
  1. LF Fandc latest system

    Hello. I found 2018 fandc H5 sources, and I'm trying to make a small server with them. Problem is that I cannot find a system that has all textures used in the game. For example, the Community Board is missing some icons. I've attached a screenshot with the CB issue. Maybe someone has the...
  2. D

    +30 skills code H5 fandc

    Hello guys Does anyone can help me with create +30 skills code for h5 fandc ro files I mean npc you can buy maximum skills enchant from him with one click One click cost 100 donator coins = all skills maximum enchant 15/30+ If anyone can help please contact me in skype Skype : live:rasood.1515
  3. Исходники Fandc Platinum Hi5 Source UPDATE

    Fandc Platinum Hi5 Source. Не знаю чем отличается от дефолта, если честно. Что то - что это говно
  4. Исходники Last Source Fandc last

    Последний сурс от Fandc, ничего особенного, личинг с шар l2scripts(omg) и других тим на оверах, как я понял сильно следят за шарами русскоязычных коммунити)
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