Ищу исполнителя Lua

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Not interested, just out of curiousity - What do you mean and WHY on earth would someone do that?

I just struggle to understand the point here. You would need to rewrite the whole thing on a language that is not supposed to be used for something as complex as a server.
Lua is slow AF. with sh1t garbage collection and problems with inheritance, and the lack of standard libs. Also good luck with concurrency and multithreading, as well as with debugging.
local socket = require("socket")
local server = assert(socket.bind("", 2106))
Маразм крепчал))) Что хоть за сервер? Где хоть какое-то описание)
на nginx + lua можно что угодно построить ну и си либы конечно же подсовывать обернутые :D