden Gateway"; 185319; 20218; -3264; 1000; 0 };
{"Forsaken Plains"; 167285; 37109; -4008; 1000; 0 };
{"Silent Valley"; 170838; 55776; -5280; 1000; 0 };
{"Dragon Valley"; 122824; 110836; -3727; 1000; 0 };
{"Tanor Canyon"; 69373; 155208; -3746; 1000; 0 };
{"Devils Isle Entrance"; 43408; 206881; -3752; 1000; 0 };
{"Lairs of Antharas Entrance"; 131131; 114597; -3720; 1000; 0 };
{"Lairs of Antharas Bridge"; 146425; 109898; -3424; 1000; 0 };
{"Lairs of Antharas Heart"; 154396; 121235; -3808; 1000; 0 };
{"Tower Of Insolence: 13th Floor"; 115384; 16820; 9000; 1000; 0 };
{"Varka Silenos Barracks"; 125740; -40864; -3736; 1000; 0 };
{"Ketra Orc Outpost"; 146990; -67128; -3640; 1000; 0 };
{"Imperial Tomb"; 186699; -75915; -2826; 1000; 0 };
{"Shrine of the Loyal"; 187987; -59566; -2826; 1000; 0 };
{"Forge of the Gods Entrance"; 169533; -116228; -2312; 1000; 0 };
{"Wall Of Argos"; 164564; -48145; -3536; 1000; 0 };
{"Hot Springs"; 144880; -113468; -2560; 1000; 0 };
{"Necropolis Of Sacrifice"; -41184; 206752; -3357; 1000; 0 };
{"Heretics Catacomb"; 39232; 143568; -3651; 1000; 0 };
{"Pilgrims Necropolis"; 45600; 126944; -3686; 1000; 0 };
{"Catacomb Of The Branded"; 43200; 170688; -3251; 1000; 0 };
{"Worshipers Necropolis"; 107514; 174329; -3704; 1000; 0 };
{"Catacomb Of The Apostate"; 74672; 78032; -3398; 1000; 0 };
{"Patriots Necropolis"; -25472; 77728; -3446; 1000; 0 };
{"Catacomb Of The Witch"; 136672; 79328; -3702; 1000; 0 };
{"Ascetics Necropolis"; -56064; 78720; -3011; 1000; 0 };
{"Martyr's Necropolis"; 114496; 132416; -3101; 1000; 0 };
{"Disciples Necropolis"; 168560; -17968; -3174; 1000; 0 };
{"Saints Necropolis"; 79296; 209584; -3709; 1000; 0 };
{"Catacomb of Dark Omens"; -22480; 13872; -3174; 1000; 0 };
{"Catacomb of the Forbidden Path"; 110912; 84912; -4816; 1000; 0 }


compiled nasc


class 1 gk_global : teleporter
telposlist_begin Position
{"Aden Castle Town"; 146768; 25856; -2000; 1000; 0}
{"Giran Castle Town"; 83336; 147972; -3404; 1000; 0}
{"Gludio Castle Town"; -12787; 122779; -3114; 1000; 0}
{"The Town of Dion"; 15671; 142994; -2704; 1000; 0}
{"Oren Castle Town"; 82971; 53207; -1470; 1000; 0}
{"Hardin’s Academy"; 105884; 109744; -3170; 1000; 0}
{"Rune Castle Town"; 43835; -47749; -792; 1000; 0}
{"Goddard Castle Town"; 148024; -55281; -2728; 1000; 0}
{"Heine"; 111333; 219345; -3546; 8500; 0}
{"Hunter Village"; 117156; 76878; -2670; 8200; 0}
{"The Village of Gludin"; -80684; 149770; -3043; 1000; 0}
{"The Elven Village"; 46890; 51531; -2976; 1000; 0}
{"The Dark Elven Village"; 9716; 15502; -4500; 1000; 0}
{"Orc Village"; -45186; -112459; -236; 1000; 0}
{"Dwarven Village"; 115120; -178112; -916; 1000; 0}
{"Talking Island Village"; -84141; 244623; -3729; 1000; 0}
{"Ivory Tower"; 85343; 16267; -3640; 1000; 0}
telposlist_begin PositionNoblessNoItemTown
{"Obelisk Of Victory"; -99843; 237583; -3568; 1000; 0}
{"Western Territory Of Talking Island"; -102850; 215932; -3424; 1000; 0}
{"Elven Ruins Entrance"; -113686; 235723; -3640; 1000; 0}
{"Elven Forest"; 21362; 51122; -3688; 1000; 0}
{"Neutral Zone"; -10612; 75881; -3592; 1000; 0}
{"Spider Nest"; -61095; 75104; -3383; 1000; 0}
{"North Swampland"; -21472; 36244; -2794; 1000; 0}
