AI Gordon


1 478
Обратите внимание, что данный пользователь заблокирован! Не совершайте с ним никаких сделок! Перейдите в его профиль, чтобы узнать причину блокировки.
Такая проблема. Имеем сборку HF Emurt (не из шары). RB Gordon (id 29095) не перемещается вокруг Годдарда, а бродит около входа в город. Пытался в изменить координаты, а он, падлюка, один хрен не меняет маршрут. Достаточно ли было только изменить координаты, или где ещё нужна дописка?
По сути достаточно изменить в scripts\ai\ координаты.
public class Gordon extends Fighter
    static final Location[] points = {
            // spawn: 147316,-64797,-3469
            new Location(146268, -64651, -3412),
            new Location(143678, -64045, -3434),
            new Location(141620, -62316, -3210),
            new Location(139466, -60839, -2994),
            new Location(138429, -57679, -3548),
            new Location(139402, -55879, -3334),
            new Location(139660, -52780, -2908),
            new Location(139516, -50343, -2591),
            new Location(140059, -48657, -2271),
            new Location(140319, -46063, -2408),
            new Location(142462, -45540, -2432),
            new Location(144290, -43543, -2380),
            new Location(146494, -43234, -2325),
            new Location(148416, -43186, -2329),
            new Location(151135, -44084, -2746),
            new Location(153040, -42240, -2920),
            new Location(154871, -39193, -3294),
            new Location(156725, -41827, -3569),
            new Location(157788, -45071, -3598),
            new Location(159433, -45943, -3547),
            new Location(160327, -47404, -3681),
            new Location(159106, -48215, -3691),
            new Location(159541, -50908, -3563),
            new Location(159576, -53782, -3226),
            new Location(160918, -56899, -2790),
            new Location(160785, -59505, -2662),
            new Location(158252, -60098, -2680),
            new Location(155962, -59751, -2656),
            new Location(154649, -60214, -2701),
            new Location(153121, -63319, -2969),
            new Location(151511, -64366, -3174),
            new Location(149161, -64576, -3316) };
Обратите внимание, что данный пользователь заблокирован! Не совершайте с ним никаких сделок! Перейдите в его профиль, чтобы узнать причину блокировки.
Менял, не помогает
Копай AI или кинь его сюда, глянем
Обратите внимание, что данный пользователь заблокирован! Не совершайте с ним никаких сделок! Перейдите в его профиль, чтобы узнать причину блокировки.
package ai;

import l2p.commons.util.Rnd;
import l2p.gameserver.model.Creature;
import l2p.gameserver.model.instances.NpcInstance;
import l2p.gameserver.utils.Location;

public class Gordon extends Fighter {

static final Location[] points = {
// spawn: 147316,-64797,-3469
new Location(146268, -64651, -3412),
new Location(143678, -64045, -3434),
new Location(141620, -62316, -3210),
new Location(139466, -60839, -2994),
new Location(138429, -57679, -3548),
new Location(139402, -55879, -3334),
new Location(139660, -52780, -2908),
new Location(139516, -50343, -2591),
new Location(140059, -48657, -2271),
new Location(140319, -46063, -2408),
new Location(142462, -45540, -2432),
new Location(144290, -43543, -2380),
new Location(146494, -43234, -2325),
new Location(148416, -43186, -2329),
new Location(151135, -44084, -2746),
new Location(153040, -42240, -2920),
new Location(154871, -39193, -3294),
new Location(156725, -41827, -3569),
new Location(157788, -45071, -3598),
new Location(159433, -45943, -3547),
new Location(160327, -47404, -3681),
new Location(159106, -48215, -3691),
new Location(159541, -50908, -3563),
new Location(159576, -53782, -3226),
new Location(160918, -56899, -2790),
new Location(160785, -59505, -2662),
new Location(158252, -60098, -2680),
new Location(155962, -59751, -2656),
new Location(154649, -60214, -2701),
new Location(153121, -63319, -2969),
new Location(151511, -64366, -3174),
new Location(149161, -64576, -3316)};
private int current_point = -1;
private long wait_timeout = 0;
private boolean wait = false;

public Gordon(NpcInstance actor) {

public boolean isGlobalAI() {
return true;