{"Swampland"; -30777; 49750; -3552; 1000; 0}
{"Black Magic Institute Entrance"; -47087; 59571; -3328; 1000; 0}
{"Southern Immortal Plateau"; -17870; -90980; -2528; 1000; 0}
{"Lyonn Territory"; 8209; -93425; -2321; 1000; 0}
{"Frozen Waterfall"; 7603; -138871; -934; 1000; 0}
{"Cave of Trials Entrance"; 9340; -112509; -2536; 1000; 0}
{"West Mining Area"; 124054; -200170; -3704; 1000; 0}
{"East Mining Area(Northeast Seacoast)"; 169008; -208272; -3506; 1000; 0}
{"Abandoned Coal Mines Entrance"; 139714; -177456; -1536; 1000; 0}
{"Mithril Mines Entrance"; 171946; -173352; 3440; 1000; 0}
{"Looting Area of Evil Spirit"; -6536; 106065; -3152; 1000; 0}
{"Maille Lizardman Barracks"; -27511; 101577; -3320; 1000; 0}
{"Ruins of Agony"; -41925; 122539; -3032; 1000; 0}
{"Ruins of Deaspair"; -23990; 143971; -3840; 1000; 0}
{"Abbandoned Camp"; -46932; 140883; -2936; 1000; 0}
{"Wind Hill"; -93453; 89814; -3240; 1000; 0}
{"Orc Barracks"; -85329; 106369; -3603; 1000; 0}
{"Fellmere Harvest Ground"; -70387; 115501; -3472; 1000; 0}
telposlist_begin PositionNoblessNoItemField
{"Windawood Manor"; -28257; 156638; -3472; 1000; 0}
{"Windmill Hill"; -72152; 173347; -3576; 1000; 0}
{"Red rock canyon"; -44994; 188099; -3256; 1000; 0}
{"North Swampland Entrance"; -14913; 170017; -2893; 1000; 0}
{"West Swampland Entrance"; -47506; 179572; -3669; 1000; 0}
{"South Wasteland Entrance"; -16730; 209417; -3691; 1000; 0}
{"Langk Lizardman Dwelling"; -45210; 202654; -3592; 1000; 0}
{"Forgotten Temple Entrance"; -53001; 191425; -3568; 1000; 0}
{"Cruma Marshlands"; 5941; 125455; -3400; 1000; 0}
{"Execution Ground"; 46165; 150008; -3208; 1000; 0}
{"Plains Of Dion"; -716; 178965; -3704; 1000; 0}
{"Floran Village"; 15227; 161866; -3608; 1000; 0}
{"Entrance to Cruma Tower"; 17255; 114177; -3440; 1000; 0}
{"Cruma Tower - 1st Floor"; 17724; 113950; -11672; 1000; 0}
{"East Field of Silence"; 91088; 182384; -3192; 1000; 0}
{"West Field of Silence"; 69748; 186111; -2872; 1000; 0}
{"Garden of Eva Entrance"; 84413; 234334; -3656; 1000; 0}
{"Alligator Island Entrance"; 115583; 192261; -3488; 1000; 0}
{"North Alligator Island"; 116732; 165938; -2448; 1000; 0}
{"Northern Pathway of the Enchanted Valley"; 104426; 33746; -3825; 1000; 0}
{"Southern Pathway of the Enchanted Valley"; 124904; 61992; -3973; 1000; 0}
{"Entrance to the Forest of Mirrors"; 142065; 81300; -3000; 1000; 0}
{"The Front of Anghel Waterfall"; 163341; 91374; -3320; 1000; 0}
{"Plains Of Glory"; 135580; 19467; -3424; 1000; 0}
{"Blazing Swamp"; 159455; -12931; -2872; 1000; 0}
{"Plains Of Fierce Battle"; 156898; 11217; -4032; 1000; 0}
{"Fields Of Massacre"; 183543; -14974; -2768; 1000; 0}
{"The Cemetery"; 167047; 20304; -3328; 1000; 0}
{"Dragon Valley Death Pass"; 73024; 118485; -3720; 1000; 0}
telposlist_begin PositionNoblessNoItemSSQ
{"The Forbidden Gateway"; 185319; 20218; -3264; 1000; 0}
{"Forsaken Plains"; 167285; 37109; -4008; 1000; 0}
{"Silent Valley"; 170838; 55776; -5280; 1000; 0}
{"Dragon Valley"; 122824; 110836; -3727; 1000; 0}
{"Tanor Canyon"; 69373; 155208; -3746; 1000; 0}
{"Devils Isle Entrance"; 43408; 206881; -3752; 1000; 0}
{"Lairs of Antharas Entrance"; 131131; 114597; -3720; 1000; 0}
{"Lairs of Antharas Bridge"; 146425; 109898; -3424; 1000; 0}
{"Lairs of Antharas Heart"; 154396; 121235; -3808; 1000; 0}
{"Tower Of Insolence: 13th Floor"; 115384; 16820; 9000; 1000; 0}
{"Varka Silenos Barracks"; 125740; -40864; -3736; 1000; 0}
{"Ketra Orc Outpost"; 146990; -67128; -3640; 1000; 0}
{"Imperial Tomb"; 186699; -75915; -2826; 1000; 0}
{"Shrine of the Loyal"; 187987; -59566; -2826; 1000; 0}
{"Forge of the Gods Entrance"; 169533; -116228; -2312; 1000; 0}
{"Wall Of Argos"; 164564; -48145; -3536; 1000; 0}
{"Hot Springs"; 144880; -113468; -2560; 1000; 0}
{"Necropolis Of Sacrifice"; -41184; 206752; -3357; 1000; 0}
{"Heretics Catacomb"; 39232; 143568; -3651; 1000; 0}
{"Pilgrims Necropolis"; 45600; 126944; -3686; 1000; 0}
{"Catacomb Of The Branded"; 43200; 170688; -3251; 1000; 0}
{"Worshipers Necropolis"; 107514; 174329; -3704; 1000; 0}
{"Catacomb Of The Apostate"; 74672; 78032; -3398; 1000; 0}
{"Patriots Necropolis"; -25472; 77728; -3446; 1000; 0}
{"Catacomb Of The Witch"; 136672; 79328; -3702; 1000; 0}
{"Ascetics Necropolis"; -56064; 78720; -3011; 1000; 0}
{"Martyr's Necropolis"; 114496; 132416; -3101; 1000; 0}
{"Disciples Necropolis"; 168560; -17968; -3174; 1000; 0}
{"Saints Necropolis"; 79296; 209584; -3709; 1000; 0}
{"Catacomb of Dark Omens"; -22480; 13872; -3174; 1000; 0}
{"Catacomb of the Forbidden Path"; 110912; 84912; -4816; 1000; 0}



//gk global
npc_begin teleporter 13857 [gk_global] level=70 acquire_exp_rate=0 acquire_sp=0 unsowing=1 clan={} ignore_clan_list={} clan_help_range=300 slot_chest=[] slot_rhand=[] slot_lhand=[] shield_defense_rate=0 shield_defense=0 skill_list={@s_race_undead;@s_full_magic_defence} npc_ai={[gk_global];{[fnHi]=[teleport_list.htm]};{[MoveAroundSocial]=0};{[MoveAroundSocial1]=90};{[MoveAroundSocial2]=90}} category={} race=demonic sex=male undying=1 can_be_attacked=0 corpse_time=7 no_sleep_mode=0 agro_range=1000 ground_high={150;0;0} ground_low={22;0;0} exp=429634528 org_hp=2444.46819 org_hp_regen=7.5 org_mp=1345.8 org_mp_regen=2.7 collision_radius={6;6} collision_height={12;12} str=40 int=21 dex=30 wit=20 con=43 men=10 base_attack_type=sword base_attack_range=40 base_damage_range={0;0;80;120} base_rand_dam=30 base_physical_attack=688.86373 base_critical=4 physical_hit_modify=4.75 base_attack_speed=253 base_reuse_delay=0 base_magic_attack=470.40463 base_defend=295.91597 base_magic_defend=216.53847 physical_avoid_modify=0 soulshot_count=0 spiritshot_count=0 hit_time_factor=0.6 item_make_list={} corpse_make_list={} additional_make_list={} additional_make_multi_list={} hp_increase=0 mp_increase=0 safe_height=100 npc_end


Мне очень жаль за предупреждение, которое вы получили, но я не знаю, что пошло не так. Там есть [ ], но он их не принимает. Я не знаю, может быть, это ошибка браузера или что-то вне моего контроля, если можете, отредактируйте и исправьте, пожалуйста
Мне очень жаль за предупреждение, которое вы получили, но я не знаю, что пошло не так. Там есть [ ], но он их не принимает. Я не знаю, может быть, это ошибка браузера или что-то вне моего контроля, если можете, отредактируйте и исправьте, пожалуйста
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