public boolean checkAggression(Creature target) {
// Агрится только на носителей проклятого оружия
if (!target.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) {
return false;
// Продолжит идти с предыдущей точки
if (getIntention() != CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE && current_point > -1) {
return super.checkAggression(target);

protected boolean thinkActive() {
NpcInstance actor = getActor();
if (actor.isDead()) {
return true;

if (_def_think) {
if (doTask()) {
return true;

if (super.thinkActive()) {
return true;

if (System.currentTimeMillis() > wait_timeout && (current_point > -1 || Rnd.chance(5))) {
if (!wait && current_point == 31) {
wait_timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000;
wait = true;
return true;

wait_timeout = 0;
wait = false;

if (current_point >= points.length) {
current_point = 0;


addTaskMove(points[current_point], true);
return true;

if (randomAnimation()) {
return false;

return false;

protected boolean randomWalk() {
return false;
Хммм... смотри либо от куда он грузится т.к. всё ок... Либо логи от туда уже ясно будет...
Обратите внимание, что данный пользователь заблокирован! Не совершайте с ним никаких сделок! Перейдите в его профиль, чтобы узнать причину блокировки.
[15.04.16 18:59:50:388] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[15.04.16 18:59:50:390] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Revision: ................ ${build.revision}
[15.04.16 18:59:50:391] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Build date: .............. 2016.04.03 16:27
[15.04.16 18:59:50:391] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Compiler version: ........ 1.8.0_73-b02 (Oracle Corporation)
[15.04.16 18:59:50:391] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[15.04.16 18:59:50:581] INFO premium.PremiumConfig: Loaded 2 Premium configs
[15.04.16 18:59:50:594] INFO visual.VisualConfig: Loaded 4 Visualized configs
[15.04.16 18:59:50:600] INFO gameserver.Config: Abuse: Loaded 18 abuse words.
[15.04.16 18:59:50:927] INFO idfactory.IdFactory: IdFactory: Clear characters online status.
[15.04.16 18:59:50:933] INFO idfactory.IdFactory: IdFactory: Extracted 4 used id's from characters
[15.04.16 18:59:50:934] INFO idfactory.IdFactory: IdFactory: Extracted 41 used id's from items
[15.04.16 18:59:50:935] INFO idfactory.IdFactory: IdFactory: Extracted total 45 used id's.
[15.04.16 18:59:50:935] INFO idfactory.BitSetIDFactory: IdFactory: 102912 id's available.
[15.04.16 18:59:51:090] INFO geodata.GeoEngine: GeoEngine: Loading Geodata...
[15.04.16 18:59:56:241] INFO geodata.GeoEngine: GeoEngine: Loaded 203 map(s), max layers: 21
[15.04.16 18:59:56:266] INFO scripts.Scripts: Scripts: Loading...
[15.04.16 19:00:09:630] INFO scripts.Scripts: Scripts: Loaded 1252 classes.
[15.04.16 19:00:09:638] INFO utils.Strings: Loaded 418 translit entries.
[15.04.16 19:00:09:640] INFO gameserver.GameTimeController: GameTimeController: initialized. Current time is 0:00 in the night.
[15.04.16 19:00:09:641] INFO model.World: L2World: Creating regions: [256][272][32].
[15.04.16 19:00:09:645] INFO htm.HtmCache: HtmCache: disabled.
[15.04.16 19:00:09:662] INFO data.StringHolder: StringHolder: load strings: 559 for lang: ENGLISH
[15.04.16 19:00:09:663] INFO data.StringHolder: StringHolder: load strings: 560 for lang: RUSSIAN
[15.04.16 19:00:13:063] INFO skills.SkillsEngine: SkillsEngine: Loaded 66083 skill templates from XML files. Max id: 90015, max level: 259
[15.04.16 19:00:14:303] INFO holder.OptionDataHolder: OptionDataHolder: loaded 24975 option data(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:15:613] INFO holder.ItemHolder: ItemHolder: loaded 19147 item(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:15:614] INFO parser.ExtractableItems: ExtractableItems: Initializing
[15.04.16 19:00:15:629] INFO parser.ExtractableItems: ExtractableItems: Loaded 403 Extractable.
[15.04.16 19:00:19:534] INFO holder.NpcHolder: NpcHolder: loaded 10474 npc(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:19:867] INFO holder.PetDataTemplateHolder: PetDataTemplateHolder: loaded 52 pet data template(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:19:881] INFO instancemanager.MapRegionManager: MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:19:915] INFO instancemanager.MapRegionManager: MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:19:921] INFO holder.StaticObjectHolder: StaticObjectHolder: loaded 50 static object(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:20:132] INFO holder.DoorHolder: DoorHolder: loaded 1155 door(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:20:224] INFO holder.ZoneHolder: ZoneHolder: loaded 1174 zone(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:20:932] INFO holder.SpawnHolder: SpawnHolder: loaded 28931 spawn(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:21:189] INFO holder.InstantZoneHolder: InstantZoneHolder: loaded 152 instant zone(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:23:770] INFO holder.AirshipDockHolder: AirshipDockHolder: loaded 4 airship dock(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:23:862] INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: Not found NORMAL skill learn for class 58
[15.04.16 19:00:23:870] INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 56997 skillTrade learns for 103 classes.
[15.04.16 19:00:23:871] INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 56997 normal learns for 103 classes.
[15.04.16 19:00:23:871] INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 79 transfer learns for 3 classes.
[15.04.16 19:00:23:871] INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 120 transformation learns for 6 races.
[15.04.16 19:00:23:871] INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 662 fishing learns for 6 races.
[15.04.16 19:00:23:871] INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 72 certification learns.
[15.04.16 19:00:23:871] INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 3 collection learns.
[15.04.16 19:00:23:872] INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 44 pledge learns.
[15.04.16 19:00:23:872] INFO holder.SkillAcquireHolder: SkillAcquireHolder: load 18 sub unit learns.
[15.04.16 19:00:23:887] INFO holder.CharTemplateHolder: CharTemplateHolder: loaded 206 char template(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:031] INFO holder.ResidenceHolder: ResidenceHolder: total size: 83
[15.04.16 19:00:24:031] INFO holder.ResidenceHolder: ResidenceHolder: - load 9 dominion(s).
[15.04.16 19:00:24:032] INFO holder.ResidenceHolder: ResidenceHolder: - load 44 clanhall(s).
[15.04.16 19:00:24:033] INFO holder.ResidenceHolder: ResidenceHolder: - load 9 castle(s).
[15.04.16 19:00:24:033] INFO holder.ResidenceHolder: ResidenceHolder: - load 21 fortress(s).
[15.04.16 19:00:24:098] INFO instancemanager.RaidBossSpawnManager: RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 0 Statuses
[15.04.16 19:00:24:127] INFO entity.SevenSigns: SevenSigns: Currently in the Seal Validation period!
[15.04.16 19:00:24:127] INFO entity.SevenSigns: SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:127] INFO entity.SevenSigns: SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:127] INFO entity.SevenSigns: SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:128] INFO entity.SevenSigns: SevenSigns: The Competition last week ended with a tie.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:128] INFO entity.SevenSigns: SevenSigns: Next period begins in 2 days, 22 hours and 59 mins.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:288] INFO holder.EventHolder: EventHolder: loaded 103 event(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:295] INFO holder.CubicHolder: CubicHolder: loaded 145 cubic(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:380] INFO holder.BuyListHolder: TradeController: Loaded 4 file(s).
[15.04.16 19:00:24:380] INFO holder.BuyListHolder: TradeController: Loaded 25077 Items.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:380] INFO holder.BuyListHolder: TradeController: Loaded 729 Buylists.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:412] INFO holder.RecipeHolder: RecipeController: Loaded 998 Recipes.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:758] INFO holder.ProductHolder: ProductItemTable: Loaded 193 product item on sale.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:784] INFO holder.HennaHolder: HennaHolder: loaded 180 henna(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:790] INFO holder.EnchantItemHolder: EnchantItemHolder: load 4 enchant scroll(s).
[15.04.16 19:00:24:794] INFO holder.SoulCrystalHolder: SoulCrystalHolder: loaded 54 soul crystal(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:802] INFO holder.ArmorSetsHolder: ArmorSetsHolder: loaded 217 armor sets(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:809] INFO holder.PetitionGroupHolder: PetitionGroupHolder: loaded 1 petition group(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:814] INFO cache.CrestCache: CrestCache: Loaded 0 crests
[15.04.16 19:00:24:835] INFO tables.FishTable: FishTable: Loaded 270 fishes.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:846] INFO tables.FishTable: FishTable: Loaded 919 fish rewards.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:846] INFO tables.SkillTreeTable: SkillTreeTable: Loaded 526 enchanted skills.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:848] INFO tables.AugmentationData: Initializing AugmentationData.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:879] INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: 10 bad skill(s) were skipped.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:895] INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:895] INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 24 accessory augmentation stats.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:896] INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 0
[15.04.16 19:00:24:896] INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 1
[15.04.16 19:00:24:896] INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 2
[15.04.16 19:00:24:896] INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 3
[15.04.16 19:00:24:896] INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 4
[15.04.16 19:00:24:896] INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 5
[15.04.16 19:00:24:896] INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 6
[15.04.16 19:00:24:898] INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 7
[15.04.16 19:00:24:898] INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 8
[15.04.16 19:00:24:898] INFO tables.AugmentationData: AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 9
[15.04.16 19:00:24:901] INFO tables.EnchantHPBonusTable: EnchantHPBonusTable: Loaded bonuses for 6 grades.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:909] INFO tables.LevelUpTable: LevelUpData: Loaded 103 Character Level Up Templates.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:925] INFO tables.PetSkillsTable: PetSkillsTable: Loaded 3031 skills.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:926] INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionManager: Initializing ItemAuctionManager
[15.04.16 19:00:24:958] INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionInstance: ItemAuction: Loaded 78 item(s) and registered 3 auction(s) for instance 32320.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:960] INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionInstance: ItemAuction: Schedule next auction 7 on 2016.04.19 17:00:00 for instance 32320
[15.04.16 19:00:24:964] INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionInstance: ItemAuction: Loaded 78 item(s) and registered 3 auction(s) for instance 32321.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:965] INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionInstance: ItemAuction: Schedule next auction 8 on 2016.04.21 17:00:00 for instance 32321
[15.04.16 19:00:24:970] INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionInstance: ItemAuction: Loaded 78 item(s) and registered 2 auction(s) for instance 32322.
[15.04.16 19:00:24:971] INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionInstance: ItemAuction: Schedule next auction 6 on 2016.04.16 17:00:00 for instance 32322
[15.04.16 19:00:24:971] INFO itemauction.ItemAuctionManager: ItemAuctionManager: Loaded 3 instance(s).
[15.04.16 19:00:25:002] INFO bosses.AntharasManager: AntharasManager: State of Antharas is NOTSPAWN.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:003] INFO bosses.AntharasManager: AntharasManager: Next spawn date of Antharas is 02:00 01.01.1970.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:005] INFO threading.RunnableImpl: Спавно Босс Antharas
[15.04.16 19:00:25:006] INFO threading.RunnableImpl: Спавно Босс Baium
[15.04.16 19:00:25:008] INFO bosses.BaiumManager: BaiumManager: State of Baium is NOTSPAWN.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:014] INFO bosses.BaiumManager: BaiumManager: Next spawn date: 02:00 01.01.1970
[15.04.16 19:00:25:017] INFO threading.RunnableImpl: Спавно Босс Baylor
[15.04.16 19:00:25:026] INFO bosses.BelethManager: Beleth Manager: Loaded successfuly
[15.04.16 19:00:25:032] INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: Loaded 20 Mysterious-Box spawns.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:060] INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 physical monsters spawns.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:094] INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 magical monsters spawns.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:100] INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: loaded 92 Church of duke monsters spawns.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:104] INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: loaded 68 Emperor's grave NPC spawns.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:106] INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Conquerors' Sepulcher Manager
[15.04.16 19:00:25:107] INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Emperors' Sepulcher Manager
[15.04.16 19:00:25:320] INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Great Sages' Sepulcher Manager
[15.04.16 19:00:25:322] INFO bosses.FourSepulchersSpawn: FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Judges' Sepulcher Manager
[15.04.16 19:00:25:341] INFO bosses.FourSepulchersManager: FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time
[15.04.16 19:00:25:343] INFO bosses.SailrenManager: SailrenManager: State of Sailren is NOTSPAWN.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:343] INFO bosses.SailrenManager: SailrenManager: Next spawn date of Sailren is 02:00 01.01.1970.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:343] INFO threading.RunnableImpl: Спавно Босс Sailren
[15.04.16 19:00:25:344] INFO threading.RunnableImpl: Спавно Босс Valakas
[15.04.16 19:00:25:344] INFO bosses.ValakasManager: ValakasManager: State of Valakas is NOTSPAWN.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:345] INFO bosses.ValakasManager: ValakasManager: Next spawn date of Valakas is 02:00 01.01.1970.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:351] INFO threading.RunnableImpl: Fri Apr 15 19:00:25 EEST 2016 Atk announce scheduled to 0.0 minute of this hour.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:510] INFO model.Manor: ManorManager: Loaded 270 seeds
[15.04.16 19:00:25:517] WARN items.ItemHandler: ItemHandler: Duplicate handler for item: 14486(EquipableItem,VisualItem)
[15.04.16 19:00:25:517] WARN items.ItemHandler: ItemHandler: Duplicate handler for item: 23100(EquipableItem,VisualItem)
[15.04.16 19:00:25:517] WARN items.ItemHandler: ItemHandler: Duplicate handler for item: 23101(EquipableItem,VisualItem)
[15.04.16 19:00:25:517] WARN items.ItemHandler: ItemHandler: Duplicate handler for item: 23102(EquipableItem,VisualItem)
[15.04.16 19:00:25:517] WARN items.ItemHandler: ItemHandler: Duplicate handler for item: 23103(EquipableItem,VisualItem)
[15.04.16 19:00:25:806] INFO scriptConfig.ScriptConfig: Loaded Service: ScripsConfig
[15.04.16 19:00:25:808] INFO services.Bash: Loaded Service: Bash [disabled]
[15.04.16 19:00:25:820] INFO community.Augmentation: CommunityBoard: ArgumManager loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:822] INFO community.ClanCommunity: CommunityBoard: Clan Community service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:822] INFO community.CommunityBoard: CommunityBoard: service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:823] INFO community.CommunityBoardAcadem: CommunityBoardAcadem: service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:824] INFO community.CommunityBoardBroker: CommunityExchange: service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:825] INFO community.CommunityBoardBuffer: CommunityBoard: Buffer Community service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:835] INFO community.CommunityBoardCommission: CommunityBoard: Commission Loaded
[15.04.16 19:00:25:837] INFO community.CommunityBoardEnchanter: CommunityBoard: Enchant Community service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:840] INFO community.CommunityBoardNewStats: CommunityBoard: New Stats service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:840] INFO community.CommunityBoardPreviewItem: CommunityBoardPreviewItem: service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:844] INFO community.CommunityBoardProfession: CommunityBoard: Manage Career service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:844] INFO community.CommunityBoardServices: CommunityBoard: Manager Community services loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:846] INFO community.CommunityBoardTeleport: CommunityBoard: Teleport Community service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:847] INFO community.CommunityBoardVisual: CommunityBoard: CommunityBoardVisual loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:847] INFO community.CommunityBoardWarehouse: CommunityBoard: Warehouse loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:847] INFO community.ManageFavorites: CommunityBoard: Manage Favorites service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:848] INFO community.ManageFriends: CommunityBoard: Manage Friends service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:849] INFO community.ManageMemo: CommunityBoard: Manage Memo service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:850] INFO community.PrivateMail: CommunityBoard: Private Mail service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:851] INFO community.RegionCommunity: CommunityBoard: Region service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:25:851] INFO bbsbuffer.BBSBufferBBSManager: CommunityBoard: BBSBufferBBSManager service loaded.
[15.04.16 19:00:26:001] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 1000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:26:428] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 5000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:26:488] INFO naia.NaiaTowerManager: Naia Tower Manager: Loaded 12 rooms
[15.04.16 19:00:26:760] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 9000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:27:270] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 13000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:27:955] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 16000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:28:135] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 18000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:28:302] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 20000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:28:348] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 21000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:28:401] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 22000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:28:462] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 23000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:28:581] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 26000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:28:625] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 27000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:28:695] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 28000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:28:745] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 29000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:28:835] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 31000 npc for group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:29:325] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 37890 npc; spawns: 16962; group: NONE
[15.04.16 19:00:29:326] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 18 npc; spawns: 18; group: event_gatekeeper
[15.04.16 19:00:29:328] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 17 npc; spawns: 17; group: class_master
[15.04.16 19:00:29:329] INFO data.BoatHolder: BoatHolder: loaded 6 boat(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:29:332] INFO data.BoatHolder: BoatHolder: Spawning: GludinTalkingIslandBoat
[15.04.16 19:00:29:333] INFO data.BoatHolder: BoatHolder: Spawning: GiranTalkingIslandBoat
[15.04.16 19:00:29:334] INFO data.BoatHolder: BoatHolder: Spawning: AdenGracia_Airship
[15.04.16 19:00:29:337] INFO data.BoatHolder: BoatHolder: Spawning: RunePrimevalBoat
[15.04.16 19:00:29:338] INFO data.BoatHolder: BoatHolder: Spawning: RuneGludinBoat
[15.04.16 19:00:29:339] INFO data.BoatHolder: BoatHolder: Spawning: InnadrilPleasureBoat
[15.04.16 19:00:29:341] INFO holder.StaticObjectHolder: StaticObjectHolder: spawned: 50 static object(s).
[15.04.16 19:00:29:353] INFO instancemanager.DimensionalRiftManager: DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 13 room types with 112 rooms.
[15.04.16 19:00:29:353] INFO instancemanager.DimensionalRiftManager: DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 300 DimensionalRift spawns, 0 errors.
[15.04.16 19:00:29:391] INFO instancemanager.AutoSpawnManager: AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 50 handlers in total.
[15.04.16 19:00:29:405] INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....
[15.04.16 19:00:29:405] INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period
[15.04.16 19:00:29:405] INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Period Ends....
[15.04.16 19:00:29:405] INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: In 15 days, 4 hours and 59 mins.
[15.04.16 19:00:29:405] INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Next Weekly Change is in....
[15.04.16 19:00:29:405] INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: In 1 days, 23 hours and 21 mins.
[15.04.16 19:00:29:406] INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Noblesses
[15.04.16 19:00:29:409] INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 0 hours and 0 mins.
[15.04.16 19:00:29:409] INFO olympiad.Olympiad: Olympiad System: Event starts/started: Fri Apr 15 18:00:29 EEST 2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:418] INFO entity.Hero: Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes.
[15.04.16 19:00:29:418] INFO entity.Hero: Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.
[15.04.16 19:00:29:420] INFO instancemanager.PetitionManager: Initializing PetitionManager
[15.04.16 19:00:29:423] INFO olympiad.CompStartTask: Olympiad System: Olympiad Game Started
[15.04.16 19:00:29:431] INFO instancemanager.CursedWeaponsManager: CursedWeaponsManager: Loaded 2 cursed weapon(s).
[15.04.16 19:00:29:431] INFO admincommands.AdminCommandHandler: AdminCommandHandler: loaded 360 admin command handler(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:29:437] INFO usercommands.UserCommandHandler: UserCommandHandler: loaded 16 user command handler(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:29:437] INFO voicecommands.VoicedCommandHandler: VoicedCommandHandler: loaded 39 voiced command handler(s) count.
[15.04.16 19:00:29:465] INFO bbsbuffer.BuffTable: BuffTable: loaded 120 objects.
[15.04.16 19:00:29:469] INFO bbsbuffer.CharacterTable: CharacterTable: loaded 0 objects
[15.04.16 19:00:29:471] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =[Events]=========================================
[15.04.16 19:00:29:575] INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Gludio Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:581] INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Dion Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:587] INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Giran Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:593] INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Oren Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:600] INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Aden Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:608] INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Innadril Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:615] INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Goddard Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:627] INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Rune Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:632] INFO impl.CastleSiegeEvent: CastleSiegeEvent: Schuttgart Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:638] INFO impl.ClanHallNpcSiegeEvent: ClanHallNpcSiegeEvent: Fortress Of Resistance time - 18:00 18.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:639] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:640] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:641] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Topaz Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:642] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Ruby Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:642] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Crystal Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:643] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:644] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Sapphire Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:646] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:647] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Emerald Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:648] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Atramental Barracks time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:649] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Scarlet Barracks time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:653] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Viridian Barracks time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:699] INFO impl.ClanHallSiegeEvent: ClanHallSiegeEvent: Devastated Castle time - 18:00 23.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:700] INFO impl.ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: Bandit Stronghold time - 22:00 23.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:701] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Golden Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:701] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Silver Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:702] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Mithril Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:703] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Silver Manor time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:703] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Gold Manor time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:704] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Bronze Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:705] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Golden Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:706] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Silver Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:706] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Mithril Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:707] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Bronze Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:708] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Silver Manor time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:709] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:709] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:710] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Emerald Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:711] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Sapphire Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:711] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Mont Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:712] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Astaire Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:712] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Aria Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:713] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Yiana Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:714] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Roien Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:715] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Luna Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:715] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Traban Chamber time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:717] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Eisen Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:718] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Heavy Metal Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:718] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Molten Ore Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:719] INFO impl.ClanHallAuctionEvent: ClanHallAuctionEvent: Titan Hall time - 15:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:720] INFO impl.ClanHallMiniGameEvent: ClanHallMiniGameEvent: Rainbow Springs time - 22:00 23.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:721] INFO impl.ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: Wild Beast Reserve time - 21:00 23.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:721] INFO impl.ClanHallSiegeEvent: ClanHallSiegeEvent: Fortress of Dead time - 18:00 23.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:29:725] INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Gludio Dominion time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:726] INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Dion Dominion time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:728] INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Giran Dominion time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:729] INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Oren Dominion time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:730] INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Aden Dominion time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:731] INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Innadril Dominion time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:734] INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Goddard Dominion time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:735] INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Rune Dominion time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:736] INFO impl.DominionSiegeEvent: DominionSiegeEvent: Schuttgart Dominion time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:763] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Shanty Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:788] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Southern Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:813] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Hive Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:838] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Valley Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:863] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Ivory Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:888] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Narsell Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:913] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Bayou Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:938] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: White Sands Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:963] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Borderland Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:29:988] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Swamp Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:30:013] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Archaic Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:30:038] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Floran Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:30:063] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Cloud Mountain Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:30:088] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Tanor Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:30:116] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Dragonspine Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:30:146] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Antharas Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:30:171] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Western Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:30:196] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Hunter's Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:30:221] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Aaru Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:30:270] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Demon Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:30:296] INFO impl.FortressSiegeEvent: FortressSiegeEvent: Monastic Fortress time - undefined
[15.04.16 19:00:30:296] INFO impl.KrateisCubeEvent: KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 70-75 Level time - 19:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:30:297] INFO impl.KrateisCubeEvent: KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 76-79 Level time - 19:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:30:297] INFO impl.KrateisCubeEvent: KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 80-85 Level time - 19:00 15.04.2016
[15.04.16 19:00:30:297] INFO gameserver.GameServer: ==================================================
[15.04.16 19:00:30:299] INFO instancemanager.CastleManorManager: Manor System: Initializing...
[15.04.16 19:00:30:320] INFO gameserver.GameServer: IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1878999323
[15.04.16 19:00:30:322] INFO instancemanager.CoupleManager: Initializing CoupleManager
[15.04.16 19:00:30:324] INFO instancemanager.CoupleManager: Loaded: 0 couples(s)
[15.04.16 19:00:30:338] INFO instancemanager.HellboundManager: HellboundManager: Loaded 335 spawn entries.
[15.04.16 19:00:30:364] INFO instancemanager.HellboundManager: HellboundManager: Spawned 623 mobs and NPCs according to the current Hellbound stage
[15.04.16 19:00:30:368] INFO instancemanager.HellboundManager: Hellbound Manager: Loaded
[15.04.16 19:00:30:369] INFO naia.NaiaTowerManager: Naia Core Manager: Loaded
[15.04.16 19:00:30:370] INFO instancemanager.SoDManager: Seed of Destruction Manager: Loaded
[15.04.16 19:00:30:371] INFO instancemanager.SoIManager: Seed of Infinity Manager: Loaded. Current stage is: 1
[15.04.16 19:00:30:376] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 4 npc; spawns: 4; group: soi_world_mouths
[15.04.16 19:00:30:377] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 1 npc; spawns: 1; group: soi_world_abyssgaze2
[15.04.16 19:00:30:378] INFO instancemanager.BloodAltarManager: Blood Altar Manager: Initializing...
[15.04.16 19:00:30:382] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 51 npc; spawns: 51; group: bloodaltar_alive_npc
[15.04.16 19:00:30:388] INFO instancemanager.ExchangeBroker: ExchangeBroker: Loaded 0 items for sale
[15.04.16 19:00:30:396] INFO gameserver.Shutdown: Scheduled server restart in 9h 59m 30s.
[15.04.16 19:00:30:396] INFO gameserver.GameServer: GameServer Started
[15.04.16 19:00:30:396] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Maximum Numbers of Connected Players: 3000
[15.04.16 19:00:34:523] INFO loginservercon.AuthServerCommunication: Connecting to authserver on
[15.04.16 19:00:34:524] INFO instancemanager.AutoAnnounce: AutoAnnounce: Initializing
[15.04.16 19:00:34:526] INFO instancemanager.AutoAnnounce: AutoAnnounce: Load OK
[15.04.16 19:00:34:526] INFO instancemanager.AutoAnnounce: AutoAnnounce: Loaded 0 announce.
[15.04.16 19:00:34:531] INFO lspackets.AuthResponse: Registered on authserver as 1 [Bartz]
[15.04.16 19:00:34:547] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 444 npc; spawns: 122; group: NIGHT
[15.04.16 19:00:34:554] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 653 npc; spawns: 429; group: dawn_spawn
[15.04.16 19:00:34:578] INFO instancemanager.SpawnManager: SpawnManager: spawned 653 npc; spawns: 429; group: dusk_spawn
[15.04.16 19:00:34:578] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Telnet server is currently disabled.
[15.04.16 19:00:34:578] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[15.04.16 19:00:34:582] INFO gameserver.GameServer: AllowedMemory: ........... 3728384 KB
[15.04.16 19:00:34:584] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Allocated: .......... 3728384 KB (100.0%)
[15.04.16 19:00:34:584] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Non-Allocated: ...... 0 KB (0.0%)
[15.04.16 19:00:34:584] INFO gameserver.GameServer: AllocatedMemory: ......... 3728384 KB
[15.04.16 19:00:34:584] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Used: ............... 2289928 KB (61.4188%)
[15.04.16 19:00:34:584] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Unused (cached): .... 1438455 KB (38.5812%)
[15.04.16 19:00:34:584] INFO gameserver.GameServer: UseableMemory: ........... 1438455 KB (38.5812%)
[15.04.16 19:00:34:584] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[15.04.16 19:00:34:588] INFO ftGuard.ftGuard: Loading First Guard configuration...
[15.04.16 19:01:04:531] INFO tasks.RestoreOfflineTraders: Restored 0 offline traders
А где этот ai лежит? В папке? Просто была такая ситуация, в датапаке исправлял, в итоге он подгружался с jar библиотеки.
Обратите внимание, что данный пользователь заблокирован! Не совершайте с ним никаких сделок! Перейдите в его профиль, чтобы узнать причину блокировки.
\gameserver\data\scripts\ai\ , библиотеки scripts.jar нет
\gameserver\data\scripts\ai\ , библиотеки scripts.jar нет
Я ai перенёс в ядро, так что не факт...
убери из папки со скриптами, если будет ругаться то он в DP и капать там, если не каких ругательств - ядро
У меня так же в ядре, делай как Вулф написал, проверочка будет.
Обратите внимание, что данный пользователь заблокирован! Не совершайте с ним никаких сделок! Перейдите в его профиль, чтобы узнать причину блокировки.
  • Удалил файлик, не ругается на его отсутствие, но Гордон теперь тупо стоит на одном месте
Обратите внимание, что данный пользователь заблокирован! Не совершайте с ним никаких сделок! Перейдите в его профиль, чтобы узнать причину блокировки.
Уважаемые знатоки, так как вылечить этого пациента ? )) Замена координат не помогает, эта гадина живёт своей жизнью ...
Это надо копаться внутри, так врятли поймём...
Обратите внимание, что данный пользователь заблокирован! Не совершайте с ним никаких сделок! Перейдите в его профиль, чтобы узнать причину блокировки.